View Full Version : Impark Questions

04-16-2005, 09:47 PM
I got a impark ticket in their lot across from Tantra when I was borrowing my Dad's car last night (Being the DD with a Prelude doesnt work). I have read on a lot of threads here that Impark cant really do anything to you besides make threats about collection agencies etc. If I had gotten the ticket on my car I wouldnt have thought twice about it and just ignored it. But since its my Dad's car, he going to get letters to his name from Impark's collection agency if I dont pay the 40 bucks. Although I dont want to pay the ticket, I also dont want to have to explain why they were ignored to my Dad or have him think his credit is going to get ruined or anything like that because Impark does include bullshit threats in their collection letters.

Should just I take the 40 dollar hit or wait and see what happens. I think if you wait longer than a week, the fine is doubled.

04-16-2005, 09:48 PM
Pay the fine so you don't have to deal with the headache of Impark + dad's bitching..

04-16-2005, 10:19 PM
i got one in calgary last summer outside mynt, came to my car, threw it on the ground. I havent gotten any letters, calls/disturbances.

04-17-2005, 12:57 AM
I thought they are not allow to charge fines? Aren't you only responsible for the cost of the ticket?

04-17-2005, 01:05 AM
Originally posted by Xtrema
I thought they are not allow to charge fines? Aren't you only responsible for the cost of the ticket?

Im not sure about that, all I know is the cost of the ticket was like 4 bucks and the fine is 37 bucks.

04-17-2005, 01:09 AM
I believe there was a new thing being passed, where the registries was no longer supplying Impark with peoples licence plate info. This all came down after those automated phone calls to like 400 people in the middle of the night.

I could be wrong.

But if that is the case, you would not have to worry about them harrassing you. Just be careful if you get busted again, they might tow your ass.

04-17-2005, 03:42 AM
Got one tonight, laughed and chucked it in the garbage.

04-17-2005, 11:09 AM
I've gotten 3 in the past 2 months, paid them cause i happened to have some spare cash but it's don't a big deal if you don't pay them.

D. Dub
04-17-2005, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by Xtrema
I thought they are not allow to charge fines? Aren't you only responsible for the cost of the ticket?

Impark is evil incarnate!!!!!

Their tickets are extortion!!!

Luckily they aren't too smart. I had about 5 of their tickets in Calgary, I then paid for monthly parking in one of their lots and their system didn't even catch my plate #!!!!

04-18-2005, 12:00 AM
So the consenses is fuck Impark and toss the ticket?

04-18-2005, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by Khali
So the consenses is fuck Impark and toss the ticket?

04-18-2005, 12:18 AM
is it possible to use the excuse 'i never got one, someone must have just tooken it off my windshield and threw it away'?

04-18-2005, 12:38 AM
I don't remember how many Impark tickets I have. All I know is that it's alot over a period of three years. I continue to park at Impark without paying, and I continue to get tickets, I have not been towed. The device in which the parking attendants use is not connected on a network system -- it simply records the plate, the fine amount, the parking lot code and the date, and then prints the ticket. Until Impark updates there system to a connected network system (like what the cabs use), they will have no way to find out whether or not you're a repeat offender, and in turn tow you're ass!

D. Dub
04-18-2005, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by Speed_69
is it possible to use the excuse 'i never got one, someone must have just tooken it off my windshield and threw it away'?

You don't even need an excuse...their tickets are illegal and pretty much extortion.

Under contract law you are only liable for the cost of the parking in the lot you are in.

For example if the lot is $6 per hour.... and you are 1 hour over the time limit...... legally you owe them that extra $6, thats it thats all.

It's ludicrous that they "fine" you $37 or whatever the amount is... I refuse to pay on principle...

b/c sometimes two wrongs do make a right :tongue:

Sometimes they even have a so called "collection company" contact you that is at the same address in Vancouver as their home office...the collection company has a different name and they make it seem like an independent company....thats scuzzy.

They threaten you with court and your credit rating....which is utter bullshit b/c you are only liable for the cost of parking...they are not going to take you to small claims court for $6, and they cannot effect your credit rating until they get a judgement.

They're scum, tell them to pound sand up their ass or you'll forward the matter to your lawyer b/c of their harassment.


05-27-2005, 12:24 PM

Hey all, I'm new here but I had to post to this subject!

First of all Impark is a scam, and considered illegal now by two provinces. They cannot legally ticket you, collect from you, tow you or keep your vehicle in their lots. The last two things I mentioned are not covered in a lot of news articles but they are true.

It would be great if someone could find the original story posted at canada.com, I couldn't find it but it was very good for people to read that they have nothing to fear from Impark. The only reason Impark makes money is that people don't know the truth. If they all did, we could bankrupt them. :whipped:

Another thing a lot of canadians don't know is that Equifax does not accept "collections" from Impark and that Impark collections are really just a money-scare. They call your house repeatedly but all you have to do is threaten a lawyer or else bellow into the phone that the person they are trying to reach does NOT LIVE THERE!! For automated phone calls, send a nasty letter to the head office and they will stop. They cannot legally do anything, and are powerless. We need the message to get out as more and more lots are being taken over by them.

I have received a few tickets for idiotic situations and I refuse to pay. They have called, sent letters, I have scaldingly reported them to BBB (as a complaint) and to other venues. I have threatened a lawyer and they don't call anymore.

My most recent hash was that I parked in an empty lot next to Science World, where Impark runs the parking. Well lo and behold if they did not, after months of parking, finally issue a ticket for not being parked in an authorized parking lot. Well they can just eat that ticket, for nowhere in that empty lot does it say anything about not parking. Hmm...seems kinda hokey to me. IMPARK if you are reading this YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY AND I WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU BANKRUPT!!

So yeah if anyone comes across the article for Impark's illegal activities, post it. More people need to be aware.

I recently posted a letter on an Impark ticket meter (which I may add are always stealing your change or not working completely) letting parkers know of the illegal activity. Hope some saw it and laughed.

A source mentioned to me also that any cancelled Visa, as long as the expiry date is in the future, can be used to purchase tickets. All the machine does is scan the expiry date, and there is no recourse when in the end they cannot collect from the company. Now what kind of retardedness is that?? I think it's hilarious. I hope the guy that stole my Visa years ago (expiry 2007) knows this and is happily stealing parking! What can they do? Call me up and ask me who is using my cancelled Visa? DUH morons it was stolen have fun trying to get the money!!

Anyways I have exhausted my vent but will continue the fight to educate people. The more that know, the better!!!

05-27-2005, 12:33 PM
Yeah most of the parking lots that allow you to charge to credit card dont have some database they check, they just scan the exp dates. A lot of people seem to be just using expired credit cards in Impark Lots and others nowadays (it will work until the data is taken off the machine [like once a week] at which point you will just need a expired credit card with a different number.

05-27-2005, 12:53 PM
LOL actually you know what's funny about that is my friend who told me about it, still uses hers. It's been like a year at least now. So they can't be that up on their database...haha! Jokes on them.

Sorry I just hate Impark! :clap:

Oh and I forgot to mention about the towing and the tow yard - because their ticketing is illegal they have no right to ask for a fee upon towing. If you arrive while they are towing they MUST drop your car (well not literally), and CANNOT force you to pay. If you are adamant and can stand your ground, they will cease to threaten.

If you go to their tow yard they cannot request a payment, you can leave with your vehicle, because they aqcuired it illegally and if for some reason it ever went to court they would be ordered to release the vehicle and you would not owe. But from what I have heard they don't let it get that far because it costs too much.

Isn't that just the most hilarious joke? They have no clout. Period.

05-27-2005, 01:16 PM
They can however get the city to issue you a ticket and of course have you towed. I noticed they are doing this more and more since they lost access to the registry information.

05-27-2005, 01:27 PM
Yes, I got an Impark ticket two weeks ago, (which i wont pay) and last week in an impark lot I recieved a city of calgary ticket, which, of course I will pay.

05-27-2005, 01:43 PM

It was a blue ticket which means... Impark!! Therefore no city, therefore no pay. :bigpimp:

However if they did issue a City one of course i would pay. But here in Van they haven't lost the contract with the MVB for finding out information, which is probably why they don't issue any city ones.

They are a retarded bunch and I intend to spread the word and stomp on the ants that they are.


05-29-2005, 10:10 PM
I have gotten over two dozen tickets from them, as I just park in the lot and leave. My car has never been towed and I have had great friendly chats with the collection agency ladies, "Govern yourself accordingly sir" is my favorite response after I tell them to get fucked.

05-30-2005, 09:28 PM
Hehe, I park the same spot every day, and for the first 20 days I got a ticket, now they dont bother :) I just park there and the attendant seems to think its OK :)


Edit: oh and they never called or bothered me, ever.

- Rasmus

07-26-2013, 10:59 AM

I parked on a lot that didn't have visible signage at the entrance where I came in. I honestly didn't know it was a pay parking lot. Got a ticket.

I called them, they told me to dispute on their website, which I did. They forwarded to collections. Now they're saying it's my fault for not following up with them when I didn't hear back. (I already told them on the phone I'm disputing).

They're just playing us, hoping we'll pay anyway. This is super unethical. I don't want to let that stand, so hoping others will join me, possibly form a class and put some weight behind it. If we can get critical mass (even if you already paid), we'll get our money back.

Please contact me here: [email protected]


07-26-2013, 11:04 AM
8 year thread bump :nut:

07-26-2013, 11:09 AM
Holy, 8 years - so let's get an update.

1. Can Impark legally fine us?

2. Can Impark tow us?

3. Can I just use an expired CC to use their lots?

4. Does this mean I can park downtown without paying the retarded $20ish fee?

07-26-2013, 11:17 AM
1. I owe 2325 to these people - no calls - no collections. (31 tickets over the course of 9 months)

2. I was ALMOST towed in december of last year - Caught it just before the truck picked it up (thank god - the paperwork for the lot was already on my car - he was literally just starting to back up when i got in)

BTW - I did have to pay a CITY 40$ fine for this one - they actually gave me a parking ticket in the impark lot.

3. No idea - I would just not pay.

4. Basically - but you have to keep an eye on your car once you start racking up the number of ticks. (they keep track based on your plate - it shows how many you have on every ticket)

07-26-2013, 11:27 AM
3. No. No gift Visa/MC either. If you still find a machine without card validation, you may not be in a good part of town.

07-27-2013, 08:37 PM
They will try and screw you any chance they get. My boss had just got his car custom painted. Black Fleck. He paid for a ticket, displayed it and parked at the end of a row so he could hug the far line in order to be as far away from the rusty f-350 next to him as possible. He came back to the car to go to lunch and saw an impark guy giving him a ticket for not parking in the lines. His car was exactly on the line, far edge of the tire in the middle of it. No spots on the other side. He took a picture as he approached. Its awesome. Parking guy has a deer in the headlights look on his face and its plainly obvious my boss's car is not over the line.

Impark dropped the ticket. Nice try though.