View Full Version : Criminal Record

eeseen racing
04-15-2005, 04:08 AM
ok sorry post messed up..
i was given 2 speeing tickets 5 or so months ago was not able to pay them insurance is off the car currently and i will not be able to pay them untill the end of may

will i ahve a criminal record or anyhitng untill they are payed?

04-15-2005, 06:01 AM
whoa 5 months ago???? well if u dont pay them, u need to go DT and tell em u cant pay it.....they will help u...bye giiving monthy payments....u shoulda got that done in the frist month

04-15-2005, 08:51 AM
Were the tickets yellow or pink?

Yellow = Fine
Pink = Warrant for your arrest.

Moreover, did you just not appear for the court date on the ticket, or did you plead guilty and ask for time to pay? If you plead guilty and asked for time to pay, and then failed to pay, then there also would be a warrant for your arrest. That warrant would be what's called a 'pay or stay' which means if you get arrested, you stay in jail for the default time given by the judge (usually 30 days on a no insurance, 2-7 days on other tickets), unless you can pony up the whole fine.

Either way, unless you are charged and convicted of a criminal offense - then you will not get a criminal record. Traffic tickets are regulatory offenses, and even though they may result in jail time, do not appear on a criminal record.

04-15-2005, 09:37 AM
From what I understand... as I had a run in with the law about two years ago with some tickets... here's what I believe happens, i'm pretty sure about this, but dont quote me on it 100%.

If get a yellow ticket and dont go to court, your found guilty of it, and if you dont pay it... nothing will happen... for now, you wont get a criminal record but
you go to get new registration for your car, they will not let you untill the tickets are paid
if you have over $500 in unpaid tickets, your licence is automatically suspended, if you get pulled over driving with that much in fines, your car will be impounded for 30 days and its really expensive to get out because you have to pay all the fines as well as pay the impound fee's plus you have to go to court where they CAN actually thow you in jail/give you a huge fine/suspend your licence for up to a year i believe.

04-15-2005, 09:51 AM
I had the pink one about a yr ago, got pulled over downtown, caused a big scene in front of the tower:rofl: :banghead:

Anyways, problem was sorted out the next day and I was free to go.

But I recieved that ticket by not paying my yellow ones lol

eeseen racing
04-15-2005, 12:04 PM
thanks a lot guys ya they are yellow and i should go where to do this monthly payment thing thanks again

04-16-2005, 11:28 PM
Yellow or pink is just the color of the copy that they give you. While it is quite possible that one form always has yellow copies, and the other form always has pink copies......I don't recommend that you base your decision solely on the color of the paper. Read the text, on both sides of the ticket and see what it has to say.