View Full Version : Need To Vent

03-01-2005, 09:21 PM
So I'm driving home from school today, going up Shaganappi Trail minding my own business driving at about 85-90 km/h, merging into the left turning lane (I shoulder check, etc), go to turn into the left lane and a Porsche going 120 km/h almost sideswipes me out of nowhere. At this point my car is behind his, and we are at the light waiting to turn left. After we both turn onto Edgemont Drive, I merge into the right lane. Then he cuts me off right as I pass him, and he slams the brakes, but I manage to stop on time. He then goes up a bit more and slams his breaks again, this time I can't stop quick enough (since he's in a performance car and I'm in a heavy SUV). Then he gets out of his car and I get out of mine, he charges at me headbutts me and starts pushing me and asking me what was that stunt I pulled? I tell him I have no idea what he's talking about. The witness in a 4Runner calls the assailant an asshole and then pulls over. My friend who was with me goes and gets the witnesses name and number. My friend tells this guy he has no right to touch me, and then the guy asks if we'd like to get cops involved in this, so we say yes and try calling them, but they can't come down. We exchange information, my dad and brother come, and we discuss the situation. This guy starts saying that he is an ex-cop and this and that. Then we go our seperate ways and decide to deal with insurance/police the next day.

First off, this guy is driving like an idiot, and then he assaults me.
And when he merged into the right lane on Edgemont Blvd. he did it strictly to start problems, as later on he turned left on that same road.

I just finished talking to cops at my house, they said they will talk to the other witness and I'll have to get my friend to write up a witness report. They said if the unbiased witness can testify correctly he will be charged with assault. As far as whos fault it was, I guess it was technically mine, but does anyone know if insurance agencies will look at the whole situation? Does him being an ex-cop give him some sort of advantage? How much will my insurance go up (I'm with Meloche Monnex)?

If anyone can answer any of these questions please do.

03-01-2005, 09:24 PM
So I'm driving home from school today, going up Shaganappi Trail minding my own business driving at about 85-90 km/h, merging into the left turning lane (I shoulder check, etc)

ah yes another merging story, that is fucked man I must admit. File charges, he had no right to touch you, seem like an asshole to me. Let us know how it goes.

03-01-2005, 09:26 PM
yes i filed charges with the cops, but they wont be able to do much until the witness testifies with my story.

03-01-2005, 09:26 PM
1) I hate faggots who think they own the world in their fancy cars

2) I'm glad you didn't fight back at all, good move.

3) I hope you didn't say that you did anything, ie

"Ohhh it was TOTALLY my fault" - etc... this is bad

4) Your in the wrong, all rear - ending is the person in the backs fault

5) You could get some leway with the way he was driving

6) I hope you dont get any insurance increases etc... And hopefully you wont

7) If you do get increased insurance, then it will be by a thousand dollars at least. (depending on age)

Good luck bro.

03-01-2005, 09:26 PM
Then he cuts me off right as I pass him, and he slams the brakes, but I manage to stop on time. He then goes up a bit more and slams his breaks again, this time I can't stop quick enough (since he's in a performance car and I'm in a heavy SUV). Then he gets out of his car and I get out of mine,


did you rear end him (how bad)? doesn't really specify

03-01-2005, 09:26 PM
ef him up in court most definately

03-01-2005, 09:28 PM
his rear bumper was dented, thats about it.

03-01-2005, 09:29 PM
Oh shit that was you who was in the accident with the porsche? my mom told me she was a porsche in an accident when she saw coming home. From your side of the story the dude in the porsche is a complete ass. Now I have no experience in insurance claims so I'am just going by what Ive heard, but the person who rear ended the other is at fault. However since you have the witeness you may be in luck. Hopefully he/she comes through and the guy gets what he deserves (again according to what you said). I doubt hes a retired cop considering hes riding in a porsche (unless he was pulling some training day shit, haha jk), he probably just used that to scare you.

03-01-2005, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by Goblin
1) I hate faggots who think they own the world in their fancy cars

2) I'm glad you didn't fight back at all, good move.

3) I hope you didn't say that you did anything, ie

"Ohhh it was TOTALLY my fault" - etc... this is bad

4) Your in the wrong, all rear - ending is the person in the backs fault

5) You could get some leway with the way he was driving

6) I hope you dont get any insurance increases etc... And hopefully you wont

7) If you do get increased insurance, then it will be by a thousand dollars at least. (depending on age)

Good luck bro.


get his ass in court, one less yuppie asshole in a fancy car thinkin he owns the damn road:guns:

03-01-2005, 09:31 PM
yo yo yo

fuck that bs - how bad is the damage?

and if he was an ex-cop, he should know not to "head butt" you...

and I dunno how long the witness in the 4runner was watching this guy drive, but maybe if they saw him being an ass and braking and shit, that could help you?..or i'm just pulling shit out of my ass.

hope the witness works to your advantage !

Don't get too worked up over the guy being an ass - assholes are everywhere, and as shitty as it is, it's life

Update me on all this next time I see you k?

If everything works to your advantage, you should tell him you won't press charges against him if he lets you just pay for his bumper, not go thru insurance, and sign disclosures , etc (I dunno the legality of this but...)

03-01-2005, 09:32 PM
theres a tiny dent on the rear bumper of the carrera 4, he slammed on the brakes, statick slowed to maybe 20 when he tapped him, and thas when mr porsche billy bad ass ran out, and assualted a little high school boy :rolleyes:
also the lane change he made when he "cut him off" was verified as legit by the stranger who witnessed it all, i thnk the guy jus got the car, wanted to tool around in it for a bit, thoght he was king of the road

03-01-2005, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by LudeRoca
I doubt hes a retired cop considering hes riding in a porsche (unless he was pulling some training day shit, haha jk)

My neighbor use to have a Xj6 and now drives a X-Type and he's a retired cop..hahaha..

03-01-2005, 09:36 PM
Our world sucks.

03-01-2005, 09:38 PM

03-01-2005, 09:48 PM
not all rear end accidents is the person behind at fault. if the witness testifies that he was stunting then he will be at fault.

03-01-2005, 09:53 PM
I am with monnex as well and ussually they don't raise the insurance to much after something like this. My bother rear ended 3 people and thats when they finally gave him a raise high enough so that he couldn't drive anymore.

I think if the guy was break checking you and as long as you weren't tailgating you should be ok esspecially if you have a witness to clairify this.

Hope everything goes well and this all gets sorted out.


03-01-2005, 10:02 PM
he usually negated the topic on why he was stopping in the middle of the road, but the one time he did giv a straight answer it was "to stop him" so he could giv a friendly piece of advice on lane changing when a midlife crises sufferer in a porsche is behind u...:thumbsdow

03-01-2005, 10:13 PM
what a fukin asshole. i'd charge that loser for sure. maybe sue him with mental anguish or something. i hate people like that. most of the time people get out of the car in an accident - no matter how minor it is - and ask if everyone is alright. Only a true fuck tart would get out and then pick a fight. How old was this ass clown? Hope your alright and everything wowrks out for you. Keep us up-to-date pal.

03-01-2005, 10:43 PM
hes 52-53

03-01-2005, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by statick
hes 52-53

that's even sadder. sounds to me like this goomba should be flying to the pharmicist to get some viagra.....help release some of that pent up anger hahahaha. Was he bald too?

03-01-2005, 11:42 PM
thinning hair
wat a sad man tho, seems so like midlife crisis, goes, buys a 120 K car, and feels need to be absolute king of road to prove to himself hes still cool, taking out a lil kid probly seemed liek a way to add to his self assurance by trying to display authority...wat a sad man indeed...

03-01-2005, 11:48 PM
sorry to hear...guy's rich,milk him.;)

03-01-2005, 11:53 PM
damn thats like 30 secs away from my house... I drive throu there like 4 times a day... sorry to hear

anway, good luck, sounded like he's an asshole!

03-02-2005, 12:29 AM
so do u think that witness will testsify to the fact that he was driving recklessley, and stunting, or was he just witness to the headbutt thing?

03-02-2005, 12:38 AM
he'll do both, i called him right after i got home ( 2 mins from accicdent site, im statick's older brother btw), since i didnt see any of it happen, jus roll by the scene and see the cars, the witness filled me on what happened is almost identical to statick's story, said the porsche driver was totally out of control on the road...like he was TRYING to get read ended

03-02-2005, 12:39 AM
My uncle drives like an ass...he was cutting in and out of traffic, sure enough he cut into a lane, slamed on his brakes and the guy behind him couldnt stop in time, long story short, my uncle got a ticket for wreckless driving and was also found to be at fault by "causing the accident" with the tesimony of an unbias witness. I think you ahve a chance if the witness steps up.

03-02-2005, 12:55 AM
What an asshole that guy was. I'm pretty sure as long as the witness comes thru you should be ok, that things will work out so you're not screwed with a higher insurance rate.

And that's really admirable you didn't do anything to him. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: I honestly don't know if i could stand an asshole like that. Even tho its stupid, what he did to you, probably would have been enough to make me knock him flat on his ass, and just make it worse. :guns:

03-02-2005, 01:02 AM
fuck that is gay, go through with the charges and get his ass a criminal record.

sorry to hear about the shitty luck man

03-02-2005, 03:55 AM
Statick, Fuck this is unbelievable.

Contrats on not doing anything to retaliate, since you have a witness to the headbutting and the whole incident I am sure you could file something with the police. Thats horseshit.

I am really glad to hear that your ok man, talk to you tommorow probably.

Is your car damaged? Take this guy to the cleaners. I would be exceptionally surprised if an ex-cop could afford a 100k Porcshe.

03-02-2005, 05:31 AM
Damn man sorry to hear about all this, what a fucker.

I'm sure you could turn this over to him if the witness sa whim braking in the middle of the road for no apparent reason, shee if the witness saw that then maybe you insurance won't do anyhting (could be possible). Good luck mate.

03-02-2005, 08:07 AM
I won't stop, I'll just ram him til he hit a pole.

03-02-2005, 09:20 AM
damn bro, that sucks.

i remember a story my uncle told me about a bmw driver in red deer. guy was a total dick apparently and some guy cut him off, bmw dick gets out of the car and after some words, breaks off dudes ariel and stabs him with it... some rich folk think they can get away with anything and they're always right. good news on the witness.

you know what they say about porsche cars and they're drivers.... small shifters.

03-02-2005, 10:55 AM
Same thing happened to me downtown couple years ago. It was winter and icey on the roads and i rear ended some one just lightly.

Anyways the guy came out from his cavalier swinging at me. Long story short, he ended up on the ground. I didn't punch him or anything. just grabbed him and threw him on the floor.

When he got up he said he was going to call the cops. I said sure no problem.

15 min. later the cops show up. They first look at the cars to see if there is any damage. There was none. Then the cop got Pi$$ed off at the guy for calling them if there was no damage.

Then he told the cops that he was pressing charges against me for touching him.

Lucky enough i had a witness who saw the whole thing across the street. He stayed long enough to tell the Police that the guy in the cavalier charged at me first and i was just defending my self.

So the cops had a long talk with the guy and the witness. Then the cops came up to me and asked me if i wanted to press any charges.

I was nice enough to say NO..

So then the cops took my info and report.

Anyways the police said i could go now since they could not see any damages to his car. But they had the other guy there for a while longer.

Afterwards i never heard anything from his insurance or him.

03-02-2005, 11:08 AM
a guy in his mid fifties head butted you? that's a shitty deal what happend but that would be funny as hell to see an old grandpa get out of his car and headbut some 18year old guy.


03-02-2005, 02:46 PM
so the guy did a dual lane turn on to edgemont boulevard from shaganappi? Hopefully you dont get charged with anything, i can't believe a fifty year old dude ran at you to head butt you. I hope the witness comes through and this guy gets charged with assault and ends up with a criminal record, it's gonna make all of his trips out of the country a little bit more fun with the cavity search and all, he wont be feeling like hot shit then.

03-02-2005, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by rmk
damn bro, that sucks.

i remember a story my uncle told me about a bmw driver in red deer. guy was a total dick apparently and some guy cut him off, bmw dick gets out of the car and after some words, breaks off dudes ariel and stabs him with it... some rich folk think they can get away with anything and they're always right. good news on the witness.

you know what they say about porsche cars and they're drivers.... small shifters.

Man, crazy mofos!

03-02-2005, 05:37 PM
Man, what an asshole, he should never put a porsche in danger just to try to get back at somebody.
He probably thinks you were being an ass, and you think he was being one.
That doesn't matter.
A porsche got hurt, we should all feel sad :(

Anyhoo, if your witness can testify that he hammered his brakes twice to try to make you hit him, you might be able to push the blame on him, where it sounds like it belongs.

03-05-2005, 11:37 PM

03-06-2005, 12:14 AM
I live in Edgemont too, never seen that Porsche guy, but I think I might just make him rear end one of my beaters, see how he likes it.

- Rasmus

03-06-2005, 12:38 AM
whats going on with the situation right now??

good job in not retaliating

03-06-2005, 12:59 AM
Originally posted by RiceCube

Nice way to add to a thread, I got allot of insight from your comment. :thumbsdow

Common man, this guy is in a situation and all you have to say is owned. Have some respect and courtesy.

05-01-2005, 10:23 AM

So according to CPS, this is not assault...:bullshit:

I'm going to talk it over with my parents, and see if or what we can do about this privately with a lawyer.

If CPS has dropped this and said it's not assault, does anybody know what I can do about it?

05-01-2005, 10:46 AM
sue him for battery :thumbsup:

05-01-2005, 11:02 AM
how the fuck is headbutting someone not assault?, he made forceful physical contact with you.. maybe he really is an ex cop and has hookups on the inside

what did your witnesses report end up saying, that should have been the nail in the coffin if he wrote it right

05-01-2005, 12:14 PM
ex cop or not hes still a normal civilian

05-01-2005, 04:39 PM
In tort law, if you felt threatened by imminent physical harm, then its assault. If he committed non-consenual physical contact, its battery. Negligence is a careless act/omission that causes harm to another. Yes you can sue and I would because dude sounds like a prick.