View Full Version : 1991 Chevrolet Corsica

03-24-2005, 08:44 AM
Hey Guys,

Im new to this site and so far like it very much. Was wondering if anyone could help me though. Since im not allowed to post in marketplace im posting here. I hope i can do that.

But anyways. Im looking for a rack & pignion. It broke a little while ago in my car but its getting worse each time i drive. So i was wondering if anyone knew where i could get one. A good one. But a cheap one. I took my car to get inspected and they said 2000$. But that sounds a little much. Anyone know where i can get it cheaper. And in the Calgary area. Thanks


03-25-2005, 02:31 AM
A new rack from Can. Tire is about $300 ,even one from the wrecker is about $100.
If you factor in an alignment and labour,you are looking at no more than $700. Your quote of $2000 is way off.


03-25-2005, 10:16 AM
Hey Man,
Thanks for replying. Yesturday i took a chunk of the day and called around. I got some desent quotes. better than 2000$. I got one for $400 but i think i can get one cheaper yet.

Thanks again though.

03-27-2005, 11:22 PM

Was wondering if anyone knew where i could find a repair manual on the net for a 1991 chevy corsica to repair the rack 7 pinion.

Also i took my car in for a diagnosis and they said it was the rack and pinion. what happens is either direction i turn the wheel, there is this grinding sound. Does someone have a different thought or you think it is the rack and pinion?

Im going to take my car into another shop and have them look at it and make sure it is the rack and pinion forsure before i do any work.


03-29-2005, 06:31 PM
Sounds like the steering gear than meshes onto the rack is probably grinding on something. I bet the boots on the rack are all torn up and you've got dirt in there causing abrasive wear which will most likely be whats causing the noise.

As for a manual, I'd suggest a Hayne's manual which is avaialbe at Canadain Tire. I think that manual is the best for a layman's explaination for the novice/backyard mechanic.