View Full Version : My Apartment?? Bar

01-15-2005, 05:44 PM
Wasn't sure where to ask this but......Has anyone been to that new bar in Calgary called My Apartment? I'm headed there tonight for a bit and was just wondering what it is like.


01-15-2005, 05:48 PM

new about 4 months ago~

I haven't been, because I heard it was still a shitty space - and the ads were pretty lame

"can't get in anywhere else? come to my apartment!"

01-15-2005, 06:03 PM

01-15-2005, 06:10 PM
It sucked when it was Area 51 and it still sucks. I was there last week. The crowd is what makes it terrible. Either Teeny-Bopper 18 year olds, or the "asian gansta" types crowding the stairs/bar.

They also like to hold up the line when there's no one inside so it "appears" busy.

01-16-2005, 03:43 AM
yea it's stupid how they hold up the line. one time i went it was cold and i didn't wait in line so i tried to tip the bouncer $20 and failed, then i offered $100. told me to wait till the owner left and come back up and he'll take it so i told him fcuk off. luckily one of my friends in there knew the bartender and got one of the bouncer's inside to bring us in. the look on the bouncer's face that didn't take the money was priceless. he was pissed. but it was pretty stupid, when i got inside the place wasn't even that packed at all and there was definitely no need for a line up.

01-16-2005, 11:21 AM
haha you were about to pay 100 bucks to get into a club in calgary?:rolleyes: especially my apartment? your just 18 right?

01-16-2005, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by 2002civic
haha you were about to pay 100 bucks to get into a club in calgary?


90% of bars in calgary are identical anyways. same top 40 garbage, same crowd, same smokey environment, village people and ac/dc atleast once a night, and a few fat chicks thrown in for good measuer.

the only thing thats different at the bars in calgary is the staff and cover charge.

01-16-2005, 11:51 AM
Well the pub crawl was a gooder. my apartment sucked. some chick hopped in our cab out of nowhere, it was great. :thumbsup:

01-16-2005, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by finboy
and a few fat chicks thrown in for good measuer.

What would going to the bar/club be without having at lease a few rhinos to avoid?! hahaaha

01-16-2005, 12:20 PM
I was there once and hopefully only once....I thought it was going to be gang warfare that night....not much in the way of hot girls either.:dunno: :guns:

01-16-2005, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by vietdood
yea it's stupid how they hold up the line. one time i went it was cold and i didn't wait in line so i tried to tip the bouncer $20 and failed, then i offered $100. told me to wait till the owner left and come back up and he'll take it so i told him fcuk off. luckily one of my friends in there knew the bartender and got one of the bouncer's inside to bring us in. the look on the bouncer's face that didn't take the money was priceless. he was pissed. but it was pretty stupid, when i got inside the place wasn't even that packed at all and there was definitely no need for a line up.

you gave $20, then offered $100 to get into "my apartment?"..thats hurt man..at least that money could be directed to....tantra or whiskey.?!

01-16-2005, 01:24 PM
I don't think he meant to actually pay $100.

I went to Cowboy's a few years ago and they had a line. The bouncer told us as we walked up, that we would have to slip him something to get in. So I pulled out a couple fifties, and asked him if it was enough. He looked like he popped a boner, and ushered us in. We just laughed in his face and jumped right back into the cab

01-16-2005, 06:00 PM
i'm 20 not 18

i offered $20 and he wouldn't take it. then i offered him $100 but he was being a dick and told me to go to the back of the line and come back to the front when the owner left. i didn't want to wait in line because it was cold and my friend didn't have her jacket and it was -20. Also i wouldn't have been directed to tantra or whiskey because they never let me or my friends in unless we're there at 10:00 and i don't think they'd let us in then.

01-16-2005, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by 2002civic
haha you were about to pay 100 bucks to get into a club in calgary?:rolleyes: especially my apartment? your just 18 right?

yes i was gonna pay $100 to get in, it was one of my friends birthday and i got there at 12:30

01-16-2005, 06:34 PM
that place sucks! god i wouldn't be pay 20 bux to even go in there!

01-16-2005, 06:51 PM
I wouldn't pay $20 to get into any club in Calgary..ESPECIALLY "my apartment," or anything along 1st

01-16-2005, 08:57 PM
My apartment is the worst possible place you can go to. Sometimes they get a decent crowd and the music is good, but the crowd seems to be all dippers and fobs and its a guarenteed fight/brawl every night. And most importantly very few hot girls.

01-17-2005, 09:42 AM
:werd: :werd:

went there like two months ago and wasn't impressed that much.. it's maybe a step above spin & that isnt saying too much. it was dead all night and we did have to wait in line, but thats their job, to make people wait in line to make it more appealing to peeps driving along and thinking its packed and must be good. the girls at this place took stuckup to a new level, but the staff was pretty friendly. stick to whisky or cherry,

& i don't believe your story about ther 100$. no club in calgary is worth that. your just a flashfuck.:bullshit: :bullshit: :bullshit: