View Full Version : selling a comp.

08-02-2005, 01:30 PM
What's the best way to sell a computer. I have a desktop. I have no idea what it's worth, or where I could sell it. Are there places that buy used comp's or should I sell it in the bargin finder. I'm going to be getting a lap top, Are there places that will doing something like a trade in?

08-02-2005, 01:31 PM
list the specs and what it comes with we can help you.

08-03-2005, 07:22 AM
ok, well I dont know much but I have a copy of the bill I got when I had the computer made ( I had it custom made so I chose the parts).

Intel Pentium 4 2.0a Ghz
GA-8IEX Gigabyte GA-8IEX
Micron 512MB DDR PC2100 S
Elite ACF-2029 Case (Two USB ports in the front, only one works though).
Enermax 300W Dual Fan
Panaflo 8CM Fan with 3 Pins
Panasonic 1.44 floppy drive
Maxtor 80G 7200 RPM
MSI G4TI4200 128MB tv-out
Sound Blaster Live 5.1
Logithec cordlessw freedom (Mouse and Keyboard, work great.)
MS Windows XP Home Edition
Pioneer 16x tray load DVD
Liteon 40x12x48x cd-rw
USR 56K Hardware Modem
Linksys Wireless-G wireless card.
21" Hitachi Screen.

The system is about 3 years old and has been a beast for me, putting up with all my downloading and keeping all the crap I could dream of on there, but it's time for a laptop for me (stupid school :( ) If additional info is needed just post and I'll see what I can find out about it, but I'm far from a computer guru (sp?)......

Thanks in advance for the help.

08-03-2005, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by Chrisw

Intel Pentium 4 2.0a Ghz
GA-8IEX Gigabyte GA-8IEX
Micron 512MB DDR PC2100 S
Elite ACF-2029 Case (Two USB ports in the front, only one works though).
Enermax 300W Dual Fan
Panaflo 8CM Fan with 3 Pins
Panasonic 1.44 floppy drive
Maxtor 80G 7200 RPM
Sound Blaster Live 5.1
Pioneer 16x tray load DVD
MS Windows XP Home Edition


MSI G4TI4200 128MB tv-out
Logithec cordlessw freedom (Mouse and Keyboard, work great.)
Liteon 40x12x48x cd-rw
USR 56K Hardware Modem
Linksys Wireless-G wireless card.


21" Hitachi Screen.


The system is about 3 years old and has been a beast for me, putting up with all my downloading and keeping all the crap I could dream of on there, but it's time for a laptop for me (stupid school :( ) If additional info is needed just post and I'll see what I can find out about it, but I'm far from a computer guru (sp?)......

Thanks in advance for the help.

So my guess the whole setup should fetch about $700.

08-03-2005, 09:18 AM
Ok, well thanks. I guess I'll try selling it for that.....