View Full Version : Manly Drinks

06-08-2005, 02:43 AM
Shitty as it is, I'm pretty much allergic to beer. I can drink it fine but its not worth it since I'm up all night wheezing and sneezing:thumbsdow And I hate Coke/Pepsi, so rum and coke is out, so I really never know what to order when I do go out. So what are some other good drinks that won't make me look like a poosie?:poosie: :dunno:

06-08-2005, 03:05 AM
shirley temple.

06-08-2005, 05:46 AM
Maybe try a Gin and OJ, or a Vodka Gingerale, I dont know what your limitations are on your allergys, but those are a few I grab when I'm sick of Rum and coke... I find Rum/Whiskey to be a shitty buzz ( I get stupid on that shit) tequila shooters are good to make you happy, at least they work for me, other then that I dont know what your into, those r just a few suggestions...

06-08-2005, 06:01 AM
screw drivers (vodca and OJ)

not really manly and not really girl, ussually I double it though

06-08-2005, 08:19 AM
scotch on the rocks, haha. Or a dry Martini....shaken, not stirred.....both are pretty nasty though, I always feel less girly when I drink whisky sours, but they may still classify as "girly" I don't know.

06-08-2005, 08:27 AM
Gin and Tonic
Vodka and Tonic
Vodka and 7up
Rye and 7up

06-08-2005, 08:30 AM
straight vodka shots. no chase. that is the ultimate in manly, by Russian standards anyway. substitute vodka for different drinks to impress people from different countries.

06-08-2005, 08:30 AM
Rye and Gingerale. It's what Canada Dry was invented for, practically.

06-08-2005, 08:45 AM
Vodka 7

06-08-2005, 08:45 AM
Tequila on its own ;)

06-08-2005, 08:49 AM
I drink grey goose vodka on the rocks, no mix. Same with single malt scotches, plus I dont mind hennessy straight up.

06-08-2005, 08:55 AM
Guinness :thumbsup: (It's not beer, it's stout.) The only allergic reaction you'll have is to standing up after 8 pints :nut:

06-08-2005, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by pitwipe
Guinness :thumbsup: (It's not beer, it's stout.) The only allergic reaction you'll have is to standing up after 8 pints :nut:

Bah, I'm still stone sober after 6 pints of the black gold:D

06-08-2005, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by jdmakkord

Bah, I'm still stone sober after 6 pints of the black gold:D

He means you'll have trouble standing cause it's like drinking liquid lead, your stomach is so heavy after 8 pints of "the drink that you have to chew" that you won't be able to lift yourself out of the chair. :rofl:

06-08-2005, 09:06 AM
I knew a guy that thought he was allergic to beer. Turns out he was only allergic to cans of beer. He can still drink bottled beer fine. My dads same way something about the aluminum can. They can both drink canned pop without allergies acting up tho.:dunno:

06-08-2005, 10:22 AM
Vodka Slime

Vodka with 7up and Lime.

06-08-2005, 10:25 AM
Jagr Bombs (Red Bull and Jagr)

06-08-2005, 10:29 AM
Tom Colins... BEST DRINK EVER!!!

Gin and Lemonade....

06-08-2005, 10:30 AM
second abyss' scotch on the rocks :thumbsup:

06-08-2005, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by jdmakkord
I drink grey goose vodka on the rocks, no mix.

Grey Goose is pretty girly overpriced crap. The only people who drink Grey Goose are people that think its better because it cost them double of any other vodka.

Stolichnaya (pronounced Stah-leen-ah or Stow-lee for short) is my favorite vodka. Better taste, less pretentiousness.

06-08-2005, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by abyss

He means you'll have trouble standing cause it's like drinking liquid lead, your stomach is so heavy after 8 pints of "the drink that you have to chew" that you won't be able to lift yourself out of the chair. :rofl:

I dont find Guiness that heavy. The head has thick foam due to the small bubbles but thats about it. In fact it is one of the lowest calorie/carb beers out there.

12oz serving
126 calories
9.5g carbs

06-08-2005, 10:37 AM
guiness tastes like wd40 :barf: :barf: :barf:

06-08-2005, 10:48 AM
Double Crown with a twist...It's not bad actually.

If you can't handle the straight stuff, vodka 7 is always a great tasting drink.

06-08-2005, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by rmk
guiness tastes like wd40 :barf: :barf: :barf:

Haha, Hampstor drinks it all the time and keeps getting me to try it, somehow it just keeps getting worse and worse! How is that even possible? Isn't beer an aquired taste? I'm trying to aquire it and it's impossible! Sputnik, it may have less calories than regular beer, but it tastes really heavy to me.

EK 2.0
06-08-2005, 10:50 AM
Hypno and Alize...yeah, yeah!!...I dunno I though I would thug it up a lil up in hurr ya know we be'z off that heezie with our 40's o' HYPNO!!

06-08-2005, 10:55 AM
Drink whatever the fuck you want. You must be new to the bar scene because you care about what other people think with regard to what you drink. That's gay....drink what tastes good.

06-08-2005, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG
Drink whatever the fuck you want. You must be new to the bar scene because you care about what other people think with regard to what you drink. That's gay....drink what tastes good.

:werd: :werd:

who gives a shit what you drink?

06-08-2005, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG
Drink whatever the fuck you want. You must be new to the bar scene because you care about what other people think with regard to what you drink. That's gay....drink what tastes good.

:werd: :thumbsup:

06-08-2005, 11:00 AM
Gin and Tonic :D
Rye and Ginger
Red wine
Red bull and vodka
Rye and diet coke (but you don't like cola)

I hate beer... so these are some of the options I am left with...

06-08-2005, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by sputnik

Grey Goose is pretty girly overpriced crap. The only people who drink Grey Goose are people that think its better because it cost them double of any other vodka.

Stolichnaya (pronounced Stah-leen-ah or Stow-lee for short) is my favorite vodka. Better taste, less pretentiousness.

Pfttttt, only one of the highest rated vodkas for a reason. If I'm mixing, stoli is fine, straight, only grey goose. Chances are I've had every vodka available on the market in Alberta, let alone other liquors too. I'm not a "Fad" drinker.

EK 2.0
06-08-2005, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by sputnik

Grey Goose is pretty girly overpriced crap. The only people who drink Grey Goose are people that think its better because it cost them double of any other vodka.

Stolichnaya (pronounced Stah-leen-ah or Stow-lee for short) is my favorite vodka. Better taste, less pretentiousness.

Originally posted by jdmakkord

Pfttttt, only one of the highest rated vodkas for a reason. If I'm mixing, stoli is fine, straight, only grey goose. Chances are I've had every vodka available on the market in Alberta, let alone other liquors too. I'm not a "Fad" drinker.

uh-oh...alky battles...haha;)

06-08-2005, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by EK 2.0

uh-oh...alky battles...haha;)

Hey now, I'm not an alcoholic, I just like to drink a lot alone, every day:D

06-08-2005, 11:53 AM
^in a corner, with the lights off.


EK 2.0
06-08-2005, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by jdmakkord
Hey now, I'm not an alcoholic, I just like to drink a lot alone, every day:D

Originally posted by ZorroAMG
^in a corner, with the lights off. :D

I mean check his avatar...:D

06-08-2005, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by abyss

Haha, Hampstor drinks it all the time and keeps getting me to try it, somehow it just keeps getting worse and worse! How is that even possible? Isn't beer an aquired taste? I'm trying to aquire it and it's impossible! Sputnik, it may have less calories than regular beer, but it tastes really heavy to me.

:) let us know how it goes!!!

06-08-2005, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by rmk
guiness tastes like wd40 :barf: :barf: :barf:

How do you know what wd40 tastes like? strapped for cash one day?:poosie:

06-08-2005, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by Nav13

How do you know what wd40 tastes like? strapped for cash one day?:poosie:

yep. you should of seen the look on the bottle depot guys face when i try to cash all them wd40 cans in.

06-08-2005, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by Kirbs17
Jagr Bombs (Red Bull and Jagr)

YES the best drink ever

sour jacks are good too (sour puss and jack daniels)

06-08-2005, 01:13 PM
Port goes really nice with Guinness, in fact you can drop a shot of port into a pint of Guinness and it turns the head red.

Or you can do 50% Guinness and 50% Champagne to make Black Velvet... and that is a fantastic drink, but not very cheap.

06-08-2005, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by pitwipe
Port goes really nice with Guinness, in fact you can drop a shot of port into a pint of Guinness and it turns the head red.

Or you can do 50% Guinness and 50% Champagne to make Black Velvet... and that is a fantastic drink, but not very cheap.

I normally do a shot of half baileys/half jamesons dropped into a guinness. Good ol irish car bomb!

06-08-2005, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by jdmakkord

I normally do a shot of half baileys/half jamesons dropped into a guinness. Good ol irish car bomb!

I like the sounds of that.

06-08-2005, 03:12 PM
Gin & ginger with a twist of lime has been my favorite lately,
Its not quite as sharp as a gin & tonic and i like it better than gin and juice.

06-08-2005, 03:18 PM
Maybe try Scotch and Sprite.... I like that a lot

06-08-2005, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by RX-7_TWINTURBO
Gin & ginger with a twist of lime has been my favorite lately,
Its not quite as sharp as a gin & tonic and i like it better than gin and juice.

Jack (Daniels) and Ginger is good too.

06-08-2005, 03:33 PM
china white shots. its good shit.

06-08-2005, 05:44 PM
Good shooters Double jack (1/2 daniels, 1/2 yukon jack)

Good chuggers Black tooth grin 3-4 shots whiskey splash of coke for colour. (RIP DIMEBAG)

Good Drinks Vodka 7/OJ, Rye Ginger/Coke, Gin Tonic (no hangover) etc...

If you hate beer Drink Boddingtons. its awesome. Lighter than guiness but stout :)

06-08-2005, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by Milk2%
china white shots. its good shit.

Wait, wasn't this supposed to be about manly drinks? :D

06-08-2005, 06:10 PM
Lots of good drinks suggested here. A couple of my personal fav's are Tangueray and OJ, Vodka sevens. Lots of other good drinks around. I also enjoy sipping on the odd glass of brandy every now and than also.

06-08-2005, 07:39 PM
call me a pussy but when i drink its vodka cran press w/ a lemon.

i dont drink much however i am a big fan of JD. im weird.

06-08-2005, 07:42 PM
Bacardi 151, it doubles as paint stripper to!

06-08-2005, 09:09 PM
vodka and redbull! hehe i love that stuff. drunk and hyper at the same time!

i like scotch on the rocks. it gets u hella plastered tho

06-08-2005, 09:20 PM
wow, i thought more people knew about this one, if none of you have tried it... you really should...

The drunk you get from this stuff just cannot be beat... since you drink it with water you _NEVER_ get hang overs (well at least I don't).... just don't ever mix it with anything else if you drink it, cuz you'll miss out on the best drunk you've ever had in your life.

click the link for the _BEST_ drink _EVAR_

---------->> OUZO 12 <<---------- (http://www.ouzo12.com)

06-08-2005, 09:56 PM

Whiskey and root beer, a damn good mix if you ask me...

06-08-2005, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by Proyecto2000
Tequila on its own ;)

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Worst time of my life i can't even smell tequilla anymore without feeling like gaging.

06-08-2005, 10:14 PM
oh heres a try all my friends hated it but i didnt mind it just dont get the oj with pulp or else that =instant throw up so this is how it went i was walking down town with alcohol and didnt want to carry those glass bottles around so what i did was mixed 1/4 a 26 of bacardi and 1/4 a 26 of vodka-green apple and filled the rest of one of those plastic jugs full of OJ. Yeah but make sure there is NOOOOOOO pulp in that orange juice i can't stress that enough.

06-09-2005, 12:04 AM
Tanqueray and OJ is my current favorite.

06-09-2005, 12:25 AM
i drink a tom collins every once in a while, or a martini, if not those two, double vodka shots with just a splash of 7 up, somtimes subsitute the 7 up with either coke or black cherry safeway select :thumbsup:

DJ Lazy
06-09-2005, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by pitwipe
Guinness :thumbsup: (It's not beer, it's stout.)

I am a Fan of Boddingtons ..... Damn... :drool:

06-09-2005, 07:33 AM
vodka and redbull is for raver kiddies

06-09-2005, 08:06 AM
rye + ginger!

or get the CC&G.. it's rye and ginger in a beer bottle so you can LOOK like you're drinking beer ;)

06-09-2005, 08:16 AM
Originally posted by sputnik
vodka and redbull is for raver kiddies

You seem to knock whatever anyone else drinks around here, what else do you enjoy other than stoli? I'd like to pick apart your choices in liquor too.:rolleyes:

06-09-2005, 09:33 AM
Straight Jack ain't bad either.

06-09-2005, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by jdmakkord

You seem to knock whatever anyone else drinks around here, what else do you enjoy other than stoli? I'd like to pick apart your choices in liquor too.:rolleyes:

My liquor cabinet contains the following...

Stolichnaya Vodka
Crown Royal
Johnnie Walker Blue Label
Jack Daniels
Jamesons Irish Whiskey
Appleton Jamaican Rum
Amaretto DiSarono
Baileys Irish Cream (for coffee)

06-09-2005, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by Milk2%
china white shots. its good shit.

Anything with the world China = pussy hahaha

06-09-2005, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by sputnik

My liquor cabinet contains the following...

Stolichnaya Vodka
Crown Royal
Johnnie Walker Blue Label
Jack Daniels
Jamesons Irish Whiskey
Appleton Jamaican Rum
Amaretto DiSarono
Baileys Irish Cream (for coffee)

For vodka you know my choice Grey goose
I dont drink rye, but theres a few bottles of crown anyways
For scotches, I hate blends, so Johnnie blue is out of the question, I have Balvenie 10, 12, 15, and 21 yrs. Plus Glenrothes speyside 1987, glengoyne single cask No.4464, and my nicest one a murray mcdavid springbank 1967. My company scotch is glenfiddich 18yr
Aside from that, I have approx $8000 in collectors wines, icewines, ports, champagnes, and sherrys. :D

As you can see, because of my choice in vodkas, I drink girly drinks, and got nothing on you:rolleyes:

06-09-2005, 12:21 PM
rye and water

06-09-2005, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Weed
I knew a guy that thought he was allergic to beer. Turns out he was only allergic to cans of beer. He can still drink bottled beer fine. My dads same way something about the aluminum can. They can both drink canned pop without allergies acting up tho.:dunno:

Weird, I've never really payed attention to that, sometimes I'm allright, but I think that's usually if I've taken anti-histamines and stuff. I'm allergic to grass and stuff, so I'd think the barley and hops probly have more to do with it.

Thanks for the tips guys, I like gin/juic and vodka/juice, but was worried they were girly or something because they taste so damn good:thumbsup: tequila shots are actually my fav., but u can't drink them alone all night long, and I'll have to try scotch too

06-09-2005, 01:33 PM
Gin & OJ - Usual drink

Tequilla - Shots

and i'm a big fan of Black Russians when i want to get fuckered.:nut: