View Full Version : Car got totalled (hit and run)

02-26-2005, 04:18 AM
At 1:30am february 26th I was in my room when i heard a bunch of screeching tires and a loud smash. I ran upstairs and people were knocking on our door. What happend was my moms car got totalled by a hit and run driver. We live on top of a hill and a maroon newer ford truck came ripping up the hill lost control bounced off a neighbours car (jsut minor body damage) and smoked my moms 1996 plymouth Breeze. Long story short the drivers side is completly fucked the car is a write off. We dont have collision on the car so we are hooped we just hope they catch the fucker that did it. Its 3am and we all just got back inside from dealing with everything. This is the 3rd time something like this has happened since we lived here. Twice my dads truck got smoked now my moms car got writen off.

Do you guys think I should convince them to let me have the car and sell it for parts because there is still lots of interior shit and the motor is fine. The passanger side is find to (minus the rear passanger axel from nailing a tree and bouncing off a curb. I figure if they let me have it it will give me some more money for my first car (16 in 57 days) not sure if you guys think its worth it.

The irony to this story is that the first car that the truck bounced off of and my moms car were both Plymouth breezes. My moms was a 1996 and the other ladys was a 1998.

Well its been an event fully night and i am pissed off/ tired/ hungry. Thanks for listening to my little rant any feeback would be much appreciated.

02-26-2005, 04:22 AM
You dont have hit/run collision on it?

I have pl/pd and it comes with theft/hit n run coverage. :dunno:

sorry to hear that though, rough times getting hit n runned.

02-26-2005, 04:25 AM
Yea all i know is my parents said "were fucked cuz we dont have collision on it." My parents are still paying off their vehicals (including this car) so we are majorly screwed. They will be in debt for a long long time now!:cry:

02-26-2005, 11:13 AM

02-26-2005, 11:30 AM
Yeah, you may want to talk to your insurance company before coming to conclusions.

02-26-2005, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by kaput
I thought collision only applied when you hit someone. Hit and run should be covered by comprehensive shouldn't it?

it does. buddy mom is wrong.... basic plpd cover hit and run.

02-26-2005, 02:08 PM
Thanks for the help guys. I cant belive it still. We are completly devistated. the only other vehical we have is my dads truck and hes a carpenter so all his work shit is in there and he needs it all the time.

02-26-2005, 02:15 PM
it will be covered

Shampoo Suicide
02-26-2005, 02:23 PM
I think you should move!

02-26-2005, 02:25 PM
Still what were thinking is we'll only get maybe 4 grand at most. And we are still paying off the load that they used to buy the car. Man i cant belive this:cry:

Medicine Hat residents be on the look out for a 2001 or newer FORD truck (possibly quad cab) with bad front end damage and a missing tail light. The truck is a redish maroon color. Lets catch these bastards

02-26-2005, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by schurchill39

Medicine Hat residents be on the look out for a 2001 or newer FORD truck

I think you just described about half of the vehicles in the Hat. Shitty about your mom's car. What part of town do you live in that there's a hill? Way back when, when I used to live in the Hat, the same thing happened to our neighbour's car. I got off lucky because I was parked right behind her. Good luck finding the a-hole.

02-26-2005, 02:39 PM
I live on the south east hill at the top of 5th ave. Its a pretty busy street cuz its right up from Marios Bar and down town.

02-26-2005, 03:04 PM
Yeah, that's a pretty big hill. I forgot about that part of town. I can't believe Mario's is still around after all these years.

02-26-2005, 03:33 PM
insurance will not let you have the car just out of the kindness of their hearts man, you have to buy the car back from them once it is written off and I don't think you will make much money parting out a Plymouth Breeze.

02-26-2005, 05:58 PM

GTS Jeff
02-27-2005, 01:30 AM
guys, to clarify...liability coverage and comprehensive coverage are not the same thing.

liability coverage - bare minimum to drive, covers everyone but yourself in an accident.

comprehensive coverage - this is the fire, theft, and vandalism coverage. hit and run is also covered (under vandalism iirc). this shit is dirt cheap, so most people get it along with liability. it costs like $60/year or something.

collision coverage - this covers everyone including yourself when u cause an accident

so what this means is, schurchills mom is fucked if she just got liability and didnt get comprehensive coverage.

02-27-2005, 02:06 PM
Good news. They know who the guy is. The cops said they have a matching vehicle from either a partial plate or a discription (They wouldnt tell us how they got a match)! Now they just need to find that mother f*cker.