View Full Version : Ex Quinn employees, how many of us are there?

04-28-2005, 09:21 AM
Just looking through the boards, and I realized there are a lot of ex Quinn employees....Lets see how many of us there are!!

I'm #1, got fired 4 years ago, worked for 3 months, hated the joint, and spoke too loudly about it!

04-28-2005, 10:01 AM
What was so bad about it?

04-28-2005, 10:10 AM
Another 2 about I know floating around on here

04-28-2005, 10:13 AM
you can add me to the list.

worked there 5 years ago. walked out cuz hated scamming people, the $0.50 product was a rip, the 2.50/hr pay. everything there was payed by piece so somedays it cost me more to drive to work than i made.

04-28-2005, 01:45 PM
What was so bad about it??????? Where to start......6 days a week, well over 12 hours a day, performance pay only, so if there were no cars in the shop, I didn't make money, but couldn't leave! Installing crappy no name product, trying to believe it was good stuff, putting up with dan and the wife sucked, we were struggling to pay rent, but he had plenty to buy vipers, bikes, 4x4's, always a new toy on our backs... always getting told what to do by the sales staff, having to provide everything needed to do my job myself (coveralls, soldering tools, trouble light, etc.), seeing $15 alarms get sold for 5 times as much, installing them for $99 bux and getting about $10 of that (guess where the rest went!!)...if anything went wrong it was the installers fault, etc, etc, etc...Promises of being able to make $4000/month, sure, if you slept there too! need I go on??

04-28-2005, 01:48 PM
haha yea Quinn pays their installers $15 an alarm!

You'd have to install 5-6 to make a half decent income there...daily!

04-28-2005, 01:50 PM

04-28-2005, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by TurboMedic
What was so bad about it??????? Where to start......6 days a week, well over 12 hours a day, performance pay only, so if there were no cars in the shop, I didn't make money, but couldn't leave! Installing crappy no name product, trying to believe it was good stuff, putting up with dan and the wife sucked, we were struggling to pay rent, but he had plenty to buy vipers, bikes, 4x4's, always a new toy on our backs... always getting told what to do by the sales staff, having to provide everything needed to do my job myself (coveralls, soldering tools, trouble light, etc.), seeing $15 alarms get sold for 5 times as much, installing them for $99 bux and getting about $10 of that (guess where the rest went!!)...if anything went wrong it was the installers fault, etc, etc, etc...Promises of being able to make $4000/month, sure, if you slept there too! need I go on??

Read: Labour theory of surplus value :D

04-28-2005, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by TurboMedic
What was so bad about it??????? Where to start......6 days a week, well over 12 hours a day, performance pay only, so if there were no cars in the shop, I didn't make money, but couldn't leave! Installing crappy no name product, trying to believe it was good stuff, putting up with dan and the wife sucked, we were struggling to pay rent, but he had plenty to buy vipers, bikes, 4x4's, always a new toy on our backs... always getting told what to do by the sales staff, having to provide everything needed to do my job myself (coveralls, soldering tools, trouble light, etc.), seeing $15 alarms get sold for 5 times as much, installing them for $99 bux and getting about $10 of that (guess where the rest went!!)...if anything went wrong it was the installers fault, etc, etc, etc...Promises of being able to make $4000/month, sure, if you slept there too! need I go on??

ding ding ding!!!!!!!!!!!!

fuck do i remember the 6 day work weeks. then if there was some type of event - car show, motorcycle show, world of wheels, etc then it turned into a full blown nightmare. Work on sunday to set everything up at the show then work the week promoting, then at the end of the week like sunday stay behind and clean up. no time off, no nothing and remember we got payed piece work. so if there was no work it meant no pay. promoting or setting up at an event was work for free. and yeah if there was nothing to do in the shop, you couldn't go home. but you did have to stay for free and clean the floors or work on one of dan's "toys". damn that place is pathetic.

04-28-2005, 02:55 PM
sounds brutal!!!!! how long did you guys end up staying with the company for??

04-28-2005, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by BokCh0y

ding ding ding!!!!!!!!!!!!

fuck do i remember the 6 day work weeks. then if there was some type of event - car show, motorcycle show, world of wheels, etc then it turned into a full blown nightmare. Work on sunday to set everything up at the show then work the week promoting, then at the end of the week like sunday stay behind and clean up. no time off, no nothing and remember we got payed piece work. so if there was no work it meant no pay. promoting or setting up at an event was work for free. and yeah if there was nothing to do in the shop, you couldn't go home. but you did have to stay for free and clean the floors or work on one of dan's "toys". damn that place is pathetic.

Is that even legal? Is it possible to call the BBB on them or something?

04-28-2005, 03:47 PM
I dunno....good question, I only spent 3 months there, thank god......Problem is there is always someone who would work there....

04-28-2005, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by AsianCaucasian

Is that even legal? Is it possible to call the BBB on them or something?

not sure, was young at the time, didn't know better.

Originally posted by TurboMedic
I dunno....good question, I only spent 3 months there, thank god......Problem is there is always someone who would work there....

3 months? I took it up the ass there for 8 months!!!!!!! But yeah there's always someone wanting to do that kinda stuff. Was all fun until I had to start buying my own tools and own supplies - then I got my $500 paycheck for the WHOLE month. Only thing that dick supplied me with was the table to sit at so I could eat my lunch.

04-28-2005, 06:22 PM
sounds horrid