View Full Version : Lude or Teg?

07-28-2005, 10:10 PM
Lude or Teg? :dunno:

faced with choice
i either buy and 92 lude for or 93 teg

92 Lude 4000$
230, 000 k
power everything
no rust
i believe its an sr


93 Integra 5000$
91,000 k yes it is that low
power everything
no rust

need some input i can do more with integra in terms of moddin it, but lude is alrdy faster better lookin but not many options for mods

07-28-2005, 10:14 PM
if u cant find a g3 teg, go for the lude looks alot better. havent seen too many nice g2 integras

07-28-2005, 10:22 PM
a friend offerin me these rides i dun't have to buy them but there decent deals so i probaly pick one of them up

Mr. Burns
07-28-2005, 10:25 PM

07-28-2005, 10:25 PM
the teg would be probably the best choice if your planning to buy one of both. I've seen a 93 teg with 150,000km for $7000k.

the teg will be by far easier to sell than the lude.

07-28-2005, 10:27 PM
probaly ain't gonna sell it for another 3, 4 years....or drive till its dead

07-29-2005, 12:27 PM
Teg definitly IMO. They can be made to look soo nice and sleek and with that low of KMS you are set for a while. Hell you could probly turn around right away and sell it for 7000 or more

07-29-2005, 12:30 PM
I'd have to say teg, just because of the low km's on it.

GSR Zero
07-29-2005, 12:36 PM
I didn't think the G2 Integra RS models came with all the power options. You might want to check into this. I'd go with the Teg.

07-29-2005, 12:42 PM
Not to be bias but I would take the teg. The reason is 91,000km is amazingly low for a car that old. If you plan on driving it for 3 or 4 years its more reliable in my opinion than a 230,000 km car. It will probably save you some money on maintance as well since it has low km. Hope this helps with your choice :)

07-29-2005, 12:49 PM
if i was in your position i would also go with the integra. but u can look around and consider other cars aswell.

07-29-2005, 12:58 PM
230,000 and no rust :dunno: i highly doubt that.... but who knows

07-29-2005, 01:05 PM
drive both, pick the one you don't like as much.

I mean pick the one you DO like better... sorry, I always get confused.

07-29-2005, 02:40 PM
integra, probably the better deal in the long run and its newer and has lower km's

07-29-2005, 02:47 PM
integra... based on mileage alone.

07-29-2005, 02:51 PM
The teg, I drive a 93 with really low KM's and It's going to fetch a nice price when I'm done with it.

RS will not have power options, but you never know!

07-29-2005, 02:56 PM
definetly the teg.. your getting half the kms for only a grand more.. well worth it.. should last you another 200k if you treat her good

07-29-2005, 03:08 PM
the teg. lower mileage. should last you longer. sounds like better shape.


i do also love the lude but the km's are kinda high. shit might start dying. costs money to repair.

go with the teg.

07-29-2005, 03:23 PM
i'd pick the lude, but the integra looks to be in much better mechanical condition (mileage).

07-29-2005, 07:19 PM
jdm one pieces, lowered, nice rims and youve got a hot teg. but it takes a lot more than that to make the lude look better.

07-29-2005, 11:02 PM
i probaly go lude cuz teg out of my range a lil and teg is rs, and teg doesn't look as nice as an lude

07-30-2005, 12:36 AM
if your going for looks lude is WAY WAY WAY better then 2ed gen integra, personally i really don't like that generatoin, but the prelude, thats the best gen in the prelude series IMO

07-30-2005, 01:42 PM
more parts for the teg, great price, low kms....i'd go with the teg personally.

07-30-2005, 10:38 PM
no point in gettin the teg cuz if i do get it i swap engine within 6 months

08-01-2005, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by Slashin_
no point in gettin the teg cuz if i do get it i swap engine within 6 months


go lude, engine swap

then youll have plenty of options for mods ;)

08-01-2005, 01:06 AM
teg they are fun to drive :D

08-01-2005, 08:48 PM
no offense u find joy in driving an 1,8L?

08-01-2005, 08:52 PM
Teg man, the kms alone are the kicker

08-01-2005, 09:00 PM
my opinion, dont buy it from your friend. Bad things always happens to friends when money is involved.

08-01-2005, 09:05 PM
All other factors aside, the teg is definately the smarter and better decision. It's got incredibly low mileage and is a very good platform to work with. Depending on how the lude was treated during its lifetime, it may very well be ready to croak.

08-01-2005, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by Slashin_
no offense u find joy in driving an 1,8L?

whats wrong with that? ITR owners enjoy driving their speedy 1.8L :D

"technology is the replacement for displacement"

08-01-2005, 09:26 PM
Ok so your swapping the engine in 6 months? Thats nice, with what, another engine, same one, with 100,000km? So that means you will need a timing belt and a few other small things right away. Not to mention the install costs.

That still only fix's your problem of a worn out engine. Now you get to replace 250,000km of suspension, drivetrain, mounts, bushings, intertior shit, hvac controls/accessories.

By the time your done spending money on the lude to meet the condition of the teg, your well over the cost of the teg.

Plus, why the hell are you asking a bunch of people what car YOU should get? Its a car for you, you to drive around, you to use, you to sleep in if u have to, you to play with, you to repair, not some dudes on beyond. Make your own decision on what car don't be asking people on here what their choices are. Its just like walking into a bar and asking whats the best drink, you will get a different answer from everyone and it doesnt mean you will like it.

08-01-2005, 09:29 PM
Integra. by far.

08-01-2005, 10:56 PM
the rare 4ws 92 ludes... did work on one and nearly creamed myself on the test drive

if it had the h22 im sure id let loose

08-03-2005, 11:11 PM
allgonoshow - first of all condition of integra and prelude is pretty much equal
second - i didn't say anything about swappin the same engine in,cuz that fuckin pointless dumass

and 3rd the point to a forum is to get diffrent opinions