View Full Version : Fs: Card/sign (Gift Ideas For Valentines)

02-03-2005, 11:29 PM
Well heres some cards or signs for valentines...

http://members.shaw.ca/xcelr8/l1.jpg $10 says "I love you" in chinese (width:10.5" height:13.5")
http://members.shaw.ca/xcelr8/l3.jpg $10 says "I love you" in chinese (width:10" height:13.5")
http://members.shaw.ca/xcelr8/l4.jpg backside for the first two, could write some love msgs here :poosie:
http://members.shaw.ca/xcelr8/l2.jpg $6 width:9.5" height:10.5" says "love" in chinese

PM me

02-04-2005, 12:29 AM
How come the "Love" character looks weird?

Is that Simplified?
If so, kinda says alot about the realtionship
Or your chick if from mainland china

02-04-2005, 02:16 AM
yah it is simplified
i made extra, so might as well get rid of them rite? :D

the white thing its on is the cardboardy stuff, well the plastic kind, its 4mm thick