View Full Version : WTD: Good component video cables

07-07-2005, 02:36 PM
As the title says....has to be brand name. Just need the 3 wire RCA's to run colourstream on a DTV.

Any help would be awesome, thanks. :D

07-07-2005, 02:38 PM
monster cable :thumbsup:

07-07-2005, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Def_3
monster cable :thumbsup:

I know of the product...know anywhere to find cheap? The stuff is just outragous at full retail.

07-07-2005, 02:51 PM
What is WTD?

I've got an extra set of good ones, forget the brand name right now, it's the lower end brand that Future Shop sells, not the Monster Cables... don't know how much I would want for them.

As for where to buy cheap... sometimes you can find them at cash converters (come in with the dvd players)... princess auto sometimes has surplus stock (not right now, was just there). eBay?

07-07-2005, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by megavolt
What is WTD?

WTD....means wanted.

I am looking around, trying to find a deal. I want some decent cables for a new tv i picked up yesterday, don't want no name stuff though.

07-07-2005, 03:00 PM
I'll be going around to a couple of the cash converters tonight... I'll let ya know if I see anything. I guess speaking of that... are you looking for new or used?

07-07-2005, 03:52 PM


not the best but i don't think you'll find a better price

07-07-2005, 05:24 PM
ah monster cable, proving time and time again the old saying "a fool and his money are soon parted"

just go to walmart and get some philips ones.

07-07-2005, 05:31 PM
You shouldnt really talk smack about Monster Cable. Its amazing how much of a difference simple cables can increase your video and sound quality. Honestly, go look at any electronics store that has monster cable (ie. Future Shop) and look at two identical TV's running off the same DVD player and look at the difference from one with monster cable and one without. Now that I have seen the difference I wouldn't run anything but monster cable. ITS WORTH IT!

07-07-2005, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by TEAMFaint
You shouldnt really talk smack about Monster Cable. Its amazing how much of a difference simple cables can increase your video and sound quality. Honestly, go look at any electronics store that has monster cable (ie. Future Shop) and look at two identical TV's running off the same DVD player and look at the difference from one with monster cable and one without. Now that I have seen the difference I wouldn't run anything but monster cable. ITS WORTH IT!

ill bet you your TV that you cant tell the difference.

07-07-2005, 06:36 PM
depends on the equipment

07-07-2005, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by googe
ah monster cable, proving time and time again the old saying "a fool and his money are soon parted"

just go to walmart and get some philips ones.


Go to any av site, reviews of monster products are not favourable. It's not that they have bad products, they're just overpriced.

07-07-2005, 11:00 PM
Thanks for the responses everyone. I ended up hitting up Walmart and got a nice set of Phillips cables for $35. Great results! :thumbsup:

07-08-2005, 12:30 AM
I bought the 200+ dollar monsters and the 30ish dollar radio shack ones, and spend an hour switching back and forth with a few dvds paused and moving. No visible diff at all with 2 people comparing. I could see the extra insulation mattering MAYBE if you were running a long run with power lines or something....
