View Full Version : Emissions testing coming to alberta....but its not as bad as it could be

01-20-2003, 05:10 PM
You need to copy the brackets to this link for it to work.

Atleast they aren't going to give any penaltys if you fail the test.

I took the emissions test environment canada had set up at northland mall in the summer and was 9 times over the limit they said. Two of the guys there said it was the worst test they had ever seen. So I (and probly and a lot of other forum members) would be screwed if they were giving out penaltys.

01-20-2003, 05:13 PM
its not like like the cops pull u over and check u're emissions level so it should be easy to get away with

01-20-2003, 05:15 PM
I was reading the herald article too...apparently it's a drive through thing where the infrared censors detect your emissions and snap a photo of your license if it fails...neat stuff.

GTS Jeff
01-20-2003, 05:15 PM
hah my car would fail the emissions test pretty good...after i install the straight pipe, there wont be a single piece of emissions equipment in my car.

following my car will be following a toxic death cloud of poison gas

Blue Devil 2
01-20-2003, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by ecstasyracer
You need to copy the brackets to this link for it to work.

Atleast they aren't going to give any penaltys if you fail the test.

I took the emissions test environment canada had set up at northland mall in the summer and was 9 times over the limit they said. Two of the guys there said it was the worst test they had ever seen. So I (and probly and a lot of other forum members) would be screwed if they were giving out penaltys.

The penalty is your fucking up the air that you breathe, and in the future were not gonna have nice clean air anymore.

01-20-2003, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by m@+CH
its not like like the cops pull u over and check u're emissions level so it should be easy to get away with

I think they will link it with your insurance or registration. They won't insure your car or renew your registration unless you pass.

01-20-2003, 05:50 PM

GTS Jeff
01-20-2003, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by kaput

:werd: Driving cars is one of the worst things we can do, why make it worse? performance gains

01-20-2003, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by Jeff TYPE R
performance gains


performance > environment

btw, see sig :thumbsup:

01-20-2003, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by finboy


performance > environment

btw, see sig :thumbsup: :werd: times 2:burnout: :burnout:

01-20-2003, 06:42 PM
if we get emissions testing... i'm sooo... fucked along with half the people on this board :banghead: . i'm pretty sure my car is putting out more emissions then any old beater...

01-20-2003, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by Blue Devil 2
The penalty is your fucking up the air that you breathe, and in the future were not gonna have nice clean air anymore.

Poor automobile emissions is the last thing you should be worried about if you care about air quality and the environment. Even if all the cars are taken off the road today, the dent is so small, it won't be noticable.

01-20-2003, 07:18 PM
So everyone have to go and try to pass the test?? Is it a mandatory test??

GTS Jeff
01-20-2003, 07:20 PM
yea geez guys, dont u guys watch david suzuki? global warming will soon melt the polar ice and release a shitload of co2 thatll make car pollution seem like peanuts

01-20-2003, 07:20 PM
It's a voluntary test. They did this back in 92 or 93. I used to have a nice "I Drive Green" sticker on my car after passing the test! :D

01-20-2003, 07:22 PM
haha. screw the test..... i'll just go steal a sticker off someone elses car. hahaha.

01-20-2003, 07:25 PM
meah, screw that, If I ever have to take the test, I'll save them all the time and tell them I would fail.

Major industry and 3rd world countries are fucking up this planet far more than my 1.8L VW motor.

Sure the environment is important to me, but we need to see a global change, not just a few more people on the roads with proper emmisions controls.

So yeah, whatever, Testing or not, I'm not changing. THey have to make it worthwhile to pass...give me a tax break or some sort of Monetary incentive, cause as cold hearted as it sounds, "Saving the Environment" doesn't do it for me.

Mr. Grinch
01-20-2003, 09:42 PM
Is it just me, or is that article completely insane?

The basic inputs for combustion are hydrocarbons (fuel) and oxygen. The basic output, given "perfect" combustion, is water and C02.

Any place I know of, including California and BC, are basically concerned about the results of imperfect combustion, basically hydrocarbon and sulfur oxides. In the atmosphere, these can cause smog, acid rain, etc. depending on their location and conditions in the atmosphere.

But the article says Alberta won't be measuring these, but strictly C02.

If you're engine is working at it's peak, it will be making more C02 instead of these other byproducts. If your engine is not working properly, it will be making less C02 and more byproducts... in effect it would rate better on these proposed "tests". The only way you can elimintate greenhouse gases from cars is by eliminating combustion engines.

Also, the volume of C02 produced doesn't really mean much unless you compare it to the work done. Having a low volume of C02 doesn't mean much if you're running a 2 stroke scooter vs a vehicle that carries more load or people.

California has actually DROPPED emissions testing for older performance cars, simply because they're never driven enough to amount to any significant amount of gas production.

Alberta tested their a large number of their school bus fleet a few years ago, and the majority of them failed, and a large percent were deemed to have unsafe levels of emissions entering the passenger area. It's hard to take an article like this seriously when you know large fleets of government and corporate vehicles are producing far more emissions, and that's not going to change, because nobody wants to pay what it would cost to upgrade them.

01-20-2003, 09:56 PM
The way i see it is screw emissions. By the time anything serious really happens we'll probably be dead! So i say scew emissions.


DSM Power
01-21-2003, 09:39 AM
"Taylor (environment minister) plans to introduce the program to his government for discussion early this year. "

He was already quoted on the news before this was published saying something to the effect of "it's not going to happen anytime soon" - so I wouldn't worry about it.

01-21-2003, 09:01 PM
First off vehicle emissions and greenhouses gases are really two different things, the government has their science backward here, in an effort to reduce unburnt hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen, we added catalatic converters to cars, the catalytic converters turn the unburnt hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen into , guess what..Co2... So to make a car cleaner we make it emit more greenhouse gases..
Before we have another crazy government bureacracy handing out tickets for something they know nothing about go here:

in the pull down menu select
enviroment and water
and tell Lorne Taylor to stick it up his ass...
If they recieve no feedback this will go ahead and become yet another tax on driving, its not about enviromental issues, never has been never will be...Maxt

01-21-2003, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Poor automobile emissions is the last thing you should be worried about if you care about air quality and the environment. Even if all the cars are taken off the road today, the dent is so small, it won't be noticable.

I don't know about that.

Besides, if you can afford to mod a car you can afford a high flow cat converter. If you can afford an exhaust system, you can afford a high flow cat converter. If you can afford to turbo your car, you can afford a high flow cat converter. If you can afford race gas, you can afford a high flow cat converter.

While it's true that one person running his car with a cat won't ruin the environment, if everyone thought that way we would be screwed.

GTS Jeff
01-21-2003, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by B18C
Besides, if you can afford to mod a car you can afford a high flow cat converter. If you can afford an exhaust system, you can afford a high flow cat converter. If you can afford to turbo your car, you can afford a high flow cat converter. If you can afford race gas, you can afford a high flow cat converter. not always true. for example: i traded interiors with a guy so that i could get his straight pipe exhaust. no money involved at all. i honestly cant afford a cat. hell i cant afford the exhaust either, but it was sort of given to me.

01-22-2003, 12:11 PM
screw the enivronment, we're all going to be glowing in the dark when the next nuclear war hits anyway... and I don't think it'll be too long. Leaded race gas all the way!
If they want to do load testing AWD cars are going to pose a problem too since they'd need 2 sets of rollers, FWD and RWD get owned! ;)

Mr. Grinch
01-23-2003, 06:31 PM
Just an FYI

Ozone creation by smog (http://www.uea.ac.uk/~e490/msc/m566fdl/pocp.htm)

A lot of people don't realize that smog can actually create ozone.

The unburned byproducts from engine combustion react in the atmosphere and form reactive agents, many of which are prone to OH and O3 creation (Ozone).

The climate and temperature, humidity and pressure, all affect the reaction rates and the length of the reaction chains, that is, how a molecue from your exhaust could react and turn into another compound several times until it gets to a state where it's no longer as reactive.

As it turns out, the climate and conditions in L.A. are optimum for creating reactions which generate a lot of ozone. While Ozone may be protective at the upper levels of our atmosphere, it's as reactive and corrosive as any other acid, except it's a gas. It can cause lung, nose, and eye conditions, destroy rubber seals and gaskets, and corrode finishes. There are entire industries built upon repairing and protecting against ozone damage, particularly for aircraft, but also for other things as well.

Keep in mind, it takes 25 to 50 years for the effects of gases we produce here on the ground to make their impact known at the top levels of our atmosphere.

This gives you some insight into why California's emissions regulations are among the strictest in the world.

01-23-2003, 07:17 PM
CO2 is harmless to humans directly. The other products from an engine are not. They are in fact, very harmful. The particles released will cause acid rain, corrosion, heart and lung diseases (cancer included). A lot of people die every year due to cars polluting, from people driving around when they don't need to be, who have no sense of consequence from their actions.


Some people definitely think that it's okay to poision others, because 'everyone is doing it'. I don't agree with that at all. It is absurd, selfish and arrogant to remove the catalytic converter for a marginal increase in engine output, in effect polluting 900% more than with the catalytic converter in place. Why should you let out nearly 10 times as much poision than you need to?

I would like to see F1 shift to cleaner emissions and engine technology. Let them run on one tank of gas (banning refueling) and other interesting things, like why not the EU or california emission laws, and we would soon see incredible advances in engine and emissions technology.

GTS Jeff
01-23-2003, 07:26 PM
i think that some ppl need to take an ecology class before forming an opinion about a touchy subject like this.

for example, co2 is really nothing compared to other greenhouse gases that have a far higher GWP (global warming potential) such as n20 (310x worse than co2), or HFCs (12000x worse than co2).

global warming will also melt the permafrost of the arctic, releasing about 25% of the worlds carbon into the environment. this is a huge number and basically makes kyoto completely useless.

01-23-2003, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by Mikko
I'm definitely for cleaner emissions. Some calculations: USA lets out about a third of the worlds pollution. Recently their vehicles passed the industry in letting out pollution, so one sixth of the worlds pollution comes from americans driving around in their cars (I don't know for sure how reliable this is, so don't flame me- it should be somewhat reliable however).

OMG where did you pull these numbers from, out of your ass?

Worse offending countries for air pollution : Mexico, India, China, Brazil and other developing countries (kyoto exempt... how nice).

Autos passing "the industry" in pollution? Uhh, no. Power plants are the worse offenders, by FAR. It makes up for the majority of air pollution in the USA.

1/6 of the world's pollution comes from americans in their cars? If you add up all the pollution released by vehicles in the USA, it still doesn't compare to the amount of pollution released by aircrafts in the USA. If 1/6 of the world's air pollution comes from vehicles, 1/3's would come from planes. 1/2 would come from power plants and other indistrial sources. Meaning the USA would be the only country in the world releasing pollutants (and only have cars, planes and power plants). Whatever.

Man, seriously dude, do some research before posting. If you wanna make shit up, at least make it realistic.

01-23-2003, 07:47 PM
As long as my N1 catback is legal, I can't say I care.....

01-23-2003, 07:57 PM
I didn't make it up :) I definitely read it somewhere. Allthough something was definitely wrong somewhere. lol. I'll just remove that part of my post.

Yes aircraft are terrible.

01-23-2003, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by Mikko
I didn't make it up :) I definitely read it somewhere. Allthough something was definitely wrong somewhere. lol. I'll just remove that part of my post.

Yes aircraft are terrible.

You prolly pulled that out of the ass of some clown affiliated with green peace.

There are far worse things on this planet than autos, but they are the easiest to point the finger at because we use them every day, whens the last time you pulled up in yourt coal burning power plant at the gas station and said "G'day ole chap, fill 'er up with Petrol Premium, and check undah the bonnet, I may be low on oil. Cheers!" :rolleyes:

01-23-2003, 08:04 PM
lol, Sweden doesn't burn fossilized fuel. It's all nuclear and hydro.

Motor vehicles are used on such a grand scale that they definitely are a sizable problem. Even with catalytic converters.

01-23-2003, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by Mikko
lol, Sweden doesn't burn fossilized fuel. It's all nuclear and hydro.

Motor vehicles are used on such a grand scale that they definitely are a sizable problem. Even with catalytic converters.

Okay, Well I'll donate my catalytic converter to your pledge for automotive desimation, you can find it in the salvage steel yard.

What do you want people to do then Mikko?

Not drive?

What other alternatives to consumers have?

Most cirtainly not moving to alternative powered vehicles like That joke made by Honda or that one from Toyota...

Where would Our Porsches, Our Ferraris, Our Vipers ETC go?! All this stuff you have spent your many days debating with everyone about would become nul and void because you are an anti auto pollution advocate.

You can have one without the other, as sad as that may sound.

There is no way you can make a vehicle to the same specs and standards and have the same versitility as Todays modern supercars without running them on conventional fuels. You love rally and WRC so very much...those cars pollute like hell. And the old vintage cars that burn Leaded gasoline Where do we draw the line in this debate?

I dont like seeing pollution any more than anyone else, but when there are FAR GREATER problems in this planet as Rage mentioned about developing countries, Modern cars are miniscule in comparison to the trash, poorly maintained vehicles, and the mass polluting factories and such, in developing nations.

So yeah...if you think cars are such a huge concern, then go, kneel down behind your car, wedge your dong in the exhaust pipe, and proclaim your love, cause it will make Such a difference.

01-23-2003, 08:32 PM
:banghead: I'd have people plan their trips more carefully. Cold engines with catalytic converters that aren't up to operating temperatures pollute a lot more, so short trips are especially harmful. And ask themselves "Should I really take a trip to starbucks just to get a friggin cup of coffee, and drive there alone on top of it?". Car pooling, getting engines that suits ones needs more, public transportation, less transportation.

USA is the most car dependant nation in the world. Though people bring it upon themselves to some extent. Construction follows peoples habits - spread out and with very poor alternatives (I was playing Sim City 4 today and it's so americanized :rofl:) Canada is second. The least car dependant nation in the comparision was Sweden, in which communities are built more compact, with roads and such favouring walking, biking, bus, etc.

Where would the supercars go.. racetracks perhaps? I see it as an extreme waste of car to commute in a Porsche 911. WRC cars have three way catalytic converters, though I don't know how efficient they are. One can't buy leaded fuel here anymore. Annnnnd

:eek: How could you possibly think of such a thing unless you had...:barf:

01-23-2003, 08:39 PM
My replies are in Bold

Originally posted by Mikko
:banghead: I'd have people plan their trips more carefully. Cold engines with catalytic converters that aren't up to operating temperatures pollute a lot more, so short trips are especially harmful. And ask themselves "Should I really take a trip to starbucks just to get a friggin cup of coffee, and drive there alone on top of it?". Car pooling, getting engines that suits ones needs more, public transportation, less transportation.

Yeah, but people do, thats why we have cars, people dont buy cars to save the environment

The least car dependant nation in the comparision was Sweden, in which communities are built more compact, with roads and such favouring walking, biking, bus, etc.
So are communes

Where would the supercars go.. racetracks perhaps? I see it as an extreme waste of car to commute in a Porsche 911. WRC cars have three way catalytic converters, though I don't know how efficient they are. One can't buy leaded fuel here anymore.

People buy what they want, people dont work and work and work and save hundreds of thousands (or millions) just to save the environement. If someone wants to drive a Porschge to work, thats their choice, cause there is no fucking way I'm gonna drive a shit box hybrid electric to take on road trips if I was loadedI would drive my Porsche 996TT or Ferrari or whatever I can afford and enjoy life.

Bah. I wonder how much electricity were wasting from the Coal burning power plants that run the server storing this nonsense..