View Full Version : Car shootings....

05-07-2005, 02:46 PM
As some of you may know their have been shootings going in Martindale. Peoples cars are getting shot, and i was a unfortunate victim of this crime. My baby ('99 civic sir) was shot numerous times. If anyone has any information it would be really helpful. I hope those mutherfu**ers die who did this.

05-07-2005, 02:58 PM
that's terrible man, I hope they find the assholes who've been doing this :banghead:

05-07-2005, 03:03 PM
What!?!? Are you serious?:eek:

05-07-2005, 03:09 PM
I thought these type of things only happened in LA
Hopefully the damgage is fixable or insurance gives you a brand new car. I really hope no one gets hurt or worse, killed.

05-07-2005, 03:10 PM
it was just parked on the street and got shot up or what??

05-07-2005, 06:39 PM
actual shootings or like paintball shootings?

s dime
05-07-2005, 07:18 PM
^ actual shootings, this was on the news yesterday.

Celica TVS3
05-07-2005, 07:22 PM
Thats brutal, did you here the shots or notice it later?

I know this sounds insensitive but POST PICS

05-07-2005, 07:28 PM
wow that is horrible, ya you should post pics

05-08-2005, 01:40 AM
Man i gotta get out of the ghetto, I just live down the road. Sorry to hear about that stuff. Was there any other cars that got hit on your block?

05-08-2005, 01:42 AM
Sorry to hear about that man. Thats crazy I hope they catch the people who did this to you. Calgary is turning into a crime city like LA or Vancouver. Its kinda scary when you think of it sigh :eek: .

05-08-2005, 08:35 AM
shiet.. seen cops there and ur car
didn kno wut was going on and i was gettin late for work
heard they stopped paul too..?
hope shit works out for u man!
another shootin by my apartment (fri nite .. i think?)
i work right by there

wuts going on with calgary!!:dunno:

05-08-2005, 08:54 AM
sorry to hear about that man, hope your insurance helps you out.

05-08-2005, 01:31 PM
I will post pics as soon as i get my car back which is hopefully tmw. No other cars were hit only mine. And apprently nobody heard any shots. And yes it was just parked on the street and got shot up. Most likely it will be covered by insurance since its a severe act of vanadalism. The cops need to find the fukker who did this, better yet i find him so i can have my way with him.

05-08-2005, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by k_dawg
Calgary is turning into a crime city like LA or Vancouver.


Celica TVS3
05-08-2005, 03:21 PM
Do you think you were targeted or was your car just in the wrong place at the wrong time?

05-08-2005, 07:54 PM
I think someone has it out for you dude!!! That sounds a little messed up, one gun shot to various other cars would be random act. If there were like three or more to your ride then i would be worried. Maybe they don't like imports, but be safe man.

05-08-2005, 08:00 PM
calgary ain't that bad trust me. Although I don't condone this, and would kick peoples asses if I found em doing that, I lived in Winnipeg for 12 years. a lot worse.

Celica TVS3
05-08-2005, 08:09 PM
You would go out and pick a fight with someone who had a gun and was shooting at your car? :rolleyes:

05-08-2005, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by Celica TVS3
You would go out and pick a fight with someone who had a gun and was shooting at your car? :rolleyes:

lol not a wise idea

05-09-2005, 10:29 AM
The moral of this story is that our penal system sucks. People constantly get off even when they are caught, and the punishments are a joke for most crimes (except the $275 fine if you or I run a red light!) Instead of focusing on Health Care, we should all let our MLA's know that crime must have real consequenses before it will be curbed. Oh, and the gun registry will not help one bit. I bet the people that are doing this have their gun registered?! Maybe a new government might help too.
Sorry to hear you are a victim, just be glad you were not in the car!

05-09-2005, 10:33 AM
yeah no kidding, good thing you weren't in the car

05-09-2005, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by k_dawg
Calgary is turning into a crime city like LA or Vancouver

calgary is getting worse...but its quiet and friendly compared to LA and van. i hear gun shots constantly everytime i visit the greater LA area, kinda scary. but yeah, that sucks to read what happened.

05-09-2005, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by JordanEG6

calgary is getting worse...but its quiet and friendly compared to LA and van. i hear gun shots constantly everytime i visit the greater LA area, kinda scary. but yeah, that sucks to read what happened.

I was there for five or six hours and I've never gotten worse vibes from a city and the people living in it, in my entire life. didn't help we drove right by inglewood. Calgary is thousands of times nicer then LA.

05-09-2005, 10:45 AM

Oh my... that sucks! :thumbsdow

05-09-2005, 12:44 PM
I wouldn't pick a fight with them WHILE they were shooting at my car....but if they use a gun, they are exempt from any honorable rules from fighting....so sneak up behind them, kick them in the back, then a shitkick to the choda should do.

05-09-2005, 12:59 PM
^one word my friend... rex-wondo

05-09-2005, 01:58 PM
some guy prb just didn't pay for his shiet, and now is gonna get takin out for it. That's just what's been happenin since new year. its all specific targets, but they sure suck when they miss all the time. Take that nice ride outta da hood and up the hill (strathcona-westside area) and you'll never have to worry.

Oh jea, and your wishes of death upon the ppl involved are almost guarateed to be fulfilled........

05-09-2005, 02:25 PM
man thats nothing, in Palestine, stettler jews will shoot at you with automatic guns like crazy or even the Israeli defense forces (IDF) will run over a car for no reason with their American tanks. What can you do? NOTHING. Then people in the west wonder why their are suicide bombers. Thats the best way to fight back.

05-09-2005, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by skandalz
^one word my friend... rex-kwondo


break the wrist, walk away

05-09-2005, 04:10 PM
or shoot back at them....:bigpimp:

05-09-2005, 06:58 PM
Lets get one thing straight, if someone who did this is doing it for personal reasons , its not like they came to my house to shoot my car. They shot it while i was at my friends house. If it was something personal and serious, they woulda came and shot me not my car. They shot my car cuz their pussies just a lil bunch of pussies. Thats why i would pick a fight with them, i truly believe they dont have the balls to shoot at a human being. And trust me when something of mine gets shot up I would shoot back no problem.

05-09-2005, 07:02 PM
one more thing our beautiful police service is doing a horrible job of covering this case. Telling the cops about this one was a mistake for me, instead of getting justice served, I have to run around without my car, because they have been tryin to retrieve evidence for the last 3 days. I went to the lot today to get my car but theirs a police hold on it, now they said i have to go back tmw and pick it up. These last 4 days have been a nightmare.

05-10-2005, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by brownchild
one more thing our beautiful police service is doing a horrible job of covering this case. Telling the cops about this one was a mistake for me, instead of getting justice served, I have to run around without my car, because they have been tryin to retrieve evidence for the last 3 days. I went to the lot today to get my car but theirs a police hold on it, now they said i have to go back tmw and pick it up. These last 4 days have been a nightmare.

So you dont want them to attempt to catch the guys?
Sure it's unfortunate you are out of a vehicle for a few days but dude dont you want those fuckers caught!!'

05-10-2005, 10:09 PM
hell yeah i want them to catch the guys, but the cop out of his own mouth told me theirs very little they can do. all their gonna attempt to do is get the bullets out of my car and, see if they match with a gun thats in their records, which is rare. by the way its now been 4 days since my cars been held, hopefully tmw.

05-10-2005, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by skandalz
^one word my friend... rex-wondo

05-11-2005, 07:32 AM
didnt bother to read entire post...but dont think were getting pics :( never seen a shot up car!

05-11-2005, 08:19 AM
Me and Hampstor just got back from LA yesterday, there were like 3 shootings and a school bus accident in the 2 days we were watching the news, SCARY stuff!

05-11-2005, 08:38 AM
i cant beleve someone would gun down a car:dunno: :dunno:

05-11-2005, 12:50 PM
Man...LA is nothing...compare that to any big city in Latin America and the numbers wouldn't even be close...I lived in Bogota for most of my life...there's a truck there we call the "Fridge"...it basically goes around picking up dead bodies...it's really sad :cry:

05-11-2005, 08:06 PM
originally im from NORTH INDIA, by Kashmir and all that shit im not talkin bout different cities. Where im from whole families with their children get wiped out just for being HINDUS, or MUSLIMS. Everywhere in this world theirs pointless crime. Just fukkin pointless. You know who i blame THE GOVERNMENT. We dont need any governments. We should live under one spiritual leader and thats god. I dont vote and i never will, because i dont beleive in this system that we are living in. I think once im older like 30 im going to move into the jungles. Im tired of this shit. All im gonna do is smoke herb and live life. if weed was legal people wouldnt be going around shooting peoples cars. But instead liqour is legal and liqour leads on to these pointless acts. Its all a conspiracy theory, but some people dont understand it and never will.

05-11-2005, 10:17 PM
I have a little buddha sitting next to my alarm clock... he's cool :dunno:

As Bob Marley once said, "Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction"
...and he was absolutely right when you think about it. Less people get abusive when they smoke weed as compared to when they drink. I agree, the laws have it backwards, the alcohol should be illegal and the weed should be legal... but if they made booze illegal we'd still drink it, thats the way it goes :thumbsup:

Edit: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/lifecynical.php I always watch this when I have a shitty day... it gets me thinking.