View Full Version : Damn Police

12-29-2002, 02:10 AM
I went to the crown procescutor get my ticket reduced to R.O (registered owner) on december 24th. Everything went well. He let me simply pay the fine "because it was xmas" for a 26km/h over @ $125. All good.

So I have been carefully driving these few days. On December 27th, I was following HEAVY traffic on john laurie when all of a sudden a ghost car (durango) waiting to turn left (accross traffic) on charles wood drive (NW) "caught me speeding" and followed me and gave me another ticket for 23km/h over @ $111.
This ticket really isn't fair for there was heavy traffic and everyone was going above 80 km/h. I turned to the left lane (so there was one lane between us) quite a bit before he pulled me over.

So heres the questions:

Did the single cop really catch me with 'laser' as he marked on the ticket for which I do not see how he had time to watch traffic to merge and "pull out the radar gun???".

Can I go down to the crown procecutor to get R.O. status again??


12-29-2002, 02:23 AM
Damn you're getting a lot of tickets... slow down a bit, I'm not sure how they would see this ticket if you get speeding tickets this often...

12-29-2002, 02:25 AM
THREE Days after my last one was done.
Yea no more speeding for sure!!!
Its my second ticket in hmmms 3 years??

12-29-2002, 03:06 AM
how could he have u on radar/laser while hes driving? maybe he was estimating, ide take it to court

12-29-2002, 04:43 AM
I'd say slow down ... it's amazing how tickets catch up to you ... hmmm my insurance is at about 15 grand right now lol not really like 11 but still ... on at fault minor accident (didn't go through ins.) and one not at fault accident ... FUCKLOAD of tickets

12-29-2002, 04:53 AM
they can catch you with the laser even if they're moving, my friend got busted and the cop was going the other way. so, i think they can catch you now even if they're moving..

honestly dude, slow down... chill out on the speed

Luke 96 T/A
12-29-2002, 03:09 PM
$11k for insurance...
it's not time to slow down...
it's time to take the bus!!!
eitherway, you can still fight it..
chances are, it will turn R.O. as well..

12-29-2002, 03:12 PM
So I should still go down to the crown prosecutor to talk about my ticket??

12-30-2002, 05:03 AM
It otta be worth a try :)

weird tho, ive had my fair share of speeding tickets and I have never had to go to the crown prosecutor.. mind you none of them where over 20km/hr over the speed limit..

Right now im paying $4200/yr for plpd ;\



12-30-2002, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by hingkit
So I should still go down to the crown prosecutor to talk about my ticket??

Always go down and fight it, no matter if you think you have a case or not... for just showing up they almost always lower the charge.