View Full Version : sending international packages

05-09-2005, 10:30 PM
Okay, just a quick question on sending international packages and parcels. Just a hypothetical question here. When you send something from say...Korea:rolleyes: How likely is it that they will send it through the x ray machine or open the package to anaylze its contents? :dunno: Just wondering

Does it matter on the courier?

05-09-2005, 10:31 PM
LOL. It's very likely that it'll be opened by customs. For every package I receive from the states, i'd say about 2/3 are opened by customs.

Dope Dealer
05-09-2005, 11:52 PM
I've had stuff sent from Korea via EMS and never had it opened...

05-10-2005, 12:08 AM
Good chance Customs will give it the once-over, most parcels I get from the States or Japan are opened by Customs.

05-10-2005, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by Dope Dealer
I've had stuff sent from Korea via EMS and never had it opened...

Yeah, EMS is the way to go if you're sending from overseas. I'm getting some stuff sent by EMS. SHould be here soon. :D

05-10-2005, 12:19 AM
About half the time, stuff I receive from overseas has been opened. Taxes and duty have never been imposed.

05-10-2005, 12:48 AM
Originally posted by Weapon_R
LOL. It's very likely that it'll be opened by customs. For every package I receive from the states, i'd say about 2/3 are opened by customs.

:werd: comes with that wonderful US customs tape across it, but the last 2 packages i've recieved since jan. were not opened. Maybe there is less paranoia in customs now. :dunno:

05-11-2005, 01:13 AM
Ya you'll know if customs opens them, I still think they open alot of packages just more random now. I know I got a couple packages from Australia at different times and they were all opened. A friend of mine got packages from Europe and they wern't opened by customs :dunno: .

05-11-2005, 01:22 AM
are you gonna be sending some dildos back?

05-11-2005, 03:30 AM
Originally posted by BigDannyCool
are you gonna be sending some dildos back?

Well, I guess most of the popular brands (including the ultravibe pleasure 2000) are made in Korea so I thought I'd save your mom the trouble of sending away for hers. Unfortunately she won't get her travel sized one but hey, she's done okay thus far :thumbsup:

Anyway, I'm looking to send back some liscence plates. I'd get them legitimately but the only way to acquire one is to buy a car. I've searched a lot of places and I've concluded that if I am to get some, I have to stoop to a lowly level! :thumbsdow Anyway, if I were to get ahold of these, I'd have to be pretty stealth in sending them back because I'm assuming that if they crack open my parcel and see them sitting there, they'd definately check them out. Likewise, if I stash them in my carry on luggage, I'm sure they'll see it in their x ray machine.

The only thing I'm wondering now is whether or not they put all the luggage through an x ray machine as well. :dunno:

Anyway, any insight as to how I would send these home if I were to get ahold of them. :thumbsup:

05-11-2005, 04:14 AM
You can always get away with stuff like this but if they see this through the xray machine (not carry on luggage) they wouldnt do anything would they? It's not like they would clearly see the plate. Isn't there shit that you can do to partially hide it!?! :dunno: :dunno:

I guess brining fireworks ove ris easier than license plates. :thumbsup:

05-11-2005, 04:56 AM
it'll just show up as a flat piece of metal in your luggage...i'm sure they wouldn't do anything. not like it looks like a bomb or anything

05-11-2005, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by BigDannyCool
it'll just show up as a flat piece of metal in your luggage...i'm sure they wouldn't do anything. not like it looks like a bomb or anything

I'm just wondering if they'll see it because the numbers and letters are raised. At least that's what I thought it would do. :dunno: I don't know exactly how x ray machines work! :rofl: