View Full Version : solar panel battery charger

02-24-2005, 11:20 PM
i was just wondering if anyone owns or has tried the solar panel thing from canadian tire CLICK (http://www.canadiantire.ca/assortments/product_detail.jsp?FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=1408474396670123&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=1408474396670271&bmUID=1109308528964&PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=845524443275941&assortment=primary&fromSearch=true)
just wondering if it actually works and if its worth buying.

02-24-2005, 11:28 PM
Link doesnt work cuz it asks for postal code


Copy and paste that into your browsers...i hope thats the right one. If it is then its worth it if you dont want to buy a battery charger for your car. If you want to try it buy it try and if you dont like it return it :thumbsup:

02-24-2005, 11:28 PM
No more dead car batteries! Plug the 1.8W Solar Battery Charger into your vehicle's 12V outlet and use it to protect against key-off electronic drain and extreme cold-weather effects.
Ideal for car batteries
Not designed for outdoor use
Works under most light conditions
Ensures quick starts and extends battery life
Connects in seconds through 12V outlet or direct-to-battery
Built-in blocking diode prevents key-off electronic drain
Manufacturer's limited 5-year warranty on power output
i guess there is two :dunno:

Eliminator Solar power panels are an easy-to-use, guaranteed solution to an ever-growing need for alternate power sources or backup power
Panels convert sunlight, even in low light conditions, into 12 V electricity - ideal for charging all types of vehicle batteries and power packs
Works well with small cars and appliances
Extends battery life, reduces expenses of replacement
Includes quick-connect hardware: connecting wire, DC clips, 12 V socket plug and barrel plug, mounting hardware/accessories
Built-in reverse current protection; won't deplete the power-supply system

sounds a tad shady, in all actuallity, i think it will be like the tornado, if you believe it works, it will work, only because you cant see past your own beliefs...i think

02-24-2005, 11:59 PM
well a way to test this is to use a car with a dead battery. plug it in, leave it there for a week then try to start it

02-25-2005, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by streetarab

i guess there is two :dunno:

sounds a tad shady, in all actuallity, i think it will be like the tornado, if you believe it works, it will work, only because you cant see past your own beliefs...i think

Don't think it's total snake oil as new VWs come with those from the factory when they arrive at the dealer to prevent a dead battery I guess. Plug into the cig lighter and sit on the dash.


02-25-2005, 12:02 AM
ya i figure ill give it a try, its only like $23 and if it dosent work that well i can just return it:thumbsup:

02-25-2005, 10:26 AM
If people ask you what the heck it's for, tell 'em you've got solar-powered headlights.

02-25-2005, 11:30 AM
It may aid an old battery but if you have problem starting the thing, you probably should look at a new battery instead of this.

But it's probably usuful on camping trip when your better half draing the battery using her hair dryer.

02-25-2005, 12:02 PM
ya i was going to get so that i could run my stereo without having the car on,

02-25-2005, 03:31 PM
Don't think you can run a strereo on it.

It works more like a trickle charger to provide a small constant charge to the battery during extended periods of storage.

I have one on my trailer battery right now in the garage.

Remember, Its only rated for 1.8 watts.

At 12 VDC thats only .15 of an amp.

Hardly enough to run anything useful.

Just FYI.