View Full Version : VERY Scary new way to look at the effects of pollution...

01-13-2005, 12:31 PM
The amount of solar radiation (sunlight) reaching the earths surface has dropped by 20% or so in the last 50 years!!

01-13-2005, 03:26 PM
Should be bad news for sunscreen companies... :rofl:

01-13-2005, 03:35 PM
you always post controversial things

01-13-2005, 03:46 PM
Does that mean that it is currently 20% darker outside?

This is bad news for Oakley and other sunglass companies.

01-13-2005, 03:56 PM
The article actually states that "overall the decline amounted to one to two per cent globally every decade between the 1950s and the 1990s."

And to those worried about global warming. Current studies with regards to global warming are all done by measuring CO2 levels. In the Earth's atmosphere, C02 currently comprises of <3% of all gases with the rest being methane, nitrogen, oxygen and water vapour among others. An increase in 10% of C02 is not going to cause a significant change in the distribution of gases when comparing the entire ratio.

Just a thought.

01-13-2005, 04:09 PM
And I always thought we had an increase of the sun's radiation with all our polluting. eg.) Melting icecaps

GTS Jeff
01-14-2005, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by theken
you always post controversial things

i dont think its very controversial. pollution driven global warming is fairly well accepted by the scientific community and has been for quite some time. the only reason theres still debate about it is because ignorant rednecks dont understand the concept and oil companies ignore the problem cuz theyre quite responsible for it. since we live in conservative alberta, aka home of both rednecks and oil barons, a lot of us here just arent accepting global warming. theres a lot of backwards ppl here.

Originally posted by Ichigo
And I always thought we had an increase of the sun's radiation with all our polluting. eg.) Melting icecaps

nah thats the greenhouse effect.

01-14-2005, 02:16 PM
personally I think its a load of bullshit. this was obviously intended to happen, our planet isn't going to last forever, and everything is blown out of proportion. if I misquoted enough scientific research papers, or took things out of context, I could convince people that brains grown in petri dishes are going to take over the world.
all the prediction in the world is never going to show exactly what we are doing in our earth. scientists are basically guessing when they say we are causing an ice age. maybe if we had been aroudn when this happened before, we could make legit arguments and try to prevent it from happening again, but right now everybody is just taking shots in the dark, and I think they should get over it.

01-14-2005, 07:52 PM
ill be dead by 2100, so pollutin on:D

01-14-2005, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by BumpinTalon
personally I think its a load of bullshit. this was obviously intended to happen, our planet isn't going to last forever, and everything is blown out of proportion. if I misquoted enough scientific research papers, or took things out of context, I could convince people that brains grown in petri dishes are going to take over the world.
all the prediction in the world is never going to show exactly what we are doing in our earth. scientists are basically guessing when they say we are causing an ice age. maybe if we had been aroudn when this happened before, we could make legit arguments and try to prevent it from happening again, but right now everybody is just taking shots in the dark, and I think they should get over it.

I think this is a pretty dangerous attitude. I'm not an environmentalist, and I don't think its a #1 priority but it is important. I mean you can claim all you want that the research isn't conclusive, and that we don't understand what is going to happen, and you'dbe right. But the fact of the matter is that we are releasing toxic gases into our surroundings at an astronomical rate, and it is throwing off, and will continue to throw of our planets ecological system. The severity and speed at which this will happen is completely unknown, but it is a serious threat, and we need to start considering it before we entrench our selves into a lifestyle, and harm the planet to the point of no return.

GTS Jeff
01-14-2005, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by BumpinTalon
personally I think its a load of bullshit. this was obviously intended to happen, our planet isn't going to last forever, and everything is blown out of proportion. if I misquoted enough scientific research papers, or took things out of context, I could convince people that brains grown in petri dishes are going to take over the world.
all the prediction in the world is never going to show exactly what we are doing in our earth. scientists are basically guessing when they say we are causing an ice age. maybe if we had been aroudn when this happened before, we could make legit arguments and try to prevent it from happening again, but right now everybody is just taking shots in the dark, and I think they should get over it. buddy u were questioning whether salt lowers waters melting point. as far as everyone is concerned u are still stuck in the pre-historic era.

01-15-2005, 02:34 AM
Personaly I think its useless for people to even try to pomote things like Kyoto. People are greedy and we will never be able to prevent global warming if it is indeed happening. What it will require is a natural disaster of epic preportions to change people from polluting. Right now there is no motive, but once peoples lives change, there will be. Its a sad truth really.

GTS Jeff
01-15-2005, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by markymark
Personaly I think its useless for people to even try to pomote things like Kyoto. People are greedy and we will never be able to prevent global warming if it is indeed happening. What it will require is a natural disaster of epic preportions to change people from polluting. Right now there is no motive, but once peoples lives change, there will be. Its a sad truth really. despite all the doom and gloom, humans have successfully stopped damaging the environment in many ways. a couple examples:

-sudbury ontario used to be really terrible for acid rain, which fucked up all the lakes and shit, but now the shit there is going back to normal
-the hole in the ozone layer above antarctica was pretty scary in the early 90s but now that shit is gone thanks to the virtual elimination of CFC use/production
-a lot of lakes in north america were having problems with fish dying out due to lake eutrophication, which was caused by phosphorus rich detergent, but the government made everyone use phosphorus-free detergents, so now the lakes are getting fishies again.

GTS Jeff
01-15-2005, 12:39 PM
altho i do think that albertans are generally more ignorant about things like acid rain and industrial smog simply because our ecosystems here arent quite as susceptible to those 2 problems.

the land here is very good at neutralizing acid rain compared to say...quebec and also no one here lives in a valley where temperature inversions can cause insane smog.

unfortunately, the rednecks here just think these environmental issues dont exist because they dont really happen in alberta.

Alpine Autowerks
01-15-2005, 01:11 PM
alot of these alarmist articles are based if the false belief that the sun has a constant output.

01-15-2005, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by Alpine Autowerks
alot of these alarmist articles are based if the false belief that the sun has a constant output.

The sun will actually change its output that much in a few decades? Does the suns cycles actually effect it that much?

GTS Jeff
01-15-2005, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by Alpine Autowerks
alot of these alarmist articles are based if the false belief that the sun has a constant output. for the next 100 years or even 1000 years nothing significant will happen with the sun, since that amount of time is very tiny compared to how long the sun has been around (5 billion years) and how long it will continue to be around (more billions of years.)

01-15-2005, 02:10 PM
Eventually, the world will dispose of us and continue on a new cycle. We will be extinct like the dinosours.

01-16-2005, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by 2.0turbo
Eventually, the world will dispose of us and continue on a new cycle. We will be extinct like the dinosours.

that is EXACTLY how I see it

01-16-2005, 10:39 PM
runs outside and hugs a tree

01-17-2005, 10:46 PM
totally agree with jeff

this world isnt as worse as some people think

i think if u can get data that is agreed by everybody and plot the world temps in the last 100 yrs the change is like 1 degree farenheit.

One big misconcept is trees, they arent disappearing

01-17-2005, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by RiCE-DaDDy
totally agree with jeff

this world isnt as worse as some people think

i think if u can get data that is agreed by everybody and plot the world temps in the last 100 yrs the change is like 1 degree farenheit.

One big misconcept is trees, they arent disappearing

Really? So the brazilian forest is regrowing a miles of hundred year old trees every week?

GTS Jeff
01-17-2005, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by RiCE-DaDDy
One big misconcept is trees, they arent disappearing :dunno: