View Full Version : Patenting a Business idea

05-22-2005, 01:10 AM
Hey guys..
Dont even know if thats the right way to say it..

If you have a business idea, or a way to better a current business, and you want to present that idea..its probably a good idea go get it panteted right.?
Just so they dont take your idea.. etc etc.

how would one go about doing this?
Anyone know?

Someone said something about a registry..
and another person said something about a lawyer..

Any help on this would be g r e a t l y appreciated :)



05-22-2005, 01:18 AM
Tell us what your idea is first:D I remember hearing ads on the radio for inventors and a way to get patents, but that was a while ago so I don't really know. I'd also be curious to here this...

05-22-2005, 06:26 PM
If he wont tell the business until he gets a patent, I doubt he'll put the idea on the internet

05-22-2005, 06:30 PM
hire a patent lawyer, 'things' are easy, but ideas are hard to patent. ie; if you're plan is to manufacture and sell something that will improve a current process than yes, that's easy. If you've got just an idea that you'll sell on a way to improve a process.... harder, if not impossible. If you've got an idea then make it reality, invent something that will acheive your idea and patent that.

05-23-2005, 11:48 AM

kkay thanks guys...

I hear the process is quite long...guess we'll have to see what happens.!

05-23-2005, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by Khalil

kkay thanks guys...

I hear the process is quite long...guess we'll have to see what happens.!

Not only long, but VERY expensive. There's alot of meetings at my company over what is worth patenting and what isn't The process takes years and usually averages ~$7000 - $10 000 USD.

You can also check out this patent search engine to see if your idea may be already taken. Although, I wouldn't take the web site as a definitive source of information.
