View Full Version : WTB: Some free weights or home gym

04-13-2005, 01:27 PM
Want to buy:

Either Some free weights or a home gym.


04-13-2005, 01:32 PM
I may be selling my York home gym set if the price is right. Make me an offer on it. All the weights are there, painted it black last summer, might do some touchups or repaint the whole thing again this spring if it doesnt sell quickly, looks pretty good. Padding on bench is still good. Includes the bench bar and pull downs and leg machine for the end of the bench.

I will try and get some pictures tonight.

Let me know if your interested. It isn't put together right now as the basement just finished, but if you want to just come and check it out I could throw most of it together probably late tonight or tomorrow.

04-13-2005, 01:59 PM
You have some specs on the York gym... ie) model #, weights, types of exercises, cable condition, etc?

04-14-2005, 02:50 PM
Model # dunno, we got it off a neighbor so we dont have anything original from it or anything.

Weights I believe are 10lb a piece when my bro checked them out.

Types of excersices, beats me man, anything a normal home gym set thing can do with bars a becnh and leg curls, Im not excersice fanatic, all I use it for is working on legs and bench press.

Cables are steel but haven't rusted yet, still in good condition, a little on the stiff side as they havent been used alot but once you get them going again they should be fine.