View Full Version : new car - unfamiliar

Lilac Wine
07-05-2005, 10:23 AM
I just got a new car a few weeks ago (well a 1997, but new for me)
It is a standard, and has some auto theft thing in the ignition (a little button you push when you start the car)
Somtimes when I go to start it it won't start. I have my foot on the brake and clutch down, usually in first gear. When I turn the key nothing happens. So I take out the key, put my foot on the clutch and the brake, then it will start (somtimes the first time sometimes it takes a few times.)
I had an inspection done when I got the car, and it said the starter was fine. Does anyone know what this could be? Could it just be the annoying theft system, or the starter, or am I just dumb and there is a secret to starting a standard that I don't know about?

07-05-2005, 10:49 AM
Most cars (all ?? ) with a manual transmission will not start unless the clutch is fully depressed.Are you pushing the clutch in fully ??
FYI pressing on the brake pedal is not required on a manual transmission car. BTW posting the type of car might help too.

Edit : just read your sig : 97 Cav . D'oh !

07-05-2005, 11:11 AM
i'm pretty sure that the button by the starter is for when you take out the key

Lilac Wine
07-05-2005, 01:00 PM
yeah, I have the clutch and break in all the time.
does it matter what gear it's in when I start it?

07-05-2005, 01:43 PM
Nope, but if your clutch isn't ALL THE WAY to the floor, it won't go. Try really stomping on it. If you have thick floor mats it could be the problem.

Lilac Wine
07-05-2005, 05:38 PM
I guess I should take a look to see if the floor matt is in the way