View Full Version : G8 Protesters Suck the Big One!

06-26-2002, 09:47 AM
If they were so heroic like they said they are, they would've been able to block off downtown better, and I wouldn't be at work on a 32C day!

06-26-2002, 09:49 AM
Try working in an office without A/C though!

06-26-2002, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by Weapon_R
Try working in an office without A/C though!

That's insane!!!:eek: no way i could work on a day like this in an office without airconditioning.

06-26-2002, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by rage2
If they were so heroic like they said they are, they would've been able to block off downtown better, and I wouldn't be at work on a 32C day!
Have you seen most protesters dude?....there definitely not heroic, nor capable, or even influential

06-26-2002, 10:18 AM
all i know is that i don't have to work today...

06-26-2002, 10:23 AM
i know i was getting ready to not come to work today and ficken 5 potesters show up! :thumbsdow :thumbsdow

06-26-2002, 10:37 AM
yea the drive to work was FASTER then usual hahahahah

thank God for A/C at work !!!!

06-26-2002, 10:49 AM
WTF? I actually agree with them and what they are protesting, but when you piss people off like that you're just asking for people to hate you and tell you to shut the fuck up :thumbsdow

06-26-2002, 12:13 PM
There's a 'scene' at McDonalds, the protestors in black hoodies (anarchists?) are taking on 20-25 cops. :guns:

06-26-2002, 12:30 PM
The protesters are playing soccer in the intersection of 9th ave and 3rd street! hahah. :rofl:

06-26-2002, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by Ranger_X31
WTF? I actually agree with them and what they are protesting, but when you piss people off like that you're just asking for people to hate you and tell you to shut the fuck up :thumbsdow

What exactly are they protesting?

Globalization in Africa? Ever since the colonial countries left, Africa has been transformed from a food exporting country into a poverty and aids stricken country plagued by famine.

Capitalism? What other economic system would they prefer to use instead? Communism?

06-26-2002, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R

What exactly are they protesting?

Globalization in Africa? Ever since the colonial countries left, Africa has been transformed from a food exporting country into a poverty and aids stricken country plagued by famine.

Capitalism? What other economic system would they prefer to use instead? Communism?

My sentiments exactly....damn hypocrites...how did they get here to protest walk? what about the clothes they wear? the food they eat? They are people with way too much time on their hands. :thumbsdow

06-26-2002, 03:08 PM
when did protestors get so many rights, it seems liek anything goes with those people...we shoudl hold a beyond.ca protest..it would give us a chance to hold the first ever car show in the heart of downtown Calgary

06-26-2002, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2
when did protestors get so many rights, it seems liek anything goes with those people...we shoudl hold a beyond.ca protest..it would give us a chance to hold the first ever car show in the heart of downtown Calgary

They got to play soccer in the middle of an intersection to block traffic. I say we do donuts in the middle of an intersection until our tires pop.

06-26-2002, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by rage2

They got to play soccer in the middle of an intersection to block traffic. I say we do donuts in the middle of an intersection until our tires pop.

No no that would be stunting...:rofl:

06-26-2002, 03:34 PM
we could have special beyond.ca girls as our nude protestors...unlike the gap nude protestors though theyd be hot!!!

06-26-2002, 03:36 PM
I remember on Dave Rutherford during the World Petroleum Congress, this idiot protestor was on:
(very loose paraphrasing)

Protestor: [oil is evil, oil companies are evil for causing pollution, etc]
DR:So how did you get here, did you fly?
Protestor: No we can't afford that, we took a bus.
DR: So what does your bus run on?
Protestor: Ummmm...gasoline
DR: What about your protest signs, are they made of paper that would use up alot of trees?
Protestor: Oh no, we used plastic instead
DR: I hope you're aware that plastic is an oil by-product?
Protestor: Well....
DR: So what is it you guys are actually protesting about?

:rofl: :rofl: :banghead: :banghead:

celica girl
06-26-2002, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by GSpot

No no that would be stunting...:rofl:

Now you tell me... :(

Audi Kid
06-26-2002, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R

What exactly are they protesting?

The 8 most powerful countries in the world getting together discussing basically how they can stay the 8 most powerful countries and exploit the rest of the world

There's always 2 sides to a story

BTW, this is Ranger_X31

06-26-2002, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Audi Kid

The 8 most powerful countries in the world getting together discussing basically how they can stay the 8 most powerful countries and exploit the rest of the world

There's always 2 sides to a story

BTW, this is Ranger_X31
kind of like a beyond.ca administrator/moderator meeting:thumbsup:

06-26-2002, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2
when did protestors get so many rights, it seems liek anything goes with those people...we shoudl hold a beyond.ca protest..it would give us a chance to hold the first ever car show in the heart of downtown Calgary

I totally agree, I mean freedom of speech is all well and good, But when you are obstructing the flow of the very blood, of a major metropolitan area that's not protesting that's being pricks. What are they thinking ... sure they're opposed to the G8 and everything about it, But do they think that the best way to get their point across is to slow people down getting to and from work,and being complete ass holes while doing it I.E.) Playing soccer in the middle of an intersection. I may be a little bit off my rocker but that doesn't sound like something I or may other sane people will support. I mean sure they have to get attention, but negative attention doesn't bring any help to their cause ... they will just be begging for people like the Soccer Thugs over in Europe to come and join... then it just becomes a brawl NOT COOL

sorry for the rant .:bigpimp:

06-26-2002, 06:15 PM
90% of these protesters are hypocrits who have no grasp on exactly what it is they are asking for. ITs been said the humanity is one day and two meals away from barbarism. If these people get their way we'll find out the truth of that statement pretty damn quickly.

06-26-2002, 07:42 PM
They look like weak little school girls. I saw them block off Macleod Tr at 17th last night... waving there multicolor flags around and stuff..



06-26-2002, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by Pete92SL
They look like weak little school girls. I saw them block off Macleod Tr at 17th last night... waving there multicolor flags around and stuff..

Did someone say school girls? haha j/k =).

06-26-2002, 07:49 PM
wow, that was a quick reply.... lol

but really...what are you talking about?

I wonder if that Ludwig guy who blew up oil wells is protesting down there.. What a crazy guy.


06-26-2002, 10:17 PM
Yeah those protestors down at McDonalds were doing almost anything to taunt the cops, swearing, yelling, threatening, without actually doing any physical damage. They were trying to provoke the cops to pepper spray them and start something.

Cops just stood there in the hot sun, not flinching, maybe they knew that they were a bunch of wimps, out to make easy trouble.

After they gave up and dispersed (into smaller groups, which is much less visible) the cops got back at them. Pat-down, every nook and cranny. :D

So I guess they obtained their goal of obstructing business at McDonalds, they shut the place down, but the cops still inside made up for the lost business. (Big fellas!):rofl: