View Full Version : Life decision

12-13-2002, 06:37 PM
First of all before I get typing mad props to Hakkola for posting and everyone that responded to his 'what should i do with my life' thread for semi-inspiring me.

I was going to go look for a job and take a semester off. Then I realized that was a bad mistake. I am going to take my course with no breaks over this summer. I am bassically sacrificing a SINGLE summer, for so much more. A salary, a future, a career.

I was planning to get a 94 Integra. After I start my career I could buy a 2003 RSX Type-S and do mods on that. It's just a better idea. Why should I earn 10 bucks an hour when I can get 20-25? I guess this means I gotta rock the cavalier one more year. Oh well it'll be worth it when I flying down the streets of calgary with my RSX.

Thanks guy, joining this site was the best thing i've done for my life for a while.

12-13-2002, 06:45 PM
Yay good decision while you're living at home!

Now that I've graduated..I need a job!

12-13-2002, 06:45 PM
haha, good plan!!!

I feel the same way man...why work really hard now for half of what you'll be working for when you're out of school?

I'm just working hard enough to pay for tuition, books, drinking, gas and car insurance. That actually is a lot of money and a lot of work but I think I'll wait until I'm done school and making the big bucks to buy luxuries.

Good luck and I'm sure you'll hvae the RSX in no time!

12-13-2002, 07:23 PM
Till you get out of school, work for 2 years, make decent money, and then you want to go back to school again.

well for me thats the way I feel

12-13-2002, 09:02 PM
Way to go Matt :D Glad to hear you will be back, I am still VERY interested in picking up those books from ya if they are the ones I need!
Actually, I'll send you a PM.

12-13-2002, 09:10 PM
I think you're making the right choice. I didn't take anytime off after school either.
You might be a little disappointed coming out of post secondary though, getting a job you like/pays well might take some searching.

good luck!

12-13-2002, 09:31 PM
This is my first semester off after graduating from High School and do I ever regret it. I feel like I've wasted so much time doing nothing, I've been working full time but I'd rather seriously be in school.
Now the course that I wanted to take at SAIT doesnt start till Fall (starts once a year only) so I'm gonna be wasting another semester off.
I'm sure I speak for most people when I say
"Stay in school and study hard", it pays off in the end.

12-14-2002, 12:20 AM
Why does everyone get into the same thought pattern....?
"When I start my career, I'm gonna buy the nicest car, and supe it up"

12-14-2002, 12:52 AM
because that's all that matters

12-14-2002, 01:52 AM
Well after all this hard work I need to reward myself with nice things.

12-14-2002, 02:02 AM
:thumbsup: I hear ya, sacrifice now so you can enjoy later, or you might never get around to it.

And thanks for the mad props, haven't gotten any since highschool, it's about damn time.

12-14-2002, 06:57 AM
I need to go back to shcolol. but i dont think im in a right state of minsd to be making life changing decisions!..i really want to go to school..but i need to do alot of upgrading..and i wont be able to work as much...p[lus i have NO CLUE! what i want to go to sachoool for! the blows...i'll come make a more better statement when im sober tmoroowo! "more better" that not right is it!?!?