View Full Version : Oh great....just what the middle east needs...

03-13-2005, 09:16 PM
Israel planning on attacking Iran's nuclear sites if diplomacy fails.

Link (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7174566/)

I could see this being true although they deny it...it happened back in the 80s so what would stop them again. I am not for Iran having nuclear capability but the last thing that region needs is Israel starting a $hit storm with a missle strike on nuclear facilities.


03-13-2005, 09:17 PM
The difference here is that Iran can hit back, unlike Iraq of the 1980s.

03-13-2005, 09:29 PM
But don't you think that could possibly be the start of World War III in that case?

I am not aware of Irans military strengths....

03-13-2005, 10:21 PM
Isreal attacks Iran, Iran retaliate, US jump into the fight to protect Isreal along with the support of British. Muslim world condem the attack and cause more violent terriost attack by mulism extremist. Same shit (script) different day, there is always US involvement. Investment wise, it probably benefit any other countries who isn't involved in this...(i.e. B.R.I.C nations,even possibily Canada)

03-13-2005, 10:54 PM
If isreal attacks... they have the capability to knock out all of iran's couterattack possibilties.

03-13-2005, 11:00 PM
i read that a couple of countries (not all of them from the middle east) have already stated that if this occurs they will be supporting Iran in whichever way Iran wants them to help in, i cant remember where i read this though.......has n e one else read or heard of n e thing like this?

03-13-2005, 11:06 PM
Isreal is capable of taking on ALL middle eastern countries that would support iran at the same time in the same war.

03-14-2005, 12:57 AM
Iran's capabilities are pretty much unknown, but they do have serious strike capabilities that can hit Israel with absolute accuracy. For a small state like Israel, Iran would only have to strike Tel Aviv with a few dozen missile strikes to seriously damage Israel.

Israel still has the huge advantage in a war against most of the middle east countries, but no one knows what Iran has been up to. As far as I know, Iran spends about 6 billion/year on nuclear arms and has been purchasing huge amounts of Russian made weapons.

God knows, hopefully a war won't take place, but I don't think that the region would sit back and allow an all out assault against Iran.

No country has the ability to knock out EVERY single second-strike weapon of an enemy. If Iran is able to hide 100 short range missiles and about the same amount of aircraft, they may hit back hard.

gran turismo
03-14-2005, 10:18 AM
Well I think the Iraq war has shown that just because you're bigger, faster and stronger doesn't guarantee a victory. The US has declared the Iraq war over but more soldiers have died since that statement than during the "actual" war.

If Israel attacks Iran, the entire peace process is gone with Palestine and they start over again with countless terrorist attacks and deaths. What a wonderful world :(

03-14-2005, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by mo_virgin
Isreal is capable of taking on ALL middle eastern countries that would support iran at the same time in the same war.

I agree, the Arab-Israel wars have shown that well enough, and that was back when Israel was not as well equipped.

In the unlikely case of all out war in the middle east, it would be interesting to see where the west's chips fall. Considering Saudi Arabia would be placed in such a comprimising situation, its hard to say what kinda of action the west would be able to take.

03-14-2005, 01:31 PM
well, that's lovely....

so the war mongering, genocidal rulers of that region (the Israelis) are allowed to have nukes, but no one else is??

With the Isreali miltary, heavy US funding, backing and equipment, that would be one hell of a bloody war.

And man, it would be ugly. It's one thing for the Americans to attack a mid east country, but watch them unite if Israel ever did....

03-14-2005, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by mo_virgin
Isreal is capable of taking on ALL middle eastern countries that would support iran at the same time in the same war.

I would heavily disagree. Isreal has superior technology, but countries like Iran have been putting alot of money into their army. There military is way stronger than the Iraqi military was, and Isreal may be able to punch holes in strategic places, but an all out war between modern Isreal, and Iran, my money would go towards Iran. Isreals only hope for survival is the US.

03-14-2005, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by DEREK57

I would heavily disagree. Isreal has superior technology, but countries like Iran have been putting alot of money into their army. There military is way stronger than the Iraqi military was, and Isreal may be able to punch holes in strategic places, but an all out war between modern Isreal, and Iran, my money would go towards Iran. Isreals only hope for survival is the US.

What? you would put money on iran? heelll nooo, i think you really underestimate just how powerful isreal's military is man, its just a scaled version of the US military. Lets say aerial warfare, here's a short comparison of Isreal's superiority

According to the IAF website:

687 enemy airplanes have been shot down in dogfights since Israel`s birth. Only 23 Israeli planes have been shot down by enemy planes since 1948 - a statistic which puts the dogfight victory ratio between Israel and its Arab neighbors at a whopping 30:1.

And more recently


"Israeli air force pilots handily beat their German counterparts in "dogfights" in the first ever air force exercise between the two countries, an Israeli military official said Monday.

The Israeli F-15 pilots, aided by special technology that Israel does not share or sell to other countries, beat the Germans by more than 100 "hits," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. In the past, Israel has beaten American air force pilots by similar margins, the officials added.

Now if there ever is a war, isreal is NOT fighting the same war that the US is fighting in iraq (occupation). They don't even have to face guerilla warfare, they could just bomb iran back to the stone age.

03-14-2005, 05:32 PM
"Now if there ever is a war, isreal is NOT fighting the same war that the US is fighting in iraq (occupation). "
So Israel doesn't have to worry about civilian casualty?

03-14-2005, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by beyondmooch
So Israel doesn't have to worry about civilian casualty?

No. If they are attacked by a unified arab force they would launch nuclear strikes as a last resort final defensive. Millions would die. This is what prevents them from being attacked by a unified arab force in the first place. Sucks, but when you're outnumbered a million to one by people who want you dead you don't have any other alternative.

As for the remark about being allowed to have nukes - if they didn't they would have been walked on a long time ago.

Personally, I think if we woke up one morning and Isreal was wiped off the map, the US would actually be relieved. Whether the jewish lobby would be strong enough to force a retaliation after the fact is up for debate.


03-14-2005, 08:58 PM
Agreed ^. Isreal is a problem for all now...She has the military power to push those around her, and she could nuke the Arab nations, which is what keeps her alive, but in a conventional war, I just think the massive number differciation would be too big for Isreal to overcome, they simply could not occupy the rest of the land, and so enemy forces could constantly build up.

If Iran goes nuclear its either the first step towards peace...or towards a nuclear war. Either way Isreal is in a tough spot now...either they attack the facilities and start a huge war now, or they leave it and face risk of an absolutely devistating war in the future...:thumbsdow

03-14-2005, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by Toma
well, that's lovely....

so the war mongering, genocidal rulers of that region (the Israelis) are allowed to have nukes, but no one else is??

With the Isreali miltary, heavy US funding, backing and equipment, that would be one hell of a bloody war.

And man, it would be ugly. It's one thing for the Americans to attack a mid east country, but watch them unite if Israel ever did....


it would be unthinkable really...the islamists will become so powerfull that the likes we have never seen...dont really wanna think about it...

03-14-2005, 10:45 PM
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