View Full Version : my sis abducts kids...?

03-18-2005, 06:52 PM
my sis went to superstore today, in the northeast to pick up some shampoo, she went in, looked at shampoo, decided it was too expensive, and then was leaving the store, on the way out, she was grabbed by an officer and told she was under arrest, and told to shut her cell phone off and was taken into a cruiser. Apparently some kid followed her into superstore, and while she was in there the kid told someone that he was told by my sister to leave the store with her, anyways she has no clue who this kid is, he was 3-4years old wandering around on his own, anyways my sister was taken in, questioned, and was crying the whole time, after about an hour and a half of questioning they let her go and told her that she will be watched anytime she walks into superstore for teh next six months.

i understand that the police must assume that its worst case scenario...but i was wondering, this thing happened totally randomly to my sis, she was totally in tears right after she was told to turn her cell off and she was only allowed to call a lawyer...

whats stupid is that the kid who followed her didnt have a parent around him, my sister thinks that the kid was taken into custody too, anyways is there anything she should do or should she just let time pass and let it go away

im assuming that the mother of the kid will get fined for leaving the kid alone, the officer said that my sis will get a call if they need her to come to court.

anyways i was also wondering if it would be worth or possible to get an apology from the mom or if there is anything that can be done from this point, my sister is shaking and stressed out because of the whole thing.

guess i just wanted opinions on what she can do or if its even worth doing anything...if she werent so shaken up it wouldnt matter, but i guess she got freaked out once she figured out that police were about to take her in....

*edit: correction, the kid never went up and told anyone at superstore anything, apparently they were watching the kid follow my sis through the store cameras and saw the lil kid trailing her and called the cops. once the cops were called they took both the kid and my sis in and the kid started saying that my sis asked him to follow her out of the store:confused:

03-18-2005, 07:27 PM
i think id contact a lawyer, in regards to what the police did, they just cant do that with no proof. Id be suing the police department for public embarassment and mental stress;)

03-18-2005, 07:34 PM
Seek legal counsel and file a report with the cops about those cops. I'm sure they were just doing their jobs but still.........then try to get ahold of the kids mom and smack her for being ignorant and not watching after her own kid.

03-18-2005, 07:40 PM
thats fucked up

03-18-2005, 08:05 PM
ouch. that sucks. i would be chapped if it was me, but...

personally i dont think she should sue, i dont want this country turning into the liable factory that the us is, but thats personal opinion. she was obviously wronged, but in their eyes (considering they are still watching her) she was seriously suspect. I dont disagree with them taking a hard line when it comes to children (considering most abused children or something of that nature never come forward).

good luck to your sister.

03-18-2005, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by MIWYFSHOT
i think id contact a lawyer, in regards to what the police did, they just cant do that with no proof. Id be suing the police department for public embarassment and mental stress;)

well they saw the boy walking behind her in teh store and follow her out...so i guess that is proof...

im not saying the cops were at fault for anything, hell it would have been a damn good job if someone was actually trying to abduct the kid, i just thought i'd see what others think of the whole thing because my sister is still pretty shaken up about it...

03-18-2005, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by MIWYFSHOT
i think id contact a lawyer, in regards to what the police did, they just cant do that with no proof. Id be suing the police department for public embarassment and mental stress;)

Woah there matlock, you can't sue a cop

03-18-2005, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R

Woah there matlock, you can't sue a cop

says who, you dont think the police have never been sued...sure they have.


shall i go on mr know it all?

ohh ok one more


and as far as proof, so the kid was following her out the out door, hows that breaking the law again, should we all have signs on our back saying " please dont follow to closly"

03-18-2005, 08:31 PM
Wow, that's messed up!
I wonder why the kid made that up? Why accuse a stranger of something they didn't do? For laughs?

4 year olds these days are eeeevil!

03-18-2005, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by MIWYFSHOT

says who, you dont think the police have never been sued...sure they have.


shall i go on mr know it all?

ohh ok one more


In all of those cases, there was gross negligence on behalf of the police. That is different from trying to "sue" a cop for questioning someone. But if you guys think that you can, go for it. Funny how we don't see millions of civil cases on behalf of litigants who have been found innocent suing the police and crown for falsely being accused, hey?

03-18-2005, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R

Woah there matlock, you can't sue a cop

but but but u stated above you cant sue a cop...and u clearly can!!

03-18-2005, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by MIWYFSHOT

but but but u stated above you cant sue a cop...and u clearly can!!

You're right, it wasn't very descriptive, but you cannot sue a cop for doing his job

03-18-2005, 09:02 PM
nope and your right, but i tell u this if i was placed in a cop car, and accused of this. Id be driving down to the police station to report this officer.

03-18-2005, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by MIWYFSHOT
nope and your right, but i tell u this if i was placed in a cop car, and accused of this. Id be driving down to the police station to report this officer.

But you still can't sue him :poosie:

Anyways, the best thing you could do is file a complaint against the officer, although I don't really see why you would. Your sister may have been emotionally stressed, but the officer exercised some pretty good discretion in questioning your sister and later releasing her without charge.

That's what cops do - they investigate and lay charges if they see fit. In your sisters case, they investigated and found no reason to lay charges. What can we really say about it?

03-18-2005, 09:11 PM
but dont u think its a lil extreme to place her under arrest right away toss her in the back of a cop car?

what they should have done is said excuse me, do u know this boy behind you. or better yet being a cop go upto the kid and ask where his loser mother is.

most cops in calgary go on these power trips, they think there soo powerful..its a joke.

03-18-2005, 09:41 PM
wtf thats bullshit man, superstore "security" guys are a joke. i seen the poor girl crying in the room. sue them man fuckers

03-18-2005, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R

Woah there matlock, you can't sue a cop

You can definately sue for "False Arrest". It happens all the time.

But regardless that crap is total :bullshit:

03-18-2005, 11:10 PM
talked to my sis

yes she was read her rights and taken in for questioning

the person who initially told her she was under arrest was a cop dressed as a civilian, there were 2+ cop cruisers already outside the superstore when my sis got there

she was let off after she went in and was questioned, there were no charges

she had no clue about the kid tailing her until the cops pointed the boy out after she got out of the store

she told me she doesnt want to sue anyone unless she gets called into court for any reason...shes doing better now anyways...

thanks for the replies guys, shes read through most of it already...

also another thing i should add, i watched the news tonight and there was an attempted abduction that was on, it said to look out for a green minivan, my sis was drivign a green nissan quest...so that might have upped the suspicion of the cops, not sure, but i guess i should add that...

again thanks for the replies...

03-18-2005, 11:12 PM
also in no way am i saying that the cops actions were wrong, and even at that, teh superstore security did what was right in the end i guess, had things been different and it wasnt my sis but some sick person who was actually lookin to abduct that boy...im sure everyones opinion about how everything played out would be different, afterall better to be safe than sorry...

03-19-2005, 01:28 AM
Damn dude.. that is some scary stuff. Feel bad for your sis.. must have been incredibly embarassing. I think the police should apoligize at least or maybe buy her a coffee or something.

Also, if your sister is hot... she can come and abduct me anytime :D

03-19-2005, 01:35 AM
Originally posted by 32V-V8
Damn dude.. that is some scary stuff. Feel bad for your sis.. must have been incredibly embarassing. I think the police should apoligize at least or maybe buy her a coffee or something.

Also, if your sister is hot... she can come and abduct me anytime :D

no comment.

03-19-2005, 01:42 AM
LOL Im just kidding man.. seriously shitty stuff. Sorry :(

03-19-2005, 01:43 AM
shit thats absolutely crazy. Sorry to here man

Originally posted by 32V-V8
Damn dude.. that is some scary stuff. Feel bad for your sis.. must have been incredibly embarassing. I think the police should apoligize at least or maybe buy her a coffee or something.

Also, if your sister is hot... she can come and abduct me anytime :D

and buddy...:confused: you seem to not have too much going on up there to say such a thing.

03-19-2005, 01:56 AM
Relax cupcake, no one has died; it was a joke. :rolleyes:

03-19-2005, 08:37 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by soupey

well they saw the boy walking behind her in teh store and follow her out...so i guess that is proof...

Dunno about u but everytime I am in superstore abouot 15 people "follow" me out!

03-19-2005, 09:22 AM
I wouldn't worry too much. The actions of the police were in good faith. The info they recieved was that the child was following her, and when asked the child said that she asked him to go with her. In the end through the investigation they found out that the info was wrong and released her.

Could someone explain how it should have been done differently?

If that was your child how would you react if the police didn't take his statement with any truth?

She was given her charter rights because she has them. All I know about this is what has been written in this thread, was she detained for investigative purposes, or did they say she was under arrest for adduction? Even if you are detained you have your charter rights and she was made aware of them.

As for the child, I hope that the fact that he was wondering around would be followed up and every officer I know would do that. We have our CARRT unit for this very reason and Social Services are part of it and would make an assesment right there if the child was at risk. The parents of that child will have some explaining to do.

It is a very shitty experience.

03-19-2005, 11:18 AM
I guess the problem is they treated her like she was guilty and as such gives her somewhat a rough time.

SHe could have been treated like a person instead of a crimnal. A little respect can go a long way...cops are getting less and less respectful these days!

03-19-2005, 11:43 AM
^ Problem is; because of the way that the charter of rights and freedoms is written and interpreted, police have to treat everyone remotely suspected of a crime like a full on suspect; reading the rights etcetera. A person cannot be detained otherwise. Traffic stops are regarded differently, incidentally and do not require the reading of the charter rights.

What once could be cleared up with a quick two minute chat is now required to generally be a drawn out production. That's not the cops fault -its the fault of the courts and of the loophole jumping lawyers.

03-19-2005, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by old&slow
SHe could have been treated like a person instead of a crimnal. A little respect can go a long way...cops are getting less and less respectful these days!

crapp but its true :thumbsdow some cops take it too far they are so confident that you're guilty.

03-19-2005, 12:47 PM
the other side of the coin is that the bad guys unfortuantly have a habit of lying to us.

Again, it's very hard to really understand all the dynamics of the call to really judge what happenned. Obviously there was something that drew the attention of store personal about the child, then the statement of the child as well.

At the same time, I have no idea of the demeaner of the officers involved, and they could have stepped over the line or not. Hard to tell unless you are there and involved in the situation.

All in all it's an absalute shitty deal any way you look at it. But in the end the truth worked out and she isn't in any trouble. Being accused of something is very emotionally draining, but the police cannot ignore the fact that they possibly have an offender there and have to treat her as one or the whole court case would be screwed from the beginning.

Again I'm pretty confident that there will be a lot of follow-up with the child and family with social services because the child's statement is the crux of what happenned. Plus the question of why such a young child was there all alone without her parent.

03-19-2005, 12:52 PM
the store camera's should say it all. first of all, if you abduct a kid, or anyone at all, i don't think you'd let him or her follow behind you where you can't keep a close eye on the person. second, like i said about keeping a close eye on the person, if your sis did happen to abduct this kid, and let him walk behind her...she'd be turning back to look at him a lot to know that he's still there, and that's what should cause suspicion. third, 3 or 4 year olds tend to hold back when approached by strangers, which would cause your sis to probably use force to get the kid to do what she wants which would mean shw would probably put the kid in front of her, again back to my first point. but the kid would also be crying.

with all that...i think the people to blame is superstore for using poor judgement, from how i feel about this story, i think they passed their judgement based on how your sister looked that day, how she ws dressed, maybe it was early in the morning so she was dressed pretty grunge, hair messy whatever, or maybe even to the extent of color of skin. but then again it might be the fact that she went in and out pretty quick (if it was), considering she just went in there for shampoo saw the price, backed out and left, and then suddenly a child is following.

i think a complaint about the officer can be made, but no law suit since from the story, she was grabbed for questioning not approached, totally neglecting the innocent until proven guilty BS. the best thing to do was to have the police wait outside or inside by the exits and have the manager staff of superstore approach her instead.

now if the child seemed lost and was crying adn thenw as approached by your sis...that's a totally diff story.

03-19-2005, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by MIWYFSHOT
but dont u think its a lil extreme to place her under arrest right away toss her in the back of a cop car?

thats what happened to me when i was trying to move some of my stuff back down to airdrie... one of my neighbors reported me stealing my stuff from my house, and called the cops... they came, cuffed me and threw me in the cop car for questioning. not a cool day :thumbsdow

03-19-2005, 01:20 PM
shit i was at home depot today and a family of 4 where following me out, 6 cops tackled me, and tossed me in a cop car...geezz this is getting out of control....they thought i was going to kidnap the entire family....single handed. :nut:

03-19-2005, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by mdeleon

i think a complaint about the officer can be made, but no law suit since from the story, she was grabbed for questioning not approached, totally neglecting the innocent until proven guilty BS. the best thing to do was to have the police wait outside or inside by the exits and have the manager staff of superstore approach her instead.

You also have to concider the safety. Would never have the staff do that. You can play what-if all day. The fact of the matter, the safest thing to do, for all parties, is the put them in a controlled environment as soon as possible. Also it's all about preception. If I take someones arm to have a level of control can be precieved as a harsh grab. At the same time if no level of control is there if things go to hell, it can really go bad.

999999 out of a million nothing would ever happen, but you have to be ready for that 1 in a million situation. Remember over a year ago there was that gun grap up in the NE where the guy got an officer's gun out of the holster? Unknown traffic stop and just talking to the guy, but unkown at the time they were hard-asses and the car was stolen. A level of control wasn't established.

Now I know your sister in all likely-hood looks very innocent and would never do that anything. Yet everyone rags on the police for stereotyping people. Should we only be careful around bad looking people? Who's bad looking? Race? Clothing? The type of car you drive? I think there are more than enough threads here that prove that you don't want that.

I tell you what, it's part of the atraction of the job to me. The unkown. I met very different people everyday and most of the time have very positive interaction with them, at the same time I've seen situations go sideways without warning and if I wasn't already thinking tatically from contact, things could be very bad.

Life would be a lot easier if everyone wore either a white hat or a black hat, but until then stuff like this will happen.

03-19-2005, 02:35 PM
well i dont think it makes much of a difference, my fam's brown, and the kid that followed her out was brown too...but im sure the same thing wudve happened if it were a mix between colors...maybe wouldnt seem as likely, im not sure, so far there has been no follow up for my sis, shes prettymuch gotten annoyed wit the whole thing and is freaked out that if she goes to superstore again and some idiot kid follows her out that she'll get nailed with a child abduction fine...

obviously not very likely but if it happened to you u'd prolly be scared to, shes basically decided shes not going to go to superstore til 6 months passes...

ill reply again if there is any calls from teh police for to follow up, i sure hope the parents of the child are dealt with as harsh as possible, the kid has caused so much stress for my sis, the parents are the ones at fault for leaving him alone in the store...

i dont kno why they didnt rewind the security tapes to check to see who the boys parents' were...i guess they might have after, my sis isnt sure either...

anyways thanks again for the responses...

and DayGlow, are you an officer? if you are, its nice to have you on the site:thumbsup:

03-21-2005, 08:25 AM
Sorry to hear soupey! Fuckign little brown kid eh (j/k, no not really). As long as nothing else happens its ok, just be glad they didn't like tackle her down or something in front of all the ppl at superstore. But still it was probably embarrassing.
Also, more respect and what they have to prove she was going to abduct a kid would have been nice.

03-21-2005, 08:26 AM
Ohh, and if u have to goto th epolice station or something, take some beyond/ca decals with u an slap them on some cruisers lol:D

03-21-2005, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by DayGlow

. Remember over a year ago there was that gun grap up in the NE where the guy got an officer's gun out of the holster? Unknown traffic stop and just talking to the guy, but unkown at the time they were hard-asses and the car was stolen. A level of control wasn't established.

Yeah, I used to work with the dumbass who did that. He has since died of a narcotic overdose. The shitty part is that he wasnt a hard ass, hjis family is a fairly normal middle class people.. he was raised very well... even went through long term drug and alcohol treatment. The more and more I hear about these random acts of violence around town here... the less and less I am concerned about police being extra cautious in dealing with things. You guys deal with alot.. Calgary is turning ionto a gangland and the legal system is so ass backwards that it is difficult for yall to get things done.

03-21-2005, 03:15 PM
man from your first posts it seemed as though your sister was like 10 years old or something ...but obviously shes at least an adult from what it seems is it really necessary for you to come on here and whine about it? like if she was a litle girl or something it would be a different story but come on man....

on a sidenote....it prolly has to do with air india or something :nut: jk

03-22-2005, 07:21 PM
sorry to hear this man, seems like a really FREAK situation...it sounds weird that superstore would call the cops just cuz they see a kid following a girl around?? i mean wtf?? little kids have always followed my family around stores, we would just tell the clerk that this kid is lost? wow really a freak situation...feel really sorry for ur sis...

03-22-2005, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by MIWYFSHOT
i think id contact a lawyer, in regards to what the police did, they just cant do that with no proof. Id be suing the police department for public embarassment and mental stress;) :werd: easy easy $$$$$

03-22-2005, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by lastprodigy
man from your first posts it seemed as though your sister was like 10 years old or something ...but obviously shes at least an adult from what it seems is it really necessary for you to come on here and whine about it? like if she was a litle girl or something it would be a different story but come on man....

on a sidenote....it prolly has to do with air india or something :nut: jk


shes a bit shy of 30yrs old, why the hell wud u think they would arrest a 10 yr old, and wuts this gotta do wit air india?:S...

anyways i just wanted to see what people thought, im not whining, read my fucking posts and tell me that im whining, i just wanted other peoples views on what happened, got that, this thread can be closed now, thanks.
