View Full Version : Be glad you live in Canada...

06-21-2005, 11:23 PM
... because there's places in this world that proclaim themselves as 'democractic', 'just', and 'fair' are only so in name.

I'm not talking about countries that have 'suspect' human rights relations in the past. I'm talking about India. Often ignored by the West as an ally in 'democracy.'

The 'worlds largest democracy.' What a farce. I speak from personal, and second hand experience. From people I know, and the newspapers (from India, in Punjabi/Hindi) written firsthand.

Imagine if you will, sitting at home. You hear a knock. Someone (the 'Police') come and take your father/brother/daughter away. What's the charge? Who knows? Resist and everyone is put in jail.

These jails are different than our jails. No habeous corpus, no due rights. You will be BEATEN and tortured. (Beaten as in with sticks to death). It's an all too common occurance.

Many many thousands have dissapeared (literally) once being taken into Police custody.

You will often hear of reports of 'a terrorist attacked police and was killed.' Yet, there is never corresponding reports of 'a terrorist KILLED a police officer.' Strange that Indian Police are invulnerable don't you think?

It's a common tactic by the Police. Killed while avoiding capture is much easier to deal with than 'killed under interorogation.' Interogation techniques includ beatings to death with sticks, removing flesh and resewing it, (I won't get into the rapes and other inventive surgical advances made by the Police).

You may think I'm talking about the past. But, these are recent reports as stated by newspapers Ajit, Harmand, Chandigarh Today.

Believe it. You should feel grateful to be sleeping in your bed, enjoying your house/cars/money. But remember there's people out there in a 'Democracy' that don't enjoy any of these freedoms.

I feel hopeless and helpless except to write this. I feel as though I should take more action and this is the first step.
I was born and raised in Canada, but I have roots back home which are getting stronger as I see the old ways coming back to the forefront.

Inclab, Zindabad!

GTS Jeff
06-21-2005, 11:28 PM
Canada isn't paradise. In the past hundred years, we've at some point treated Chinese, Japanese, Blacks, and Jews like worthless dirt.

06-21-2005, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
Canada isn't paradise. In the past hundred years, we've at some point treated Chinese, Japanese, Blacks, and Jews like worthless dirt.

Still happens today I would argue. Everyday. But we have full recourse. We can hold our Government, Police, citizens all accountable.

In India, if you want anything done, first, you have to come up with 'bakshish/sparish' ie Bribe. Want your mail? Bribe me. Want to get a job? Bribe. Want to file a police report? No, you can't call 911 silly. You have to BRIBE the police officer to file a report.

Oh wait, the guy you filed a report against is rich? Tsk tsk. You will need a monster bribe (good luck) and after they take your money, they'll find you guilty (if you ever get to court of course).

This is everday life. Nothing happens even at the basic level without some form of corruption.

06-22-2005, 02:31 AM
corruption is common place in developing countries

06-22-2005, 02:46 AM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
Canada isn't paradise. In the past hundred years, we've at some point treated Chinese, Japanese, Blacks, and Jews like worthless dirt.

pft, who hasnt!!!

(YES THAT IS A JOKE!!! if you cant take it... well im sorry i offended you)

06-22-2005, 09:18 AM
not that i condone bribery, but police have to make a living too.in mexico,police bribery is infamous. they dont make enough money and they use their power to make money for their family. in alot of countries, developing or not, bribery exists. russia and japan have whole divisions of their government run by organized crime such as the yakuza. i did a project on india in high school and even though the majority of silicone chips and technology companies reside in india, the people do not see any returns on thier economy. india has spend a huge portion on their military due to their confict with pakistan. as bad as it sounds, there are alot of countries that have it alot worse than india...africa,congo,parts of bosnia have experienced complete ethnic cleanisings based on race or religion.....:thumbsdow

06-22-2005, 09:43 AM
Thats terrible stuff man. Im sorry to hear about that. I have an uncle that moved over there to run a college in darjeeling. Yeah, lucky if you can get a phone call off without paying someone.

Jeff, while you are making all white people responsible for the alleged unethical treatments of "Chinese, jews and blacks" I will make note that I have never in my life nor has my family ever treated anyone like shit intentionally based on their decent.

In asian countries on the other hand.. you will find their racism towards white people repulsive. Worse than it is here towards foreigners. I dont think they have any business incentives over there for immigrants to china.

I think the race card gets pulled every time someone wants to either win an arguement or make some kind of advance economically. Sorta getting sick of it now because this equality is going further than its main objective; equality.

White people arent getting hired because they arent a visible minority, media makes it ok to throw a racial slur at white people, and its funny because all white people are really flag waving nazis :rolleyes: etc.. sorry but it just doesnt right with me when you cant get a job in your own country because you are from your own country. I'm all for making a comfortable environment for people moving here.. but I dont know that it is effective practice to give them a footlong dildo without lubing ones asshole first.

If I let someone into my house, I will do my best to make them comfortable, but I will not stop saying grace before I eat and I wont allow them free rent for 5 years so they can get on their feet. Equality... yeah, eat my cock. I am not resentful at foreign people in anyway.. lotsa asian buddies, couple of black-folk friends.. what I am irked at is our governments bend over and take it kinda attitude. Oh well.. maybe something peaceful and good will come out of this.

06-22-2005, 09:46 AM
true and very disturbing that this stuff still happens. but, as long as they can offer us (read:west) something that benefits our economy, and vise-versa, nothing will ever be done about it. a blind eye for an eye.

i.e: china-communist. large trading parter with usa, going to be bigger. huge opportunity. their friend.

cuba-communist. offers usa nothing, a thorn in their backside and gets cuban votes in florida.

saudi arabia- one of the worst counties to violate human rights, abuse on women, similar to india. friend of us, because of oil.

iran. same thing.

sorry to go off, but you get my point.

sad stuff.

06-22-2005, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
Canada isn't paradise. In the past hundred years, we've at some point treated Chinese

Hey... the railroad wasn't going to build itself... :rofl:

(I know thats completely tasteless, but still funny to people who can appreciate a joke for what it is)

06-22-2005, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by TheBenzo
Thats terrible stuff man. Im sorry to hear about that. I have an uncle that moved over there to run a college in darjeeling. Yeah, lucky if you can get a phone call off without paying someone.

Jeff, while you are making all white people responsible for the alleged unethical treatments of "Chinese, jews and blacks" I will make note that I have never in my life nor has my family ever treated anyone like shit intentionally based on their decent.

In asian countries on the other hand.. you will find their racism towards white people repulsive. Worse than it is here towards foreigners. I dont think they have any business incentives over there for immigrants to china.

I think the race card gets pulled every time someone wants to either win an arguement or make some kind of advance economically. Sorta getting sick of it now because this equality is going further than its main objective; equality.

White people arent getting hired because they arent a visible minority, media makes it ok to throw a racial slur at white people, and its funny because all white people are really flag waving nazis :rolleyes: etc.. sorry but it just doesnt right with me when you cant get a job in your own country because you are from your own country. I'm all for making a comfortable environment for people moving here.. but I dont know that it is effective practice to give them a footlong dildo without lubing ones asshole first.

If I let someone into my house, I will do my best to make them comfortable, but I will not stop saying grace before I eat and I wont allow them free rent for 5 years so they can get on their feet. Equality... yeah, eat my cock. I am not resentful at foreign people in anyway.. lotsa asian buddies, couple of black-folk friends.. what I am irked at is our governments bend over and take it kinda attitude. Oh well.. maybe something peaceful and good will come out of this.

First of all I agree with Jeff, and just because you have not done it does not mean that it does not happen out there. Plus Jeff did not say everyone in Canada does it, so you might be one of the ones that do not do it and I commend you for that.
and from the last time I checked this is nobodies country like you stated the only difference is some people came here before others and just because you came here first does not mean it is your country. None of the white folks here can say it is their country since in one way shape or form their ancestors migrated here like everyone else.

white people not getting hired??? compare that to all that minorites go through...I am not saying that is right but it is in no way shape or form comparable to the amount of things minorities go through...plus coould you show me some evidence about a white person getting turned down a job cos of a minority , and how often that happens.

06-22-2005, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by afrotl

First of all I agree with Jeff, and just because you have not done it does not mean that it does not happen out there.
and from the last time I checked this is nobodies country like you stated the only difference is some people came here before others and just because you came here first does not mean it is your country.

white people not getting hired??? compare that to all that minorites go through...I am not saying that is right but it is in no way shape or form comparable to the amount of things minorities go through...plus coould you show me some evidence about a white person getting turned down a job cos of a minority , and how often that happens.
1.) You are missing something: I didnt "come" here.

2.) What exactly is it that "minorities" go through that is so bad? If it is so bad... why did you come here? Did you not leave your home country because of the "injustices and bad nature". Are you suggesting that Canada is bad to our immigrants.. worse than the countries they are from?

3.) Evidence of a white person being turned down? I had 3 friends apply to the PD a couple of yearsz ago.. and were turned down. They were explained to that they are not part of a visible minority. What more evidence to you want?

My immigrant friends think its the most hilarious shit ever.. " you mean I can get a job instead of you cuz Im not from here hahahahaha" etc.

You dont go through shit. Canada hands you most everything on a silver platter compared to where you came from. So STFU.

06-22-2005, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by TheBenzo

1.) You are missing something: I didnt "come" here.

2.) What exactly is it that "minorities" go through that is so bad? If it is so bad... why did you come here? Did you not leave your home country because of the "injustices and bad nature". Are you suggesting that Canada is bad to our immigrants.. worse than the countries they are from?

3.) Evidence of a white person being turned down? I had 3 friends apply to the PD a couple of yearsz ago.. and were turned down. They were explained to that they are not part of a visible minority. What more evidence to you want?

My immigrant friends think its the most hilarious shit ever.. " you mean I can get a job instead of you cuz Im not from here hahahahaha" etc.

You dont go through shit. Canada hands you most everything on a silver platter compared to where you came from. So STFU.
you know what for a second there I thought I was having a good debate with a someone worth debating with and and was about to reply to your points but from this imature statement "You dont go through shit. Canada hands you most everything on a silver platter compared to where you came from. So STFU." obviously you are not worth replying to and will not waste my time.

06-22-2005, 10:34 AM
how many white people are hired for checkers? Thats right an Indian owns checkers cabs... and as far as I can see they hire Indians almost exclusivly.

I dont buy the racisim in this country... it happens sure, but really lets ask ourselfs is it really that much? I am an east indian myself... and in the 20 years my family has been here, I have yet to encounter some malicious, or lifestyle threating racism.

Sure some of our ancestors had hardship in the past, but whose didnt? Just because black people had unjust treatment in the past in the States and Canada... why should that continue to be leverage for them in the 21st century?
After all I do not see every second "white" person using the fact that their parents/grandparents fought in the 2 wars as reason to reap extra rights, or reperation.

Ad for the issues in India, it is truly sad, however thats what happens when you give such an underdevolloped country the means without teh method to econimic growth.

India Has the smarts, and the man power; However the organisation is lacking. It all falls to shit everytime advances are made because there is no real gov't to organise where the money can be spent in a real and respnsible way.

There are atraucities all over the world... try as we may we cant solve them all. I personally believe the most dire situation is the AIDS pandemic in africa, after we have helped them, then move on to the developing nations.

06-22-2005, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by afrotl

you know what for a second there I thought I was having a good debate with a someone worth debating with and and was about to reply to your points but from this imature statement "You dont go through shit. Canada hands you most everything on a silver platter compared to where you came from. So STFU." obviously you are not worth replying to and will not waste my time.

Ladies and gentlemen, this here is a fine example of someone ducking out of a debate because they cannot come up with anything even remotely valid as a counter point.

You had to resort to crying about me saying STFU. Which is an acronym for "Shut the Fuck Up and Quit Bitching" oops, STFUAQB.

You are weak and you were groundless from the beginning. Other than not being able to get into some of the clubs in town.. I dont see why you are complaining.

06-22-2005, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by TheBenzo

Ladies and gentlemen, this here is a fine example of someone ducking out of a debate because they cannot come up with anything even remotely valid as a counter point.

You had to resort to crying about me saying STFU. Which is an acronym for "Shut the Fuck Up and Quit Bitching" oops, STFUAQB.

You are weak and you were groundless from the beginning. Other than not being able to get into some of the clubs in town.. I dont see why you are complaining.

hmm should I or should I not....?stoop to your level? low level that is just because I will not respond to your imaturity, you assume that i am ducking the debate.....for your information i have no trouble getting into any of the clubs here in this city, I am not crying over the comment you made I just do not feel like wasting my time debating with people like you that just assume things without have prove and resort to name calling and to feel good about themselves.
I do have answers to the points you made but will not waste my time cos you cannot carry a decent debate without resorting to useless comments that have no bearing on the issue at hand...with that said if you want us to continue this debate like mature adults I am all for it.

06-22-2005, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by TheBenzo

1.) You are missing something: I didnt "come" here.

2.) What exactly is it that "minorities" go through that is so bad? If it is so bad... why did you come here? Did you not leave your home country because of the "injustices and bad nature". Are you suggesting that Canada is bad to our immigrants.. worse than the countries they are from?

3.) Evidence of a white person being turned down? I had 3 friends apply to the PD a couple of yearsz ago.. and were turned down. They were explained to that they are not part of a visible minority. What more evidence to you want?

My immigrant friends think its the most hilarious shit ever.. " you mean I can get a job instead of you cuz Im not from here hahahahaha" etc.

1) blah blah
2) blah blah
3) Have you looked at the statistics for the ethnic breakdown of the police force? Did you know that the reason for the drive to hire visible minorities is so that their representation in the police force more closely resembles the population as a whole? And so that minority communities will have more trust in the police force?

Boo hoo, 3 white friends of your couldn't get a job on the police force because there are too many whites on it already.

Originally posted by TheBenzo

You dont go through shit. Canada hands you most everything on a silver platter compared to where you came from. So STFU.

Ladies and gentlemen, this here is a fine example of someone ducking out of a debate because they cannot come up with anything even remotely valid as a counter point.

Are you serious? You're not here to debate, unless you mean to show your debating prowess by being an ass.

06-22-2005, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by lint

1) blah blah
2) blah blah
3) Have you looked at the statistics for the ethnic breakdown of the police force? Did you know that the reason for the drive to hire visible minorities is so that their representation in the police force more closely resembles the population as a whole? And so that minority communities will have more trust in the police force?

Boo hoo, 3 white friends of your couldn't get a job on the police force because there are too many whites on it already.

Are you serious? You're not here to debate, unless you mean to show your debating prowess by being an ass.

thank you lint for that comment...as you can see I sent him an invitation to have a decent debate and no response yet......good point.:thumbsup: :werd:

06-22-2005, 12:10 PM
I am probaly going to piss alot of people off with this one but Canada Sucks. We as a country have lost our way. Sure we have a great Democracy and clean resources and great living conditions etc etc etc. But we have let all our values be stripped away by the minoroties.

Dont get me wrong I am not a racist but the CPS racial profiling is just one example. I dont care if they hired a class of black women if they were the best for the job but seriously someone should not be denied a job if qualified because of their ethnicity.

The owner of Checker by the way is a White Jewish guy not that it really matters.

How many times have you seen a white working for a chinese business?? I have never seen it.

Canada gets challenged by every minority group and always bows to them regardless of the issues.

Our own cultural traditions and ideologies are constanly under attack because they do not fit some groups defenitions.

Why should the Sudanese Community get a provincial enquiry into the Ira Mcumber shooting incident when it has already been cleared by both the CPS and th Solicitor General??

Why should some of the businesses @ the U of C only hire internation students??

Why cant we say Merry Christmas??

Why do we have to provide all these differnt religious books at Immigaration ceremonies??

The list goes on and on I agree that Canada is a good place to live with regards to some of the points the thread starter made but there is a lot wrong with Canada as well.

How about for Canada Day I organize a rally of british decendents that faught to colonize Canada. It would probably be only white people in it but oh well. There would be such an uproar yet the Chinese can have their thing as can the Caribians and thats fine but could you imagine the uproar there would be for a whity festival??

I dont know maybe I am completly wrong??


06-22-2005, 12:17 PM
IBTL. Thanks for ruining another thread.

06-22-2005, 12:22 PM
some things just cannot be allowed to slide by without keeping it in check............ sorry it had to occur on this thread...could not stop myself after reading that comment by TheBenzo.....my apologies.

06-22-2005, 12:41 PM

This is not supposed to be another racist thread. I'm talking about people in another country. Not white vs black vs. yellow vs green (no offense to colours).

I realize there is corruption in developing countries, but the hypocracy isn't there. China has a unique way to deal with corruption, they shoot you. It's a communist/republic/autocratic state. They make NO pretense about being DEMOCRACTIC.

Like Inida. They claim to be a 'democratic' state, but it's just demeaning to use that term in that country (I have lived there for many years, so please).

I feel the Indian people living in Canada have forgotten how it was back home (even though my home is Canada through and through). I was born here, but I feel helpless. It's no wonder everyone wants to come here.

Make money, have a home etc. But then we forget, I forget.

The other side is, people have tried to help in Canada and they have been ostracized (at the very least), or they've been out right killed. Their families back home have been subjected to abuse (or have disappeared).

India constantly asks and gets financial/economic/military aid from the West under the 'democractic' flag, but, their violations need to be looked at just like in other countries.

Why does India get a free ride?

06-22-2005, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by ehos

This is not supposed to be another racist thread. I'm talking about people in another country. Not white vs black vs. yellow vs green (no offense to colours).

I realize there is corruption in developing countries, but the hypocracy isn't there. China has a unique way to deal with corruption, they shoot you. It's a communist/republic/autocratic state. They make NO pretense about being DEMOCRACTIC.

Like Inida. They claim to be a 'democratic' state, but it's just demeaning to use that term in that country (I have lived there for many years, so please).

I feel the Indian people living in Canada have forgotten how it was back home (even though my home is Canada through and through). I was born here, but I feel helpless. It's no wonder everyone wants to come here.

Make money, have a home etc. But then we forget, I forget.

The other side is, people have tried to help in Canada and they have been ostracized (at the very least), or they've been out right killed. Their families back home have been subjected to abuse (or have disappeared).

India constantly asks and gets financial/economic/military aid from the West under the 'democractic' flag, but, their violations need to be looked at just like in other countries.

Why does India get a free ride?

Nor am I trying to be racist etc. I was going purly on your thread title Glad to live in Canada. I simply do not think it is all that great lately. But as far as curruption goes Canda has got is fair share right now. Adscam and the poor bastard who got sent to Syria.

As for countries supporting bad regimes. It happens all the time. the us gave a shitload of weapons to the Afgans in late 70's early 80's and now they are being used against them.

06-22-2005, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by ehos

This is not supposed to be another racist thread. I'm talking about people in another country. Not white vs black vs. yellow vs green (no offense to colours).

I realize there is corruption in developing countries, but the hypocracy isn't there. China has a unique way to deal with corruption, they shoot you. It's a communist/republic/autocratic state. They make NO pretense about being DEMOCRACTIC.

Like Inida. They claim to be a 'democratic' state, but it's just demeaning to use that term in that country (I have lived there for many years, so please).

I feel the Indian people living in Canada have forgotten how it was back home (even though my home is Canada through and through). I was born here, but I feel helpless. It's no wonder everyone wants to come here.

Make money, have a home etc. But then we forget, I forget.

The other side is, people have tried to help in Canada and they have been ostracized (at the very least), or they've been out right killed. Their families back home have been subjected to abuse (or have disappeared).

India constantly asks and gets financial/economic/military aid from the West under the 'democractic' flag, but, their violations need to be looked at just like in other countries.

Why does India get a free ride?

I hear yeah...it seems like so far as the westen crountires are benefitting from that country they seem to have their blinders on to any other issues occuring there.

06-22-2005, 01:35 PM
I dont know if the world has enough resources for everyone on it to live comfortably. china and india are starting to demand more oil, and its screwing with the world economy. when it comes down to it, i almost think there has to be someone living off $2 a day, and someone to clean the toilets just so the current economy works :dunno:

06-22-2005, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by afrotl
some things just cannot be allowed to slide by without keeping it in check............ sorry it had to occur on this thread...could not stop myself after reading that comment by TheBenzo.....my apologies. Umm, you are a little pussy? :dunno: All you could do is attack me for telling you to shut the fuck up.. again no ground in the whole debate. Then you hire your boyfriend to jump in and return a pretty lame comeback.. Altogether both of you still have no ground. I bet you thought to yourself "ha that'll gettem" :rolleyes: even though you have avoided the issues altogether.

Are you telling me not to pull over for a policeman wearing a turban?

You are losing ground on your "race" card and you no longer have credibility in saying that immigrants get treated like shit. Why? because there has been so much accomodation for immigration... that for people to complain about opression.. is absurd. Where YOU came from.. if Mr. Whitey came along and complained about half the shit you do... we would be killed instantly.

Again, Shut The Fuck Up And Quit Bitching. Canada is the best place to live and we are all lucky to be here. You have NOTHING to complain about.

06-22-2005, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by 69cougar
I am probaly going to piss alot of people off with this one but Canada Sucks. We as a country have lost our way. Sure we have a great Democracy and clean resources and great living conditions etc etc etc. But we have let all our values be stripped away by the minoroties.

Dont get me wrong I am not a racist but the CPS racial profiling is just one example. I dont care if they hired a class of black women if they were the best for the job but seriously someone should not be denied a job if qualified because of their ethnicity.

The owner of Checker by the way is a White Jewish guy not that it really matters.

How many times have you seen a white working for a chinese business?? I have never seen it.

Canada gets challenged by every minority group and always bows to them regardless of the issues.

Our own cultural traditions and ideologies are constanly under attack because they do not fit some groups defenitions.

Why should the Sudanese Community get a provincial enquiry into the Ira Mcumber shooting incident when it has already been cleared by both the CPS and th Solicitor General??

Why should some of the businesses @ the U of C only hire internation students??

Why cant we say Merry Christmas??

Why do we have to provide all these differnt religious books at Immigaration ceremonies??

The list goes on and on I agree that Canada is a good place to live with regards to some of the points the thread starter made but there is a lot wrong with Canada as well.

How about for Canada Day I organize a rally of british decendents that faught to colonize Canada. It would probably be only white people in it but oh well. There would be such an uproar yet the Chinese can have their thing as can the Caribians and thats fine but could you imagine the uproar there would be for a whity festival??

I dont know maybe I am completly wrong??

:dunno: Dont you find it funny that no one argued with you on these points?

06-22-2005, 04:09 PM
"How many times have you seen a white working for a chinese business?? I have never seen it."

I've seen like 5 this year, and thats only in Regina. It is starting to be that white people can work for ethnic restraunts.

06-22-2005, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by TheBenzo

Originally posted by 69cougar

I am probaly going to piss alot of people off with this one but Canada Sucks. We as a country have lost our way. Sure we have a great Democracy and clean resources and great living conditions etc etc etc. But we have let all our values be stripped away by the minoroties.

Dont get me wrong I am not a racist but the CPS racial profiling is just one example. I dont care if they hired a class of black women if they were the best for the job but seriously someone should not be denied a job if qualified because of their ethnicity.

The owner of Checker by the way is a White Jewish guy not that it really matters.

How many times have you seen a white working for a chinese business?? I have never seen it.

Canada gets challenged by every minority group and always bows to them regardless of the issues.

Our own cultural traditions and ideologies are constanly under attack because they do not fit some groups defenitions.

Why should the Sudanese Community get a provincial enquiry into the Ira Mcumber shooting incident when it has already been cleared by both the CPS and th Solicitor General??

Why should some of the businesses @ the U of C only hire internation students??

Why cant we say Merry Christmas??

Why do we have to provide all these differnt religious books at Immigaration ceremonies??

The list goes on and on I agree that Canada is a good place to live with regards to some of the points the thread starter made but there is a lot wrong with Canada as well.

How about for Canada Day I organize a rally of british decendents that faught to colonize Canada. It would probably be only white people in it but oh well. There would be such an uproar yet the Chinese can have their thing as can the Caribians and thats fine but could you imagine the uproar there would be for a whity festival??

I dont know maybe I am completly wrong??

Dont you find it funny that no one argued with you on these points?

Well, since you asked so eloquently, I'll take a stab at a few of the points here.

"seriously someone should not be denied a job if qualified because of their ethnicity" You are correct. In the past it has been visible minorities who have been passed over for jobs, even though they have been more than qualified. Same goes for jobs, promotions, etc. What do the statistics say? White males are still earning a disproportionately high salary compared to their minority counterparts. They hold more executive, managerial positions at companies. If we use the CPS as an example, IIRC the breakdown is something along the lines of > 90% caucasian representation. Now I know that Calgary is not 90% white. Why is this? Because traditionally, discrimination has worked in favor of the white male, artificially inflating their percentage relative to the general population. Now, TheBenzo had 3 friends who were rejected because the CPS is now trying to CORRECT past indiscretions, and levelling the playing field. Wow, 3 white guys didn't get on the police force. Cry me a river. How many countless minorities have been denied positions? How many internal race related incidents have been reported to the media? Now how about we multiply that by 5 times to get a more accurate number of the unreported incidents?

Checker cabs. Do you really think that Checker cabs is turning away white people who want to be cab drivers? I would like to see the stats on the number of white applicants. I just don't see white people climbing over each ohther hoping to get a job as a cab driver. Same goes for menial labor, janitorial positions. I haven't seen a white cleaning person for quite some time. Why? Because they feel that those jobs are beneath them. For immigrants from other countries, with post secondary degrees, they will take them because they are the only jobs they can get. They've tried to get better jobs and have been turned away. Immigrants tend to do anything they can get, because for most of them survival is more important than pride.

White people working in chinese restaurants. Here's one reason for not having them: Because there are a lot of chinese customers who want to order in chinese, talk to someone who can speak chinese. Because it makes them more comfortable and secure. It is a tie to the old country, to their homeland. They do not want to lose it. When I go to an ethnic restaurant and see non ethic people working there, it strikes me as odd. Do I really want to order chinese food from Puerto Ricans? Nope. Do I want sushi from an east indian? Not really. Why? Authenticity.

Please provide some examples of "Canada gets challenged by every minority group and always bows to them regardless of the issues." I would like to see some examples. I even have a counter arguement. The Chinese Immigration Act. When a special tax was placed on chinese immigrants in order to prevent them from coming to canada. The tax was far higher than on white (read european) immigrants. This also became known as the Chinese Exclusion Act.

Also, please provide some examples of what "Our own cultural traditions and ideologies are" and how they are "constanly under attack because they do not fit some groups defenitions." Canada is a country that was founded by immigrants. What is the Canadian identity? Why whatever background you bring with you. That is why Canada is the collage, and not the melting pot that is the United States. We are meant to embrace our heritage, not discard it. Be proud of who you are and where you come from. And allow others to do the same.

Canada is far from perfect when it comes to human rights. But it has tried to change with the times. Which leads to the next point.

Merry Christmas. In my view this is pretty assinine as well. Although it may have it's origins in Christianity, it has become so commercial now that it has lost most religious meaning. That is my view. I take no offense so someone saying Merry Christmas to me, or Happy Chaunnaka, or Felize Navidad, or Eid Mubarak, etc etc. I have tolerance for other groups, their religious customs. From what I've seen the issue comes more so from the Jehovas Witnesses, not some visible minority group. There is a high degree of intolerance for things christmas.
The government stance however, I agree with to a point. The government should remain impartial, should not make any one religious group feel more important than any of the others, because all groups should be treated as equals. In that sense, no celebrations like christmas (mainly a christian holiday in most eyes) should be public, if the goverment does not celebrate Chaunnaka, or Ramadan, or Chinese new year, etc.

What is Octoberfest? St Patricks Day? Aren't these mainly white celebrations? You don't seem to grasp the difference between celebrating Chinese New Year and a white power neo Nazi march. Chinese New Year is not about saying chinese are better, are the only ones, everyone else should be killed off or our slaves. It is simply a celebration of who they are, to ring in the new year. Are you saying that you're offended that the chinese community puts forth the effort to have a celebration each year? There is a context of the celebration. I don't think there'd be a problem if you chose to put together a rally of british decendants who are proud to have come over here to colonize the country. Sure it'd be white people, but it's not about BEING white. Do you get the difference?

Not completely wrong, but you need to see things from the other perspective.

06-22-2005, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by nhlfan
"How many times have you seen a white working for a chinese business?? I have never seen it."

I've seen like 5 this year, and thats only in Regina. It is starting to be that white people can work for ethnic restraunts.

The reason for that could be because most chinese business require you to speak..... chinese

06-22-2005, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by DarkDream

The reason for that could be because most chinese business require you to speak..... chinese

no more than the person ordering :dunno: . I think you misunderstood my post. It used to be that no white people worked for chinese restraunts, but now I have seen a few starting to work there.

06-22-2005, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by lint

Dont you find it funny that no one argued with you on these points?

Well, since you asked so eloquently, I'll take a stab at a few of the points here.

"seriously someone should not be denied a job if qualified because of their ethnicity" You are correct. In the past it has been visible minorities who have been passed over for jobs, even though they have been more than qualified. Same goes for jobs, promotions, etc. What do the statistics say? White males are still earning a disproportionately high salary compared to their minority counterparts. They hold more executive, managerial positions at companies. If we use the CPS as an example, IIRC the breakdown is something along the lines of > 90% caucasian representation. Now I know that Calgary is not 90% white. Why is this? Because traditionally, discrimination has worked in favor of the white male, artificially inflating their percentage relative to the general population. Now, TheBenzo had 3 friends who were rejected because the CPS is now trying to CORRECT past indiscretions, and levelling the playing field. Wow, 3 white guys didn't get on the police force. Cry me a river. How many countless minorities have been denied positions? How many internal race related incidents have been reported to the media? Now how about we multiply that by 5 times to get a more accurate number of the unreported incidents?

Checker cabs. Do you really think that Checker cabs is turning away white people who want to be cab drivers? I would like to see the stats on the number of white applicants. I just don't see white people climbing over each ohther hoping to get a job as a cab driver. Same goes for menial labor, janitorial positions. I haven't seen a white cleaning person for quite some time. Why? Because they feel that those jobs are beneath them. For immigrants from other countries, with post secondary degrees, they will take them because they are the only jobs they can get. They've tried to get better jobs and have been turned away. Immigrants tend to do anything they can get, because for most of them survival is more important than pride.

White people working in chinese restaurants. Here's one reason for not having them: Because there are a lot of chinese customers who want to order in chinese, talk to someone who can speak chinese. Because it makes them more comfortable and secure. It is a tie to the old country, to their homeland. They do not want to lose it. When I go to an ethnic restaurant and see non ethic people working there, it strikes me as odd. Do I really want to order chinese food from Puerto Ricans? Nope. Do I want sushi from an east indian? Not really. Why? Authenticity.

Please provide some examples of "Canada gets challenged by every minority group and always bows to them regardless of the issues." I would like to see some examples. I even have a counter arguement. The Chinese Immigration Act. When a special tax was placed on chinese immigrants in order to prevent them from coming to canada. The tax was far higher than on white (read european) immigrants. This also became known as the Chinese Exclusion Act.

Also, please provide some examples of what "Our own cultural traditions and ideologies are" and how they are "constanly under attack because they do not fit some groups defenitions." Canada is a country that was founded by immigrants. What is the Canadian identity? Why whatever background you bring with you. That is why Canada is the collage, and not the melting pot that is the United States. We are meant to embrace our heritage, not discard it. Be proud of who you are and where you come from. And allow others to do the same.

Canada is far from perfect when it comes to human rights. But it has tried to change with the times. Which leads to the next point.

Merry Christmas. In my view this is pretty assinine as well. Although it may have it's origins in Christianity, it has become so commercial now that it has lost most religious meaning. That is my view. I take no offense so someone saying Merry Christmas to me, or Happy Chaunnaka, or Felize Navidad, or Eid Mubarak, etc etc. I have tolerance for other groups, their religious customs. From what I've seen the issue comes more so from the Jehovas Witnesses, not some visible minority group. There is a high degree of intolerance for things christmas.
The government stance however, I agree with to a point. The government should remain impartial, should not make any one religious group feel more important than any of the others, because all groups should be treated as equals. In that sense, no celebrations like christmas (mainly a christian holiday in most eyes) should be public, if the goverment does not celebrate Chaunnaka, or Ramadan, or Chinese new year, etc.

What is Octoberfest? St Patricks Day? Aren't these mainly white celebrations? You don't seem to grasp the difference between celebrating Chinese New Year and a white power neo Nazi march. Chinese New Year is not about saying chinese are better, are the only ones, everyone else should be killed off or our slaves. It is simply a celebration of who they are, to ring in the new year. Are you saying that you're offended that the chinese community puts forth the effort to have a celebration each year? There is a context of the celebration. I don't think there'd be a problem if you chose to put together a rally of british decendants who are proud to have come over here to colonize the country. Sure it'd be white people, but it's not about BEING white. Do you get the difference?

Not completely wrong, but you need to see things from the other perspective. [/B][/QUOTE]

I did not come in here to stir up a hornets nest just to throw my 2cents in. but the one thing I do want to comment on was that Canada was founded by immigrants. It was founded by the Euopeans expanding their empire. When I have the time I will answer the other points

06-22-2005, 06:17 PM
I dont even want to read all of that. Anyways.. regardless you still have nothing to complain about. Ill read it later.. I have a hot chick beside me right now and she is giving me funny looks. Go complain to Martin.

06-22-2005, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by TheBenzo
I dont even want to read all of that. Anyways.. regardless you still have nothing to complain about. Ill read it later.. I have a hot chick beside me right now and she is giving me funny looks. Go complain to Martin.

Originally posted by TheBenzo
Ladies and gentlemen, this here is a fine example of someone ducking out of a debate because they cannot come up with anything even remotely valid as a counter point.

Now why don't you shut the fuck up and sit your ass down?

06-23-2005, 02:23 AM
Originally posted by 69cougar

How many times have you seen a white working for a chinese business?? I have never seen it.

WTF you guys, Chinese buisness does is not AKA chinese restaurants... you ignorant gits. Plenty of white people work for the Chinese. The largest Chinese owned buisness in Calgary also happens to be one of the largest oil companies in Canada. Maybe you guys have heard of Husky Oil?

06-23-2005, 07:51 AM
Yeah but they took over the exsisting company. They did not start it.

06-23-2005, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by 69cougar
Yeah but they took over the exsisting company. They did not start it.

what exactly are you saying? that no chinese started business has ever hired a white person ever in canada? That the only white people working for chinese businesses happened to be working there before a big chinese take over?



06-23-2005, 09:06 AM
I got hired by a chinese business, and I'm about as white as they get......I think it mostly has to do with customer base though, why hire someone who can't talk to your customers? If you were a caucasian that was qualified for the job, and could speak fluent chinese, I'm sure they wouldn't hesitate to hire you.

06-23-2005, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by lint

Now why don't you shut the fuck up and sit your ass down? Uh, why dont you pinch your nuts in a vice and punch yourself in the face?

06-23-2005, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by TheBenzo
Uh, why dont you pinch your nuts in a vice and punch yourself in the face?

Is that all you got? And you call yourself the founding member of the Beyond.ca debate team?

More like founding member of the Beyond.ca debitch team.

While you're sitting your ass down, you should practice your masterdebate technique too.

06-23-2005, 05:06 PM
Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, sautee it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it.


GTS Jeff
06-23-2005, 08:00 PM
Haha wow look at what I've started. In my first post, I was just saying that though Canada is a pretty decent place nowadays, it it's been far from perfect in the recent past.

Chinese were shipped over in crates to build railroads...Canadian Japs weren't allowed to own butter knifes during WW2...Jewish refugees were actively turned away during WW2...and of course, people just outright disliked blacks in earlier times.

06-28-2005, 10:44 AM
History is History folks...I know its important but the future is way more important for us

The topic of this thread was to appreciate what we have in Canada and not to itemize each flaws. All countries has its own share of corruption in some way.

Im really glad that Im living in Canada because in my country which is the Philippines, peace and poverty exist and I cant help but be sad about it. I love my country more than any country in the world but sad to say to secure a better future for myself and my future family we had to leave our home country. Also I can help my relatives by working here and sending them some money when they really need help.

Sorry to say this but to those people that did not experience the violence and poverty which I did should never get to argue about these things because EXPERIENCE and OPINIONS are just way far off each other to be even compared.

06-28-2005, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by lint

Is that all you got? And you call yourself the founding member of the Beyond.ca debate team?

More like founding member of the Beyond.ca debitch team.

While you're sitting your ass down, you should practice your masterdebate technique too. :rofl: :rofl:

06-28-2005, 01:20 PM
Fucking American's