View Full Version : HELP...Windows won't start

04-19-2005, 02:16 PM
Hey guys. Sorry if this is a stupid ques but I don't know much about computers.

So the computer starts up and windows gets stuck on the windows xp screen (before it asks you to log on). The mouse still moves and everything just stays on that screen. I keep resetting it and also tried safe mode but dosn't work.

Heres my question. I have the XP Home Operation System cd. I tried using it as a boot disk but it gave me the option of installing OS, repairing previous install or quiting. I chose to quit. If I choose to repair previous intstallation will I lose all my files? I have lots of important info on there which I can't lose. What should I do to save my stuff?

Thanks guys!

Xaroxantu Zero
04-19-2005, 02:21 PM
Repairing shouldn't affect any of your other files. It only messes with Windows system files.

GTS Jeff
04-19-2005, 10:47 PM
try starting up with "last known good configuration"

04-19-2005, 11:29 PM
You can reinstall/repair, but do NOT format. If you do repair or reinstall you will have to reinstall most of your programs as well. The actual files are there but there's a bunch of windows configs that are done.

When you are starting up, it will say something like "Press f8 for options" - click than and start in safe mode. Then you should at least be able to uninstall whatever you installed last.


04-19-2005, 11:40 PM
your boot sector could be messed up, if that is the case you will need a new hard drive, but can still use the old drive for a secondary.

04-20-2005, 01:22 PM
OK....last known configuration and safe mode and all that don't seem to work. The black windows screen comes up (initailizing??) with the little bar that moves then the blue screen comes on where normally you choose which user but now just says winXP. Now the funny thing is it still reads. If I leave it there once in awhile the light comes on showing its reading or working or whatever but never gets past that screen.

Tried repairing. I used chkdsk /r to repair as it does nothing itself. It took 2 hrs last night and at 4am I was pretty pissed off that it didn't work. Is there anything else I should be typing instead of chkdsk /r. Its been awhile since I've used DOS.

Lastly I checked the box it came in. I have some HP recovery discs (6) that cam with it. Should I use them? I know I've already said this but I can't stress enough that I can't lose the files on there. And I have to figure this out quick my next final's coming up and I need that info. Where is a good place to bring it? Should I bring it back to FutureShop?

Thanks for your help guys :banghead:

04-20-2005, 01:26 PM
If you reinstall windows over itself it wont touch your files. Try that.

04-20-2005, 01:35 PM
this happens wit some vidcards too, if u just updated ur vidcard driver (happened to me when i used a specific nvidia driver), anyways, jus go safemode and uninstall ur graphics card driver and u'll b good.

04-20-2005, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by soupey
this happens wit some vidcards too, if u just updated ur vidcard driver (happened to me when i used a specific nvidia driver), anyways, jus go safemode and uninstall ur graphics card driver and u'll b good.

Originally posted by maximus

I keep resetting it and also tried safe mode but dosn't work.