View Full Version : help on getting a car starter?

12-30-2002, 02:28 PM
Just wondering if anyone had any feedback on getting a car starter for a '01 lude (manual). I'm getting kinda lazy so it'd be nice to have one before it gets colder. anyway, my biggest concerns are the anti-theft (there's a chip in my key right?) and if i can get it hooked up to my current alarm (have the alarm disarm, start the car but not unlock the doors). oh and suggestions on good starters. help?

12-30-2002, 03:08 PM
I've got some starters that will do manual trans, but there combo's ( alarm and starter) and that transponder key is no problem. if you want it all off one remote this is the best way to go.

you could "slave" a starter to the alarm so that your alarm controls the starter with a "3rd channel output" but, having 2 different sytems under the dash tend to kill the range of both.

give me a call if you want, PM for#.


12-30-2002, 03:24 PM
thanks for the info. what brands do you deal with and which ones do you recommend. i want to do a bit more research before i get it installed.

12-30-2002, 05:42 PM
sorry to bust in here. But I would strongly recommend you do not get a starter installed on your car. I have seen so many problems with them (I work at Acura). And yes you will void a good portion of your warranty getting one installed. Just my 2 cents ;)

12-30-2002, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by JVR1
Just wondering if anyone had any feedback on getting a car starter for a '01 lude (manual). I'm getting kinda lazy so it'd be nice to have one before it gets colder. anyway, my biggest concerns are the anti-theft (there's a chip in my key right?) and if i can get it hooked up to my current alarm (have the alarm disarm, start the car but not unlock the doors). oh and suggestions on good starters. help?

Compustar (http://www.compustar.org/) :thumbsup:

Originally posted by mystang
sorry to bust in here. But I would strongly recommend you do not get a starter installed on your car. I have seen so many problems with them (I work at Acura). And yes you will void a good portion of your warranty getting one installed. Just my 2 cents ;)

What kind of problems?

12-31-2002, 03:56 PM
thanks for the input mystang.. i was thinking about warrenty already. i don't think i'm covered anymore cause i'm past 60k. from what i remember it's only my drivetrain that's under warrenty now..

12-31-2002, 04:02 PM
If an install is done right, there should be absolutely no problems with installing a car starter on your vehicle. If its done like shit, thats where the problems occur. We've had starters in our vehicles for years and no problems yet.

12-31-2002, 04:41 PM
you can check the "marketplace" to see more about the product and what others opinions are on it,

starters don't void warranties, I worked for "Quinn" a while back and used to get asked that question everyday, If they voided warranties then how come places like Quinn do fleets of brand new leased vehicles? or how come dealerships like "infinity" send their cars to "auto temp"?

the largest chunk of these places business is based on brand new vehicles.

Dealerships even have "mobile" guys come in do work for them.

and "problems" with starter's are usualy fault of the installer, an alarm or starter is only as good as it's installation.


12-31-2002, 06:05 PM
A starter will not automatically void your warranty...no. But if anything goes wrong with your car; alarm, starter, immobilizer system, etc...A dealer isnt going to warranty it for you. I know we won't generally look into an electrical problem of this sort if a car starter has been installed. We refer them to go back to the place they had it installed.

Of course places such as 'quinn' and 'auto-temp' that sell remote starters is going to say they don't void your warranty...they want to make a sale don't they?? I would also say that 95% of dealer recommendations concerning 'starters' , 'auto door locks' etc... come from the sales and business dept. end of things NOT the service dept.

I speak from experience, I see it more than you would expect. I was just saying that in my opinion I wouldn't reccomend one. Yes most of the time it is the installation that is the cause but for the sake of waking up that extra 5 minutes early to go and start your car, I personally would not risk it.

remember this is all In my opinion. Before I started working at a dealer I thought they were good too


01-01-2003, 03:23 AM
Starters won't void the warranty...but if the cause of something wrong can even be remotely attributed to the starter (electrical fire), the dealership will try their best to pin it on the starter. But if you have a new car, you should have comprehensive insurance anyway...so you should be covered.

01-01-2003, 04:18 AM
Well I had the compustar on my 2000 Prelude (manual) and had no problems whatsoever......I never had a service technican or anyone question it or anything.....just make sure you the unit installed at a reputable shop that does quality work!

01-01-2003, 03:14 PM
thats right it doesn't void the warrenty, but any electrical problems the dealerships tend to use the starter as a "scapegoat". but if you can prove it's not any fault of the starter then they have to warranty it...

01-01-2003, 07:01 PM
The dealer can not by law void your warranty for adding an aftermarket anything. The only thing they can void are problems that are directly related to the car starter ect. If something does go wrong and shit does happen as long as it was done at a reputible shop they should cover any problems. Do not be scared of starters, They are harmless. There are alot of good units out there just make sure if you gaet a starter for a standard get a good name brand no Wal-mart starters. You will be fine.

PM me for the best prices on starters.