View Full Version : Why I hate you!!!!

04-20-2005, 11:44 AM
Is it me or does it seem like summer time brings out all the fools? Im driving on mcknight heading to deerfoot trail on a leasure drive yesterday and some young punks in a ugly fugging silver zx2 zip right by me like I was standing still. That wasn't even the bad part, two other wannabe f1 drivers follow suit, one in a runny shit colored cav. and the other in a snot green talon. All the fools had the same rice mufflers. WTF? The cav notices my 240 ( has a bad paint job black hood, black roof, very ghetto) slams on the brakes checks out my ride revs his shit and wants to race. Pfffttt that shit will get you a date with the insurence strap on. I dont bite.

We hit the barlow lights and the three monkeys start doing the car "jerking" at the lights. I think to myself man all that "jerking" is not going to get you anywhere especially when there is vans and cars are right in front of you. F in morons. The funny thing is what ever lane they where in or haw fast they would go I manage to get in front of them all the time .HA HA HA losers.

Skyline GTS (same Fuggin day)
My brother and I go to Sunridge mazda and there is this skyline gts in the lot. I go looking at the RX 8 and my brother goes to ask some questions about the gts with the owner, at this time i was not really interested in the dudes car because he did nt seem aprochable (ego) after i finnish looking at the rx 8 I ask my bro what car does he want to look at? He is like fuck it let go eat then we should go to check out S2000. We hop in the Z and go toward Speak Easy and the dude blows by at like 100km in a 50 hissing his blow off valve at me. WTF? What is with the attitude? I give the "nod" when I enjoy what people have done to there rides. I dont pump my chest up like a primitive baboon to flex my style. I am seriously considering getting a freekin "smart car" so I dont have to deal with these imature fools.

Dave P
04-20-2005, 11:46 AM

04-20-2005, 11:46 AM
hahaha people will fuck with the smart car too much
What you need is a mini-van.

04-20-2005, 12:27 PM
Mini van with a "soccer mom sticker":D

04-20-2005, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by BumpinTalon
hahaha people will fuck with the smart car too much
What you need is a mini-van.
Either that or just get a Hummer!
I bet no one gonna try fucking with that. lol

04-20-2005, 12:32 PM
I see that ZX2 all the time after work. It's even uglier than fugly. I call it pug ugly.

04-20-2005, 12:33 PM
You know what you need? A saturn. No one messes with Saturns.

04-20-2005, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by QuasarCav
I see that ZX2 all the time after work. It's even uglier than fugly. I call it pug ugly.

Hey hey pugs aren't ugly! :D

04-20-2005, 12:38 PM
yeah you get those wanna be's

you titled your post "why I hate you" well I thought it was about that popular blog caled Why I hate you

its at


04-20-2005, 12:42 PM
All of them are young punks. If i got a saturn it would be the sky. Any who, i remember part of there plates. Hope to be there when they wrap around some light post.

04-20-2005, 12:43 PM
I agree about the fools out nowadays. However I can't really relate since NOONE has ever tried to race me in my gold, stock, auto Maxima. Screw the Minivan, just get one of those INSTANT ricer turn off. :D

04-20-2005, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by CalgarySupra
yeah you get those wanna be's

you titled your post "why I hate you" well I thought it was about that popular blog caled Why I hate you

its at


Meh! Just a vent. There is really no way of winning in a situation like that, if you respond it will only esculate.

04-20-2005, 12:58 PM
I get that a lot too, the revving at the lights. I rarely bite. On my way home in Deer Run one day (4pm) I pull up to the lights beside this Jetta with Ontario plates that says "Turbo", he has a carbon fiber hood and trunk. The light turns green and he floors it through the intersection and up the hill and keeps on going faster through the playground zone. What a dildo. I was hoping the cops would be at the top of the hill to bust him, but he was lucky that day.

Mr. Burns
04-20-2005, 01:07 PM
^^ Not excusing the behavior, but that Jetta you are talking about puts down 326WHP... freakin' fast car. He's on the board here somewhere (i think his name is disturbo)

Edit: he is disturbo on another board, Im not sure who he is on here

04-20-2005, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by duffspec
Is it me or does it seem like summer time brings out all the fools? Im driving on mcknight heading to deerfoot trail on a leasure drive yesterday and some young punks in a ugly fugging silver zx2 zip right by me like I was standing still. That wasn't even the bad part, two other wannabe f1 drivers follow suit, one in a runny shit colored cav. and the other in a snot green talon. All the fools had the same rice mufflers. WTF? The cav notices my 240 ( has a bad paint job black hood, black roof, very ghetto) slams on the brakes checks out my ride revs his shit and wants to race. Pfffttt that shit will get you a date with the insurence strap on. I dont bite.

We hit the barlow lights and the three monkeys start doing the car "jerking" at the lights. I think to myself man all that "jerking" is not going to get you anywhere especially when there is vans and cars are right in front of you. F in morons. The funny thing is what ever lane they where in or haw fast they would go I manage to get in front of them all the time .HA HA HA losers.

Skyline GTS (same Fuggin day)
My brother and I go to Sunridge mazda and there is this skyline gts in the lot. I go looking at the RX 8 and my brother goes to ask some questions about the gts with the owner, at this time i was not really interested in the dudes car because he did nt seem aprochable (ego) after i finnish looking at the rx 8 I ask my bro what car does he want to look at? He is like fuck it let go eat then we should go to check out S2000. We hop in the Z and go toward Speak Easy and the dude blows by at like 100km in a 50 hissing his blow off valve at me. WTF? What is with the attitude? I give the "nod" when I enjoy what people have done to there rides. I dont pump my chest up like a primitive baboon to flex my style. I am seriously considering getting a freekin "smart car" so I dont have to deal with these imature fools.

oh no what a bad life you live

dude i would kill to have a 350z, you should just be proud you arent a fag and race them just ignore it man, in the end you have a 350z and thats all that matters

04-20-2005, 01:54 PM
Sorry about the length...

This reminds me of an incident that happened with me on Monday. I live in Springbank, and for those of you that don’t know, it consists of a lot of rich kids who think putting exhaust/intake/stickers on a civic turn it into a racecar.

Anyways when I was leaving Springbank driving down Bow Trail going downtown at night, there was this older generation white Integra with the standard ricer mods tailgating me like crazy. I see this Integra in the SW a lot, and the car and driver can be said to be rice and retard respectively. At first I ignored it because we were both in the middle of traffic and pushing my car was pointless in traffic like this. The whole time this was going on, people coming up Bow Trail in the opposite direction were flashing their high beams to let drivers know there were cops ahead. The guy behind me was so occupied with tailgating me, that I guess he never noticed this. He did some weaving and cutting off and made it so me and him lined up at the last set of lights before Bow Trail takes you into downtown (by the Shaganapi Golf Course). It was probably about 1 degree out so of course ricer and his passenger have their windows all the way down so you can hear that 1992 stock Honda sound system pound like crazy. As the light turned green they peeled out and took off into downtown at speeds that I could barely see his taillights in a matter of seconds. I swear when I saw the flashing red and blue lights I have never been happier to see the police in my life. At the point I drove by the Integra again near the greyhound station, I wanted to finger and honk my horn at the guy while he was getting his ticket, but I didn’t really want to attract the cops attention to me either.

It seems every time the cops do something to piss one of the general public off, they make up for it by getting one of these ricers and probably raping them with various tickets. And seeing this guys car, I know he not only got a insane speeding ticket, but he probably got a muffler, illegal window tint, illegal blue lights and the works in tickets.

04-20-2005, 01:56 PM
^^ahh, Karma at it's finest.

04-20-2005, 02:00 PM
Duffspec take listen to d-unit, hes totally right :thumbsup:

Thats the best story ive heard all day (the on about the cops)

04-20-2005, 02:03 PM
i agree that was a good good great read, i love karma

04-20-2005, 02:06 PM
I may have a 350z but thats not the problem. I respect your comment and every one on this forum its just no matter how much money you spend on your ride or lack of, I will give you the thumbs up everytime. Just dont expect me to race because of the type of car I drive or their inflated ego.

Mr. Burns
04-20-2005, 02:09 PM
^ If you want to drive in this city you will just have to accept that 90% of calgary drivers are total idiots. Just do what I do... make them think you wanna race, and then when they peel out they will look like they morons that they are. Works every time.

04-20-2005, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by mrburnsvw
^ If you want to drive in this city you will just have to accept that 90% of calgary drivers are total idiots. Just do what I do... make them think you wanna race, and then when they peel out they will look like they morons that they are. Works every time.

That f in awesome!!! Trickery at it best.

05-19-2005, 02:29 PM
This afternoon I saw the same ricer with the white tegger that I posted about earlier in this thread, pulled over by a cop car again pretty much in the same area.

Man some people never learn ...

05-19-2005, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by Khali
he probably got a muffler, illegal window tint, illegal blue lights and the works in tickets.

ricers show those things off like trophies, it is a crowning accomplishment for them when they get ticketed for their neons and tints. his dad probably paid for them.

05-19-2005, 02:39 PM
yeah black gts skyline on mcleod by chinook possibly leaving the meet.....slows down besides me with his buddy then starts driving like a mad man goof through traffic, two thumbs up to you and your scuffed up beaten skyline bud:thumbsup:

05-19-2005, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by Dave P
YAWN:whocares: :rofl: