View Full Version : Riding without a class six licence

08-03-2005, 12:24 AM
Hmm... I guess my google skills suck.
Out of pure curiousity, what is the penalty if you are caught riding a motorcycle without a Class 6 license and only a 6A (the motorcycle learners)?

08-03-2005, 01:09 AM
Expensive and not fun. They'll likely tow and impound the bike. I got a nasty lecture yesterday for not wearing my leather jacket. Tsk tsk. :(

**EDIT** Try searching for this: Alberta Traffic Safety Act - Operate motor vehicle with proper class.

**EDIT** It's in section 51. Section F through F3. It doesn't list the fines. Working on it....

**EDIT** Found this though.. good to know.

Operation of cycle
146(1) A person who is operating a cycle on a highway
(a) shall keep both hands on the handlebars of the cycle,
except when making a signal in accordance with this Act,
(b) shall keep both feet on the pedals or foot rests of the
(c) shall not ride other than on or astride a regular seat of the
cycle, and
(d) shall not use the cycle to carry more persons at one time
than the number for which it is designed and equipped.
(2) A person who is operating a bicycle on a highway shall ride as
near as practicable to the right hand curb or edge of the roadway.

08-03-2005, 01:13 AM
Im guessing same as driving without a valid class 5, which is over 500.00 in fines and getting towed.

08-03-2005, 01:21 AM
I think I finally found it.

169(1) Except as otherwise provided in this Act, a person who is
guilty of an offence under this Act or the regulations for which a
penalty is not otherwise provided is liable to a fine of not more than
$500 and in default of payment to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding 6 months or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months without the option of a fine.

Nasty. Nasty. Nasty.

08-03-2005, 01:27 AM
yeah..I think it's like, over 200 for the class ticket..then towing expenses..so adds up to 500 easily. (not sure how much the unauthorized driver thing was...but if you really want to know I can ask my friend and just subtract the unauthorized driver ticket from the total of the others)

08-03-2005, 03:13 AM
whoa... I'm actually surprised that the penalty is so light. A measly $500 bux for not having a license to either drive or ride.

08-03-2005, 08:30 AM
i thought that learners status was available for anyone with a class 5 that rides in the presence of someone with a class 6. Is this still true?

08-03-2005, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by Tyler883
i thought that learners status was available for anyone with a class 5 that rides in the presence of someone with a class 6. Is this still true?

That is true. You have to riding with someone with a class 6 on another bike, or in a car behind you.

08-03-2005, 09:03 AM
When I had my 6a I got pulled over by the police shortly after my friend departed for home (we lived a neighborhood apart) and they were pretty good about it. Theres a lot to be said about being polite to the police when they pull you over.

The 6 Learners costs 15 dollars and is very easy.. I dont see why someone wouldnt just go get it.. then go get your class 6 license.

08-03-2005, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by TheBenzo
When I had my 6a I got pulled over by the police shortly after my friend departed for home (we lived a neighborhood apart) and they were pretty good about it. Theres a lot to be said about being polite to the police when they pull you over.

The 6 Learners costs 15 dollars and is very easy.. I dont see why someone wouldnt just go get it.. then go get your class 6 license.

This isn't for me... it was out of pure curiousity I already have my class 6.

08-03-2005, 11:18 AM
Tape. Where did you get yours? Was the test easy?

08-03-2005, 01:13 PM
u realize a class 5(actual liscence) is good enough for a bike learners liscence, i was stupid an dpaid the 15 bux to take my bike learners test when i didnt actually need it:banghead:

08-03-2005, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by 2002civic
u realize a class 5(actual liscence) is good enough for a bike learners liscence, i was stupid an dpaid the 15 bux to take my bike learners test when i didnt actually need it:banghead:

you realize that you are wrong...

you need that sheet of paper that says you took the class 6 learners to take the class 6 riding test....

and if you can't afford the $15 for the test, what makes you think you can afford to ride?

08-03-2005, 03:30 PM
I rode without a class 6 once.
They towed the bike and I got a $500 fine.
Im gonna get my license now

08-04-2005, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by TheBenzo
Tape. Where did you get yours? Was the test easy?

Too Cool Motorcycle School

You actually need skills to pass the test ... there are eight tests.. five are easy, three are hard (circle/oval, serpentine, and collision avoidance). But not overly hard.

08-05-2005, 03:13 AM
hey congrats katie :D hope to see u out there some time


08-05-2005, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by SOAB

you realize that you are wrong...

you need that sheet of paper that says you took the class 6 learners to take the class 6 riding test....

and if you can't afford the $15 for the test, what makes you think you can afford to ride?
i can afford the 15 bux but if i dont need to pay it why would i? and according to the registry office i didnt need it but thanks for clearing that up...

08-05-2005, 11:49 AM
Ok, so you have no intention of getting your class 6? You need the learners paper to take a class six test..

08-05-2005, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by BebeAphrodite

Too Cool Motorcycle School

You actually need skills to pass the test ... there are eight tests.. five are easy, three are hard (circle/oval, serpentine, and collision avoidance). But not overly hard. Ive been riding on and off for about three years.. pretty comfortable.. know how to ride... would you say it could be challeneged?

08-05-2005, 12:33 PM
You don't need a class 6 if you're riding with someone. That doesn't mean doubling them, just in a crew with another rider with a class 6. When I had my bike, I was riding for awhile with the learners, got my actual class 6 about 2 months before I sold my bike. The test is pretty easy, especially if you use the bikes provided by you at too cool. They have these small 150s that are so easy to control. If you've been riding for 3 years, I'd say you should be able to pass it with your eyes closed.

08-05-2005, 12:48 PM
Thanks man.. Ill still go to the school, but I want a licence first so there is no heat and I can roll with my girl on the back