View Full Version : The Beauty of AWD...

12-29-2002, 03:49 AM
Driving from Chinook Mall to Scenic Acres and then to Edgemont tonight at 1:00am took an hour and a half... :nut:

The roads were really bad, but I was more worried about people around me doing stupid shit, not spinning out or fucking up myself. I was taking it pretty slow to avoid others.

Anyways, I am still using summer rubber with only about 25-30% tread left on them. My car with full time AWD had NO trouble at all in the snow and ice.

I wouldnt trade my AWD in for ANYTHING.

Anyone else have good luck/fun with their AWD car tonight?
Anyone else still using balding summer tires with no plans to get winter tires? :D

12-29-2002, 03:53 AM
i had fun with my jimmy, got some powerslides/drifting going:D

12-29-2002, 04:01 AM
Who needs AWD? haha

RWD is where its at! I was the fastest car on the roads tonight.....while going the speed limit too!:rofl:

The roads were really bad tonight but I had no problems motoring around!:thumbsup:

12-29-2002, 04:04 AM
Originally posted by redline_13000
i had fun with my jimmy, got some powerslides/drifting going:D :werd: :werd: hahah i was hitting up the streets with RWD..MMM!!

12-29-2002, 05:44 AM
hehe, i just came in from a drive outside (4:45 AM) the pilot alpins are doing the job i suppose but its not hard to break the back end out if i want to...even i was scared to go speed limit

12-29-2002, 05:52 AM
Originally posted by three.eighteen.
hehe, i just came in from a drive outside (4:45 AM) the pilot alpins are doing the job i suppose but its not hard to break the back end out if i want to...even i was scared to go speed limit

Yes it is very easy to let the back out man! If you can control it, you got madd skillz! If you can't control it like me, there is technology.....traction control baby! haha:rofl:

12-29-2002, 05:54 AM
Man driving was soooooo fun tonight haha. Deerfoot was really fun cuz it was so open and there were absolutely no cars. An Xterra and I were the only two out there and were just ripping down at speedlimit. My traction control light got such a huge workout driving all along Deerfoot... so fun :) Now, when the traffic hits the snow on Monday (if its still snowy), its gonna get messy

12-29-2002, 10:03 AM
MMmmmmm AWD + Studded Hakka 1's = Grip. Man, was it every slippery last night. Definetly not a good night to be driving if you aren't totally smooth with your control inputs.

DSM Power
12-29-2002, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by TurboDSM
Anyways, I am still using summer rubber with only about 25-30% tread left on them. My car with full time AWD had NO trouble at all in the snow and ice.

Hmm... I once tried to drive in the snow with the original 17" stock tires with little tread left... it was not cool. :( But AWD still 0wnz! :D

12-29-2002, 02:00 PM
I was rollin down deerfoot at 230 in the morning. it hadn't been ploughed, snow was DEEP!!! My car was all over the place.

12-29-2002, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
Who needs AWD? haha

RWD is where its at!

For sures! I took my car out while it was snowing with my Z-rated tyres on last night :D

12-29-2002, 04:57 PM
My cars decent in the snow. But after taking my dads MDX out last night I want something AWD or 4WD again :love:

12-29-2002, 05:02 PM
I'm still on my strictly summer tires...

Maybe i'll change over tonight but i'm soooo damn lazy and don't feel like doing it.

12-30-2002, 03:16 AM
heh it was really rainy here tonight, and my moms sub impreza outback handles it very nicely :D but there are extremes.. i do lose traction when taking a 90 degree turn at 30mph (light was yellow and i just Had to make it hahaha) so i slid straight instead of turning. yeah.


12-30-2002, 04:30 AM
I was doing donuts all over the place tonight......so much fun! And Kenny, my traction control got a major workout too! LOL

GTS Jeff
12-30-2002, 06:22 AM
j00 all suck. FF beastmobile ownz j00. pics and vids to come!

12-30-2002, 08:51 AM
My Car is amazing now in the snow!.....My Work Truck on the other hand is horrible!, Driving an '87 Ford F250 flatbed 6.9l deisel, with a Trailor on the back can get pretty damn scary, its like Drifitng 2 vehicles at the same time!! :rofl:.... Weather like this finally makes the Blizzaks worth it! of course if i use to much Gas, i go sliding sideways....but I do that enough on purpose anyway! :D...we gotta have one of those "late night Drift meets" again

12-30-2002, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by James
My Car is amazing now in the snow!

Gotta love those mid-engined cars for dohnuts! :D Off the line traction under slick conditions isnt that bad either.. too bad I have summer tires on, hehe


12-30-2002, 04:59 PM
Last night was so much fun. I hit up a lot of mall parking lots for some late night drifting. Rear wheel drive and a 50/50 weight balance rule in the snow! Kinda sucked though because all of the malls had big front end loaders and graders plowing the snow. We definetly should have another drift meet soon. Count me in.

12-30-2002, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by SplineZ

Gotta love those mid-engined cars for dohnuts! :D Off the line traction under slick conditions isnt that bad either.. too bad I have summer tires on, hehe


haha, oh yeah, way too much fun!....ive had no problems with traction yet, even in really thick snow!:thumbsup:...Wicked Car there man! I love those late model Fiero GT's!:drool: so much slicker look than the first Fiero's :barf:

GTS Jeff
12-30-2002, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by ecstasyracer
Last night was so much fun. I hit up a lot of mall parking lots for some late night drifting. Rear wheel drive and a 50/50 weight balance rule in the snow! Kinda sucked though because all of the malls had big front end loaders and graders plowing the snow. We definetly should have another drift meet soon. Count me in. bah, flat wide open parking lots are so lame..

12-30-2002, 06:43 PM
I was doing reverse dognuts in my probe with stupid james :thumbsup: man that was pretty fun........ I would have left my bald ass tires on the thing, but i sprung a crazy leak and had a flat tire 2 nights in a row, so i bought some kuhmo's today :thumbsup: least now i can drive. :thumbsup:

12-30-2002, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by James

haha, oh yeah, way too much fun!....ive had no problems with traction yet, even in really thick snow!:thumbsup:...Wicked Car there man! I love those late model Fiero GT's!:drool: so much slicker look than the first Fiero's :barf:

Thank ya! :) yeh the first "era" of fieros were quite ugly.. much prefer the GT's than anythign else out there!

We got quite a lot of snow up here in the last few days, the only thing ive had problems with sofar is parking on hills.. that can be quite entertaining. Thank god it doesnt happen often.

Damn Dunlop Sport A2's are too summer oriented (all seasons) to be worth anything in the winter.. Makes things interesting tho, hehe


12-30-2002, 10:11 PM
the calgary zoo parking lot was sweet, must have been out there for an hour.

and then there was coming off 16th ave onto 19th street, i didn't think i could drift my fwd jetta, but i guess i can ;)

12-30-2002, 10:27 PM
I was having fun sliding around the Civic-- feint motion, drop throttle oversteer and lotsa E-brake!! Whee!

01-01-2003, 07:37 PM
bah, flat wide open parking lots are so lame..
There not all flat, Sunridge has this nice sharp downhill hairpin. Lots of fun to be sideways all the way around it.