View Full Version : What is your stance on Weed?

06-28-2005, 02:18 PM
I was just wondering what the general opinion on Beyond is of it, from the people who use it and even those who dont.

I personally smoke regularily (getting ready for the the stoner comments) and dont even really consider it to be that big of a deal. I belive its not legal because the govenrment would not be able to tax it like they have for alcohol and cigarettes for so long. Some people however talk like its the end of the world when you bring it up to them.

What do you think?

EK 2.0
06-28-2005, 02:20 PM

to me its "to each their own"...if they wanna blaze let them blaze...I have no qualms...

BTW I am a Philosophy Major (what does that tell you about my personal stance)...haha

06-28-2005, 02:25 PM
It's a miracle drug. I probably would've ended up an introverted loner with no friends if it wasn't for weed. Gave me confidence at a time when I needed it most (14 years old hehe).

Mr. Burns
06-28-2005, 02:27 PM
I am down with the chronic... hell I grow my own. I don't really think that anyone should be able to tell me what I can and can't smoke. The gov't can eat my ass with a silver spoon if they don't like it (not that I am going to tell them about it LOL)

06-28-2005, 02:28 PM
I see it on par with cigarettes (which annoy the hell out of me). If people do it in their house, then I don't care. If i have to smell it, no thanks.

It also drives me nuts to see people smoking while they drive (weed).

06-28-2005, 02:34 PM
2 words.....

base case.

thats why ive stopped.

me everyday for 2 days....."duhhhhh, what?"

06-28-2005, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by bspot
I see it on par with cigarettes (which annoy the hell out of me). If people do it in their house, then I don't care. If i have to smell it, no thanks.

It also drives me nuts to see people smoking while they drive (weed).
I 100% agree with you man. Behind closed doors, do whatever the hell you want with drugs. I just dont wanna see it or smell it and stay the hell off the road. I wish there was better testing like breathlizers to determine how high you are behind the wheel so they can judge your fine/penalty accordingly. However, there is no fool-proof method so most people dont even get caught.

06-28-2005, 02:41 PM
i used to toke up tons in high school when i started to roll with the wrong crowd. big surprise that they ALL still smoke/deal and drink heavilly as much and even more. and when you ask them about the drugs its, 'oh yeah, it's not addictive, take another toke bud', 'won't harm you, look at me, no side effects', blah, bl;ah, blah. talk with them for 5 minutes and you get to see the effects of drug useage.

if i'm at a party and it's a good vibe with cool people and someone sparks one up, i'll take 1-2 hits, but thats it.

i don't have anything against weed, it's a choice you make to smoke it. i despise true stoners who are so strung out on dope, they have no idea whats going on at any given time.. AND in denial about it and their life. drug dealers are SCUM. the lowest form of bottom-feeding human waste on earth. i don't respect how they live and prey off of peoples addictions.

decriminalize for medicinal and 1-10 grams for personal use. more than that jail time and if your caught dealing and growing (mass amounts) 10+ yrs.

06-28-2005, 03:17 PM
People I know who smoke weed on a regular basis appear to have the awareness of a sloth.

But hey, to each their own. Just make sure you do it in the privacy of your own home.

06-28-2005, 03:31 PM
=) I dont give a shit, as long as it doesnt bother me directly.
Smelling it is alright, but if your blowing it in my face (like cigs)... well I think Im going to crossline on that one ;)

06-28-2005, 03:31 PM
I've been on both sides of that fence. I used to smoke quite a bit and now I hate it. But I have no problems with people that do it behind closed doors, as long as you are aware like with any illicit drug, you are supporting a market of violence. Also like any drug, including alcohol, there is a potential for violent or otherwise uncharacteristic behavior due to imapired judgement, I knew a lot of people that used the high as an excuse to do stupid things like cheat on their boyfriend/girlfriend, and blame it on that. Not cool.

06-28-2005, 03:33 PM
I quit, thats about all I have to say.

... stupid probation... :D

06-28-2005, 03:45 PM
I have a couple rules regarding all drugs.
1.) If you're carrying, and I'm driving, I need to know about it BEFORE you get into my car. Whether or not I still want to take you with me is up to my own discretion.
2.) You do not bring any drugs into my house without my approval.

I don't have much of an isue with whatever anyone wants to smoke or snort, as long as it's kept in check and they take responsibility for their actions and the consequences of said actions.

That said, IMHO, weed is less dangerous than beer. If I chastized people for smoking dope, I'd be a huge hypocrite considering the amount of booze I go through on any given day.


06-28-2005, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by TKRIS
I have a couple rules regarding all drugs.
1.) If you're carrying, and I'm driving, I need to know about it BEFORE you get into my car. Whether or not I still want to take you with me is up to my own discretion.
2.) You do not bring any drugs into my house without my approval.

That said, IMHO, weed is less dangerous than beer.

:werd: :werd:

weed is also great for hangovers I found haha I really think its the "miracle drug".

SiG Baby
06-28-2005, 04:00 PM
Weed is a natural substance, it makes some people cool and others creeps. Addictions can take many forms...someone who does nothing but eat and lay on the couch all day is no better off than a pot head or and alcoholic.

06-28-2005, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by Melinda

I 100% agree with you man. Behind closed doors, do whatever the hell you want with drugs. I just dont wanna see it or smell it and stay the hell off the road. I wish there was better testing like breathlizers to determine how high you are behind the wheel so they can judge your fine/penalty accordingly. However, there is no fool-proof method so most people dont even get caught.

Not that I would 100 % agree with this study, but once on speed channel, they tested a fairly new driver first strait, then right after smoking a joint. He aced the test after being stoned and although passing while not high, did not do near as well. Since the test was basically the same both times, it did prove that he was more cautious and aware, especially when they had the car infront of him slam on the brakes. His reaction was actually faster. People smoking weed don't get caught high while driving because, unless you know the person, and even then, it is very difficult to tell since, they don't slur their words, the don't sway back and forth, and they could perform all tests that an officer might do to a drunk driver. Plus people who are stoned will rarely speed or pull dangerous manuvers because the drug makes em a little too paranoid to do things that may attract attention. Of course there is alway exceptions. Every one I know who smokes weed on a regular basis are just as capable doing anything high as they would be strait.

06-28-2005, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by SiG Baby
Weed is a natural substance, it makes some people cool and others creeps. Addictions can take many forms...someone who does nothing but eat and lay on the couch all day is no better off than a pot head or and alcoholic.

a person who lays on the couch all day eating is not going to get high/drunk and climb in a car and hit someone.

06-28-2005, 04:27 PM
I used to smoke it back when I was younger , it was fun , but it was hella exspensive with all the damn munchy food LOL... My stance on it now , to each there own... I just wish it didnt stink as bad.

06-28-2005, 04:29 PM
Hate it and look down at those who smoke it


06-28-2005, 05:11 PM
i don't do it and have never, so as i have no experience with it i feel am no one to judge what others do.. it's a choice.. though please don't blow it in my face.

GTS Jeff
06-28-2005, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by SiG Baby
Weed is a natural substance So is AIDS...

"Natural" doesn't mean shit, ya damn hippie!

06-28-2005, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
So is AIDS...

"Natural" doesn't mean shit, ya damn hippie!

:rofl: :rofl:

and to people who say it doesnt affect you and that you cant get addicted your dumb :thumbsdow i've seen it happen :thumbsdow

06-28-2005, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by SiG Baby
Weed is a natural substance, it makes some people cool and others creeps. Addictions can take many forms...someone who does nothing but eat and lay on the couch all day is no better off than a pot head or and alcoholic.

thats a true stoner deffence right there :thumbsup: it make no sence

Ed the SOHC
06-28-2005, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by 5hift
I was just wondering what the general opinion on Beyond is of it, from the people who use it and even those who dont.

It was a lucrative business but I hear that it's not where the money is anymore...

Oh... you're talking about smoking it? j/k

I don't care whether ppl smoke up or not; it's their life.

06-28-2005, 07:37 PM
haha smoking up and watching tv is the shit im just not down with ppl toking and driving

06-28-2005, 07:41 PM
i :love: maryjane, she rides passanger with me frequently!

06-28-2005, 08:58 PM
Everybody has the freedom to do whatever they want but attached to that responsibilty is the consequences of their actions. That applies to Weeds cigarettes drugs etc. Just bear in mind that no one can ever force you to do things that you dont want to do, as a result you cant blame anybody for it as well. My opinion as to making it legal to use weed is a big "hell no". If the government do that then the next in line is legalizing cocaine or any other harmful drugs.

06-28-2005, 09:02 PM
but isnt liquor just as harmful as liquor ive never heard of a divorce over weed but i hear a hella lot of problems over drunks

06-28-2005, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by takumi25
My opinion as to making it legal to use weed is a big "hell no". If the government do that then the next in line is legalizing cocaine or any other harmful drugs.
haha, stop reading misinformed sites such as www.freevibe.com lol. Do you even know WHY marijuana was targetted in the first place? Because the church in the early 1900's hated/feared mexicans and negros.

Truth is, marijuana is much less harmful than alcohol. Let's bring back prohibition! :rofl:

The canadian government prescribes marijuana to very sick people for a good reason.

06-28-2005, 09:32 PM

06-28-2005, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
All the people who say "don't toke and drive" are obviously clueless. People high on weed will always drive a lot more carefully (see: paranoia) because their sensory input is greatly elevated. The only real danger is from them driving too slowly. If you've never tried driving and smoking, then don't try it, but also don't talk like you're some big expert. Secondly, coffee, sugar and cigarettes are a lot more dangerous, addicting and widely used than marijuana, but nobody ever died as a direct result of using weed.

when i get high, i get tired, does that mean i should hop behind the wheel?

06-28-2005, 09:40 PM
I've heard of heart attacks from weed use, I'll admit to having driven stoned once, never will again. I knew for a fact I was fucking up, badly....and less harmful than alcohol? I've known people who drank, and people who smoked since junior high...the alcoholics have more notable brain cells....and the divorce topic, I DO know people who have divorced over weed. If you smoke it fine, but don't drive.

06-28-2005, 09:46 PM

06-28-2005, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

We are in good company, so say what you want.

To graduate from high school and grow up, fast

06-28-2005, 10:04 PM

06-28-2005, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by finboy
when i get high, i get tired, does that mean i should hop behind the wheel?
Even if you're not high, and tired, you shouldn't hop behind the wheel. Tired behind the wheel is as dangerous as drunk behind the wheel, yet, it seems to be perfectly acceptable.

06-28-2005, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
All the people who say "don't toke and drive" are obviously clueless. People high on weed will always drive a lot more carefully (see: paranoia) because their sensory input is greatly elevated. The only real danger is from them driving too slowly. If you've never tried driving and smoking, then don't try it, but also don't talk like you're some big expert. Secondly, coffee, sugar and cigarettes are a lot more dangerous, addicting and widely used than marijuana, but nobody ever died as a direct result of using weed.
haha dude wtf, put down the chronic for a day or 2.

Honestly I used to have no tolerance for the stuff but I have learned to broaden my horizons a bit. Now it really doesnt bother me at all. I still would never smoke the stuff but I dont look down on people anymore just because they do it.

On a side note I have inhaled some pretty toxic things in my life:
Paint fumes, exhaust from a turbo car running rich without any cats, tire smoke, sauder smoke. Who needs weed when those fumes destroy your brain 100 times quicker. My short term memory is horrible and thats probably why.

06-28-2005, 10:44 PM
Smoke weed everyday! :thumbsup:

06-28-2005, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by rage2

haha, stop reading misinformed sites such as www.freevibe.com lol. Do you even know WHY marijuana was targetted in the first place? Because the church in the early 1900's hated/feared mexicans and negros.

Truth is, marijuana is much less harmful than alcohol. Let's bring back prohibition! :rofl:

The canadian government prescribes marijuana to very sick people for a good reason.

Actually :D . When Alcohol was banned in the US in the early 1900s by the FBN they had thousands working for them up holding the ban on alcohol... Then when alcohol was allowed to be sold in stores again , the FBN would have gone out of buisness and thousands would have lost there jobs.. So what the FBN did at the time was lobby to ban Weed from being sold/ or used ( Fully sponsered by alcohol companys). So with all the money pooring in the ban weed .. weed was banned , and alcohol was in. Its all politics.

If you have not noticed , most anti drug (mostly weed) ads and help lines are closley sponsered by alcohol companys . :rofl:

06-28-2005, 10:59 PM
I don't smoke anything at all, so i'm not exactly unbias. But really, I won't be too choked if you smoke up... I equate weed with cigarettes: I think that a person's money can be spent a million better ways.

AS for smoking up and driving... well, someone I know has a habit of doing it. It makes me kinda uncomfortable, and I bug him about it a bit. I think it's kinda stupid that someone has to get high "now", and can't just wait to get home to toke. Ah, well. At least he doesn't do shrooms while driving. It could always be worse, ya know?

06-28-2005, 11:40 PM
if you want to smoke then smoke.... and if you don't then don't smoke.... everyone has their preference and it effects everyone differently... :D

06-29-2005, 12:01 AM
people who smoke weed because they want to :dunno: ok fine

people who smoke weed to be cool :thumbsdow

people who smoke weed and brag about it :thumbsdow :thumbsdow

BTW - I'm quit enjoying all the stoner defences...... no one gets divorced because of it :rofl: ...... celebrities do it :rofl: ...... no one has died from it :rofl:

06-29-2005, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSpl

AS for smoking up and driving... well, someone I know has a habit of doing it. It makes me kinda uncomfortable, and I bug him about it a bit. I think it's kinda stupid that someone has to get high "now", and can't just wait to get home to toke. Ah, well. At least he doesn't do shrooms while driving. It could always be worse, ya know?

yea i dont think i should ever drive on mushrooms, wrather could then should... i gave away my keys that night though so i was in the clear

06-29-2005, 12:55 AM
Meh, do as you may, makes no difference to me, I chose to stay away for 2 reasons, Piss tests, and my thought processes.

06-29-2005, 01:55 AM
I agree if you wanna smoek smoke it but keep it to yourself.

although i can't condon and I don't support it is has been proven a few time sscientifically and physically that drivers are believe it or not better drivers when there high then when there not HOW EVER I still say don't drive you judt bever know

06-29-2005, 02:05 AM
I know people who do and people who don't... I could care less, they're all old enough to make their own decisions. I can think of a few that are doing amazing things with their lives as well, on both sides.

06-29-2005, 08:18 AM
Originally posted by 240droptop
although i can't condon and I don't support it is has been proven a few time sscientifically and physically that drivers are believe it or not better drivers when there high then when there not HOW EVER I still say don't drive you judt bever know
It really depends on the person. I know for a fact that I can not drive high, therefore I always either hitch a ride, or smoke at home.

06-29-2005, 10:13 AM
Down with dope since grade 7 :)

It's what you make of it.

06-29-2005, 10:36 AM
Do what you want - but make sure it does not affect others. That includes driving. That includes being high in public and causing problems. Treat it like alcohol - and make it illegal to grow your own.

Anyone who states that pot smokers can drive perfectly fine while on it are being ignorant.

As well, could we stop with all the conspiracy theories floating around in this thread? Unless you can provide proof, why make yourself look stupid by claiming the government legalized alcohol and had to criminalize pot because of it?

06-29-2005, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by TrevorK
As well, could we stop with all the conspiracy theories floating around in this thread? Unless you can provide proof, why make yourself look stupid by claiming the government legalized alcohol and had to criminalize pot because of it?
Conspiracy theories? This shit was taught in Social Studies.

Start from "The Mexican Connection".

More details on where marijuana laws came from:

The New York Times in an editorial in 1919 said, "No one here in New York uses this drug marijuana. We have only just heard about it from down in the Southwest," and here comes the substitution. "But," said the New York Times, "we had better prohibit its use before it gets here. Otherwise" -- here's the substitution concept -- "all the heroin and hard narcotics addicts cut off from their drug by the Harrison Act and all the alcohol drinkers cut off from their drug by 1919 alcohol Prohibition will substitute this new and unknown drug marijuana for the drugs they used to use."

Well, from state to state, on the theory that this newly encountered drug marijuana would be substituted by the hard narcotics addicts or by the alcohol drinkers for their previous drug that had been prohibited, state to state this fear of substitution carried, and that accounted for 26 of the 27 states -- that is, either the anti-Mexican sentiment in the Southwest and Rocky Mountain areas or fear of substitution in the Northeast. That accounted for 26 of the 27 states, and there was only one state left over. It was the most important state for us because it was the first state ever to enact a criminal law against the use of marijuana and it was the state of Utah.

06-29-2005, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by rage2

Conspiracy theories? This shit was taught in Social Studies.

Start from "The Mexican Connection".

More details on where marijuana laws came from:

To summarize what is said:

Mr. Anslinger provided enough information/evidence to Congress to pass the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937.

The elected officials of the United States believed these arguements as valid (For whatever reason) and made marijuana illegal.

I read nothing in the official act about it being criminalized because of alcohol:

The site you link itself states: "This is the best exploration I have seen of the background of the supposed Anslinger-Hearst-DuPont conspiracy to outlaw marijuana in order to remove hemp as a possible competitor to their products."
Which would show us that even the site creator does not have proof of the conspiracy - only arguements stating that there is one.

06-29-2005, 11:12 AM
[i]no one has died from it :rofl: [/B]

Noone ever has died from it, and my stance is there's really no problem as long as its done in moderation, but thats like other bad habits you have, if your smoking weed everyday then it's like drinking everday there will be reprocussions, i know most people don't have a problem with the occasional hoot though

06-29-2005, 11:39 AM
i say its your life, live it how you wanna. i have no problems as long as it is behind closed doors, and it pisses me off when i see people do it while driving.

i personaly have never tuched it nor do i plan on. so far every OLDER person who has been using it in their younger ages and now have quit all tell me the same thing "you dont wanna do it, i wish i newer have, i could have baught a house from the money i wasted on drugs......etc" i believe it is addictive even though users say it isnt, and when i hear things like "look at me, i use it and im perfectly fine" i laugh because you do realize that they talk with a more "lazy" way and dont seem to be aware of their surrounding. but hey thats just my opinion

06-29-2005, 12:39 PM
I respect and appreciate peoples opinions and thoughts of the Marijuana topic. I smoke it, yet do not NEED it. My roomy makes 95% of the purchases and shares it. Generous I know.

There are many different highs between many different people. Some become unintelligable zombies on it, and some are quite the opposite. I myself have not touched ANY other drug and "might" drink 2-3 times a month.

I personally like the high, and get super creative when on it. (Hence some of my Photoshop work:D ) Some things that may have struck my curiousity in previous days, seem to have intellectual answers and seem much more clear and understandable when smoking the Ganj.

I am not addicted, and could care less if Elvis created it. Its not a man made chemical, therefore I am fine with using it. Besides nothing beats smoking with a hot chick and then getting naked and ....well you know! :angel:

06-29-2005, 12:57 PM
I've never done it.

I don't have a problem with people who do. Unless they're driving, flying or operating on me.

Put down the knife, hippy.

06-29-2005, 01:10 PM
Weed ain't shit seriously... when i drive when im stoned, i can't take my eyes off the road ahead of me! Weed has become common place and it truly doesn't fuck you up. I know 2 high school buddies who became players for our provincial basketball team who blaze all the time... so it can't be that bad for your lungs... and all this crap about people being "addicted" to it... when was the last time I woke up and needed a hoot so bad i killed someone for cash to buy weed? Ohhh ya, i never have, people this is weed not crack.

like it goes...

God made ganja man made booze
Which do you choose?

06-29-2005, 01:14 PM
From what I hear, smoking marijuana is a different issue than the grow-ops in Calgary. The RCMP beleives that most of the weed from grow-ops is smuggled into the USA, traded for other drugs which are smuggled back into Canada to be sold to us.

IMO, even if you are in favor of marijuana use, you should be against grow-ops, and report any suspicious activity to the RCMP.

Mr. Burns
06-29-2005, 01:21 PM
I have my own grow-op. I have approx 4 plants on the go at any given time. Every last nug that comes out of that litle room is consumed by myself, my wife or our friends (at no charge of course). Nothing wrong with that.

06-29-2005, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by iced_out_00
God made ganja man made booze
Which do you choose?

I love it when people say shit like this, really. God also made amanita mushrooms and box jellies, but I wouldn't want to smoke 'em.

06-29-2005, 02:20 PM
I'm not a regular maryjane user, but I do enjoy the occasional puff once and a while. I mean, is it really that bad when some hospitals use it for medicinal use? People get hooked on prescription drugs and overdose, but you hardly ever hear people bad mouthing those types of "drugs".

Weed doesn't make me lazy, it actually makes me want to be active! I like to break & usually I'm shy when I'm breaking infront of people, but I tend not to care who is around & creativity flows better. I love playing bball & working on my ride when I'm buzzing. As long as I do it on my own time, it doesn't affect my life, my job or relationships, as long as I'm not abusing the substance, then it's fine. It's not my #1 priority, and I don't need to smoke it all the time. I could live with it, I could live without it, if all the weed in Canada was abolished, I could care less.

06-29-2005, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by iced_out_00
God made ganja man made booze
Which do you choose?

Originally posted by Phy
I love it when people say shit like this, really. God also made amanita mushrooms and box jellies, but I wouldn't want to smoke 'em.
You guys are all wrong. There's no god.

06-29-2005, 02:41 PM
Oh, good grief. I figured I could get away with using "God made n" as a shortcut for describing naturally occuring toxins and as a way to turn around someone else's rhetoric. But no. This is the internet, where any hole will be penetrated.:thumbsup:

Ok. The You-Proof version: It's a logical fallacy to select naturally-occuring psychoactive substances (or any medicine) over those deriving in part or whole from an artificial process simply because of its natural origin, since there are many naturally occuring toxins that are far more powerful or dangerous than the artificial one in question. A tree branch is natural, but it will hurt just as much as a baseball bat when someone hits you with it.

06-29-2005, 02:42 PM

06-30-2005, 04:44 PM
weed could be addictive, but less than most drugs out there.

i smoked everyday for years, and one day just decided i was gonna stop. i still smoke cigarettes though :(

ask an alcoholic how hard it would be to quit drinking...

06-30-2005, 06:09 PM
I've seen ALOT of full blown alcoholics and i've seen also seen alot of individuals addicted to marajuana. Marajuana can be an addictive substance, just the same as alcohol. That said, the majority of people won't become addicted to either. Therefore most individuals who indulge can honestly say they don't feel a need to smoke, just as most people who drink can say they don't feel the need to drink, however the world still has millions of alcoholics. It depends on your personality, if you're predisposed to becoming an addict, and various other factors. My stance on it, I personally don't do it very often at all because I don't like the effects it has on me, on the flip side I know people who function completely normal, if not better, during and after getting high. Marajuana is probably alot less harmful or at least equal with alcohol. The plus of marajuna is you don't lose control of your actions when you're high, I don't know too many lifted people who have got the shit kicked out of them because they did soemthing stupid, alcohol on the other hand... Everything in moderation!

06-30-2005, 07:24 PM
Being that Ive never done any drugs I have a question about shrooms. What are they all about? Are they dangerous, addictive? Is it just a buzz or do you start halucinating? Do you just eat them raw?

06-30-2005, 07:51 PM
Shrooms is just a halucinajenative. and you can eat them raw, drink tea, anyways you want man. I've done them, not addictive, but again i don't have an addictive personality. Dangerous, well whats dangerous honestly? Its not gonna kill you (the high last like 8 hours), its a plesent time, if you ever wanna see what its like go buy salvia at like grassroots, its a legal substance that you smoke(its a leaf) and it fucks you up for less then 20 mins. Its called the work mans drug, because it hits you fast, and its just a 20 min high, then you sober up, and there is not burn out or anything.
on this subject, unlike beer, i really don't understand all this shit everybody is saying weeds bad, and so on, when over 90% of the accidents you see in cars are caused by drunk drivers, and the other 10% are caused by drunk drivers hitting stoned drinkers. If you understand what i mean, to be honest, weed has a bad reputation and thats all, its alot more safe then alchol. I understand everybodys opionions but i think that people are just putting a bad rep on it, thats all. I would actually say weed is safer then ciggarettes. But honestly who cares what people do to alter there state of mind, it defiantlly does not affect you, and i don't really understand people saying it makes you stuiper, the people that i know that smoke dope, well there defiantlly not drop outs, almost all of them graduated and left to different universitys and colleges on a scholarship. But there is a line, because people usually think of people getting dumber the more they smoke? makes no sense, do you say that about people that smoke, drink?? no because your looking at them as idiots, i know for a fact it doesn't make you dumber i just really hate how there is a bad reputation on weed, when there actually shouldn't be.
I don't smoke weed often, so i understand alot of what people say, but again its your opioion in the long run.