View Full Version : Sad customer Service

05-24-2005, 11:18 PM
Well, I guess it had to happen, drop 1000.00 bucks on sod and get a run around on delivery day.

I wonder how a company can get away with telling a customer two different stories on 2 different phone calls the same day and expect them to wait around till 6:00 pm in the evening to have sod delivered at an 85.00 dollar charge.

2:00 : Phone to inquire about sod, was told that driver was held up and grass was being loaded right now it will be there bye 4:30 at the latest, sorry for not calling you.

4:30 : Phone to inquire where sod was, was told truck was being loaded but it would be another 1.5 hours before delivery.

6:15 : Driver shows up, told me he was called from home to deliver sod, and he did not have the time to do anything but drop it in front of house, not around back like agreed and sorry to bad for me.

It's a sad state of affairs that when going into main building after dropping off pallets I get some old harridan telling me (while apparently looking down her nose at a lowly peon, that)

"Well we told you it would be delivered that day and we make no guarentee as to when it was going to get there, so therefore 6:00 o'clock arrival time is perfectly acceptable."

Get this, when SHE goes to a company and expects delivery, she expects it between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm. Kinda funny that a company spokesman can get away with telling me to bad for wasting your time but tough luck. And yet in the same breath totally go against what she is saying.

So I say thumbs down to Blue Grass for apparent lack of
"Fast Effecient delivery service"

05-25-2005, 12:58 AM
Sounds like you need a better grass dealer. ;)

05-25-2005, 01:13 AM
thats shitty :thumbsdow

oh..and seed>sod :D

05-25-2005, 01:27 AM
Yes as a matter of fact i do :D

It is kinda shitty tho what they did. Was gonna seed but to lay and have a wedding here in 3 months, so I wanted to have it in as quick as possible