View Full Version : What happened today by the river???

04-19-2005, 08:54 PM
So i was driving on memorial west today around 4:10 and saw a shitload of cops all gathered around by the side of the river. This was a little after the ramp to go into downtown. Anyone,, Anyone??

04-19-2005, 09:03 PM
There was a fire in that area. Could it be related? Maybe.

04-19-2005, 09:34 PM
not to jack thread or n e thing but the RCMP station on 16th ave west just up the hill over the deerfoot overpass was tapped off yesterday is the morning...the whole thing...

04-19-2005, 11:06 PM
There was a coyote running wild in that area. They eventually had to shoot it and kill it after several hours of chasing it around that area of the city

04-19-2005, 11:07 PM
a coyote, wow dangerous:rolleyes: theyr behind my parents house all the time running wild in edgemont and no ones ever had a problem

04-19-2005, 11:08 PM
^ :werd: they're more scared of us than we are of them.

04-19-2005, 11:09 PM
2 children were attacked on 2 separate incidents today by coyote(s)

the cops figured the one they shot was the likely suspect

04-19-2005, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by 2002civic
a coyote, wow dangerous:rolleyes: theyr behind my parents house all the time running wild in edgemont and no ones ever had a problem

I know..
All across edgemont (edenstone/edelweiss and edgevalley), Hamptons (cul-de-sac's around the course) and Varsity Estates have had coyotes around forever...and it's not a big deal..

the only problem is once in awhile someones dog gets mauled.

04-19-2005, 11:12 PM
Down by fish creek, cats go missing from time to time. Never heard of any attacks on humans...

04-19-2005, 11:16 PM
^^ They usually only attack humans if they are provoked , I saw one yesterday running across Bow Trail , i wonder if that was the same sob ... he seemed crazy enough to cross such a busy road.

But why would they shoot it , cant they just knock it out?

04-19-2005, 11:17 PM

On April 19, 2005 at approximately 9:44 AM a young child (3
years old), was bitten by a coyote in the area of the 2900
block of 10 St NW. The injuries to the child were minor in
nature, and was transported to the Children’s Hospital by
EMS. Members of the Calgary Police Service circulated the
area, and were unable to locate the animal.

At approximately 3:06 PM another young child (2 1/2 years
old) was bitten by a coyote in the area of the 900 block of
13 Ave NW. This child also suffered minor injuries and was
transported to the Children’s Hospital By EMS.

Members of District #3 circulated the area for offending
animal, and located it in the area of the 100 block of
Memorial Drive NE. Resulting in the animal being put down.

The remains of the animal have been turned over to Fish and
Wild Life Officers.

04-19-2005, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by JAYMEZ_STi
^^ They usually only attack humans if they are provoked , I saw one yesterday running across Bow Trail , i wonder if that was the same sob ... he seemed crazy enough to cross such a busy road.

But why would they shoot it , cant they just knock it out?

The only reason I can think of is that animal control wouldn't be able to arrive in time, cops don't have animal tranquilizers, and they didn't want to let it escape?

04-19-2005, 11:22 PM
Yeah I live in varsity estates, right on the golf course and I get coyotes in my backyard all the time, if they get to close to the house I just get my bb gun and shoot them so they leave lol, not a big deal, coyotes are pretty pussy. It's the deer you gotta watch out for, there much more dangerous than hawks or coyotes, when my older brother was 12 he tried to pet a dear and it charged him and gave him 10 stitches. fear the deer, that's my motto.

04-20-2005, 12:22 AM
I think the reason they resorted to killing the coyote was because it had already attacked two kids. The cops had already brushed aside the incident a couple weeks ago when another kid was bitten by a coyote near the University and perhaps this was their way of saying "mebbe we shoulda paid attention the first time around"

04-20-2005, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by t-im

I know..
All across edgemont (edenstone/edelweiss and edgevalley), Hamptons (cul-de-sac's around the course) and Varsity Estates have had coyotes around forever...and it's not a big deal..

the only problem is once in awhile someones dog gets mauled.

In the hamptons they even stray farther then cul de sacs around the course. Never had a problem with one; guess my dog scares the shit outta them

04-20-2005, 12:32 AM
I got these two emails from UofC security. I am sure all other uofc peeps did as well. Check it out.

Email #1
Faculty, Staff and Student Advisory


Shortly after 11:00 AM today, the Calgary Police Service advised Campus Security
that a 9 year old child was apparently bitten by what the child described
as a coyote, near the volleydome south of campus.

Although the incident occurred off campus, the University is advising faculty,
staff and students not to leave children or pets unattended until police
and provincial wildlife officials can provide further information.

The Calgary Police Service is at this time unable to confirm whether the
animal was a coyote or a dog but it is important to exercise caution until
this is determined.

The University is working with provincial wildlife officials to determine
the appropriate next steps.


Email #2
Student, Faculty, and Staff Advisory
Update on coyote sightings


Although it is still unclear if it was a coyote that bit a 9-year-old near
the volleydome south of campus last weekend, and the injuries were superficial,
we do know there are coyotes in the area, so it is important to be prudent
and cautious. There have been several other reports of coyotes in the area.

Alberta Fish and Wildlife officials have advised the University that this
behavior is inconsistent with that of an urban coyote. However, if the animal
in question is a coyote it may be a juvenile that has been ejected from
the den. If this is the case, the juvenile coyote may not fear humans. They
advise that if approached or followed by a coyote, make lots of noise, yell,
and make yourself appear as big as possible by raising your arms or jumping
up and down. Chase it away. When you walk your dog, walk two dogs or walk
with someone else. Do not approach known dens. Some females may still be
in heat and are roaming. The coyotes could also be appearing in unusual
areas as they will eat the feces left behind by domesticated, well-fed dogs.

The full brochure published by Fish and Wildlife Division is now on the
University’s website. Go to the main page and click on: “Living with coyotes
in Calgary,” top right.

I dunno maybe its the same one or something. Never got any updtate on it after/yet anyways.

04-20-2005, 12:57 AM
They probly felt it needed to be put down because it already attacked two people so it had acquired the taste and probably would attack again.

04-20-2005, 01:26 AM
Originally posted by shakalaka
I got these two emails from UofC security. I am sure all other uofc peeps did as well. Check it out.

Email #1
Faculty, Staff and Student Advisory


Shortly after 11:00 AM today, the Calgary Police Service advised Campus Security
that a 9 year old child was apparently bitten by what the child described
as a coyote, near the volleydome south of campus.

Although the incident occurred off campus, the University is advising faculty,
staff and students not to leave children or pets unattended until police
and provincial wildlife officials can provide further information.

The Calgary Police Service is at this time unable to confirm whether the
animal was a coyote or a dog but it is important to exercise caution until
this is determined.

The University is working with provincial wildlife officials to determine
the appropriate next steps.


Email #2
Student, Faculty, and Staff Advisory
Update on coyote sightings


Although it is still unclear if it was a coyote that bit a 9-year-old near
the volleydome south of campus last weekend, and the injuries were superficial,
we do know there are coyotes in the area, so it is important to be prudent
and cautious. There have been several other reports of coyotes in the area.

Alberta Fish and Wildlife officials have advised the University that this
behavior is inconsistent with that of an urban coyote. However, if the animal
in question is a coyote it may be a juvenile that has been ejected from
the den. If this is the case, the juvenile coyote may not fear humans. They
advise that if approached or followed by a coyote, make lots of noise, yell,
and make yourself appear as big as possible by raising your arms or jumping
up and down. Chase it away. When you walk your dog, walk two dogs or walk
with someone else. Do not approach known dens. Some females may still be
in heat and are roaming. The coyotes could also be appearing in unusual
areas as they will eat the feces left behind by domesticated, well-fed dogs.

The full brochure published by Fish and Wildlife Division is now on the
University’s website. Go to the main page and click on: “Living with coyotes
in Calgary,?top right.

I dunno maybe its the same one or something. Never got any updtate on it after/yet anyways.

I read that too. I think I got that email more than a week ago.

Keep an eye out for your dogs, cats, friends and relatives who you let them out alone.

By the way, what is a den and where are they? I have always thought coyotes come from the wild, but there are dens that hold them?

04-20-2005, 07:07 AM
^^ A den is where a coyote lives. It's an underground or cave-like place where they have a "nest", for lack of a better term. They usually have a family of animals in them.

Anyways, the cops shot and killed this coyote, because he was an aggressive animal, that had attacked two children. You'll notice, if you watch the news, where they shot the one, there was another up the hill, towards crescent heights, that they left alone. They are just making sure that the public is safe.

It is a shame though. It's another example of urban sprawl, creeping into habitats of other creatures, and taking them over.

04-20-2005, 07:23 AM
I guess it's ok to kill a coyote since it attacked small children. Anyhow, a coyote isn't going to take down a dog. Unless it's one of those rat on a ropes...in which case, that's fine anyhow! :D

If you think you are in danger if you see a coyote while you are walking your dog - uhm, you're just not!!!

Coyotes are canines - they are a member of the dog family. They are NOT large. You will be very hard pressed to find a Coyote that weighs more than 50 pounds and that would be an anomoly (sp?). Most Coyotes are around 30 pounds. When they get slimmed down in the winter, you might see them hit 20-25 pounds. So it's not like they are big. Hell, my CAT was nearly 20 pounds at one point...the biggest of big coyotes would likely not exceed about 20" in height. (Shoulder height on the coyote I mean)

A Coyote is really about the size (and similar shape) of a mid-size collie.

We have coyotes here regularly (out by 22x) - see them on the golf course a lot too. They pay us no attention and we pay them no attention.

About the kids that got bit...

Where were the parents? Suggesting to the kids to pet the nice little doggie??? LOL.

On McKenzie Meadows golf course - I was like 10 feet away from a Coyote and it just sat there. These things aren't big or scarey. While I don't trust the things, I certainly wasn't afraid of it. I honestly don't think it'd have a chance. It might bite you a couple times, but armed with a wedge or even a mid-iron and I think it's gonna be in big trouble. LOL. Anyhow, it gave me a look, then walked right across the fairway. Stopped again right of front of my ball. Looked at us again. I think it was more afraid of us. It never even attempted to threaten ... maybe it was full. :dunno:

04-20-2005, 10:13 AM
the first kid was a toddler who was out at Confederation Park with his/her daycare group. The coyote jumped the toddler by surprise and was said to have been hiding in the bushes.

The second kid i think got bit on the way home from school.

04-20-2005, 11:07 AM
cougars and bears and.. coyotes ? .. oh my!
