View Full Version : Should older men (40+) be allowed to check out young girls (15-21 or so)

04-23-2005, 11:17 PM
I find it pretty appaulling, considering some of these men have grand children the age of the girls (heck probably even great grandchildren) they stare at. Just this past week I was out with my girl and a friend of hers. This 60+ yr old man was just all over this girl walking by (must of been 15, 16) in a skirt, he was drooling, daydreaming, about to faint, etc. My girls friend goes "Thats sick!" The guy then goes "hey, its a free world...you know what they say, they want a more experienced man, and the older you are, the more experienced you are" - LOL


04-23-2005, 11:22 PM
Haha, thats kind of funny, but I guess its a primal thing. Can't control your hormones I guess :O

04-23-2005, 11:28 PM
depends on teh extent of the 'checking out' a head turn or gaze, sure. but ive heard some sick shit out of older guys mouths (the perks of working labour jobs)

04-23-2005, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by hjr
depends on teh extent of the 'checking out' a head turn or gaze, sure. but ive heard some sick shit out of older guys mouths (the perks of working labour jobs)

Oh no no no, not just stares LOL.

04-23-2005, 11:32 PM
Should Gucci boy be allowed to post gay threads?

1. No it is appalling.

04-23-2005, 11:46 PM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG
Should Gucci boy be allowed to post gay threads?

1. No it is appalling.

2. No, and his name should be known as wal mart boi.

04-24-2005, 12:10 AM
You guys havent seen anything until you spend a few years in the construction feild....its appauling what some of those guys will say. :dunno:

Its one thing to look (cuz we all do) but another thing to stare and drool and gawk like a pervert.

04-24-2005, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG
Should Gucci boy be allowed to post gay threads?

1. No it is appalling.

Originally posted by brandon

2. No, and his name should be known as wal mart boi.


04-24-2005, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by Mckenzie
You guys havent seen anything until you spend a few years in the construction feild....its appauling what some of those guys will say. :dunno:

Its one thing to look (cuz we all do) but another thing to stare and drool and gawk like a pervert.


my cemetary job is right by fowler highschool, you should hear some of the comments that older (40+) co-workers say, damn i hope i'm not that twisted when i'm old, lol

04-24-2005, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by finboy


my cemetary job is right by fowler highschool, you should hear some of the comments that older (40+) co-workers say, damn i hope i'm not that twisted when i'm old, lol

lol i don't care how old i am, but when i see a good looking girl in her low 20's i will feel no guilt in checkin that shit out!:rofl: :rofl:

04-24-2005, 01:16 AM
Originally posted by jaysas_63

lol i don't care how old i am, but when i see a good looking girl in her low 20's i will feel no guilt in checkin that shit out!:rofl: :rofl:

i'm talking about 14-17 here dude

04-24-2005, 01:33 AM
you can't tell these days

04-24-2005, 01:48 AM
When YOU'RE 40+, ask yourself this question.

04-24-2005, 01:51 AM
Originally posted by BigDannyCool
you can't tell these days

just take leo's advice...

"look at their shoes, if they are wearing skater shoes, they are too young"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

04-24-2005, 02:41 AM
I say its fucked up, glance is ok, but not the staring, I was on the bus the other day, with this girl who must of been around 12 or so sitting on the side seat of the bus, with a 40+ year old sitting in the front facing seat infront of the side seats, he was sitting in it sideways turned pretty much all the way around and staring at the girl who was only like 15 inchs away, I think the girl could tell him looking as she was staring away, and the guy was staring for fuckin ages, actually turning around and looking up and down, I just stared at him with a kinda :eek: face, all I wanted to do was go over and beat the shit out of the sick fuck, I felt soo sorry for the girl, if I ever end up a dad with a little girl, shes learning somekind of martial art, just too many sick fucks out there.

04-24-2005, 02:45 AM
while we're on the subject, ill share an e mail with u guys one of my friends sent me quite recently, pretty sad:

I'm sure most who is reading this heard about that little 9 year old girl who was kidnapped, raped, and murdered by a repeat sex offender in Florida.

They released details and like the dumb fuck I am, I read it. The son of a bitch buried her alive 150 yards from her home. He stuffed her in plastic, and sealed it around her head and feet and tossed her in a hole. What really fucks me up and makes tears come out of my eyes when i think about it, is the fact that she had a purple dolphin clutched in her hands against her.

We all had something like that when we were children, something which chased the boogyman back into that dark closet. But this poor child could not make that monster go away. No matter how hard she squeezed it, she would not be waking in her bed. Their is something so innately perverse about that it fills me with a rage.

I have six nieces, and I see them carrying their dolls, their toy monkeys, their teddy bears... never going anywhere without them and holding them close when the skeletons danced during The Pirates of the Carribean.

I almost wish I had more strength, a lack of conscience enough to use this internet to access the sex offender data base and kill every last one of them mother fuckers in a hundred mile radius. Then I hope that act creates copys that spreads out and cleans this nation of that disease.

I'm scared of these monsters, and I'm scared that my nieces and everyone elses child shares a world with them.

This guy is a pretty tough biker dude, one of my uncles friends, but hes got a soft spot, and i guess child abuse is it.

*sigh* i hope when i have kids i dont have daughters just so i dont have to worry about these sick fucks.

i dunno, i just remeber being a kid and my parents telling me if i ever need help and they're not around, ask an adult. now kids are told to not talk to anybody and its basically "fend for yourselves if you're lost"

its sad :(

04-24-2005, 02:54 AM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

This guy is a pretty tough biker dude, one of my uncles friends, but hes got a soft spot, and i guess child abuse is it.

I wish more people had that soft spot, that is really sad to read, I got a neice coming soon, it kills me to think about the world she is getting brought into, people might think I'm wrong, but I really do believe these sex offenders should just be killed, I don't care if it is a disease or not, if I ended up like that, you better believe I do think my life should be taken aswell.

04-24-2005, 02:55 AM
lol Who the hell are you guys to decide who is "allowed" to gawk at 15 to 21 yr olds? What the fuck are you going to do send them to jail for gawking. It's human instinct man without it you wouldn't have been born. just my 2 cents...:D

04-24-2005, 03:26 AM
Originally posted by Moonracer
lol Who the hell are you guys to decide who is "allowed" to gawk at 15 to 21 yr olds? What the fuck are you going to do send them to jail for gawking. It's human instinct man without it you wouldn't have been born. just my 2 cents...:D

dude, im 21, almost 22, and i feel dirty looking at high school girls. let alone a 40 year old looking at 15-16 year olds? thats "human instinct"? no my friend, thats dirty.

04-24-2005, 03:32 AM
oh no im 39! only one more year to look at yung gurls LOL

04-24-2005, 03:53 AM
A glace or two si fine, but staring them down, ir just daydreaming is fuckign nuts. :thumbsdow :thumbsdow

04-24-2005, 04:19 AM
i like looking at 40plus women. :love:

04-24-2005, 08:22 AM
Originally posted by DannyO

I wish more people had that soft spot, that is really sad to read, I got a neice coming soon, it kills me to think about the world she is getting brought into, people might think I'm wrong, but I really do believe these sex offenders should just be killed, I don't care if it is a disease or not, if I ended up like that, you better believe I do think my life should be taken aswell.

yeah, I understand where you're coming from. I have an 18 month old daughter, and I just cringe every time I hear something like that on the news. As for killing these guys, I don't think that's the answer. Castration with a rusty tin can lid, now that's the way to go. But seriously, I never really thought of this kind of stuff before my daughter came along, and now, well, I don't know what I'd do if I saw a guy doing something like that to my daughter. Now I agree, a glance or a second look, that doesn't bother me. Hell, sometimes I do it. I mean, before my daughter, I'd look and think "YOWZA!! That girls gonna be a hottie when she gets a little older." Now, I think "What the hell are her parents thinking, letting her go out like that?" Funny how perspective changes when you see the situation from the other side.

04-24-2005, 08:35 AM
When I'm 40 I think that I will still be looking at the younger girls. Not 15-16 but a nice piece of ass is great to look at regardless of age.

04-24-2005, 08:41 AM
I think we need to change the TTIWWOP smiley to 'This Thread is Worthless Without Leo' :thumbsup:

04-24-2005, 08:45 AM
Checking out is OK if over 18, and younger is kinda sick

SiG Baby
04-24-2005, 08:49 AM
As a girl i would have to say, a glance is fine, but rude disrespectful leering or comments crosses the line. But i say once a chick is is an adult the playing field is even....Alot of young women date older men.

04-24-2005, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

dude, im 21, almost 22, and i feel dirty looking at high school girls. let alone a 40 year old looking at 15-16 year olds? thats "human instinct"? no my friend, thats dirty.

So you think they should all be thrown in jail then? Just wait til all you young guys get a little older and see if you still feel the same. Don't get me wrong, gawking or staring is anoying for anyone so if you don't like it give em the finger.

04-24-2005, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by ZMan2k2

yeah, I understand where you're coming from. I have an 18 month old daughter, and I just cringe every time I hear something like that on the news. As for killing these guys, I don't think that's the answer. Castration with a rusty tin can lid, now that's the way to go. But seriously, I never really thought of this kind of stuff before my daughter came along, and now, well, I don't know what I'd do if I saw a guy doing something like that to my daughter. Now I agree, a glance or a second look, that doesn't bother me. Hell, sometimes I do it. I mean, before my daughter, I'd look and think "YOWZA!! That girls gonna be a hottie when she gets a little older." Now, I think "What the hell are her parents thinking, letting her go out like that?" Funny how perspective changes when you see the situation from the other side.

Castration would be good, but better be safe and cut off there arms aswell, so they really can't do anything. :thumbsup:

I'm 22 and looking at a 12yr old would be pretty fucked up even at my age, I agree a hot chick is a hot chick, always nice to see some sexy ass, but at 12 years old or so, THEY DON"T HAVE ONE, even at 16 its still kinda weird, when I was 20 I knew a 16 year old who was growing up to be pretty dam hot, and we were good friends, but I think it would of felt really weird if I was to start going out with her, I dunno, its just the way I look at things, a 40 yr old going out with a 20 year old, is still kinda weird but the chick should be mature enough by then, mentally and physically to know what she wants and does.

If I remember correctly the girl on the bus was dressed pretty decent, not like some of these young girls that just dress completely wrong, afew weeks ago on the bus I saw some little girl get on, must of been like 9 years old, and she was dressed like most chicks at clubs, and she was only with one of her friends, how the fuck the parents can let there kids do this, THEN go off by themselves is beyond me, made me sick, I just want to slap around the parents.

04-24-2005, 11:24 AM
Older men checking out girls 18 and up is fine. I mean what do you think Playboy is all about? Hell the girls in there now are a lot younger than me!

04-24-2005, 12:14 PM
WOW this poll is pretty close.

04-24-2005, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by GucciBoy
WOW this poll is pretty close.

only cause theres a lot of lonley older men.... like moonracer :rofl: j/k dude

04-24-2005, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

only cause theres a lot of lonley older men.... like moonracer :rofl: j/k dude

and brandon and zorro LOL

04-24-2005, 12:52 PM
Its close because you split the yes vote

If there were only yes and no, it would be far different. Who cares if older men look? Unless a man turns homosexual, he'll always have feelings towards the opposite sex.

04-24-2005, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

only cause theres a lot of lonley older men.... like moonracer :rofl: j/k dude

:rofl: Good one. Although I am a 36yr old with a 29yr old g/f hehe mmm I like em young. Not 16 however. What do you do when it's the other way? The 15 to 21 year old girls gawking at a 40 yr old man?

04-24-2005, 01:01 PM
if girls dress to attract attention, then they should know better. and if you add 10 years to both it doesnt seem like a big deal, eg. a 50yr old rich bastard with a 30yr old trophy wife.

04-24-2005, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R
Its close because you split the yes vote

If there were only yes and no, it would be far different. Who cares if older men look? Unless a man turns homosexual, he'll always have feelings towards the opposite sex.

are you saying its alright for a older man (mid to late 30's) to have "feelings towards" 15 year olds because she has breasts? :dunno:

moonracer: good on ya for scoring a younger one ;) i usually only date 1-3 yrs younger than me, dunno why. (youngest id date now is 19)

04-24-2005, 02:37 PM
take your age, divide by 2, and then add 7, thats the mathmatical formula for how young you can date. :P

'Course for all you youngins on this forum, keep in mind when you're dating below the magical age of 18...if you're over 18. There are some girls out there who can make your life miserable if they should so choose,

04-24-2005, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Ben
take your age, divide by 2, and then add 7, thats the mathmatical formula for how young you can date. :P

'Course for all you youngins on this forum, keep in mind when you're dating below the magical age of 18...if you're over 18. There are some girls out there who can make your life miserable if they should so choose,

thats the best formula ever! :D

04-24-2005, 04:46 PM
Hmm.. when I think of 'older' men I think of seniors.

04-24-2005, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

are you saying its alright for a older man (mid to late 30's) to have "feelings towards" 15 year olds because she has breasts? :dunno:

The poll says something to the effect "Do you think its okay for older men to look at younger females". I think its perfectly normal and natural.

04-24-2005, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R

The poll says something to the effect "Do you think its okay for older men to look at younger females". I think its perfectly normal and natural.

it says

Should older men (40+) be allowed to check out young girls (15-21 or so)

you're going to be one of those dirty ol bastards arent you weapon_r ;)

04-24-2005, 05:24 PM
i checked out this 80 year old...i think i made she feel sexy. :nut:

04-24-2005, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini
you're going to be one of those dirty ol bastards arent you weapon_r ;)

fuck, ill be. knock out a couple kids from my baby's momma and then bang hookers till i die. thats my retirement, move somewhere hot when im like 50 and bang hookers.


04-24-2005, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by Wildcat

fuck, ill be. knock out a couple kids from my baby's momma and then bang hookers till i die. thats my retirement, move somewhere hot when im like 50 and bang hookers.


:rofl: :rofl:

04-24-2005, 09:46 PM
Here's how I see it:

If you don't want people staring at you up & down, don't dress in such a way that invites it.

Yeah sure it's "fashion" and "the trend" but honestly, if a girl is going to be showing skin, it's GOING to be looked at.
If she's wearing an all black T-shirt with a Joe Boxer smiley face dead center on her chest, it's going to draw attention.

Let's use a less appealing example:
If an overweight drag queen were walking the streets, they're going to be looked at.
Most likely they won't be gawked at (eww) but people WILL look.
Now imagine if this overweight drag queen started complaining that he doesn't like the attention...isn't it just a LITTLE hypocritical???

Bottom line:
If you're showing it, it's going to be looked at.
If you don't want it to be looked at, don't show it.
You can't control the actions of the public but you can control yourself & how attention is drawn to you.
So don't complain when you see some old wrinkley pervert checking out your legs, ass & cleavage.

04-24-2005, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by REFLUX
Here's how I see it:

If you don't want people staring at you up & down, don't dress in such a way that invites it.

Yeah sure it's "fashion" and "the trend" but honestly, if a girl is going to be showing skin, it's GOING to be looked at.
If she's wearing an all black T-shirt with a Joe Boxer smiley face dead center on her chest, it's going to draw attention.

Let's use a less appealing example:
If an overweight drag queen were walking the streets, they're going to be looked at.
Most likely they won't be gawked at (eww) but people WILL look.
Now imagine if this overweight drag queen started complaining that he doesn't like the attention...isn't it just a LITTLE hypocritical???

Bottom line:
If you're showing it, it's going to be looked at.
If you don't want it to be looked at, don't show it.
You can't control the actions of the public but you can control yourself & how attention is drawn to you.
So don't complain when you see some old wrinkley pervert checking out your legs, ass & cleavage.

I don't agree with this. People still look even if you are wearing just a plain tee with normal rising jeans. Pretty faces will attract stares even if they're not in provocative clothes.

04-24-2005, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by BebeAphrodite

I don't agree with this. People still look even if you are wearing just a plain tee with normal rising jeans. Pretty faces will attract stares even if they're not in provocative clothes.
Werd, I've gotten attention wearing sweats and a hoodie with my hair in a plain ponytail, cant get much more covered than that unless I was wearing a belaclava.

I was out for dinner with some friends when I was in grade 12 and I had this old guy (like 60 or so) from the next table lean over and start talking to me. He was trying to come on super strong and I felt really really uncomfortable (I was 17 at the time) and I was trying to politely get rid of him so I could go back to enjoying my dinner. He eventually asked me if I had a boyfriend and a friend of mine a few seats down my table had overheard and came over, pretending to be my boyfriend to bail me out. It was freakin disgusting and this guy was SO persistent the whole time, if it hadn't been for my friend, who knows what lengths he would have gone to. I will never understand those 20 something girls that date old balls men, even if it is only for their money. :thumbsdow

Stick to your own generation boys :thumbsup:

04-24-2005, 11:35 PM
this one 40's year old man kept trying to show off his money to my gf...

she wanted to get some gum really quick so i stopped at the local 7-11(or Circle K, whatever you guys have in canada) and we went in. i of course attack the magazine section (car mags, maxium, FHM, stuff, the usual guy mags) as she grabs some gum and a drink. so shes waiting in line and this older probably late 40's man started hitting on her. i thought it was funny at first, and i knew she can deal with it herself, so i went back to the maxium edition of Sin City.

so i guess she just kept ignoring the idiot and paid her stuff and we left the store holding hands, and i went to go unlock the Silvia, and the guy saw me and he said to her "hey, why is such a pretty thing like you sitting in a crap bucket like that and with a boyfriend like that. ditch him and come ride with me" and he presses his alarm and it was a porsche parked next to my silvia. that pissed me off and i was gonna say something but my gf suddenly said "well, if you think you're soo good with your porsche, then why are you buying stuff from a cheap convient store, and its obvious u cant get laid because you have to hit on young girls and only way for you to stand out is your crappy ride, and by the way, i like men who dont need viagra to get around."

lol that was funny, he tailgated me for two miles though, i kept brake checking him though lol, he swirved two times to avoid hitting me..

04-24-2005, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by Zephyr
this one 40's year old man kept trying to show off his money to my gf...

she wanted to get some gum really quick so i stopped at the local 7-11(or Circle K, whatever you guys have in canada) and we went in. i of course attack the magazine section (car mags, maxium, FHM, stuff, the usual guy mags) as she grabs some gum and a drink. so shes waiting in line and this older probably late 40's man started hitting on her. i thought it was funny at first, and i knew she can deal with it herself, so i went back to the maxium edition of Sin City.

so i guess she just kept ignoring the idiot and paid her stuff and we left the store holding hands, and i went to go unlock the Silvia, and the guy saw me and he said to her "hey, why is such a pretty thing like you sitting in a crap bucket like that and with a boyfriend like that. ditch him and come ride with me" and he presses his alarm and it was a porsche parked next to my silvia. that pissed me off and i was gonna say something but my gf suddenly said "well, if you think you're soo good with your porsche, then why are you buying stuff from a cheap convient store, and its obvious u cant get laid because you have to hit on young girls and only way for you to stand out is your crappy ride, and by the way, i like men who dont need viagra to get around."

lol that was funny, he tailgated me for two miles though, i kept brake checking him though lol, he swirved two times to avoid hitting me..

Zephyr 's lady for the win! :D

04-24-2005, 11:47 PM
There will always be horny old men and skanky young girls. If you happen to find yourself being misinterpreted for one of the above all you can really do it laugh it off. It's hilarious when cougars go after young guys, they're just out looking for a good time and how are they supposed to catch any fish if they never go fishing? I realize that sometimes old guys can be creepy so it's up to the girls to take a stand and put them in their place. Yell at them in public, insult them if they make you angry. Hell, even tell them you dont find arthritis attractive if thats what it takes.

04-24-2005, 11:56 PM
Ahhh but what about the older women with the younger guys?
This couple came in at my work place yesterday and at a glance I thought they were the normal 20 something year old couple. But when they came up to pay for their merchandise a closer look revealed to me a woman of at least 40 with a guy that cannot be more than 26.
How does this work out? The guy was a typical young man while his woman was noticeably aged, with dyed blonde hair wearing a playboy tee, short skirt and heels. I think I felt a little awkward just seeing them act all cute and stuff with the Paris Hilton dumb chick act...

So, to reverse WalmartBoy's question, is it ok for older women to check out younger guys?
I don't see why not. So I'd have to say yes to the old men checking out young girls..as long as it's just a glance or two and not blatant oggling like a rapist...

04-25-2005, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by Kamen
Ahhh but what about the older women with the younger guys?
This couple came in at my work place yesterday and at a glance I thought they were the normal 20 something year old couple. But when they came up to pay for their merchandise a closer look revealed to me a woman of at least 40 with a guy that cannot be more than 26.
How does this work out? The guy was a typical young man while his woman was noticeably aged, with dyed blonde hair wearing a playboy tee, short skirt and heels. I think I felt a little awkward just seeing them act all cute and stuff with the Paris Hilton dumb chick act...

So, to reverse WalmartBoy's question, is it ok for older women to check out younger guys?
I don't see why not. So I'd have to say yes to the old men checking out young girls..as long as it's just a glance or two and not blatant oggling like a rapist...

a lot of computer nerds (the ones with thick glasses and internet t shirts go for older women) or the comic book nerds

04-25-2005, 12:05 AM
Tell your girlfriend not to dress like a whore.

Problem solved.

04-25-2005, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by Kamen
Ahhh but what about the older women with the younger guys?
This couple came in at my work place yesterday and at a glance I thought they were the normal 20 something year old couple. But when they came up to pay for their merchandise a closer look revealed to me a woman of at least 40 with a guy that cannot be more than 26.
How does this work out? The guy was a typical young man while his woman was noticeably aged, with dyed blonde hair wearing a playboy tee, short skirt and heels. I think I felt a little awkward just seeing them act all cute and stuff with the Paris Hilton dumb chick act...

So, to reverse WalmartBoy's question, is it ok for older women to check out younger guys?
I don't see why not. So I'd have to say yes to the old men checking out young girls..as long as it's just a glance or two and not blatant oggling like a rapist...

Yeah man in the corporate world there are soooo many older ladies checking out the younger guys around the office just waiting for their next sport fuck.

04-25-2005, 01:14 AM
Originally posted by BebeAphrodite
People still look even if you are wearing just a plain tee with normal rising jeans. Pretty faces will attract stares even if they're not in provocative clothes.
That's true.

Like what Melinda posted up....stuff like that makes me feel bad for women.
You got to put up with so much crap & there's the ever present double standard (ex. men can sleep around, women can't)

Anyways, to stay on topic:
Old men checking out young girls, slightly weird but not a big deal to me.
Old men hitting on young girls, yuck.

04-25-2005, 01:43 AM
Originally posted by Kamen
Ahhh but what about the older women with the younger guys?
This couple came in at my work place yesterday and at a glance I thought they were the normal 20 something year old couple. But when they came up to pay for their merchandise a closer look revealed to me a woman of at least 40 with a guy that cannot be more than 26.
How does this work out? The guy was a typical young man while his woman was noticeably aged, with dyed blonde hair wearing a playboy tee, short skirt and heels. I think I felt a little awkward just seeing them act all cute and stuff with the Paris Hilton dumb chick act...

So, to reverse WalmartBoy's question, is it ok for older women to check out younger guys?
I don't see why not. So I'd have to say yes to the old men checking out young girls..as long as it's just a glance or two and not blatant oggling like a rapist...

My old work had something like that too. This lady looked around 40-ish, and her boyfriend is like 25 MAX. It's not like she doesn't know. Hell she makes fun of him all the time, and me and him talked about video games all the time.

04-25-2005, 07:53 AM
well i see not that much of a problem with 18-21 yr olds...but 17 and younger = OFF LIMITS! :D leave them to me (16) :hitit: lol

04-25-2005, 08:35 AM
I don't think older men should hit on young girls, if they look, well it's a free country what can you do? Also 25 year old men should not date 16 year old girls, no matter how skanky they dress and act. I actually can't recall a time I've ever been hit on by someone way older than me, but I had a guy friend tell me once that I come across as intimidating, hmmmm time to be a bit nicer I guess.

04-25-2005, 03:41 PM
holy shit this thread went way out of context. It's ok to look at younger chicks if a) they dress like whores- whores need attention, we are doing them a favor.
b) they look older than they are- who gives a shit, common mistake with today's youth and it's just looking.

I would never check out a chick I new was 14 but if you dress like a hoe, and walk like a hoe, you'll get checked out like a hoe. Hot chicks are hot chicks and I was given eyes for a reason. I draw the line at staring/gawking/stalking/trying to chat it up with them...lonely I most certainly am not, but heterosexual I am. Gucciboy, sorry you haven't outed yourself yet, but get on with life would ya? :rofl:

Bottom line, IMHO look all you want, just don't be a perv, fuckers.

As Weapon R said, it's human nature to look (gross to gawk) and those that don't like it should go to www.prudepeoplesuck.com:rofl:

DJ Lazy
04-25-2005, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by Melinda

Werd, I've gotten attention wearing sweats and a hoodie with my hair in a plain ponytail.

Some woman can REALLY look smoking hot in this ensemble (sp). :P

Back on topic, No, 40+ men shouldn't be checking out under-age girls in a provocative manner..

04-25-2005, 06:08 PM
Dont dress like whore = win

Either way, they wanna dress that way, Im in

04-25-2005, 09:01 PM
speaking of old men, has anyone seen these new viagra commercials?? lmao :rofl:

04-27-2005, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by BebeAphrodite
Hmm.. when I think of 'older' men I think of seniors.

they said older as in 40 and over hahaha ;) ;)

04-27-2005, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by BebeAphrodite
Hmm.. when I think of 'older' men I think of seniors.

they said older as in 40 and over hahaha ;) ;)

04-27-2005, 01:16 PM
i think men should be able to date men

i like old wrinkly penis's:eek: :bigpimp: :love:

D. Dub
04-27-2005, 04:32 PM
Men are biologically "programmed" to look at nubile young girls....it's in the genes to look....it's how the species propogates.

Men are "programmed" to look and chase!!! It's what we do!!!

04-27-2005, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by Wildcat
speaking of old men, has anyone seen these new viagra commercials?? lmao :rofl:

hahaha I love them

I dunno why people have such a big problem with human nature. it is just instinct to check girls out, and it is instinct to want to get with every girl you see that meets your standards, but your average guy's good sense will usually kick in before he does something like that. its only in extreme cases with deep rooted mental problems it doesn't... like the 36 year old guy I used to work with at KFC who would constantly hit on 14 year olds. the day the government talked about lowering the consensual age a couple years was the greatest news of his life.. he wouldn't shut up about it.

04-28-2005, 11:31 AM
Absolutely I like looking at young chicks..cause when they're past 25, they get fat and ugly fast !! :rofl:

04-28-2005, 11:43 AM
I just received a form in the mail about the conservative party rallying to raise the age of consent. Pretty sad that not only can a 40 year old check out a 14 year old, he can legally do a lot more. Just disgusting.I'm 22 and the youngest I could see myself going is 18. Working the summers in construction is pretty gross and disturbing. Absolutely amazing the lengths some guys go to check out a girl.

04-28-2005, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by pughster
I just received a form in the mail about the conservative party rallying to raise the age of consent. Pretty sad that not only can a 40 year old check out a 14 year old, he can legally do a lot more. Just disgusting.I'm 22 and the youngest I could see myself going is 18. Working the summers in construction is pretty gross and disturbing. Absolutely amazing the lengths some guys go to check out a girl.
Actually that 14 year age of consent only legally goes up to 10 years older...so a 24 year old is the oldest person that could sleep with a 14 year old, 25 for 15 years old, 26 for 16 ect all the way up to 18.

It's still super sick but at least legally some old balls man cant take advantage of a stupid 14 year old girl.

D. Dub
04-28-2005, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Melinda

Actually that 14 year age of consent only legally goes up to 10 years older...so a 24 year old is the oldest person that could sleep with a 14 year old, 25 for 15 years old, 26 for 16 ect all the way up to 18.

It's still super sick but at least legally some old balls man cant take advantage of a stupid 14 year old girl.

Sorry, thats a myth....age of sexual consent is 14 regardless of the age of the older person...

.....unless the older person is in a position of authority...like a teacher, coach, doctor etc etc

I don't think just looking at a hot 17 year old is sick....but acting on it is!!!

04-28-2005, 10:45 PM
do you seriously expect old men to go 'wow look at the wrinkles on that 58 year old hottie!!"?

04-29-2005, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by finboy

just take leo's advice...

"look at their shoes, if they are wearing skater shoes, they are too young"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

good point!

04-29-2005, 08:07 AM
Hey I wear skater shoes! :tongue: No wonder I always get ID'd all the time!

D. Dub
04-29-2005, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by nhlfan
do you seriously expect old men to go 'wow look at the wrinkles on that 58 year old hottie!!"?


in a nutshell that sums it all up!!

04-29-2005, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by abyss
Hey I wear skater shoes! :tongue: No wonder I always get ID'd all the time!

If you start wearing heels you'll probably look alot older.

04-29-2005, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by Carfanman

If you start wearing heels you'll probably look alot older.

Maybe if you went back to school people would take your opinions more seriously ;) Thanks for the suggestion though.

04-29-2005, 12:10 PM
So you want to start that?

04-29-2005, 12:23 PM
I said yes. Wanna know why? Because most of the girls getting that attention dress like fucking sluts anyways. Maybe they will learn that looking like a filthy whore gives them the attention they want from EVERYONE.

Gucci, why is it wrong? Her skirt was probably so high-cut that her cunt-lips were hanging from under it..

Its like going to the doctor and saying it hurts when you poke yourself in the nutz with a knife... the doctor will likely tell you to stop poking yourself in the nuts with a knife.

04-29-2005, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by TheBenzo
I said yes. Wanna know why? Because most of the girls getting that attention dress like fucking sluts anyways. Maybe they will learn that looking like a filthy whore gives them the attention they want from EVERYONE.

Gucci, why is it wrong? Her skirt was probably so high-cut that her cunt-lips were hanging from under it..

Its like going to the doctor and saying it hurts when you poke yourself in the nutz with a knife... the doctor will likely tell you to stop poking yourself in the nuts with a knife.

Originally posted by Melinda

Werd, I've gotten attention wearing sweats and a hoodie with my hair in a plain ponytail, cant get much more covered than that unless I was wearing a belaclava.

I was out for dinner with some friends when I was in grade 12 and I had this old guy (like 60 or so) from the next table lean over and start talking to me. He was trying to come on super strong and I felt really really uncomfortable (I was 17 at the time) and I was trying to politely get rid of him so I could go back to enjoying my dinner. He eventually asked me if I had a boyfriend and a friend of mine a few seats down my table had overheard and came over, pretending to be my boyfriend to bail me out. It was freakin disgusting and this guy was SO persistent the whole time, if it hadn't been for my friend, who knows what lengths he would have gone to. I will never understand those 20 something girls that date old balls men, even if it is only for their money. :thumbsdow

Stick to your own generation boys :thumbsup:

Your statement is a retarded sterotype generalization. I've gotten attention from older men before and I am far from a slut wearing a skirt so short you can see things hanging out. I think alot of other girls can say the same thing. I don't go out looking for attention, I have a significant other already and dont need (or want) some old guy's eyes or money. However, if you have a look that appeals to someone, you do get their attention, whether you want it or not. Ass and tits hanging out has little to do with it.

You probably look at and hit on girls who dont dress like your average hooker, so why would any other guy be different? So why make the generalization that all girls who get looked at or hit on by guys (older are not) are all skimpy dressed sluts?

04-29-2005, 01:33 PM
if you have boobies, men will look.:rofl:

04-29-2005, 01:37 PM
^^lmao, girl your thinking way to highly of yourself, i have to break it to you, your not the cream of the crop by any means. maybe they were looking at the giant camera thats surgically attached around your neck?

04-29-2005, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by lam-boy
if you have boobies, men will look.:rofl:


Any boobies, I do not discriminate.

I'm 22 my G/F is 19, that is about as low as I go. If there is a nice ass out there i'll look at it. I'm not going to ask to girl to break out some ID before I look at her ass.

Boobies boobies boobies, time to go home.

04-29-2005, 01:50 PM
Damn man, the older I get the better they look :rofl:

04-29-2005, 01:58 PM
^^ Oh fuck off Wildcat, no where did I say I was the hottest person in the world. Every girl gets looked at, no matter what they look like. And just because I wear my glasses instead of contacts all the time, jeans instead of a mini, a hoodie instead of some designer jacket, flats instead of heels and I don't smother my face with makeup everyday doesn't mean I'm ugly.

And why the hell does my camera come into anything remotely relative to this? I dont walk around when I'm out for dinner or at the mall with my Camera so it is completely irrelevant to this conversation.

Seriously, what do you have against me? Your constant personal attacks on me are getting a little old.

04-29-2005, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by hjr
depends on teh extent of the 'checking out' a head turn or gaze, sure. but ive heard some sick shit out of older guys mouths (the perks of working labour jobs)

totally right

04-29-2005, 02:47 PM
Dont worry, Wildcat attacks everyone, makes him feel better about himself.

Celica TVS3
04-29-2005, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Wildcat
^^lmao, girl your thinking way to highly of yourself, i have to break it to you, your not the cream of the crop by any means. maybe they were looking at the giant camera thats surgically attached around your neck?

:drama: :thumbsdow

04-29-2005, 05:19 PM
old enough to bleed, old enough to breed :eek: :devil: :closed:

04-29-2005, 06:10 PM
gucciboy you were probably checking out that old guy.yer just jealous because he wasen't checken you out:rofl:

04-29-2005, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by Melinda
^^ Oh fuck off Wildcat, no where did I say I was the hottest person in the world. Every girl gets looked at, no matter what they look like. And just because I wear my glasses instead of contacts all the time, jeans instead of a mini, a hoodie instead of some designer jacket, flats instead of heels and I don't smother my face with makeup everyday doesn't mean I'm ugly.

please, you made two posts implying that old men cant take their eyes off you even when you dress ever-so-modestly. get real. hottest person in the world you are not, but go ahead and make everyone think that from behind your computer screen.

but the camera thing was low, i apologize.

04-29-2005, 07:31 PM
this isnt about sex, this is about looking. keep it straight, there is a big difference. old people dont find old people any more attractive than you do, do you expect them to cut their nuts off at age 40? give me a break

04-29-2005, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by Wildcat

please, you made two posts implying that old men cant take their eyes off you even when you dress ever-so-modestly. get real. hottest person in the world you are not, but go ahead and make everyone think that from behind your computer screen.

but the camera thing was low, i apologize.
I said I have gotten attention before wearing non-slutty clothing and I had one uncomfortable incident with an old guy, where in my posts did I say I was irresitable to all old men?

If you re-read the last post I typed before you attacked me, very little of it actually refers to myself. Most of it is a generalization about friends, other girls I know, things guys have told me or said on here and observations I've made over the years. Stop assuming I think of myself as the hottest girl ever cause I have never once said I was.

04-30-2005, 04:11 PM
well, say what you want but thats how your coming off.

04-30-2005, 09:27 PM

down with the drama jeeze...

04-30-2005, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by Wildcat
well, say what you want but thats how your coming off.

If we were to assume something like how Melinda believes she's irresistable to older men like you have from her post then it would be similar to assuming that you think you have the best body in the world from posting in the health and fitness section. She was merely giving an example and contradicting what people were saying about only sluts getting looks from people - never did she say that she was hot. You posted an example of your body so does that mean you think ur the hottest thing? She's just giving an example to counter some of the ignorant things being said in this thread.

Don't go putting words in someone's mouth.

05-01-2005, 10:41 AM
...coming from the biggest attention whore on the site.

shit guys, i got told.

05-01-2005, 11:03 AM
ITS ON LIKE...well...
