View Full Version : FS: 7 diablo 2 LOD accounts

01-31-2005, 12:25 AM
before they go to ebay, ill sell them here in case someone wants them. Im selling them as a whole only, sorry :D

70$ for all of them
have a 91 paladin with all godly items, that can do baal runs bot by himself, and 2 firesorc for rushing normal & nightmare
IIRC I have 8-9 sojs

if have any question regarding characters, PM me and I can take a SS of what the characters are weating

account 1
5 mules.
92 fire sorc deals 9k fireball
72 bonemancer

account 2
91 paladin w/ hoto, enigma, cta.
88 fire sorc deals 11k fireball
83 barb, whirl, used only for warcries
89 lightning sorc
73 fcked up blitz sorc

account 3
80 javazon
73 fend/impale zone with 98% damage reduce
74 bowazon with windforce
62 charger
81 blitz sorc

rest are all mules
A- armours
B- helms
C- gloves
D- boots
E- amazon weapons
F- set items
G- shields
H- unique rings and amulets
I- staffs
J- polearms, spears
K- sorc orbs
L- daggers
M- paladin weapons
N- swords
O- axes
P- necro weapons
Q- socketable armours
R- hammers
S- set items
T- rare rings/amulets
U- assasin weapons
V- helms
W- armours
X- set items
Y- charms
Z- armours

if no one takes it by end of next week it will go on ebay

01-31-2005, 03:17 AM
I never did understand why people buy Diablo accounts, It's a waste of money. Not even hardcore? :thumbsdow

Good luck with the sale anyways.

01-31-2005, 08:57 AM
Wow i think this is the strangest thing sold in this section in a long time :D but good luck with the sale!!

02-10-2005, 07:02 PM
Original Post Removed. (Please read the Forum Rules and Terms of Use (http://forums.beyond.ca/articles.php?action=data&item=1) before posting again, or risk getting banned).

02-11-2005, 03:15 AM

08-30-2005, 04:14 PM
I have some for sale too.

09-05-2005, 02:44 AM
I made a few hundred off these things back in the day...good luck with the sells.

09-05-2005, 09:53 AM