View Full Version : photo radar BLOCKER

04-10-2005, 01:58 AM
Does anyone have one of the license plate photo radar blocker on their rides? My hommie just gave me one that he got in edmonton and im hesitent on putting it on my Z. I dont know if its illegal because i really dont need more pigs pulling me over and screwing me over again. Thanks

04-10-2005, 02:00 AM
they'll pull you over..The fucking thing prolly won't work anyways..You know what does work?? SLOW DOWN :devil:

04-10-2005, 02:03 AM
Dude, it the one that on different angles it blurs the plate. I do think it works. Its genious imo:thumbsup:

04-10-2005, 02:04 AM
none of that stuff works anymore and i dont think it ever did
cops do update their technology and they are just as good as those people who try to make things to counter the cops technology

throw it in the garbage and take the brick out of your shoe...

04-10-2005, 02:06 AM
thanks for the input:)

04-10-2005, 02:14 AM
The sticker that blurs your plate cannot be caught my photoradar.

The problem is, you are FAR more likely to find a cop following you than encounter a photoradar trap. And the ticket for altering your licence plate will come more often than a photoradar ticket.

04-10-2005, 02:51 AM
photoblocker doesn't actually work, but aside from that using it is like planning to break the law. not cool.

04-10-2005, 04:09 AM
you can get a ticket for an obscured plate if you use the cover. Also the cover will be siezed as evidence when you get the ticket.

04-10-2005, 11:44 AM
there is this stuff u can buy that you simply spray on...it looks 100% normal, only problem..its like clear coat..it makes ur plate reflective, if a person looking at it looks perfectly normal, when the photoradar goes off and the flash goes off..all the picture gets is a bunch of reflection of the flash right back at it

04-10-2005, 11:47 AM
Haha none of that junk works, its just a play to sell useless products, dont waste your money, if your gonna speed, be ready for the consequences

Ed the SOHC
04-10-2005, 11:55 AM
I had a clear plastic license plate cover from Canadian Tire to keep my plate clean and a cop pulled me over and made me take it off on the spot. It was on my car for years though, so i'm not sure why this one cop hated it so much.

04-10-2005, 01:03 PM
the radar blocker does work for anyone who says it doesn't, my cousin bought it at jb's in edmonton a while ago and tried it out, but its not worth it, considering you see alot more cops driving around then you do photo radar, your bound to get busted with it and hit with a fine

04-10-2005, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by DayGlow
you can get a ticket for an obscured plate if you use the cover. Also the cover will be siezed as evidence when you get the ticket.

I'm planning on getting a $10 dollar bicycle from a garage sale. I'm going to permanently hang it off the back end of my truck. I doubt that cops are going to be very critical about this.

Too bad for you sports car guys, a rusty old bike on the back of your car isn't all that attractive. :rofl:

04-10-2005, 02:04 PM
Thats so ghetto man. :thumbsup: The thing is we got red light cameras all over the place in the north east, not saying its ok to run red lights but we have alot of people that follow to close and i would rather run it than get smoked from behind and screw up my baby..........( waiting to get flammed....ha ha ha) and the time that i do want to make the choice of running it i hope that i dont hurt anybody but at the same time i dont want to have wip lash and extensive back problems either. There is nothing like a mint car just like a hot chick with the finest natural curves not no plastic modification lol if your going to mod it it better be tasteful
oh and you fools that follow to close i hope you do run the light with me a get T boned you ass

04-10-2005, 02:09 PM
imagine me putting one of those hitches with the tennis ball on the back of my z to hide my plate it would be the first hick z in the world HA HA HA. I know i know it wont work the z ass is to high to mount something like that. :nut:

04-10-2005, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by duffspec
Thats so ghetto man. :thumbsup: The thing is we got red light cameras all over the place in the north east, not saying its ok to run red lights but we have alot of people that follow to close and i would rather run it than get smoked from behind and screw up my baby..........( waiting to get flammed....ha ha ha) and the time that i do want to make the choice of running it i hope that i dont hurt anybody but at the same time i dont want to have wip lash and extensive back problems either. There is nothing like a mint car just like a hot chick with the finest natural curves not no plastic modification lol if your going to mod it it better be tasteful
oh and you fools that follow to close i hope you do run the light with me a get T boned you ass

Red light cameras only go off if you enter the interesection after it turns red. If you are in the interesection before it's red it will not go off. Concidering that there is a 3 second delay between a yellow and a red you should be able to slow down unless you are way over the limit, car on your butt or not.

04-10-2005, 02:17 PM
cool i respect that. thanks

04-10-2005, 09:23 PM
the spray on license plate things dont work, (tested it out myself, its a gimmick) the overlays that dont let u see it at different angles are TOO OBVIOUS, ppl will look at ur car while they walk by and notice it, they are definately a waste of money...

04-10-2005, 09:39 PM
I've got half a dozen in my collection. It costs $196 to have one over your plate here in BC.

04-10-2005, 11:25 PM
Haha, half a dozen in your collection. I guess that means you're against them.

The only reason I like some covers, is they help keep your plate clean. I find that once dirt settles into a license plate, it's a bitch to get off, and it's always kind of stained. Not very cool on a nice freshly waxed car.

04-11-2005, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by DayGlow

Red light cameras only go off if you enter the interesection after it turns red. If you are in the interesection before it's red it will not go off. Concidering that there is a 3 second delay between a yellow and a red you should be able to slow down unless you are way over the limit, car on your butt or not.

You are incorrect. I personally saw a car get flashed after he entered the intersection on a yellow light. The car may not have passed under the traffic light itself when the light turned red, however.

I was waiting at the intersection of 10th St NW and 16th Ave N. I was on 10th St facing north, stopped at a red light. As usual, I was closely watching the cross-traffic lights to see when my light was going to turn green. A car driving eastbound on 16th Ave ran a yellow light (entered the intersection while the light was yellow) and got flashed.

So whether you believe it or not, the truth is that the red light cameras take pictures of cars when they run yellow lights, too.

04-11-2005, 12:48 AM
Originally posted by StupidWade

You are incorrect. I personally saw a car get flashed after he entered the intersection on a yellow light. The car may not have passed under the traffic light itself when the light turned red, however.

I was waiting at the intersection of 10th St NW and 16th Ave N. I was on 10th St facing north, stopped at a red light. As usual, I was closely watching the cross-traffic lights to see when my light was going to turn green. A car driving eastbound on 16th Ave ran a yellow light (entered the intersection while the light was yellow) and got flashed.

So whether you believe it or not, the truth is that the red light cameras take pictures of cars when they run yellow lights, too.

I think a police officer would know how a red light camera works.

04-11-2005, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by t-im

I think a police officer would know how a red light camera works.

What possible reason could I have for making this story up? It wasn't just me, either. My GF (in the passenger seat) saw exactly the same thing.

I encourage you to believe everything you're told by the police.

I'll choose to believe my own two eyes.

04-11-2005, 01:20 AM
Originally posted by StupidWade

What possible reason could I have for making this story up? It wasn't just me, either. My GF (in the passenger seat) saw exactly the same thing.

I encourage you to believe everything you're told by the police.

I'll choose to believe my own two eyes.

Good for you
What possible reason could a police officer have about lying how a red light camera works
and i'd much rather listen to what a cop has to say then assume certain traffic laws/rules, which i'm sure you do.

The fixed red light cameras photograph only those vehicles that enter the intersection after the light turns red. The cameras are synchronized to the traffic signal so the camera is activated only when the light starts its red phase. This system is designed to minimize photographs being taken when an offence has not occurred. The camera takes two photographs: one just before the vehicle enters the intersection on a red light and a second one as the vehicle proceeds through the intersection. Each set of photographs is later evaluated by an officer to ensure an offence has occurred prior to the issuing of a summons.
If you still don't believe that then by all means, you can think what you want.

04-11-2005, 06:46 AM
If there is a cop on this forum I guess I gotta watch what I say before I get some STUPID ticket lol.:D

04-11-2005, 07:17 AM
Originally posted by StupidWade

You are incorrect. I personally saw a car get flashed after he entered the intersection on a yellow light. The car may not have passed under the traffic light itself when the light turned red, however.

I was waiting at the intersection of 10th St NW and 16th Ave N. I was on 10th St facing north, stopped at a red light. As usual, I was closely watching the cross-traffic lights to see when my light was going to turn green. A car driving eastbound on 16th Ave ran a yellow light (entered the intersection while the light was yellow) and got flashed.

So whether you believe it or not, the truth is that the red light cameras take pictures of cars when they run yellow lights, too.

The ticket from a camera is for entering an intersection on a red light, if you are in the interesction before it turns red, then there will be no ticket mailed.

My understanding of the cameras is that they take 2 pictures to show the vehicle has progressed through the interesection. The car may have been flashed, but no ticket would be issued.

04-11-2005, 07:45 AM
Originally posted by Zero102
Haha, half a dozen in your collection. I guess that means you're against them.

The only reason I like some covers, is they help keep your plate clean. I find that once dirt settles into a license plate, it's a bitch to get off, and it's always kind of stained. Not very cool on a nice freshly waxed car.

i believe the "covers" for license plates that are being talked about here are totally different, not just clear covers...

ever have one of those rules that was 3d when you were little, looked at it at different angles and the picture would change?, this is basically how that works, its got two pieces of that plastic that dont allow you to see through when you look at it from the sides or above and below, not only for cameras but for ANYONE looking at your plate....

something like this:

04-11-2005, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by soupey

i believe the "covers" for license plates that are being talked about here are totally different, not just clear covers...

ever have one of those rules that was 3d when you were little, looked at it at different angles and the picture would change?, this is basically how that works, its got two pieces of that plastic that dont allow you to see through when you look at it from the sides or above and below, not only for cameras but for ANYONE looking at your plate....

something like this:

Thats what i got. I think it might cause to much trouble though

04-11-2005, 09:36 AM
Top Gear tested out the spray on lincense plate shit and showed that it works, and some of the technology there for traffic enforcement is greater then it is here.

04-11-2005, 10:08 AM
I thought about using 50 or 60 watt pure infrared bulbs back there. Invisible to the eye, may overexpose the film...

any photographers here?? would that work?

04-11-2005, 10:32 AM
Toma your the shit!!!! I was thinking radiation. Shot me I shot at you back lol.

04-11-2005, 11:50 AM
^mm that could be possible, but it'd have to b bright enough during the day too....

04-11-2005, 11:52 AM
In Australia, they sell a licence plate frame that has a slave strobe light built into it. When the speed/red light camera flashes, the strobe on the frame flashes, obscuring the numbers on the plate.

Of course, this requires that the speed/red light camera actually uses a flash, which not all of the ones in Calgary do.

04-11-2005, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Toma
I thought about using 50 or 60 watt pure infrared bulbs back there. Invisible to the eye, may overexpose the film...

any photographers here?? would that work?

Good thought but that wouldn't work. If it's not bright enough for the human eye to see it then the film they use won't see it either. If it were infrared film then yeah but then all their pics would be overexposed. :)

04-11-2005, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by AllGoNoShow
Top Gear tested out the spray on lincense plate shit and showed that it works, and some of the technology there for traffic enforcement is greater then it is here.

I have this spray, its paint laquer and does not work.

04-11-2005, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by Toms-SC

I have this spray, its paint laquer and does not work.

me too, its in a lil white bottle with a yello label that says Red Stop or something

doesnt do a thing. esp not in daylight...

04-11-2005, 02:21 PM
oh, mines different. Its in a red can...tech TV did their little thingy about it.

04-11-2005, 05:55 PM
The things that reflect back when the flash goes off don't work because usually, if you invert the photo, you can read the plate just fine. heheeh, tricky huh.

Sometimes the red light cameras do malfunction tho.

My bf and I were stopped at a red light and we were making a right turn (17th ave and 44th SE) (it is legal to make one there) and we made our turn and the bloody thing went off, scared the shit out of me and the guy behind us. No ticket tho, guess they saw the mistake


04-11-2005, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by AllGoNoShow
Top Gear tested out the spray on lincense plate shit and showed that it works, and some of the technology there for traffic enforcement is greater then it is here.

there is another difference though- UK plates are smooth and do not have raised letters as do ours. To acheive the same effect you would have to use a cover, which is noticable and illegal.

04-11-2005, 11:17 PM
I think the best to beat the cop is buying Jammer and Valentine radar.
Doesn't anyone know how to buy jammer in Calgary or can ship to Calgary?

07-09-2010, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by Toma
I thought about using 50 or 60 watt pure infrared bulbs back there. Invisible to the eye, may overexpose the film...

any photographers here?? would that work?

If you came up with this plan on your own - I give you pretty high marks. It's a commercial product actually .. image obscuration with NIR led's. These things don't come in watts - they come in milliwatts (mW)- thousands of a watt. What's the prefix for a millionth of a watt? A .... microwatt (uW) .. the symbol mu .. pronounced mew (and not meow).

Suffice to say photoradar cameras are sensitive to near infra-red - (rather sensitive) - so lining up a bunch of IR LED's is going to do an admirable job of what it is you're attempting to achieve. Day or Night.

Test your setup by viewing your license plate in Nite-Mode© but at the same time test your driving skills by viewing things in manual Brain-Mode©

Here's a little blurb on em .. it doesn't mention IR Led's explicitly - but it's all the same story +/-20%.

IR led's come in two different wavelength (both of which are not visible to the unaided eye - Probably get by with the cheaper of the two (the shorter wavelength) just fine.

20 or 30 of them is ample.

Again, test with your PalmCorder (in Nite-Mode©).

The color and type determines the required voltage. This ranges from 1.8V for a certain red, through 2.4V for reds, oranges, greens, yellows. violet, UV, blue and white go up to about 5V.

Low current LED's go down to 1mA at 1.8V (red) for their rated output, which is 1.8V * 0.001A = 2mW or 0.004W.

Most common LED's use 20mA at 2V or so, so about 40mW (0.04W).

Large LED's can use up to 5V and 0.6A, or 3W, and bigger ones are coming out all the time. The voltage pretty much stays the same, but the current goes up.

The circuits used to drive LED's do not always supply full voltage and current. If less voltage and current is supplied, the power is less.

Resistors are often used to limit current to the LED so it is not destroyed. Everything else being equal, 10 diodes will indeed use 10x as much power.

07-09-2010, 05:35 PM
5 year old thread....

07-10-2010, 09:14 AM
Originally posted by AE92_TreunoSC
5 year old thread....

Valid today - as it was yesterday. True say, true say!

07-10-2010, 02:41 PM
I wish my hommie would give me a plate cover.

07-10-2010, 03:16 PM
do you ever start reading a thread, and after reading the first 3 pages realize that its 5 years old?

that just happened.

07-10-2010, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by broken_legs
do you ever start reading a thread, and after reading the first 3 pages realize that its 5 years old?

that just happened.

i do that all the time. :banghead:

07-10-2010, 04:13 PM
My buddy constructed a device that quickly raises a black plastic rectangle infront of the license plate which is activated by a button near the steering wheel. It's fucking baller. He is working on programming all the locations of cameras into it so it raises automatically :bigpimp: . Already figures it's saved him 3,000$ in fines.

07-10-2010, 04:15 PM
5y old thread... but one thing that may help is a plate that looks old and well used. I've seen, what looks to be, 10-15 year old AB plates with the white background all faded and cracked on some "fast" vehicles.

This would put a serious damper on trying to identify the numbers of the plate.... I thought about sanding or lightly sand blasting (with fine media) the plate to keep it from being seen from a far and look old at the same time.

07-10-2010, 05:41 PM
Normally I only respond to five year old threads or older. Your not allowed to tamper with the plate re: sanding it or blocking with a retractable bat shield (lead plate) or smearing Skippy© brand peanut butter on it (and yourself) or .. or .. or.. or having explosive bolts secure your plate.

Those are all chargeable offenses.

Illuminating your plate (with NIR) is not an offense.

TIp Tip Tally ho! See you in five years!

07-10-2010, 05:55 PM
Yes, its illegal to modify the plate - so whats stopping mother nature from doing it?

Some people drive around with 20y old plates im sure, and they certainly look their age.

07-10-2010, 06:19 PM
During Calgary winters ive gotten away with having my plate cover over with thick snow, saved 100s in fines :D

07-11-2010, 01:42 PM
Why does Ned Flanders have to teach everyone about The Law?

Your plate has to be kept clean and readable - why don't you just glue an old hornets nest to it -- "your Honor - I didn't want to disturb them". Understandable - but not good enough - your bad luck - you should have called: Pest Off!

Your plate has to be clear and legible - it's a no brainer - otherwise why even have a plate requirement. Clear and legible and not damaged. If it's all bent out of shape - you have to go to the ministry and get a new one. (Or I'll report you).

As for snow on your motorized vehicle. All windows and mirrors must be unobscured. You can not drive around with the Calgary equivalent of a russian tank. With just one vision slot. That's impaired driving actually. All your windows have to be cleared completely - not just partly - completely. You're not allowed to have a big pile of snow on your roof either - it blows off and obscures and potentially frightens other drives .. it's why we have brooms and plastic shovels and 12 y.o. sons.

You're not allowed to drive while trying to gorf down a big greasy slice of pizza in your face. That could also result in an impaired driving charge (were there an accident) and it could be shown to be as a result of driver inattention.

Oh here's a good one - my neighbour did this Driving along - sees a nice full moon on the horizon. Decides it's worthy of a 2500 dollar court visit. He's trying to take a picture of it. What a bozo!!! Slams into the guy in front of him. (Pictures of the moon never turn out anyhow - no matter how huge it looks (to the eye) it always appears pea-sized in your captured images. It don't work. Careless driving. What a maroon. Driving is a full-time job - it's not a hobby. Most people have trouble chewing gum and tying their shoes at the same time. Engaging them in conversation is a recipe for disaster - on the road. A lot of people have paid dearly for getting too comfortable behind the wheel. DOH!

07-12-2010, 08:44 AM
Originally posted by illeagle
they'll pull you over..The fucking thing prolly won't work anyways..You know what does work?? SLOW DOWN then speed up again after the intersection Fyp.