View Full Version : The "Italian Job"

02-21-2005, 06:33 PM
Here's something that just happened to me I found amusing:

As I am leaving Futureshop after I preordered GT4 for tomorrow, I am on my way to my car in the lot. When out of nowhere this gold jeep 4x4 pulls up and these 2 Italian guys start asking me to help them out. The guy driving never said a word, it was his "associate" in the passenger side that did all the talking. He was well dressed in a suit with a red tie and slicked hair; he spoke with the heaviest accent I have ever heard rendering me unable to make out 60% of what he was trying to say.
This is roughly what he said:
I am from Italy, I was just at some convention featuring really expensive brand name designer clothing. I am in a hurry to catch my flight back to Italy and I have a few more suits left to sell, are you interested? If so, I will sell you 2 and give you the 3rd one free. They are Armani, Versace, and D&G suits, very nice stuff. I cannot take them back to Italy with me because I fear the import tax (or something) will hurt me financially. So, you want to buy?

As I am hearing all this, my scam alert starts firing off on max and I decline the guys offer. Not even a second after I say no I am not interested, the driver peels out of the lot so fast.

The reason I think it was a scam attempt (besides the obvious) was the fact that the same thing, yes, like 95% exactly same story and event happened to my friend in Kingston a few months ago. Which is why as he was trying to explain his story to me I kept thinking "wtf, this sounds really familiar/deja vu" even though I am on the opposite side of Canada.

I dunno, it was something interesting thought I'd share since I never would have imagined this would happen to me as well.
Anyone have any similar incidents like this?
I just think if it's too good to be true, it probably is!

02-21-2005, 10:47 PM
sounds like a scam to me good job on the quick analysis :thumbsup: sounded like a big pill of :bullshit: to me GJ

Talies R
02-21-2005, 10:51 PM
I've had the same thing happen, except it's been trashy dudes with home stereo equipment.

02-21-2005, 10:59 PM
they probably just recently stole the stuff from some store and are trying to get rid of it all as soon as possible

02-21-2005, 11:00 PM
I always get approached by guys selling home stereo equipment out of the back of their dirty vans

02-22-2005, 12:45 AM
even if you bought the suits...i dont see how youd get ripped off unless you payed the guys and they drove off with your money.

hah maybe he was really tring to sell gold bricks...

edit:didnt notice your in vancouver...on second thought id be the one peeling out of the parking lot.

02-22-2005, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by djayz
even if you bought the suits...i dont see how youd get ripped off unless you payed the guys and they drove off with your money.

um......fake suits!

02-22-2005, 12:55 AM
did they say how much they wanted for them?

GTS Jeff
02-22-2005, 01:24 AM
Originally posted by turbotrip
they probably just recently stole the stuff from some store and are trying to get rid of it all as soon as possible


Originally posted by djayz
even if you bought the suits...i dont see how youd get ripped off unless you payed the guys and they drove off with your money.

possession of stolen property...

haha ive also been approached by the guys selling stolen stereo equipment. they must make decent coin on that scam.

02-22-2005, 01:28 AM
No, they didn't say how much because I didn't want to express any interest in them. They just got the fuck out of there the moment I said no. Judging from my friend's encounter I am willing to bet they would have asked for around $2000 for those "high quality brand name suits."

02-22-2005, 01:37 AM
Originally posted by Kamen
No, they didn't say how much because I didn't want to express any interest in them. They just got the fuck out of there the moment I said no. Judging from my friend's encounter I am willing to bet they would have asked for around $2000 for those "high quality brand name suits."

wow 2000 is a shit load of money to drop on suits sold on the street......

02-22-2005, 07:45 AM
Originally posted by Weapon_R
I always get approached by guys selling home stereo equipment out of the back of their dirty vans

I get that a lot too. But will someone still buy stuff from the back of a van anymore?

02-22-2005, 08:28 AM
i had some guy come up to me and my friends in the canadian tire parking lot.. apparently he was from "fed ex" or some delivery company and somehow they gave him a pair of extra "theater" speakers that where supposed to go to a "theater" anyways as he explained his roomate worked for the same company and if he were to go home and bring the speakers home he would get busted by his roomate and have to give them back or some shit like that... he even had a brocheur showing us the specs and stuff but it was really dark when he showed it to us and i dont think anyone got a good look at it. he told us they were a couple thousand dollar speakers...I saw them like a year later (not exact ones) for 150ish at cashconvers

02-22-2005, 09:33 AM
Speaker van guys (and I guess the suit guys now) aren't normally stolen. It's just really cheap knock-offs that they say cost 1000 so they let you have for 200 when in fact it's worth 60. It's not total garbage - no worse than anything you'd buy at Walmart, but you will pay too much.

Stories range from: "I'm going to XX country and can't take all this" to "I ordered this stuff and they sent me TWO sets by accident, let's split the savings!".

A guy I know spent 200 from a van guy - he's happy with the speakers so I don't want to ruin it for him. :D


02-22-2005, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by Khyron

A guy I know spent 200 from a van guy - he's happy with the speakers so I don't want to ruin it for him. :D


:werd: a friend of mine got duped into that one aswell.

02-22-2005, 01:47 PM
The van guys are crazy, they reversed on Macleod just to ask me if I wanted speakers. They buy high-end stuff and take the components out. Then they replace them eith wal-mart level speakers and try to make it look like you are getting a killer deal.

One of my friends was telling me about his new water cooled speakers. It took about 25min for to stop laughing and explain that he got ripped off.

02-22-2005, 01:50 PM
Haha in medicine hat its just "Hey man do you wanna buy some chronic". People get alot more friendlyer when drugs are involved. I've had businessmen and homeless people ask me if i sell, or if i know where to buy.

02-22-2005, 02:56 PM
Wow, people actually get roped in by these monkeys? I can't believe people would even think they could be legit...Kamen, come on! As soon as someone says they are selling something, just walk away.

02-22-2005, 09:52 PM
Well I wasn't even close to buying anything, I just thought it was really damn weird how the same scam befell me as well.
The reason I listened so long was probably because at first I thought he was asking directions or help due to his horrible english that I couldn't make out what he was trying to say.

02-24-2005, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by Khyron
Speaker van guys (and I guess the suit guys now) aren't normally stolen. It's just really cheap knock-offs that they say cost 1000 so they let you have for 200 when in fact it's worth 60. It's not total garbage - no worse than anything you'd buy at Walmart, but you will pay too much.

Stories range from: "I'm going to XX country and can't take all this" to "I ordered this stuff and they sent me TWO sets by accident, let's split the savings!".

A guy I know spent 200 from a van guy - he's happy with the speakers so I don't want to ruin it for him. :D


Actually my cousin bought some of these Speakers. They were a brand called "Audio Acoustics" or something fancy sounding. The guy said that he was a distrubuter and has an extra set. He also convinced my cousin that they were on the same quality standard as Bose and JBL. Well. My cousin bought them, and it turned out that his girlfriend shipped him over a new home theatre system later that day.

He brought the speakers over to my house and we played some music from them, and they sounded fantastic. Not bose quality or anything, but they sounded great. Very solidly made too, not something that you would find at walmart.

Not a bad deal for $150, I plan to hook it up to a Pioneer Elite Amp that I bought from Soundsaround for $350 and have a cheap home theatre system.

02-24-2005, 11:27 AM
yah id have to admit that we got dupped into buying them to as he told us the XX hundred/thousand dollar speakers (i think we were like sixteen at the time and we were just going to resell them) make profit hahaha ...After we figured what fucking idoits we were we just pawned them off on a buddy (nice friends we are) they worked not bad and he liked them.. but since then one speaker has blown (not completely but doesnt sound as crisp haha (like it did new????))

lesson learned :confused: :confused:

02-24-2005, 10:18 PM
I had a similar experience, not to long ago downtown, I was walking with this chick to catch the bus, and saw a mate of mine I ain't seen in about 2 years, so we started talking and then these 3 young guys in suits pulling what looked like those bags with wheels that you see at airports, each guy had one and it they were stocked up with all sorts of shit, and all 3 guys were wearing the crap aswell, well when they went by, we kinda stared and so they turn around and come over thinking were interested, they start rambling off on about this great gear (mainly watchs) that there selling and wanted to hook us up on a good deal (haha, WTF) well they asked for 50 bux per watch at first, plus offord a "fancy" pen that was worth 200 bux or so with the watches, we all said no, but my mate looked kinda interested although he said no, so they put out his hands and gave him 3 watchs and said "you know what, I'm feeling generous, you can have these for 10 bux right now" well my mate was smart enough to say no again and so they walked off, seriously WTF.

Gotta say back in England one of my mates there got some killer car speakers and stereo for like 20 bux, but his got stolen not long after, its just how it is there, might aswell buy stolen car gear as yours will get jacked after not to long.