View Full Version : Timing/Engine wont rev

01-22-2005, 01:17 AM
I'm not sure if this is a 2 part problem or if both things are related to the distributer timing, but here i go. I finally 100% finished an engine swap on my bros car, and when we went to start it, it ran well for the first 30 mins or so and so we decided to give it some gas and it died. So we figured it was the distributer timing and after adjusting that, it ran again (but not so smoothly) so we went to time it but realized that around the crankshaft pulley there is no way of measuring the degrees with a light. Can anybody tell me if there is anyway to time it without out that part? Second, could the timing be causing the car to stall when i give it gas? When i'm not touchin the gas it idles around 1000, but even the slightest touch on the pedal causes it to stall.

01-24-2005, 10:37 AM
Could be timing or could also be bad fule delivery.
If you have a manual for the car it should tell you where the timing marks are to shine your light