View Full Version : Behind the Wheel - March 30, 2005

03-30-2005, 11:03 AM
Young Drivers

The only thing I wanted for my 16th birthday was my driver's licence. My father took time off of work to drive me to what was then called the Motor License Office where I earned my learner's. It was a big day in my life, and marked the first milestone in joining the world of the adult.

Thirty years later, I look back on that time and wonder how I made it this far. Twenty years in traffic enforcement has taught me to wonder what is coming around the corner to get me today as I patrol our highways. There are many spots where I drive by and think about that fatal collisions that I have investigated.

How risky is driving, particularly for a new driver?

Simply put, car crashes are the number one killer of youth today. The next top four causes (suicide, cancer, accidental poisoning and other transport incidents) taken together don't add up to this total. In 2003, 83 young people between the ages of 13 and 21 were killed in one of the 47,800 youth related crashes on B.C. highways.

ICBC, Autoplan Brokers, police and community groups are working together to try and reduce these figures. Conversations, Road Sense speakers, Drive 05, the PARTY program, www.roadsafety.ca and a web based contest at www.cancelled.ca are all attempts to increase road safety awareness among young drivers and to help them survive to become adults.

Are you concerned about what kind of driver your teen will be? If you are, set the example yourself. Driving attitudes are formed long before the age of 16 as your children take their lead from what you do behind the wheel.

03-30-2005, 11:04 AM
It may seem a bit corny, but there are some nice prizes for BC drivers at www.cancelled.ca just for the effort of a bit of reading and a few clicks....

03-30-2005, 11:13 AM
The contest is open to individuals between the ages of 13-21 living in British Columbia.

Mr. Burns
03-30-2005, 11:26 AM
Here in calgary we have some of the biggest a$$hole drivers you'll find anywhere. I got cut off the other day, and before I could flip the other guy off he flipped me off! Some stupid kid.... I hope he is paying out the a$$ for insurance.

03-30-2005, 11:28 AM
Good progress, however I am 21 and just finally got a break in insurance, I still get pulled over just to be "checked up on", which I understand 100% as that is your job, however, in reality I don't think you will lure alot of teens and "young adults" through website contests to ensure they drive "better and safer" I think you guys need to work something out with insurance, and start REWARDING good drivers, lower rates, regaining demerits, whatever, if you are a good safe driver, why should you pay for being a male under 25 (or whatever it may be)

I think you guys would see alot more results if you rewarded youngdrivers for "good driving", not through "contests on the web"

Food for thought, my 2 cents :thumbsup:

The idea isn't bad, just dont know how succesful it will be with late teens early adults....

04-02-2005, 08:57 PM
None of this has anything to do with the police (who I assume you mean by "you guys").

I don't know about Alberta, but you get discounted on claim free driving here in BC, and if you don't collect tickets, you don't get billed for points (essentially a bad driver premium) on your birthday.

The contest is meant to have you consider what it means to be a good driver. It's a bonus to go with everything else as well.

04-04-2005, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by skidmark
, and if you don't collect tickets, you don't get billed for points .... on your birthday.

Happy Birthday everyone!!!

Here's a bill for you speeder's............and for those of you that aren't speeding, CONGRATULATIONS!!! we're not giving you a birthday present this year.

OMG!!! Government sure has a twisted way of seeing things!