View Full Version : Behind the Wheel - May 11, 2005

05-12-2005, 07:20 PM
There must be a lot of frustration out there among the readers of this column! Each week I receive a number of suggestions on what topic should appear here, often with the comment that some of the really bad drivers should do more reading. I'm happy to oblige with this column on the subject of turns and turn signals.

In general, making a turn at an intersection is simple enough. You plan ahead, move into the correct lane well in advance, signal, turn from the correct lane into the correct lane yielding as necessary and everyone gets along well. The problems all come from doing things that other drivers don't expect and can't compensate for. You meet in the middle, and that is not a good thing.

Planning ahead is the sign of a driver that is aware. This would mean that you arrive at your turn in the proper lane and there is no need to suddenly change lanes or ignore the solid lines that would prevent you from doing so.

As I have said many times, defensive drivers signal all moves all the time, even if the law does not require them to do so. What better way to let others around you know what you want? Who knows, they may even yield and let you make that turn.

The lines on the road are there for a purpose. They tell us where we need to be and where we have to go. Turns must begin in the indicated lane and end in the first available lane for that direction of traffic. This always hold true unless the lines, signs or signals tell us otherwise.

Chapter 3 of Road Sense for Drivers is the guide to learn more. Pick one up at your nearest Driver Service Center or read it on line at www.icbc.com

05-12-2005, 08:55 PM
Well said, I hate people that decide they need to turn into the lane beside it... Makes me super paranoid when Im trying to make a right hand turn (of course, after completed my stop and progressing to make the turn). Almost got hit by cars a few times, that didnt go in the lane they are suppose to go in... Its their fault if an accident was to occur, correct?

05-13-2005, 09:56 AM
It would be an improper turn or crossing a solid line and I would like to think it would be all the other driver's fault.

05-14-2005, 09:30 PM
I like to drive like a lethbridge farmer, ie the speed limit, and generally not one click over.

What really bugs me is when I make the turn correctly, then I would like to lane change into the next lane, but I get cut off by the speed demon behind me that likes to turn into the far lane so they can burn past me.

BTW, when I'm feeling ingorant, I usually lane change in front of the agressive driver anyway, just to piss them off a little more
