View Full Version : Which Laptop to buy?

05-03-2005, 08:04 PM
I'm looking to buy a laptop sometime soon. Right now I'm looking to spend somewhere around $1800 with taxes included. I only plan to use the laptop for Word doc, picture editing, and watching dvd's and internet surfing. I don't play any games so a graphics card is not a must. Please give me some feedback and other laptops that I should look at besides these 3 I had in mind.
The laptops I currently have in mind are:

1) Dell Inspiron 6000d (http://configure.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?c=ca&CS=CADHS1&l=en&OC=OCINSP6000D_AFF_CH6DCAMA)

2) Dell Inspiron 700M (http://configure.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?c=ca&CS=CADHS1&l=en&OC=OCINSP700M_AFF_CH7MCAMA)

3) Asus A6000Ne (http://usa.asus.com/prog/spec.asp?m=A6000Ne%20Series&langs=09)

05-03-2005, 08:12 PM
i got a 700m and i love it...i may be biased but that is my choice...id go with the 1 gig ram and the dvd writer....its an awesome laptop

05-03-2005, 08:21 PM
I also have a 700m, built more for portability though. You may want to look elsewhere if its gonna sit on your desk 99% of the time. It's keyboard is 90% so it's a little tight, big fingers may not get used to it, but after a day I was fine. Beautiful screen though, 12.1" widescreen :drool:, although it is a little bit small and has a fair amount of glare. But, I love the thing, its tiny, powerful and looks good too.

05-03-2005, 08:40 PM
i say go get a toshiba. I just bought one and they are great. I haven't had any problems and the super dvd/cd combo is great to burn DVD's and Cd's

Toshiba (http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetail.asp?logon=&langid=EN&dept=1&sku_id=0665000FS10056219&catid=22495&newdeptid=1)

05-03-2005, 09:04 PM
Stay away from Toshiba...

05-03-2005, 09:17 PM
I haven't checked out what your looking into but myself I own a a Dell Laptop, Uncle owns a dell Laptop, few other family members have played with dell laptops at work/school, never had a problem. Mine is an old Latitude series, don't know how old, I'm goign to say 1996, still runs like new, no errors, no problems, well made piece of electronics, A+ for Dell.

05-03-2005, 10:30 PM
Dell 700m if you want extreme portability, 6000d if it will site on your desk most of the time and need a little extra power. I would go with the 700m myself... it will fit nicely onto an airplane tray :thumbsup:

05-04-2005, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by Daxin
i say go get a toshiba. I just bought one and they are great. I haven't had any problems and the super dvd/cd combo is great to burn DVD's and Cd's

Toshiba (http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetail.asp?logon=&langid=EN&dept=1&sku_id=0665000FS10056219&catid=22495&newdeptid=1)

I own a toshiba and I really like it as well. On the other hand though some of my friends own toshibas and they say theirs suck so its really a toss up I guess, but I will still consider toshiba as another option. Anyways good luck with the purchase.

05-04-2005, 01:53 PM
It is still up in the air, I like the look and quality of the Asus, but it is missing a TV out (S-video), which I probably won't use. I like the size of the Dell 700M but I'm not to sure about the battery life.
Those who have the Dell 700m how is the battery life?

Keep the opinions coming!

05-04-2005, 08:49 PM
redevil, I think you can do a google search of the battery name to find out more about it. Just go to the Dell site and grab the battery name from the laptop model page and check it out. And since you say that you don't plan on doing anything that's gonna require a lot of computing power, you might be able save a few bucks by going with a lower-end model. It's just a suggestion but I guess if you have the money to spare then you might as well get the extra performance. And it won't become obsolete as quickly.

Anyways, I was gonna grab one of the cheapo Dell laptops when the price is right. Dell always has sales. But I heard that they just jack up the prices before the sale so it looks like you're getting a bigger discount.

05-04-2005, 08:51 PM
i would go with a toshiba. dell isnt very good and thsi is because they build computers with cheap parts and make it look like they are giving you a good deal. The asus one is a good choice but personally i would go with a toshiba M30 or M40 with a centrino processor

05-04-2005, 08:56 PM
this one, my friend just got it, this thing is so awsome! he plays new splinter cell on it it runs flawless, plus super multi drive, wide screen, great laptop


05-04-2005, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by eblend
this one, my friend just got it, this thing is so awsome! he plays new splinter cell on it it runs flawless, plus super multi drive, wide screen, great laptop


Thats awesome Geforce 6600!?

05-04-2005, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by eblend
this one, my friend just got it, this thing is so awsome! he plays new splinter cell on it it runs flawless, plus super multi drive, wide screen, great laptop


come back when you can play half life 2 on your laptop

05-04-2005, 09:21 PM
Screw the toshiba a70! Im using one right now. It's PLAGUED with factory defects. The soundcard doesn't work half the time, my friggin mouse usb port FELL OUT and rattled around inside the laptop until I took it out and my fan never turns off if I leave the charger in. If you go to the toshiba service bulletins you'll find a shit ton of people complaining about these problems.

05-04-2005, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by AsianCaucasian
Screw the toshiba a70! Im using one right now. It's PLAGUED with factory defects. The soundcard doesn't work half the time, my friggin mouse usb port FELL OUT and rattled around inside the laptop until I took it out and my fan never turns off if I leave the charger in. If you go to the toshiba service bulletins you'll find a shit ton of people complaining about these problems.

Thats the main reason me and many others go with dell Laptops.

A laptop is not easily upgradable or repairable, everything must work together perfectly from the factory or you will have problems like above. Hence why this CPi laptop has been through atleast 2 owners and still runs like its new, yah the bearings in the fan are gone but what bearings wouldnt go after such years of use.

From what I remember a few years ago, Toshiba was all about the looks and new features, but they always had factory bugs, and it isnt just like, oh sound dont work lets drop a new sound card in, cause you cant just drop a new soudn card in on a laptop.

Stick with what is well known and works, Dell.

05-05-2005, 08:08 PM
I need your opinions on HP dv4030ca it is on sale at BestBuy for $1599.99.

How are HP Laptops? I've been told to stay away from Compaq but is it the same with HP?

HP dv4030ca specs (http://www.bestbuy.ca/catalog/proddetail.asp?sku_id=0926INGFS10059607&catid=20354&logon=&langid=EN&dept=0)

05-05-2005, 08:11 PM
Compaq now owns HP, maybe that will answer your question.

I haven't used one of thier laptops but I have used their desktops, COMPLETE pieces of sh**. Work for a few months then hardware starts failing and such, no good on a machine thats only a few months old. Therefor I have never gone to try their laptops out or looked into buying any of them.

05-05-2005, 08:19 PM
dell inspiron 5150 = :bigpimp:

05-05-2005, 08:25 PM
Alienware also = :bigpimp:

Except the pricetag, except all :bigpimp: 's can afford it ;)

05-05-2005, 08:27 PM
I'd check out the acer ferraris...
if not go for the Asus.

Dell sucks. Yeah they mayhave great support but that's because they have to.. their products are all complete garbage.

Personally I'd rather have less or no problems and crappier support.

05-05-2005, 08:28 PM
No, Don't go Acer.

Basically it's a disaster waiting to happen, I speak from experience.

05-05-2005, 08:29 PM
What happened to your acer??? I've haven't had any problems with them yet. I like toshiba too cuz compusmart services them.

05-05-2005, 08:31 PM
Feel like backing up the Dell sucks statement?

If their products are complete garbage then why do the 2 Dell systems, 3 on the way, we own, all older, still run like we bought them?

If they are garbage then why are they preferred for Educational/Corporate servers?

I can tell you right now, Wal-Mart runs on Dell servers, with $288 BILLION in profits last year, they can't afford their servers being garbage and dieing on them, thats why they buy reliable.

What dell products have you owned?

05-05-2005, 08:34 PM
Acer, lets see

6 months after we bought it, hard drive cratered.
The soundcard and modem died on it shortly after
Cdrom drive in it isn't straight internally so it skips and spins and makes rubbing noises, when it isnt supposed too.

Not to mention that we found out when we bought a "reliable system" from Staples, it was a year and a half old before we even bought it, which means it is now outdated before its even in the house.

We have USB/PCI conflicts with the hardware on it, can't run more then 2 things or they start messing up, which means that steering wheel I had awhile ago, couldn't use it with my "gaming" computer, whata rip off.

05-05-2005, 08:38 PM
I'd have to say 90% of computers that I fix for friends and family are DELL.
They are a complete fucking scam. They sell everyone computers saying "OOOHHHHH its 2.5 GHz" but neglect to mention their noname shit $2 motherboard with every cheapest chipset they can find in the world and slap onto a board in their factory. BUT WAIT IT'S a 2.5 GHZ!!! YES!!! oh and wait.. it's got 512 ram!! Then you find out its refurbished garbage noname brand ram. I also love how they package their 5400 rpm drives in as well.. but don't worry ONLY SIZE COUNTS!!! who cares how fast it is!!!

All I'm saying is they totally take advantage of 95% of their customers. They know that noone knows shit about computers so they might as well take advantage of them and advertise what ppl know. ghz, ram size and HD size. I'm not saying they're not reliable.. they'll run forever... reinstall windows every once awhile and you're good. There's a reason they're cheap.

PS You gotta love those shit all-in-one printer scanner photocopiers that break after 2 months and cost $80 per cartridge.

05-05-2005, 08:42 PM
Hmm.. I guess there's horror stories with every company.. Hopefully my acer keeps trucking. I'm interested in an M6NBe or whatever. I dunno if I'd trust a barebone tho.

05-05-2005, 08:46 PM
Well your all-in-one statement isn't just for dell. Every printer/combo these days seems to have outragoues costs for ink, which is why you will be seeing more photocopiers/printers being sold to smaller business's and education systems, much cheaper.

I don't know if you've been to Korea, but a buddy was their for the military and was picking up, yes DIRT CHEAP RAM, well the thing is, its right from the factory, doesn't have a chance to have a brand name put on, as soon as you put a brand name on you pay for their name/advertising and such.

From what I have seen, brand name vs. no-name ram, no differences, yes some fail more then others, but just about all include a lifetime warrenty and it will be replaced at no cost.

Yes they used to sell their 5400 rpm drives labeled as 7200 but they got busted for that, now they clearly label it all 5400 or 7200. They aren't scamming anyone there, if all you do is go build yourself a system on the website and buy it, your at fault, not the company, do your research before you commit to buying. If you don't and you choose a 5400 cause its $10 cheaper, well thats your fault, don't blame dell for suckering in everyone, they are just selling the product.

Basically if you do your research, then buy, you will do well, if you don't, then don't blame one company for your stupidity.

05-05-2005, 08:50 PM
Yeah but what do you think about poor performing motherboards and chipsets in their laptops? Ram is one thing.. But there is huge performance issues when it comes to that.

05-05-2005, 08:51 PM
Well considering I am posting from a Dell Laptop right now, unheard of from my standpoint. Also considering I am considering buying another Dell laptop, still underheard off.

What models were the poor performers in?

Soon I will be on my 2nd Dell Laptop, for addiction not for reason, Dad has dell desktop, Uncle has 2 dell desktops and 1 (was new, prob about 8 months old now) dell laptop, NEVER had a problem with anything on any of them.

05-05-2005, 08:55 PM
I'm not talking about problems.. I'm talking about performance. If you take an ASUS M6NBe with the _SAME_ cpu ram hd etc (All the specs you read when you purchase) The asus will easily out perform your dell. Their main product is video cards and motherboards and they're good at it. They're a performance motherboard and chipset maker. Dell is not. They make whatever they can for the cheapest price and sell it to you.

05-05-2005, 09:01 PM
We'll I wouldn't know as I don't have the money to blow on testing shit like this out ;)

But I can tell you right now, I love my Asus mobo and I love my Dell laptops.

05-05-2005, 09:04 PM
Yeah.. I guess if it's reliable with good support for the average user go nuts.

Anyway back on topic.. One big thing I've noticed is throwing a 7200 rpm drive in my laptops.. they perform a lot better. If you notice when stuff is loading your cpu is running at 20% and your HD is grinding away. You can get 7200rpm drives stock but those are usually like $2500 to $3000 +. So grab one for $1500-$2000 and spend the $300 at memory express on a hitachi 7200 rpm and get them to install it. Though you may have some warranty issues I know if you buy the laptop from memory express and they install the HD.. they will cover it under warranty (or something it's been awhile).

05-05-2005, 09:08 PM
Or buy the HDD, take out the old, put in the new, keep the old, if u have a problem, pu thte old back in.

05-06-2005, 10:24 AM
So what is your opinion with the HP dv4030ca that I was looking at, you guys are talking way above the knowlege I have about computers. Have a look at the link and tell me what you think about this modelHP dv4030ca (http://www.bestbuy.ca/catalog/proddetail.asp?sku_id=0926INGFS10059607&catid=20354&logon=&langid=EN&dept=0)

I tried pricing out a barebone Asus M6NBe but to be comparable to the dell or Asus A6000ne it was almost $1000 more.
I haven't seen any Toshiba model that is comparable in price and specs that I'm looking for.

05-06-2005, 10:26 AM
Oh and what is your opinions on Gateway computers as well. I have to make sure I cover all laptops before I decide to buy :dunno:

05-06-2005, 10:33 AM
Ive never had any problems with Toshibas. Dell Im not a fan of. But toshibas are really good, the centrino that is. Id never buy a P4 laptop. I have a dedicated 64MB ATI video card, 1gig ram, 7200rpm H.D (upgrades I put in) and can play most games ive thrown at it incl. Half life 2 just fine, though Doom 3 has troubles dont know why, and have a Audigy 2 sound card running on it. Later on when the prices drop, I want to put in a 256MB video card in.

05-06-2005, 11:36 AM
Doom 3 will have troubles because its 64mb video ram, I think on the box even says minimum 128, its a rather intensive game, should have seen my buddies computer trying to run the Beta's for it when he was testing for them, thank god he has high end machines.

Gateway i don't know much about but have heard of lots of problems with their desktops, not too sure about their laptops though.

Looking at your Dell specs again i noticed a few things.

1. You chose 512 (2 dimms) on both of them, I would consider spending the $50 and getting a single SODIMM of 512, leaves room for expanstion later.

2. You chose the normal battery, which is fine. But are you planning on using this on the go, or always plugged in or combo of both or what? Reason:

if your on the go all the time, get the bigger battery
if your plugged in all the time, get the small battery
if your both, get the small and the big, or 2 smalls, as the battery that you always have in the laptop when its plugged in, will die quicker then the one you use then charge then use then charge.

05-06-2005, 11:38 AM
Where is the Imac G4:dunno:

05-06-2005, 11:44 AM
Waste of money..

05-06-2005, 11:47 AM
i have the toshiba a70 3.06Ghz its treated me pretty well except the occaisonal sound card blunder liek someone said, definately a good comp though, for me at least