View Full Version : montreal cars

02-01-2005, 05:42 PM
hey guys im in the market for a new ride, and there is nothing forsale in calgary right now that i really love. i want either a

98+ audi a4 2.8 quattro with leather

or a

99+ honda prelude with leather in either that blue or pearl white

and ive found both of these cars in Quebec and they are both perfect and sick ass deals.. im just wondering why all the cars over there are so much cheaper and if there are things i need to look out for.. plus any help on whether or not it would be a better idea to fly down there and drive the car back or have it brokered back

id appreciate any help guys and gals thanks

02-01-2005, 06:37 PM

02-01-2005, 06:44 PM
Cars there are a lot cheaper, but remember that there are at least 2-5 times more, so competition to sell usually drives down the prices of used cars.

You should be wary of rust, however, as many Eastern cars are plagued by rust issues. This may/may not be true for Montreal, but it is true of cities in Ontario.

02-01-2005, 07:45 PM
Actually here in Ontario, we get more problems about salt buildup if anything. Most of us here Car wash it when it gets warm, within a week or so. We don't get as much snow as everyone else :). In montreal however, you might just get some under car rust. Whenever i take my car there, the bottom is constantl;y covered in slush or salt or snow or whatever winter bring us. Not good for cars, but that where you should look f anything. Just send em an email and say youre interested and tell em to send some pics of the bottom side of the car. Make em high resolution :thumbsup:

02-01-2005, 08:34 PM
If you do buy one, take it from someone who's just driven it... the drive from Montreal is loooooooonnnng. I love to drive and it was very trying. Ontario is really the worst. It takes like 3 days just to get out of it. Seems like it's never gonna end. And if you drive after dark, the amount of moose, deer, rabbit, bears, you name it, will shock you by their mere numbers in Northern Ontario.

There are some amazing twisty roads and stuff and all and all the roads weren't too bad when I drove through. But you need to prepare your gas stops as I was surprised at how few of them there are along some stretches. I had to sleep in my car one night because I had to wait for the gas station to open at 7am. And all they had was no-name regular. Picture 30-40 18 wheelers and my car all parked in the middle of nowhere waiting to get ripped off by expensive watery gas. :)

I'd prob do it again, but it helps if you have someone with you to share the duties if you get tired. And don't let the East Coast thing scare you too much about Salt and stuff. There are beautiful cars out there, but the way some people talk it's like they're all rust buckets. It's very easy to find cars that people have looked after. I've owned plenty of cars out there, and I've never had one rust out on me. Just do your research and you'll find a great ride for a great deal. It's a big market there with lots to choose from... hence as was said, the sellign prices drop quite a bit. Good luck with it.

02-02-2005, 08:38 AM
Montreal is one of the worst places to get a car from. If the car is more than three years old there forget about it. Rust is a huge issue, that's why cars are so cheap from there it isn't from competition as much as cars don't last as long. Trust me, I've spent time there. It's frikkiin dirty there too. The first city I've ever been to that people just throw there trash on the street rather than a garbage can and the sidewalks are covered with fossilized gum. Ah off topic.:nut: