View Full Version : 1990 Honda Civic

03-10-2005, 11:23 AM
next November i get my licence!!!! so this summer im planning on getting a car! i was thinking of getting my cousin Tasha's Boyfriends car, its a 1990 Honda Civic 4 door, its a 5 Speed, he just put a new cluch in it, new altander(spelling) new brakes, new brake lines, and its got some sort of after market exaust on it!, the car has like 300,000km on it which is ALOT, but the motor seem to be fine! its not leaking anything or anything like that, he wants $1000 for it, but he said he would sell it to me for $800 bucks, its for a cd player in it, i forget what kind he said it was, and some after market speakers in er! What do u guys think, the only reason he's selling the car is because he cant afford insurance on it, o and its got 2 new tires that arent on it yet, and he has everything that has ever been done to the car in a book!
Tell me what you guys think? Im thinkin i should get it! work this summer and put a cool air intake on it, and stuff like that, rims, ill basicly just keep adding what i can to it over the summer...

03-10-2005, 11:39 AM
$800 seems like a really good price...sounds like he just wants to get rid of it. I would commit to spending a few bucks for repairs in the next little while as the car has over 300,000 kms. I would buy the car but don't have any huge expectations. Sounds like a decent first car.

03-10-2005, 02:44 PM
Sounds like a decent first car, but be prepared to spend more than the price of the car in repairs within the first year or two. Getting a mechanic to check it out first would be a very good call on a car with that many kilometers.

03-10-2005, 07:01 PM
k, thanks for the help!

03-10-2005, 07:29 PM
good deal for a first car.

make sure to get her inspected by a good plac, get them to check the timng belt too. it will probably go soon unless it has been werked on already.

good luck with it and your insurance payments!

remember 2 tickets means a 25% jump in insurance!

03-10-2005, 07:34 PM
DO IT... i have a 1988 4 door civic.. they're pimp! the best part is they're so slow you can't do anything wrong in it...until the mod bug bites. check out my car link -> http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/584443