View Full Version : I was lucky!!

05-20-2005, 04:18 PM
So i was driving today and got pulled over for speeding...i know its my fault and i was going to pay the fine...but i was lokking over the ticket and the cop wrote speeding in a 70km/hr zone but it was a 50....so he messed up...i just got home and i get a call from the officer...he told me it was my lucky day and he messed up and that i could rip up the ticket....136 bux he saved me...just goes to show you not all cops are bad....:D :D :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

05-20-2005, 04:21 PM
ive had some encounters with cops where i should of been fined fiarly heavily (not being able to see out of anywhere in the car besides the driver side window/mirror and HALF of the front window and no rear veiw mirror) they are acutaly genuinly good guys IF you have respect for them before they even pull you over, and dont be a total ass to them when theyre talking to you about why you got pulled over... REMEMBER (not you inparticular, but everybody who bashes cops on this forum) YOU did something wrong, THEY are just doing thier jobs :thumbsup:

05-20-2005, 04:35 PM
Yup he was doing his job....he wasnt an ass to me but he wasnt letting me off.....i did speed and i almost had to pay for it....everyone should understand you dont get pulled over for obeying the law.....i got lucky so now i will slow down i hope other people do the same.....we dont need any more deaths in calgary