View Full Version : Whey Protein Mix

01-26-2005, 01:38 PM
Do you mix yours with juice water milk?
Wouldnt milk be the best to mix it with to get extra protein? I see alot of people mixxing with water or juice too?

01-26-2005, 01:40 PM
I mix mine with skim milk, because 1 cup of milk by itself has ~10g of protein. So in effect, you're ingesting upwards ~36g of protein when you mix it with 1 cup of milk.

01-26-2005, 01:41 PM
It depends on where i am, if i have just finished working out, i just mix it with water and slam it back

but if i am at home, and making a shake with fruit and yogurt and protien, then i will usually use juice if its around to give it some extra flavor

i find when i use milk for shakes its too thick and frothy so i tend to just use water if you can take the taste

01-26-2005, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by mcshow

i find when i use milk for shakes its too thick and frothy so i tend to just use water if you can take the taste

That's why I don't blend my protein with skim milk now. Simply dump it into a cup of milk and mix it with a spoon. When you blend it, the same 1 cup of milk turns into 2 cups of milk.

01-26-2005, 01:49 PM
would it be more benifical to mix it with few raw eggs, milk, yogorut.. that would jump the protien / gr.

01-26-2005, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by gggunit
would it be more benifical to mix it with few raw eggs, milk, yogorut.. that would jump the protien / gr.

Don't try to solely rely on whey to get your daily protein intake, even though it is the fastest way to get your ~160g to ~200g of protein needed.

What I usually do is eat a package of albacore tuna with my glass of morning protein. With the tuna, you can make sandwiches out of it, so it changes the taste up, but you're still getting the protein from it. Plus theres extra needed nutrients that you can only get from eating real food.

I personally don't like to mix anything extra in my protein mix, because I find that the flavour doesn't even change much. So it makes it harder for me to drink than simply downing it.

01-26-2005, 02:07 PM
In my whey protein, I usually mix it in water. My mass gainer is blended into whole milk and I usually mix in some frozen berries just because I can't stand the taste of it by itself.

01-26-2005, 06:53 PM
it really depends on whether the protein shake is for directly after workout or as a meal supplement type of thing. as your post workout shake, it's best to use water. this is because using milk will slow down the absorption of protein by the body.

here's a blurb i found somewhere about it:

Mixing whey with dairy milk does not provide optimal results

At first, it may seem strange to learn that whey protein should not be mixed in milk or milk products like yogurt and ice cream. After all, most whey protein supplements taste better in milk than in water and whey protein is obtained by collecting the clear fluid (called whey) produced during the processing of cheese.

But let’s consider some of the following facts:

The enzymes necessary to break down and digest milk are renin and lactase. They are all but gone by the age of three in most humans.
There is an element in all milk known as casein and there is three hundred times more casein in cow’s milk than in human’s milk. Casein coagulates in the stomach and forms large, tough, dense, difficult-to-digest curds that are adapted to the four-stomach digestive apparatus of a cow. Once inside the human system, this thick mass of goo puts a tremendous burden on the body to somehow get rid of it.
Unfortunately some of this gooey substance hardens and adheres to the lining of the intestines and prevents the absorption of nutrients into the body.
The most serious difficulty with milk consumption is the formation of mucus in the system. This mucus coats the mucous membranes and also seriously affects absorption.
To fully understand why whey protein supplements should not be mixed with milk, this knowledge should be combined with a review of the technology that goes into high quality whey protein supplements. Whey protein isolate, a highly separated fraction found only in top quality products, is very expensive and has an extremely high bioavailability (meaning it is very easily utilized by the body) because its particle sizes are so small. Whey protein concentrate has also gone through a huge amount of separation from the original starting material and the major waste product in this procedure is casein. This casein is then sold to other companies which produce low grade products. If you were to check out the ingredients on your favourite pudding desert, for example, you will likely see sodium caseinate because it is a cheap product that provides substance.

The idea behind a high quality whey protein is particle size. Digestion is most effective when particles are small enough to be taken up by the cells of the intestine. If food is not broken down into small enough pieces the body will simply NOT be able to use it. All research on the absorption of food reaches the same conclusion: the bigger the molecule, the more difficulty it has penetrating the mucus barrier lining the intestines.

So, why not mix milk and whey protein? Milk contains a lot of casein which adheres to the intestinal wall and blocks the absorption of the smaller whey protein molecules. Also, it generates a barrier of mucus internally which not only drives down the absorption of protein, but also the absorption of other vital nutrients.

The solution? Mix your whey protein in water, your favorite juice or a non-lactose beverage such as soy milk and benefit as much as possible from your protein supplement.

01-26-2005, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by gggunit
would it be more benifical to mix it with few raw eggs, milk, yogorut.. that would jump the protien / gr.

Eggs need to be cooked to make all the protein available to the body. Plus you save yourself the risk of salmonella.

01-26-2005, 07:31 PM
Acutally, the protein in raw eggs has higher BV (because the protein is still water soluble). When you cook eggs you denature the proteins. The risk with raw eggs though as you pointed out is salmonella poisioning or one of many other bacterial infections.

01-26-2005, 08:27 PM
You're kinda right...here's basic info about eggs

Egg proteins change when you heat them, beat them, or mix them with other ingredients. Understanding these changes can help you understand the roles that eggs play in cooking.

Proteins are made of long chains of amino acids. The proteins in an egg white are globular proteins, which means that the long protein molecule is twisted and folded and curled up into a more or less spherical shape. A variety of weak chemical bonds keep the protein curled up tight as it drifts placidly in the water that surrounds it.

Heat ’em

When you apply heat, you agitate those placidly drifting egg-white proteins, bouncing them around. They slam into the surrounding water molecules; they bash into each other. All this bashing about breaks the weak bonds that kept the protein curled up. The egg proteins uncurl and bump into other proteins that have also uncurled. New chemical bonds form—but rather than binding the protein to itself, these bonds connect one protein to another.

After enough of this bashing and bonding, the solitary egg proteins are solitary no longer. They’ve formed a network of interconnected proteins. The water in which the proteins once floated is captured and held in the protein web. If you leave the eggs at a high temperature too long, too many bonds form and the egg white becomes rubbery.


Eggs contain complete protein. That is, they contain protein that has all the essential amino acids for growing muscles, not much else by itself does. Eggs are probably the most inexpensive source of protein, and almost the highest quality of protein. If you are worried about cholesterol, then reduce the number of yolks you eat, or eliminate the yolks. Personally, I do not worry about it, as the fat in eggs is mostly mono- and poly-unsaturated fat, the good stuff which helps reduce cholesterol. Egg yolks also contain lecithin, which is beneficial for reducing cholesterol. In addition, when you exercise, as you might do if you are lifting weights, your HDL (High Density Lipoprotein or “good cholesterol”) goes up. I would not recommend eating eggs raw, or drinking raw egg whites, as appealing as that may sound... The protein is more easily assimilated when cooked, and you don't have to worry about salmonella or other bacteria.
source = http://mcraigweaver.com/serious.htm


Amount and fate of egg protein escaping assimilation in the small intestine of humans
Pieter Evenepoel, Dirk Claus, Benny Geypens, Martin Hiele, Karen Geboes, Paul Rutgeerts, and Yvo Ghoos

Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Research Centre, University Hospital Leuven, B-3000 Louvain, Belgium

Studies attempting to evaluate protein assimilation in humans have hitherto relied on either ileostomy subjects or intubation techniques. The availability of stable isotope-labeled protein allowed us to determine the amount and fate of dietary protein escaping digestion and absorption in the small intestine of healthy volunteers using noninvasive tracer techniques. Ten healthy volunteers were studied once after ingestion of a cooked test meal, consisting of 25 g of 13C-, 15N-, and 2H-labeled egg protein, and once after ingestion of the same but raw meal. Amounts of 5.73% and 35.10% (P < 0.005) of cooked and raw test meal, respectively, escaped digestion and absorption in the small intestine. A significantly higher percentage of the malabsorbed raw egg protein was recovered in urine as fermentation metabolites. These results 1) confirm that substantial amounts of even easily digestible proteins may escape assimilation in healthy volunteers and 2) further support the hypothesis that the metabolic fate of protein in the colon is affected by the amount of protein made available.

source... http://ajpgi.physiology.org/cgi/content/abstract/277/5/G935

01-26-2005, 08:56 PM
Hey thats good to know-I've actually gotten away from eggs lately because I didn't feel like risking poisoning by eating them raw, and I felt it was a waste to cook them and not get the full protein benefit. Eggs are back on the shopping list for me :thumbsup:

01-26-2005, 09:01 PM
i don't remeber what the name of it was, but there was this choclate flavored whey that actually tasted good, and it was also low in sugar...(they used 70% coco)...anyways try some choclate flavored ones, i find that some taste good when mixed with skim milk, and they are not that unhealthy (no added aspartame, or sugar, aside from the sweetness of the coco)

01-26-2005, 10:23 PM
you guys should look into buying cartons of egg whites, a 500g carton is like 16 eggs, cook up half a carton and melt some shredded cheese ontop and you got a tasty protein snack.

back on topic: just use water. MILK IS FOR BABIES ahaha :rofl:

01-26-2005, 10:42 PM
water and protein :barf: :barf: :barf:

haha but after reading through that the protein soaks up faster in your body with water...i guess its like taking medicine...ha

so what other things you guys put in your shakes to make it taste drinkable?

01-26-2005, 10:52 PM
If its post workout drink, sugary stuff :thumbsup: juice or dextrose

01-26-2005, 11:33 PM
in terms of the egg deal, i have heard though if you choose to put in raw eggs, if you only heat them for around 10 seconds in the microwave, this will kill the harmful bacteria without detereorating the protein of the egg, but its only a theory haven't actually read this anywhere just a buddy of mine telling me

01-27-2005, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by 1badPT
If its post workout drink, sugary stuff :thumbsup: juice or dextrose

:werd: i use dextrose and maltodextrin