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03-21-2005, 08:42 PM
Alright, I'm a bit of a whiner. I love to bitch about things. So I'm gonna make this a weekly outlet for me to just rant, moan, bitch, whine and cry about stuff that drives me nuts. With that, here's the first "rant of the week". Feel free to share your rants of the topic along with me, but try and keep it on topic.

Calgary Drivers are Fucking Idiots

So last week, it wasn't just 1 incident that made me bitch about how shitty Calgary drivers have become. It was 2 incidents, of the same nature no less, that made me want to bitch about how shitty driving skills have deteriorated for many Calgarians.

First incident, I was driving speed limit. Yes it's hard to believe, but 80% of my driving I'm driving the speed limit, especially in areas that I'm not familiar with, or areas where I know there are obvious speed traps. So I'm in the right lane, and a Toyota Tercel with a bunch of 70+ year olds were in the left lane. Without signalling, they decided to change lanes right into my car. A dose of honking and heavy braking (no ABS, winter tires, LOUD tires locking up) and it scared the shit out of them. They changed back into their lane, nearly smacking their car into the left median curb, and all was well. I felt bad, nearly giving them a heart attack. What's bizarre was I was in their blindspot, but not because I was creeping up on them. They were actually SPEEDING, and slowly passing me on the left lane when they decided all of a sudden they wanted to change lanes, and forgetting (alzheimers?) that they just passed me.

OK incident #2. This one's even more ridiculous. Again, 2 lane road, I was on the right lane following the flow of traffic, again at speed limit. Here's where it gets interesting... in front of us was a cop, so you'd think that people are more attentive, and follow the law a little better. But no, as I'm driving beside a Toyota Matrix (what's with the Toyota drivers???), it decides to change into my lane without signalling. I'm right beside this crazy bitch, and I'm not even in her blind spot. Well she's just fucking blind, so everything is a blind spot to her I guess. Again, honk, brake, and evasive steering (almost into curb for me), and crazy enough, she committed to the lane change. The difference between my car getting smacked was literally inches. All this in front of a cop, who didn't do anything. So I tried to drive up to give this crazy bitch (in her 30's or 40's) and bitch at her, but she decided to stay back a few carlengths and not stop beside me.

Originally I was going to post about just these 2 incidents, but it was kinda busy at work, so I waited to get home to post this. Well what do you know, on the way home, INCIDENT #3. What the fuck is up with that??? So here I am, stopped at an intersection. 1 car length between me and some gay ass driver in a Mustang (not that all mustang drivers are gay, I have a few friends that drive mustangs, and they're not gay. At least I don't think they are lol). So here I am stopped, and the guy lets off his brake. We're on a slight incline, and he proceeds to roll backwards... closer, closer, a foot away, I honk hard, and WHAP right into my car. WTMF????? I get out of the car, and proceed to bitch at this young kid. He has no clue what happened. From talking to him, it sounded like he thought I SMACKED INTO HIM. After I explained to him that he rolled INTO ME he realizes his mistake and apologizes. Lucky it was about 3 or 4km/h, so no damage to my car. I let him go without taking down his info.

Seriously, what the fuck happened to driving skills in this city? I'm asian, and we all get a bad rap for our inferior driving skills. All 3 of these incidents are with caucasians. I'm not being racist,---> Ok now hold on a minute (this is JW, a close friend of rage2) I'm sitting here watching him write this rant, which is justified I admit, because I saw two of these incidents and well...they were really stupid. But I think it's Calgary as a whole that needs to pay more attention or get off the streets. We all have to realize that our city is growing exponentially. WHITE.ASIAN,BLACK,BROWN, PURPLE....whatever it doesn't matter...it's not a racial thing it's a traffic thing and maybe instead of doing twenty million things in your car when driving....JUST FUCKING DRIVE!!!!!!

Anyways, sorry about the interruption. I'm not being racist, just pointing out that asians are singled out as horrible drivers, which is not the case. Everyone's a horrible driver. And feel free to discuss your crazy incidents that you've encountered, or incidents that you've created. If you're a shitty driver, speak up, so us good drivers can rant. Nobody knows who you are, the beauty of the internet, and I want to rant.

Thanks for listening.

03-21-2005, 08:49 PM
Man, that happens to me on a daily basis. My subaru has a cloaking device or something.
It's amazing how bad drivers can be, and still get their licenses. I think when I get my 951 going, I'm just going to let all these people hit me in scooby just so I can teach them a lesson... I'm tired of these assclowns driving like they're on some other planet and getting away with it.

03-21-2005, 08:52 PM
best read in a long time :D I encountered the same situation with a group of elderly drivers yesterday who decided it would be nice to cut across 3 lanes of traffic doing 20kmh and then stop in the right lane and drop off one of their passengers on the main road (Saskatoons equivalent of Macleod Trail) in the middle of rush hour and then took approximately 2-3 minutes to get out of the god damn car.
People these days I tell you......oh and what does WTMF mean lol
Look forward to reading more of these in the future :D

D'z Nutz
03-21-2005, 08:55 PM
Man, I totally agree with you. Since I don't have a car, my time on the road is pretty limited to weekends and the occassionaly evenings, but when I am on the road, I always see something stupid like this (I'd probably say 80% of the time).

I just don't understand why people don't pay attention on the roads anymore. And this is something myself and others I have talked to noticed over time as well. Are they just giving licenses away now? And not only does this have nothing to do with race, but age as well: young, middle aged, elderly!

When I see this shit happen all the time, I'm glad my time on the road is limited.

03-21-2005, 08:57 PM
I don't think I've ever seen so many "no blind spot checking" lane changes, and it's especially bad when an SUV/Bus is involved. I almost got side swiped twice this year because they don't check. I was going north bound on Bow Bottom about to hit North Deerfoot, a Red Arrow bus. I'm cut into the left lane and a Red Arrow bus comes up beside me. I keep driving until it decides to just cut into my lane WHILE I'M RIGHT BESIDE HER. I COULD SEE HER.. (Eyes dead fucking straight looking at the road, and just cut over). I gear down, and use the shoulder to avoid her. Once I passed her, I gave her the WTF gesture and she immediately slows down below speed limit and I don't see her again.

I drive as if I'm on my bike now (You're invisible and everyone's trying to kill you) because I don't feel safe as a cager because no one pays any fucking attention when they're on the road, it's ridiculous.

The blind drivers and the people going 50 on deerfoot I find are the most dangerous people on the road.

03-21-2005, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by rage2
Alright, I'm a bit of a whiner. I love to bitch about things. So I'm gonna make this a weekly outlet for me to just rant, moan, bitch, whine and cry about stuff that drives me nuts. With that, here's the first "rant of the week". Feel free to share your rants of the topic along with me, but try and keep it on topic.

Calgary Drivers are Fucking Idiots

So here I am stopped, and the guy lets off his brake. We're on a slight incline, and he proceeds to roll backwards... closer, closer, a foot away, I honk hard, and WHAP right into my car. WTMF????? I get out of the car, and proceed to bitch at this young kid. He has no clue what happened. From talking to him, it sounded like he thought I SMACKED INTO HIM. After I explained to him that he rolled INTO ME he realizes his mistake and apologizes. Lucky it was about 3 or 4km/h, so no damage to my car. I let him go without taking down his info.

You would think that seeing how he is driving standard, he would realize that his car rolls back on inclines if he's not on the brake, etc.

Anyways, I see shitty drivers all the time..sometimes I think taking the bus would be easier - less headache

03-21-2005, 09:01 PM
Too many stupid incidents to name. Shit happens daily.

A few months ago, I bought an air horn kit. Best $40 mod IMO.

03-21-2005, 09:05 PM
The shoulder check is an lost art it seems. Hell people do that to me at least once during a set of shifts in a marked vehicle.

What I really hate is the people that sit in my blind spot. I know I'm a cop and people don't want to pass me because I'm driving the limit (within 5-10, I believe in the flow of traffic as well). It's funny as all get out really. I can see these people racing up the road and as soon as they pull within 2-3 car lengths of my vehicle they slow down to just a few clicks faster than I'm going, like I won't notice them or anything. They then inch up until they are smack dab in my blind spot then match my speed. I tell you what, it's tiring to know there's a car there for minutes on end, but having to shoulder check to make sure they are still there. I like to be aware of what's around me incase I have to make a sudden move.

I mean if you are going to pass me, pass me. I don't care and probably 99% of the cops out there don't care. Now if you blow by 20 over the limit there might be an issue, but going 5-10 over? Not worth my time :D

So either pass or don't, but please get out of the blind spot.

03-21-2005, 09:06 PM
people not using signals bugs me

03-21-2005, 09:06 PM
WTMF is What the Mother Fuck ;).

03-21-2005, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by FiveFreshFish
Too many stupid incidents to name. Shit happens daily.

A few months ago, I bought an air horn kit. Best $40 mod IMO.

lolll now i picture civics pullin up soundin like semi's ahhahahahah, nice investment:D

03-21-2005, 09:25 PM
rage, your a good guy, and lately from what ive read , nobody can idrive in calrgayr, or whateve, its hard to type cuz the thing keeps mobvin, but im angry too, i dont live where you live but people are still stupid

there should also be a retest for drivers license of old people, sometimes im scared of them, wow

03-21-2005, 09:52 PM


03-21-2005, 10:06 PM
my pet peeve are people who shoulder check, thats what mirrors are for!!!!! :)

otherwise, i hate people taking up the left lane and going slow on faster roads, ie: glenmore, unless you're passing, get out of the left lane!!!!! :guns:

03-21-2005, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by bart
my pet peeve are people who shoulder check, thats what mirrors are for!!!!! :)
yeah, there's something called a blind spot that mirrors can't check.

03-21-2005, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by buh_buh
yeah, there's something called a blind spot that mirrors can't check.

no kidding. it's especially bad in some cars, my Talon has the biggest blindspot in the fuckin world and people LOVE to cruise in that 20 feet of road I can't see anything in. the NW doesn't seem too bad, but whenever I drive to my gf's house in the NE as soon as I get onto Deerfoot the driving gets absolutely terrible, people drive like fucking idiots on that road. I really honestly wish I could get out of my car and beat their windshield and/or face in with my ice scraper and not have any legal problems afterwards.

03-21-2005, 10:37 PM
just put your faces closer to the steering wheel and try the mirror again :)

03-21-2005, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by BumpinTalon
the NW doesn't seem too bad, but whenever I drive to my gf's house in the NE as soon as I get onto Deerfoot the driving gets absolutely terrible, people drive like fucking idiots on that road. I really honestly wish I could get out of my car and beat their windshield and/or face in with my ice scraper and not have any legal problems afterwards.
all 3 incidents was in the NW. Well, one was just into the NW on Mcknight right past 4th street NW.

03-21-2005, 10:48 PM
wow. I've never had anybody almost turn into me, but I've had a lot of problems with people stopping on merge lanes, cutting in front of me and then slowing down, people driving three wide (as in, three cars all right next to each other) under the speed limit, a guy locking his keys in his car in the turning lane in front of me (seriously, wtf?) with 5 cars riding up my ass (so I was basically stuck), people running yield and stop signs to get in front of me, people stopping and talking in crosswalks in the middle of the road...

03-21-2005, 10:54 PM
I believe the age thing is a problem, even though it does not apply to the general population, but seriously i've seen more than white-haired driver doing 2-3 lane switches like theres no cars around them

and signalling isn't that hard is it? it's just a frickin flick of your left hand it's not like its a 30lb clutch or something just fricken use it and let the people around you know wtf you're gonna do

03-21-2005, 10:57 PM
I know how you feel, especially when I am driving small cars, people don't see you at all!! That's how the Civic was totalled... Deerfoot going 100, semi truck didn't see me, change lane into me... Home Run; bye bye civic....

03-21-2005, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by CKY
I believe the age thing is a problem, even though it does not apply to the general population, but seriously i've seen more than white-haired driver doing 2-3 lane switches like theres no cars around them

and signalling isn't that hard is it? it's just a frickin flick of your left hand it's not like its a 30lb clutch or something just fricken use it and let the people around you know wtf you're gonna do

The problem it seems is that people get so locked in a single route they panic if they are going to miss their turn. It's not like they can't take the next one and go where they are going, or at worse square around to their precious turn. The worst I see it is SB MacLeod to EB Glenmore. People stop in the inside lane and wait to try to get into the left turn lane right near the lights because they didn't realize the line was so long. What's wrong with going to the next exit? Worst thing they would have to do is pull into a parking lot along MacLeod, turn around and then go to Glenmore. Instead they stop dead in the left lane and just sit there screwing up traffic royally.

03-21-2005, 11:11 PM
I hate saying this because, well I went there, but the reason for all these bad drivers is Delta driving school and any other corrupt ones like it. Dont get me wrong, the majority of the people who go to driving schools pass with flying colors and right fully so, but the few that shouldnt be allowed near a car, still get there liscence because these schoold couldnt care less and only want to get paid. I saw several in my class alone who got passed when they clearly shoudnt have. Let me say Im damn relieved that they got busted for what they were doing and got shut down. However Iam sure there are other schools out there probably doing the same thing.

03-21-2005, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by Superesc
I know how you feel, especially when I am driving small cars, people don't see you at all!! That's how the Civic was totalled... Deerfoot going 100, semi truck didn't see me, change lane into me... Home Run; bye bye civic....

That's the biggest pucker factor situation I've ever been in. I was going NB Deerfoot when they were building the 130ave Overpass. I was between 2 semis fully loaded pulling trailer so we were 3 wide. I was in the middle lane, passing the one outside of me and the one on the inside was moving faster than I was. I was just past their rear trailer wheels when they started to move together. This was where the lines on the road were all messed up and the lanes made a jog, but you couldn't tell unless you drive it a lot. Well I'm not sure which semi driver thought he was in the wrong lane, but they started to come together. I had to stomp the breaks and just cleared the 2 trailers when they came together. I was almost squished that day.

03-21-2005, 11:16 PM
Oh man, you guys are saying exactly what's on my mind.
I used to drive for fun. After a tough day, I'd take a cruise around the city. Now I minimize my time on the roads to the shortest time possible, to minimize my chances of getting hit. I've had enough not-at-fault accidents that my insurance company wants to drop me.

WTF is with people flying up a right lane that ends in a block just to get past people. Didn't they read that little part of the driver's manual where it says not to pass on the right (Not to mention the don't drive like a fucking dick part). They create a huge hazard just because they want to get a couple cars ahead in traffic.

I'm considering just taking the bus so I don't have to deal with all the jackasses out there.

DayGlow, cops honestly don't care if you pass them at 5 or 10 over the limit, even when they're going 5 or 10 over the limit? I never pass cops unless they're going under the speed limit, but I have a friend who will just tear by them, he insists that they have more important things to do than chase him....

03-21-2005, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by rage2
Calgary Drivers are Fucking Idiots

:werd: Good read.
lol ->WTMF.
I hear ya, same shit happens to me.
If it's not lane swervers, it's the tailgaters, or the "rolling-road block retards"
Whenever I'm on Deerfoot it looks more and more like a Nascar drafting skills competition. And Crowchild always has those lemmings that can't drive for themselves.... matching your speed a 1/2 a car length away, and making every move you make.


03-21-2005, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by Superesc
I know how you feel, especially when I am driving small cars, people don't see you at all!! That's how the Civic was totalled... Deerfoot going 100, semi truck didn't see me, change lane into me... Home Run; bye bye civic....

Semi's are the worst, don't know if any of you have ever made the turn from Highway 8 to 101st street in the S.W. but I can't count the number of times semi's have been inches from hitting me at 100km/h enough to shake the little civic considerably. :thumbsdow to shitty trucker schools!

GTS Jeff
03-21-2005, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by bart
just put your faces closer to the steering wheel and try the mirror again :) That takes more effort than a simple turn of the head, plus it's not possible when you're strapped down by a harness.

03-22-2005, 12:08 AM
It's funny you should mention the race/age thing. While I realize that saying "asian/woman/purple" drivers are bad is a gross generalization, it is true for every race and class, in a certain way.
90% of the time, I can tell you what age,race,gender,class (read: category) a person who is driving like a moron is long before seeing them. Every category of driver has shitty characteristics that are more or less specific to their category.
I'm not saying Asian drivers are bad, I'm not saying woman drivers are bad, I'm not saying purple drivers are bad. I'm just saying that 9 times out of 10, I can tell if the moron I'm screaming at is Asian, a woman, a white yuppie, etc long before I see their face.
Maybe that's wrong, and maybe that could be considered predjudiced. But my intuition is almost always right, so my hypothesis can't be far off.

As for me, I'm the asshole with a temper as long as his dick (read: not very) that just gave your grandma the finger for driving 2km under the speed limit. This is why I rarely drive when I come to Calgary. My temper makes me a menace, but at least I recognize that.
Althoug, like I always say to my gf, "If I don't let them know their driving sucks, they're going to go around thinking they're doing it right."

[/Kris Rant]

03-22-2005, 12:28 AM
Originally posted by FiveFreshFish
Too many stupid incidents to name. Shit happens daily.

A few months ago, I bought an air horn kit. Best $40 mod IMO.

Thats a great idea. I should invest in an air horn kit too.. where did you pick it up? The horn in my civic is pretty much useless..

03-22-2005, 12:37 AM
rage, i totally hear you man. there are just so many instances out there which make you wonder why you have to end up being victim to this.

luckily, i haven't been in anything that CLOSE as i can recall, but I have seen so many instances where people in front of me have had the save thing happening to them. some people have no clue that they are supposed to check their blind sports and be careful when they merge. it's almost as if they are the ONLY car on the road. it's ridiculous. this morning at the loop after you turn right into the University just after turning off crowchild, there was a car in front of me following the loop as i was. the other car, coming from the merging lane to the right of the lane we were in just cuts in, no shoulder check, nothing and smacks the car in front of me. re-fucking-diclous. made me late for class too, waiting for them to move their asses.

03-22-2005, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by Seanith

Thats a great idea. I should invent in an air horn kit too.. where did you pick it up? The horn in my civic is pretty much useless..

I got it at Partsource. Maybe Canadian Tire sells them too.

03-22-2005, 01:43 AM
My biggest piss off when driving is people that "yield" in a "free lane" or merge at a yield sign. Shit does that ever make my blood boil, whenever someone does this I fee like commiting murder!!!!!!!!!! Fuck, I'm getting mad just thinking about it :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

It's like your driving all chillin and shit and then you start approaching a turn off which turns into a free lane and the car infront of you stops and waits for an opening in the next fucking lane! stupid son's of bithches, burn in the firey depths of hell for all of eternity!!!:whipped:

03-22-2005, 01:59 AM
I think we've all had our fair share of experiences with shitty ass drivers. That's why I'm not on the road often during the day, I reserve my driving for late at night. But it doesn't really matter what time or day, I see this shit happening all the time. I just figure, less vehicles on the road, less chances. And when I am on the road, I like to keep a fair distance between me and the next car.

Speaking of incident 3, the same thing happened to me. Westbound on glenmore trail, underneath the Macleod overpass. This lady in her Jeep rolled back into my Prelude, her trailer hitch smacked right into the mesh of the aggressor bumper, and scratched some paint off. Luckily it was a cheap fix, still a hassle nonetheless.

03-22-2005, 02:20 AM
I had some old cunt chase me down today after I honked at him for straddling the centre line of a two lane road today. He was old, had a handicap tag in his window and was off in la la land.

By the time I had honked at him, he had drifted back and forth 3 times and was now straddling the centre line.... He moved over, so I went around him. This is when he decided to stand on the gas... I stepped on it and turned off up the street. He followed me so I got out of the car.. he rolled his window down and after noticing my foreign plates yelled:" Go back to where you came from you fucking punk, you young pukes think you own the world" to which I replied: "Pick a lane you asshole, learn how to drive or get the off of the road... I was born and raised here now get the hell out of my face" he called my mother some terrible names, continued on about liberal politics... I shook my head, got in my car and went to work.

The most bothersome part about this (aside from the fact I was followed into a parking lot for a conflict) was the fact that he probably had no idea how stuncunted his driving was. He felt as though I was in the wrong for warning him that he could basically cause an accident. I believe at a certain point, elderly folk need to hang up the drivers license. I gotta admit the balls on the guy though.. where Ive lived before... following someone into a parking lot like that usually doesnt end up pretty.

03-22-2005, 03:55 AM
From September to October, I leave Calgary and park my car.

No bad drivers, no bad driving weather. :)

But no driving :(

03-22-2005, 07:11 AM
Originally posted by 32V-V8
he rolled his window down and after noticing my foreign plates yelled:" Go back to where you came from you fucking punk, you young pukes think you own the world"
haha I've gotten a "go back to china" before. From a guy who almost slammed into me. That's another topic I can rant on, guys that bitch at you or give you the finger when THEY are clearly wrong. The world today I tell ya... I'd love to see these guys drive in the states. They'd get shot within a week.

03-22-2005, 08:28 AM
I find that Edmonton drivers are worse

03-22-2005, 09:19 AM
Cab drivers are terrible in calgary. NO etiquette whatsoever. That's why I don't drive deerfoot anymore. I take the longer way around to get to work and yet even though it's more driving it still takes exactly the same amount of time as deerfoot used to take me. Coincedence? I think not......

03-22-2005, 09:22 AM
I can believe each and every post on here about someone with a person making a stupid move, and having a close call, or worse, having an "involuntary meet-and-greet" with some dumass who can't seem to drive. The one thing that we all need to keep in mind though, is that since the licensing system has been privatized, the testing is getting easier, and the amount of people who pass is getting higher.

What I mean is, when I took my test, it was gov't regulated, you had 100 points. Any deductions were 5,10 or 20 points, depending on the severity of the mistake. If you got an 80 or less, you failed. Sorry, too bad, so sad, better luck next time.

Now, with the new tests, they are 151 point tests, each deduction is 1,2,3,4 or 5, depending on how many TIMES you make the SAME mistake, with the maximum being 5. So if you make the same mistake 6 times you get deducted 20 points. Well, thats a fail right? Wrong! All you need to get to pass is................ready.................wait for it...............76!!! Yup, you can absolutely bomb the test, do damn near nothing correct, and still pass. Sometimes I think the only way to fail the tests now is to hit someone or something.

So, just remember this while on the road now. The person behind you, beside you, whatever, got a 77 on their test. If you think that, you'll be ready for damn near any stupid manouver that will quickly flash through their head.

03-22-2005, 09:25 AM
I've had some guy turn into my lane while I wasn't in his blind spot, he knew my car was there, so I had to slam on the breaks! I always forge tto use the horn! :banghead:

Although, I almost hit a guy formt he side too, he wa sin my blind spot, bu I backe doff straight away when I saw him, he just gave me a confused look. I think he didn't know I was drifting into his lane slowly.

I'm just glad I'm out of Calgary - seriously has the worst drivers I have ever seen in my life - yet.
Thats the only bad thing about Cow Town!

03-22-2005, 09:49 AM
My wife used to own a small white car.

Noone respects a small white car.

She was getting cut off all the time.

03-22-2005, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by /////AMG
seriously has the worst drivers I have ever seen in my life - yet.
Thats the only bad thing about Cow Town!

European drivers are probably the best in the world. it is still hard (really really hard) for them to get their licenses over there since they haven't gotten all liberal with their driving tests. you are damn lucky imo to not have to put up with Calgary driving.

03-22-2005, 10:33 AM
lol the first day I bought my tt I was in the parking lot talking to some buddies and this lady was backing up from her space. She was a good 3-4 car lengths infront of me and had lots of room in every direction. Well she just keeps backing up and up and up and SMACK. She reversed into me because she didn't turn the fucking wheel when reversing?!?! I ask her why she didnt turn to the side or why she didnt stop half way and turn the wheel and go forward? she replied stating she didn't see me?! wtf

03-22-2005, 10:34 AM
Yea I know European drivers are some of the best, :thumbsup: and I'm glad I'm here. Only drove for like 2 yrs in calgary and had enough of it. Tests are really hard here, if you're doing some sort of manouver and even forget to check a certain area - FAIL!

I wonder how the German driving test is compared to englands - suppose to be harder apparently. :dunno:

03-22-2005, 10:42 AM
France's test is supposed to be the hardest I heard. they keep their testers totally anonymous because some people fail the test so many times they make death threats against the testers.

03-22-2005, 11:03 AM
Looks like I'm going to get my test in france.
I'd hate to turn into one of those asshat 18-year-old drivers I hate with a passion.

03-22-2005, 11:17 AM
man i have had a couple people change lanes into me as well, people are so stupid doesnt anyone shoulder check anymore, i think this is one of the things that piss me off the most!!:guns:

03-22-2005, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by Shaolin
I drive as if I'm on my bike now (You're invisible and everyone's trying to kill you) because I don't feel safe as a cager because no one pays any fucking attention when they're on the road, it's ridiculous.

Word. I won't say too much, because I know I've made my own share of bonehead maneuvers (and how many people here can say they haven't fucked up and pulled a dumbass move once or twice), but driving like you're invisible helps a lot with that. Chances are, the guy coming up to the yield sign thinks it's a merge, and it's probably a good idea to not be in that lane at the same time he's going to be, that kind of thing.

03-22-2005, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by rage2

haha I've gotten a "go back to china" before. From a guy who almost slammed into me. That's another topic I can rant on, guys that bitch at you or give you the finger when THEY are clearly wrong. The world today I tell ya... I'd love to see these guys drive in the states. They'd get shot within a week. Yeah, thats what I have is US plates... thats actually happened 3 or 4 times "You fucking yank asshole bushlovingbabykilling blah blah blah" yeah, I was born in the early 80's at the Calgary general hospital... raised in the Southwest part of Calgary etc... and like you, I could fume for hours on those fucking yokles. Down south there is very little road rage because there IS the possibility of getting lit up. Funny how an armed society is a bit more polite :guns:

03-22-2005, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by /////AMG
I always forget to use the horn! :banghead:
I'm very horn happy. I got honked at once by some french guy for not running a red light so he could be first in line when the light turned green and although I knew what I did was right, I still hated getting honked at, made me feel like I did something wrong. So when people are being dumb, I'm usually the first to lay on the horn, maybe it'll make them feel dumb and they'll pay more freaking attention. That and a horn always makes people around you pay more attention to the person you're honking at...might help avoid the likelihood of the dumbass causing an accident

03-22-2005, 02:07 PM
I said it once and I'll say it again.

Driver license should be given on a manual transmission test.

You can't manage manual transmission, you can't get a license. Simple as that. Then you don't get idiots who got license on auto and try to drive manual on their own. Any idiots can drive auto.

Also, there should be mandatory re-test every 5 years before you get a renewed license. Too many people forget how to drive and pick up a lot of bad habits along the way.

Put DMV tests back in the government's hands. Charge whatever to cover the cost. Privatization of these services never works, just look at that truck school in NE that's passing everyone for example. I know for a fact that same is happening with standard licenses but just that cops can't investigate them all.

Or another interesting idea, you can only get drivers test from your insurance company. Since it's the only group that don't want to cover bad drivers. I know this hand a lot of power to them, but you're not driving if you are uninsurable anyway. Why not merge 2 functions into 1.

03-22-2005, 02:13 PM
I dont think the insurance companies need any more weight than they already have... but at least you are thinking. I think the drivers test should be more than 15 minutes too. I also think they allow for too many errors on the exam as well. Some of the drivers licensing companies in town here cater only to a specific race... and will approve a license for them regardless of ability and some of them couldnt qualify in a 10 foot drag race on a tricycle. Some people are not meant to drive, but everyone here thinks its a right. Solutions are definitely needed.

03-22-2005, 02:23 PM
I never use the horn, except in extreme circumstances. I think I've used it 4 times in the 4 years I've been driving. I took it to heart when the person who taught me how to drive told me to drive like everyone else on the road is completely unable to operate a vehicle. Same as on a motorbike I would imagine, stay out of blind spots, make sure people know you're there, never assume they aren't that stupid, cause chances are they are indeed that stupid.

03-22-2005, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by Melinda

I'm very horn happy. I got honked at once by some french guy for not running a red light so he could be first in line when the light turned green and although I knew what I did was right, I still hated getting honked at, made me feel like I did something wrong. So when people are being dumb, I'm usually the first to lay on the horn, maybe it'll make them feel dumb and they'll pay more freaking attention. That and a horn always makes people around you pay more attention to the person you're honking at...might help avoid the likelihood of the dumbass causing an accident

Did you honk him back & give him the finger? lol, j/k

03-22-2005, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by abyss
I never use the horn, except in extreme circumstances. I think I've used it 4 times in the 4 years I've been driving. I took it to heart when the person who taught me how to drive told me to drive like everyone else on the road is completely unable to operate a vehicle. Same as on a motorbike I would imagine, stay out of blind spots, make sure people know you're there, never assume they aren't that stupid, cause chances are they are indeed that stupid.
You should always use the horn. I believe it's one of the old driving test questions. Something like:

If you see someone at a crosswalk not paying attention and hovering on and off the sidewalk, do you :

a) ignore him
b) change lanes
c) honk to get his attention
d) brake

The horn is designed to alert others. Safety is more important than ettiquette. Correct answer was c.

03-22-2005, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by kiwi

Did you honk him back & give him the finger? lol, j/k
Sure did, then when the light turned green we both made our left hand turn and he followed me into the gas station I was going into and came up to the window threatening me saying crap like "You better watch who you give the finger to" and all that other stuff...the thread about it is on beyond somewhere, it happened last summer :)

03-22-2005, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by rage2

You should always use the horn. I believe it's one of the old driving test questions. Something like:

If you see someone at a crosswalk not paying attention and hovering on and off the sidewalk, do you :

a) ignore him
b) change lanes
c) honk to get his attention
d) brake

The horn is designed to alert others. Safety is more important than ettiquette. Correct answer was c.

I agree, I should've made my point more clear. I thankfully have not been in many circumstances that require me to use my horn. I don't believe that if someone merges in front of you and doesn't wave you should honk your horn, that's what I was trying to allude to. Yes, some people do that. If it would save someone's life, including my own, or save damaging my car, do not think I would hesitate to use my horn if need be.

03-22-2005, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by Melinda

I'm very horn happy. I got honked at once by some french guy for not running a red light so he could be first in line when the light turned green and although I knew what I did was right, I still hated getting honked at, made me feel like I did something wrong. So when people are being dumb, I'm usually the first to lay on the horn, maybe it'll make them feel dumb and they'll pay more freaking attention. That and a horn always makes people around you pay more attention to the person you're honking at...might help avoid the likelihood of the dumbass causing an accident

:love: yay! someone who uses their horn! I'm totally horn happy and I don't see a problem with that (if it's used in the right situation). Some people think it's horrid to use it and NEVER do, and then I ask "then why the fuck do you think your car has one then?"

But yeah Calgary has major road rage issues..a few yrs ago, my friend (a girl) was driving along John Laurie or something, and she apperently cut a guy off waay back..he tailed her, then at the lights, got out of his car and smashed her taillights (thats fucked up) and was like "you fucking cut me off back there.." luckily some guys stopped to help, and while that guy was raging, another guys took off the guys license plate and reported him..haha (according to my friend, the police said taking the plate was wrong, but in this situation they didn't charge them or anything for that)

not really related but that story popped into my head.

03-22-2005, 03:15 PM
What? So they just unscrewed the license plate from the raging guy's car? Wow! ha ha ha

03-22-2005, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by Melinda

Sure did, then when the light turned green we both made our left hand turn and he followed me into the gas station I was going into and came up to the window threatening me saying crap like "You better watch who you give the finger to" and all that other stuff...the thread about it is on beyond somewhere, it happened last summer :)

Then did you give him the finger again when he said that? I would! ha ha ha

03-22-2005, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by kiwi
What? So they just unscrewed the license plate from the raging guy's car? Wow! ha ha ha

haah yeah pretty much! I was surprised and shocked when my friend told me..a middle aged man raging at a 17 year old girl??? thats fucked up!

03-22-2005, 03:23 PM
Calgary is home to the worst drivers in the world. What do you expect, seriously.;)

My theory is that alot of the poor "white" drivers are from Saskatchewan. Lets face it 1/3 of Saskatchewan's population has moved to Calgary in the last 15 years. Alot of them come from small towns with straight roads and no lights to a city of 1 million people.

As a group/race I find oriental women to be the absolute worst drivers on the road. I have first hand knoweledge because I live in the NW next to the Hamptons and Superstore on Country Hill BLVD where alot of near misses occur on a daily basis.

After that senior citizens, all women in general, and cowboys in their pickup trucks round out the list of poor drivers.

03-22-2005, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by heavyD
Calgary is home to the worst drivers in the world. What do you expect, seriously.;)

My theory is that alot of the poor "white" drivers are from Saskatchewan. Lets face it 1/3 of Saskatchewan's population has moved to Calgary in the last 15 years. Alot of them come from small towns with straight roads and no lights to a city of 1 million people.

As a group/race I find oriental women to be the absolute worst drivers on the road. I have first hand knoweledge because I live in the NW next to the Hamptons and Superstore on Country Hill BLVD where alot of near misses occur on a daily basis.

After that senior citizens, all women in general, and cowboys in their pickup trucks round out the list of poor drivers.

That's right, blame it on Saskatchewan, they're all too busy ogling the mountains they forget to shoulder check. LOL :nut:

03-22-2005, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by abyss
That's right, blame it on Saskatchewan, they're all too busy ogling the mountains they forget to shoulder check. LOL :nut:

I knew there would be alot of people from Saskatchewan reading as per my statement above. Don't get mad at me, drive better.:D

03-22-2005, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by heavyD

I knew there would be alot of people from Saskatchewan reading as per my statement above. Don't get mad at me, drive better.:D

I'm not from Saskatchewan. I was born in Alberta in the best city EVER *cough Edmonton cough* ;) I agree with you, people from Sakatchewan can be really crappy drivers. Of course I've only driven with one of them, but I'd say that's a pretty safe assesment of the whole population eh? :rofl:

03-22-2005, 03:52 PM
I feel that once people have reached a certain age, they shouldn't be allowed to drive anymore.

A few years ago, my mom & my brother almost got run off the road by an 81 year old man! When he got out of his car to go check on them, he was walking with a cane... =/

Like someone said above, I totally agree that each person should be required to take another road test each time they renew their license... but I guess it costs too much to do that.

03-22-2005, 05:05 PM
btw, i should have said "back" checking, those who turn their heads 180 degrees when merging/changing lanes. :rolleyes:

03-22-2005, 05:10 PM
Now, that is dumb.
Look over your shoulder, check side view, and if applicable, rear view mirrors, and make the move.... People who turn all the way around usually end up rear-ending somebody in the not-too-distant future.
Not to mention the havoc it will wreak on their neck because they were turned all the way around...
People who do that also have a tendency to drift the opposite direction that they are trying to move in.... another huge pet peeve of mine.

03-22-2005, 05:19 PM
90% of drivers have their mirrors pointing into the sides of their vehicles anyway. I'm also really horn happy and have also been followed home (2 way stop thread somewhere). But I'm kind of nuts so I'm just waiting patiently for someone to try raging with me. :D

Just the other day I was mentioning to the woman that we should start carrying a dozen eggs around for all the idiots that stop for merges, or park in the no-stop zones. Course I'd run out before I even got to work.


03-22-2005, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Euro_Trash
I find that Edmonton drivers are worse

I agree with that statement, as I grew up there.

Back to drivers in Calgary, the same deal happened to me, but at 120km/h on the highway. Some ignorant driver decided to pull into the left lane as I was passing him. I clearly was not in his blindspot, I think he neglected to shoulder check. A good lay on the horn, and all was said and done.

03-22-2005, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by ZMan2k2

So, just remember this while on the road now. The person behind you, beside you, whatever, got a 77 on their test. If you think that, you'll be ready for damn near any stupid manouver that will quickly flash through their head.

I agree. It is way too easy to get a license in Calgary! And that goes without saying! just observe all the shitty driving going around!

03-22-2005, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by Skyline_Addict

I agree. It is way too easy to get a license in Calgary! And that goes without saying! just observe all the shitty driving going around!


i know a couple people that i went to highschool with bought their lisence, complete BS.

03-22-2005, 06:22 PM
I know how it feels to be hit by a friggen moron. My car was in the shop so friend very kindly loaned me one of his for a week because of some appointements that I had to make. I got to market mall and was following an old guy who decided to try to park in a visibly too small parking spot so I waited about 4 car lengths behind him as he tried to get in. Well about halfway in he decided it wasn't worth it and started to back up. In the mean time I had another vehicle pull in behind me so I had no where to go except forward. The guy pulls out of the half stall and looks to go forward except that there is now a F150 sitting in front of him so he decides to continue backing up....without looking. :banghead:

SO I decide I'll wait a bit before laying on the horn. SO at about a 1/2 car length away he still hasn't looked back and I sit on the horn. Didn't even phase him, he wanted a piece of the bumper. Bump, thankfully he was not going fast and did not damage to the bumper but really WTF? Isn't it common sense to look over your shoulder when backing up? :dunno:

Anyways parked a couple of stalls away from him and when he got out I gave him a piece of my mind. :thumbsdow
Why are drivers getting worse out there? And if you want to see really shitty drivers head up to Fort McMurray.

[/end rant]

03-22-2005, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by Zero102

DayGlow, cops honestly don't care if you pass them at 5 or 10 over the limit, even when they're going 5 or 10 over the limit? I never pass cops unless they're going under the speed limit, but I have a friend who will just tear by them, he insists that they have more important things to do than chase him....

Now, big warning, this is only me speaking, so don't apply it to every cop :D

When I'm driving around I hover around the limit. I know I'm being watched and I know there are people out there with nothing better to do than complain because a cop car was going 10 over the limit. So I'm usually around within 5 of the limit. Now if you pass me, even going 5 more, you still will pass me at a brisk pace. I won't care, I don't think there are many out there that will care that someone is doing 10 over on a major roadway.

Now if someone does pass me at a decent clip I will match speed to see what they are doing. If you are going 20 or so over then there will be an issue, but 10? Not really.

On a side note I find that I see the really stupid people only when I have to go to a call or transporting someone and can't stop. Today someone did a blatent unsafe left turn across my path and if I didn't break I would have hit them, but I was on a call so I couldn't go after them. I really hate that because stuff like that is what traffic education is all about.

03-22-2005, 06:43 PM
yep, there's a lot of retards on the road now days. Sometimes I just wanna get out of the car and smack some senses into those fuk heads.

03-22-2005, 07:19 PM
You should always use the horn. I believe it's one of the old driving test questions. Something like:

If you see someone at a crosswalk not paying attention and hovering on and off the sidewalk, do you :

a) ignore him
b) change lanes
c) honk to get his attention
d) brake

The horn is designed to alert others. Safety is more important than ettiquette. Correct answer was c.

I couldn't drive without a horn... Calgary drivers are never paying attention to whats going on around them... the horn is a good way to wake them up, 90% of the time its so they dont change lanes into you.

I think the worst part of calgary drivers IMO is the elderly... I have had so many bad experiences with old people on the road its rediculous. Just this summer, I was driving down Donaventure Dr. heading southbound right near Rona, i was taking off from the lights got up to about 45-50, just as im about 10 ft away from the entrance to the Rona parking lot, this 83 year old lady decides to pull her Camry out right in front of me trying to head northbound.... Wham! ... It was so blatently obvious that she couldn't make it accross my lane, yet she still went... And then she had no idea what was going on when she got out of her car... License retesting should be an obligation for the elderly.

03-22-2005, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by DayGlow
When I'm driving around I hover around the limit. I know I'm being watched and I know there are people out there with nothing better to do than complain because a cop car was going 10 over the limit. So I'm usually around within 5 of the limit. Now if you pass me, even going 5 more, you still will pass me at a brisk pace. I won't care, I don't think there are many out there that will care that someone is doing 10 over on a major roadway.

What I find (and it's natural, especially on the highway) is if someone passes you rather slow, you tend to check out their car, the occupants, etc. So the above would be rather risky if you say, had a lowered car with after-market exhaust and a nice tint job. Cops are human after all and that's a nice quick way to get a few tickets off your "performance expectation". :D


03-22-2005, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by abyss

I'm not from Saskatchewan. I was born in Alberta in the best city EVER *cough Edmonton cough* ;) I agree with you, people from Sakatchewan can be really crappy drivers. Of course I've only driven with one of them, but I'd say that's a pretty safe assesment of the whole population eh? :rofl:

yet another reason I don't want to get a saskatchewan plate on my car hahaha....I hate saskatchewan drivers myself and don't want to be associated with the god damn place, but insurance prices are crazy low so I dunno........

03-22-2005, 08:23 PM
LOL one RCMP member when (I was in school in sask) came out to a call of our friend who rolled their vehicle... (we phoned them) and so the first guy gets there and is grilling everyone to see if they are drunk... says he had no problem coming around the corner... then his partner comes around the bend and rolls the cruiser into the ditch. hahaha she was a bit shook.. but unharmed.

03-22-2005, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by DayGlow
The shoulder check is an lost art it seems. Hell people do that to me at least once during a set of shifts in a marked vehicle.

What I really hate is the people that sit in my blind spot.

Aren't both of those ticketable offenses?

I'd really like to see the Edmonton and Calgary Police forces put more emphasis on some of the more non-mainstream offenses (take a break from some of the speed enforcement): improper lane changes, tailgating, improper use of signal lights, not shoulder checking, turning directly into the wrong lane when executing a left or right turn through an intersection, not using your headlights when conditions warrant, driving too SLOW for traffic/conditions, illegal turn signal bulb colors (that F@#kin BLUE can be hard to see until you're almost on top of someone with those who's slowed down trying to turn!), etc.

It gets tiring hearing over and over again in media reports whether SPEED or ALCOHOL were factors in a given accident. Nobody talks about the ton of other dumbass factors that come in to play....

03-22-2005, 10:09 PM
believe me, if someone cuts in front of me I do stop them.

Unfortuantly most times people drive good around us. I'd love to catch a tailgater or someone weaving through traffic, but if they are 4 or 5 cars ahead in traffic, I'm not going to risk getting into an accident to get to them. I often see people ahead that really need to be dealt with, but heavy traffic prevents that.

03-22-2005, 10:13 PM
Just out of curiosity, how come they don't let some of you drive around in actual civilian cars? Drive a Jetta for a day, which would probably net you enough tickets for your entire district.


03-22-2005, 10:55 PM
Cops need to allow video evidence for ticketing, as in, if I catch somebody on tape doing something royally stupid, they should be able to issue a ticket based on that (even if it's only a registered owner ticket). It would lead to more people taking an active role in good driving.

03-23-2005, 09:36 AM
Hey, question: The recent Deerfoot crackdown was supposed to be all about stopping people for pulling stupid shit on the foot like shoulder-checking and tailgating, not just speeding. Did anyone hear about anybody actually getting pulled over for being an ass in traffic?

03-23-2005, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by Inzane

Aren't both of those ticketable offenses?

I'd really like to see the Edmonton and Calgary Police forces put more emphasis on some of the more non-mainstream offenses (take a break from some of the speed enforcement): improper lane changes, tailgating, improper use of signal lights, not shoulder checking, turning directly into the wrong lane when executing a left or right turn through an intersection, not using your headlights when conditions warrant, driving too SLOW for traffic/conditions, illegal turn signal bulb colors (that F@#kin BLUE can be hard to see until you're almost on top of someone with those who's slowed down trying to turn!), etc.

It gets tiring hearing over and over again in media reports whether SPEED or ALCOHOL were factors in a given accident. Nobody talks about the ton of other dumbass factors that come in to play....

No they are not ticketable offenses. However the possible resulting unsafe lane change would be.

Ticketing for every little mistake will not help the situation the key to having better drivers is education. Someone should put out a weekly or daily tv show/skit on proper driving in calgary. Also if you want to get through daily driving life brush up on your DEFENSIVE driving skills. I can't count the number of times my "sixth sense" has saved my ass on account of someone elses mistake. Anyway maybe I should start a weekly thread on driving tips....hmmm btw as I've mentioned before on here I am an ex driving instructor so I think I have seen just about everything. :)

03-23-2005, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by Moonracer
Ticketing for every little mistake will not help the situation

But neither does blanket speed enforcement.

Its all too easy for the average skeptical public to not see that as anything more than pure revenue generation.

Even cops (and driving instructors) will tend to admit that keeping vehicle speeds consistent in traffic flow is generally more important in terms of safety, than absolute speeds.

My beef is that "speeders" get painted all over the media as EVIL when other jackasses that engage in just about every other kind of unsafe driving infraction tend to slip under the radar (pun intended) unnoticed, because they may have happened to keep close to the speed limit.

03-23-2005, 04:00 PM
I had a similar story compared to rage in that I laid on my horn and the other driver just didn't react to it...

A few weeks ago on NB Deerfoot off-ramp at 32 Avenue... stopped at the light following a semi-trailer waiting to turn left on the inside left-turn lane. Light turned green, I started following the truck and then the Aerostar on my right but probably a little ahead started turning into the front of my car for no reason. He got closer and closer and I laid on the horn when I thought he was going to hit me... It turns out that he wanted to get into my lane but was doing so really forcefully. I had to totally stop and steering my car to the curb to avoid what I thought was a sure crash. Luckily no contact.

It turns out that there a stopped vehicle or something up ahead and he needed to get into my lane, but come on at least to it safely. Neither him or I got throught the green light, so I proceeded to get out of my car and let him (a guy in his late 60s probably) know my frustration. He went on to piss me off further.... he said he signalled and I said I did not see him signalling. He said I must be blind if I didn't see him signal (I thought to myself: didn't you see my fuckin' car and heard my fuckin' horn).... I also told him that he almost hit me. He said but he didn't. I told him that's because I almost had to hit the curb to avoid him. Then I walked away.

When does signalling give the right for someone to turn and crash into someone?

03-23-2005, 05:04 PM
man why didn't you just let him into the lane? if you saw him turning in, then you knew he was trying to get in, rather than not slowing down then slamming on the brakes and nearly hitting him, you should've relaxed, stopped and let the guy in your lane.

03-23-2005, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by Inzane

But neither does blanket speed enforcement.

Its all too easy for the average skeptical public to not see that as anything more than pure revenue generation.

Even cops (and driving instructors) will tend to admit that keeping vehicle speeds consistent in traffic flow is generally more important in terms of safety, than absolute speeds.

My beef is that "speeders" get painted all over the media as EVIL when other jackasses that engage in just about every other kind of unsafe driving infraction tend to slip under the radar (pun intended) unnoticed, because they may have happened to keep close to the speed limit.

The traffic flow arguement is dead in the water as I've yet to found the majority of traffic flowing at 20+ over the limit. A few people in the fast lane maybe, but not every car on the road in every lane. At most I've seen on or off duty is around 10 over the limit.

Just last week I gave a ticket to a guy that passed me in an unmarked and I started to clock him. He was doing 105 down MacLeod passing everyone. His escuse? I was going with the flow of traffic. Right, we were the only cars going at that speed. Everyone one else was going around 80-85.

I've yet to see someone doing the speed limit down Deerfoot with every car zooming by.

03-23-2005, 06:19 PM
80-85 on Macleod? Dang... where? Not north of Anderson I hope :O Ive seen it on deerfoot where people are doing 120 consistantly..

03-23-2005, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by 32V-V8
Ive seen it on deerfoot where people are doing 120 consistantly..

Me too, and I don't even live in Calgary.


03-23-2005, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by 32V-V8
Ive seen it on deerfoot where people are doing 120 consistantly..

@ 5:30am, 120 will barely keep up with the traffic.

hell, even I'm guilty of doing 150 from time to time to get in/out of the merge lane. Finding an open spot instead of waiting for one to open up. I'm not proud of it but sometime it's just safer that way.

03-24-2005, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by scooby_dooby
man why didn't you just let him into the lane? if you saw him turning in, then you knew he was trying to get in, rather than not slowing down then slamming on the brakes and nearly hitting him, you should've relaxed, stopped and let the guy in your lane.

that's exactly what I did as soon as I knew wtf he was doing. I stopped totally (wasn't going fast anyway starting from a dead stop), but he kept turning into me as if I wasn't there. There isn't a lot I could have done (since I was already stopped) except for using the horn to avoid an accident. I really thought he was gonna chop across my hood. I am pretty damn sure he will be at fault for making an unsafe lane change if he crash into me.

Moral of the story: always shoulder check and don't assume people know wtf you're doing when you pull an unexpected move.

03-24-2005, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by DayGlow

The traffic flow arguement is dead in the water as I've yet to found the majority of traffic flowing at 20+ over the limit. A few people in the fast lane maybe, but not every car on the road in every lane. At most I've seen on or off duty is around 10 over the limit.

Unless where the speed limit is unrealistic. Most drivers tend to drive at or near the speed limit unless where the speed limit is so unrealistic that they just ignore the sign and drive at a pace that they are comfortable with. I think the City do Spot Speed Studies from time to time to compare the 85th percentile speed with the speed limit to see if they need to change the speed limit on a certain road. Generally, the City like to have speed limit close to the 85th percentile speed.

03-24-2005, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by 32V-V8
80-85 on Macleod? Dang... where? Not north of Anderson I hope :O Ive seen it on deerfoot where people are doing 120 consistantly..

South of Anderson to the edge of the city.

As for 120 on Deerfoot, yes groups of cars do go that fast, but not all the cars in all lanes. It is then your choice to speed and will pay the conciquences of if caught. Many times I've had people complain that other cars were going just as fast. Too bad, but I can only pull over 1 car at a time and it was their time :)

GTS Jeff
03-24-2005, 07:43 PM
Man, I wish all the cops that pulled me over were as reasonable as DayGlow...:(

03-25-2005, 11:57 AM
So we all agree that the Driver's test in Alberta is too easy ?? Good !

BTW I learned to drive in the U.K. My test lasted 1 1/2 hours ,and we drove on small city streets to Motorways. My test in Ontario in 1980 was once around the block ,about 5 minutes. I was told whatever I do , DON'T BREAK the speed limit. My examiner told me I drove too slow,and should have kept up with the flow of traffic (driving over the speed limit ) . :rolleyes:

I think they must give licences away (or pocket a few bucks. ..) in Alberta.

03-26-2005, 11:33 AM
(regarding incident 1 in Rage's story)

Hahaha damn old people. I had my share of incidents with old people. i think it should be a law to take a license exam AGAIN after 65. because, although they are still ABLE to drive, some seniors arent competent behind the wheel anymore.

03-26-2005, 01:37 PM
Young drivers are the worst drivers. They speed, change lanes without signaling, etc etc.

But the worst thing is, they THINK they're the best drivers of all time.

Also, Calgary has grown too fast for it's infrastructure, too many drivers for the same old roads.