View Full Version : Big ass fire across from my condo!

GTS Jeff
05-15-2005, 12:53 AM
Alright wtf. After spending awhile under my car getting all greasy and dirty, I go home to find the walk-up apartments across the alley BURNT THE FUCK DOWN! They're pretty old and ghetto, and they make for a shitty view from my balcony, so I guess it's nice that they'll be forced to rebuild a nicer place. Thankfully I closed the windows the night before so my condo isn't smoke damaged, but there is a stupid smell here.

I can't seem to find any news articles on it yet, but here are some pics I snapped:








05-15-2005, 01:06 AM
:eek: hope no one was hurt

05-15-2005, 01:59 AM
crazy...i was driving home one day and there was a fire on the route home from school, i was like the 4th person there. i got the hell out of my car and ran towards it, there was a guy on the ground bleeding really really bad (im not sure if he survived). luckily he was the only person at home when the fire started :dunno: .

05-15-2005, 02:19 AM
how do you bleed from a fire?

05-15-2005, 02:21 AM
damn that looks like its pretty close to your place

theres been so many damn fires in the last couple of weeks wtfs going on?

two fires in monteray in the last 2 weeks and in the last 10 years maybe 1!

05-15-2005, 05:44 AM
Originally posted by BigDannyCool
how do you bleed from a fire?

Shit could fall on you.

GTS Jeff
05-15-2005, 05:53 AM
Originally posted by djayz
damn that looks like its pretty close to your place

theres been so many damn fires in the last couple of weeks wtfs going on?

two fires in monteray in the last 2 weeks and in the last 10 years maybe 1! Haha yeah it's pretty shitty.

Edmonton gets a ton of fires. In the time that I've lived here (all of undergrad) there have been two major fires on Whyte Ave, at least 3 industrial fires involving explosions and shit, and now this...

05-15-2005, 08:41 AM
Chances are they will just redo the roof, clean the smoke and water damage, and rent them back out. A lot cheaper than rebuilding them. Too bad, they are damn ugly to have for a view.

05-15-2005, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by BigDannyCool
how do you bleed from a fire?
Shit falls on you, you fall through stuff or jump off belcony to save ur life, run into something, get startled and cut yourself, etc.. etc..

EDIT: not to mention that when you get burnt from a fire, depening on the severity, you bleed.

05-18-2005, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
Haha yeah it's pretty shitty.

Edmonton gets a ton of fires. In the time that I've lived here (all of undergrad) there have been two major fires on Whyte Ave, at least 3 industrial fires involving explosions and shit, and now this...

:werd: The fires on Whyte were crazy. The grease fire from chinatown a couple of years ago was a huge blaze too.

05-18-2005, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
but there is a stupid smell here.

Of course, you live in Edmonton :rofl: