View Full Version : Cretien

02-09-2005, 02:41 PM
so whats up with this golf ball thing?

As far as I can tell Cretien gets chastised for the purchase of golfballs, when other leaders, namely bill clinton and george bush do the same thing.

Geez, I never liked the man, but shouldn't we be complaining about the billions wasted on the gun registry instead of some overpriced golf balls?

02-09-2005, 02:50 PM
yeah totally
Chretien = blood sucking, senile lying theif.

the golf ball incident only solidifies how much of a sad excuse for a human being he is

and about the gun registry, imagine how many homeless people 1 billion could help, or how many tanks or planes it could buy (Canada's military infrastructure is in dire need of funding and subsidization)

02-09-2005, 02:52 PM
From the looks of your post I think we should be complaining about the billions of dollars wasted on public education when they can't even teach people how to spell the Prime Minister's (*edit* FORMER Prime Minister) name right. Seriously, how is it that you got BOTH US President's names correct?

02-09-2005, 04:03 PM
^^Because Canadas Gov't is a joke.

But I do agree that they need to spend money in better places. I mean we spent so much money on stupid submarines that dont even work , cold war era tanks , outdated guns, old planes.. and the list goes on, the only thing I like about the Canadian army is our CADPAT.

02-09-2005, 04:59 PM
Quit putting down the old Creetin. Just because he can't speak proper english or french, doesn't mean he wasn't a good p.m. All of the leaders at UN meetings used to have great fun watching him talk jibberish out of the side of his mouth. All the time Creetin thought the other world leaders were laughing with him but they were actually laughing at him and residents of this country for continuing to vote in the Jean the joke.

I say put down the @%#holes who voted the prick in. You who voted for him can thank yourselves when you look at your T4 and see the thousands of dollars you paid knowing that a percentage went to signed golf balls, Montreal businessmen, politicians living the high life, a $75K 5-star shitter (yes an outhouse) in the park that happens to back on to Creetin's house.

02-09-2005, 06:19 PM

I actually agree, this is a free country - so anyone should be elgible to be a candidate for prime minister

and the people that elected him are heavily concetrated in the east, so it wasn't like anyone had much say. So you are saying take down the people that voted him in? :guns:

02-11-2005, 08:05 PM
vote in the poll for this!

WAS HE BEING GENUINE/HONEST? (http://www.boyko.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=295)

02-11-2005, 08:10 PM
Chretien is a political genius! There is no taking away from that...

The mockery was that Chretien was ridiculed by the Judge for buying expensive golf balls - but great leaders like Clinton and Bush do the same thing, and even the firm where the judge's daughter works gave him a golf ball.

02-12-2005, 12:28 PM
yeah he was a political genious, it takes one hell of a mastermind to maintain such a strangehold on Canada, as well as to convince millions of Canadians that "he knew nothing about such a scandal"

In regards to the sponsorship scandal: weren't all the funds embezzeled brought back into the liberal party as pledges?

no wonder why he won the election, with his 100 million dollar advertising campaign.

02-15-2005, 12:54 AM
The big problem here, is Chretien is promoting that just cuz Clinton and Bush did it, it makes it totally right. The age old question "If Clinton and Bush jumped off a bridge, would you do that too Mr. Chretien?" Besides, American presidents are more prominent figures generally, and a Bush golf ball could wind up on ebay for a few bucks, so it can actually make money. Who the hell will pay anything for a Chretien golf ball? I'd buy one if the money went towards a dump truck full of dog crap to be delivered to every member of the liberal parties door.

02-15-2005, 01:00 AM
I don't understand why no one has taken the golf ball thing and thrown it back in his face.

Let's look at it:

$100,000 for 1200 mongrammed golfballs.

That's $83.33 for each ball.

I should be in the personalizing golf ball business.

02-15-2005, 11:18 PM
And what about all those expensive watches that we paid for,but no one knows where they went ? The list goes on and on.

The Liberal government has wasted billions of $$ and no one appears to be responsible.
I think the first thing a politian is taught is "I don't recall" .

The Liberals have become so comfortable in power,that they think they can do anything and get away with it.

It's about time we had a non-Liberal, non-Quebec lawyer as a Prime Minister! :banghead: