View Full Version : A Guide to Internet Flaming

04-20-2005, 03:39 PM
Another controversial "Internet" article. Some of you will laugh; for others, you'll do at least one of the things below...

1. Tell your opponent that the argument is over, because it's degenerated into pointlessness.... doing so at the end of your post giving you the lengthy last word in it.

2. Predict the imminent death of the Internet.

3. Call your opponent a Nazi.

4. Change the subject by pointing out all of your opponent's grammar and spelling mistakes.

5. Post some horribly vicious and insulting note about your opponent.... several minutes later, post a profuse apology, claiming that you'd intended to send the message privately to a friend.

6. a: Refer frequently to pretend hordes of lurking supporters, who have mailed you privately to express their agreement and gratitude.... but aren't willing to come out publicly and say anything. (See also here.)

6b: Accuse your opponent of trying to intimidate your hordes of supporters.... add indignantly that you "will not be silenced".

7. Attempt to impress/silence your opponent by discussing your professional credentials and experience related to the topic at hand, which clearly make your opinions better and more correct than anyone else's.... be vague about details if your credentials and experience aren't actually all that impressive. (Also known as "dueling resumes".)

8. Accuse your opponent of being overly sensitive, or suggest in a patronizing tone that they "must be having a bad day".

9. Claim that an insult or other rudeness was "just a joke", and suggest that your opponent has no sense of humor.

10. Claim that *everything* is a matter of opinion, that there are no such things as facts or truth.

11. a: Claim that facts are absolute.... that there's never any such thing as dispute or disagreement about a fact.

11b: Assume that everything you learned in college, no matter how many years ago nor how much a field has advanced in the meantime, is completely unchanged.

12. Redefine words to mean whatever you want them to mean. (Also known as the "Humpty Dumpty" defense.)

13. Refuse to look something up, if challenged to do so.... no need, surely your memory is perfect.

14. Ask your opponent to supply lengthy and detailed references for their every statement.

15. Claim that if something works for you/your spouse/your kid/your parent/your best friend/your boss/your hairdresser's first cousin's dog's veterinarian, it will always work for everyone.... and if it doesn't, it's because they're not doing it right.

04-20-2005, 03:45 PM
lol thats great good find:thumbsup:

04-20-2005, 03:50 PM
haha I think we are all guilty of at least a few of those.

04-20-2005, 03:52 PM
Some people on beyond even use somr of those ways. haha Nice find.

EDIT: Spelling/Grammar one is like the most used one.

04-20-2005, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by /////AMG

NAZI :thumbsdow

:D :rofl:

04-20-2005, 04:35 PM
^^ Someones having a bad day! Eh?

04-20-2005, 04:44 PM
^I'd say that's completely a matter of opinion. :thumbsdow


04-20-2005, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by /////AMG
^^ Someones having a bad day! Eh?

Someone's ...


04-20-2005, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSpl
^I'd say that's completely a matter of opinion. :thumbsdow


dont be so serious trev, cant you take a joke

04-20-2005, 07:45 PM
^Well, Josh, if you knew what the word "joke" actually means, we wouldn't be having this argument. The word "joke" comes from the Latin term joculus, meaning a debilitating disease in the jocal (crotch) area, ie gonhorrea.

Thus, no. I'm always serious about crotch rot.

:rofl: :rofl:

04-20-2005, 08:15 PM
Screw it this conversation is over there is no point in fighting over who has STDs and who doesn't. Just remeber... your moms a whore

04-20-2005, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by shakalaka
Some people on beyond even use somr of those ways. haha Nice find.

EDIT: Spelling/Grammar one is like the most used one.
:werd: so true, i see it a lot. I know I've done it b4.

04-20-2005, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSpl
^Well, Josh, if you knew what the word "joke" actually means, we wouldn't be having this argument. The word "joke" comes from the Latin term joculus, meaning a debilitating disease in the jocal (crotch) area, ie gonhorrea.

Thus, no. I'm always serious about crotch rot.

:rofl: :rofl:

hey just cause the matter of fact is you have crotch rot doesnt mean that you have to get all bitchy aobut it.

04-20-2005, 10:22 PM
Oh, if I were really mean, I'd say I got it from your gf... but I'm not THAT bad! :D

04-20-2005, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSpl
Oh, if I were really mean, I'd say I got it from your gf... but I'm not THAT bad! :D

tha's cold obi wan

04-23-2005, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by Khyron

Someone's ...


Fuck man what is wrong with you. You think you are better than everyone else? I'll have you know I am a professor of English at the U of C and a published author to boot. Why is it that someone always has to be a grammar Nazi! Maybe you just need to relax. I am done with this post, I will not waste any more of my time on this because I know that you are being overly sensitive about grammar when the majority of people just don't care.

04-23-2005, 02:00 PM
I am sorry. I didn't intend to post that publicly. It was intended to be a private message. Again, I am sorry.

;) :D

04-23-2005, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by schurchill39
Screw it this conversation is over there is no point in fighting over who has STDs and who doesn't. Just remeber... your moms a whore

That's totally uncalled for. At least 15 people have PMed me and told me that. You're way out of line and everyone else thinks so too. We won't be intimited and we won't be silenced either, so you might as well give up now.


04-23-2005, 02:41 PM
Good find. :rofl:

04-24-2005, 12:24 PM
^ comments like that will cause the imminent death of the world wide web

04-24-2005, 01:11 PM
Everybody knows the only cure to crotch rot is to pour bleach over your testicals and dip your shlong in yogurt, it worked for my best friends uncles daughters school friend brother, and it will work for you too, but you HAVE to do it right.